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Unpleasant Experience in the Windjammer on Enchantment

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You are right, Langley, that moving (as far away as possible) is a perfectly acceptable solution -- but it still would have stuck in my craw, so to speak! ;)


Absolutely, I hear ya! :)


Don't know if you ever had the pleasure of sailing on Radiance....



No, have only had the pleasure of Brilliance in this class but LOVED her, and would definitely sail again on Radiance-class. Love love love the outdoor WJ seating. :D

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a)if RCCL gets enough complaints about lack of civility on their cruises, and the lack of any

action taken by the staff, they will see that they are antagonizing the majority of their


b)regarding Cunard.....I haven't found them stuffy, but I can tell you that that sort of

behavior, and inappropriate attire is nipped in the bud. I have seen people turned away

from the MDR for what was deemed too casual clothing....more than once. Sailing on

a Cunard ship is a lovely glimpse into what shipboard life can be.


Thank you - we are on the Queen Elizabeth Sept 2nd for a round Britain cruise - although we live in the UK, 'us' Londoners don't get around enough - so we thoroughly enjoy seeing our own country in comfort!! My mother first went on QM in 1933 - and I will be interested in how she enjoys it these days. We disembark on the 12th in Southampton, change docks and embark onto the Celebrity Eclipse. I do expect the behaviour on board to be much better than that which we are experiencing on the Independence at the moment. At least, I hope it will be.:D:D


This is a quote from the Cunard board "What really gets folks annoyed are those who feel they must make a statement and purposely ignore the dress code as if it doesn't apply to them. That's just ill mannered and downright rude." I have to say that this sums up my view on the subject also.


I do believe that if the basic requirements are enforced on board, then passengers behaviour will normally stay within bounds. If staff are not instructed to enforce even the basic 'rules', then of course there will be incidents.


I would immediately have gone down to the Guest Relations and demanded to speak to someone in authority - GSM or Hotel Director - and asked why management were not dealing with such situations immediately. The Manager in the restaurant should have called Security IMMEDIATELY IMHO.


I have to say that although I do stand up for myself in 'situations', I would

just have removed myself to a table as far away as possible!! But I would also have lodged a strong complaint.

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I´m with the majority here. This should have been addressed right away by both management AND security.

I´ve had a similar situation in the MDR a few years ago and the staff kinda did nothing until we demanded the HW and Maitre D´ be called to our table. Well it ended with us reporting and then leaving Dinner (we were almost done anyway). We got aware later in the evening that the guy was removed by security, as he was at the prusers desk - on the floor - surrounded by security and in handcuffs.



As for the side-discussion about Cunard. I´ve sailed on QM2 on a crossing. Those are known to be even more formal than the regular cruises. Well, yes the majority will be well behaved and dressed accordingly (which is my experience about other lines as well - there´s always a few that don´t go with the flow). However if you think they are any better in enforcing the dress code - not to my experience. Otherwise they wouldn´t have allowed the guy in ripped off Jeans on formal night in the Dining room.:rolleyes:

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I wanted to share this experience only because I think it shows how non-action by management can allow a situation to get out of hand. No it did not ruin our vacation, but it certainly made for an awkward evening.


We were eating in the Windjammer when two couples sat down at the table right next to us. After a few minutes, one of the gentleman, who had obviously had a little too much to drink, started saying very loudly (loud enough for about one-quarter of the restaurant to hear) that he was Woody Woodpecker. He then started describing body parts and other physical actions in a very graphic way. Let me say I am nowhere prudish, but I even found this to be extreme for the setting. This went on for about 10 minutes and I bit my tongue the whole time. His other table mates looked uncomfortable but made a weak attempt to quiet him down. We know the wait staff heard all of this because they kept looking at him in astonishment.


At about the 10 minute mark, the gentleman called over one of the female staff and asked her if she would prefer her man to be Woody Woodpecker or Superman; he went on to graphically describe what the attributes would be for each. She just laughed but did not answer. At this point I had enough. I called the young lady over to my table to 1) remove her from a situation that she was uncomfortable with, and 2) to request that she send the manager over. At this point the gentleman started verbally attacking me with foul language and anatomical descriptions. Again, I never opened my mouth.


We are now about fifteen minutes into this situation. The waitress came back and told me the manager was busy doing something else and that he would be by later. She then suggested that we move to another table! I refused and asked her to have the offending party move. The whole time I am still be verbally attacked. About this time two other gentleman approached the jerk (yes, I'm done calling him a gentleman) and asked him to be quiet because their children were sitting nearby and could hear the whole event. The jerk told him to go away and started verbally abusing them as well in a very ugly manner. The two guests continued to ask him to be quiet but finally gave up and left the Windjammer with families in tow.


A second waiter came by and suggested we move. Again I refused. At this time, after 20 minutes of this, the offending man and his group got up and left. The waitress came over to apologize and say that the manager would be right over and that security had been called to follow the man out of the Windjammer.


The manager never did show up. I then went to guest relations to file a complaint. I stated that although I was disgusted with the actions of the guest, I was more disappointed with the non-actions of the staff. I realize that the wait staff should not be put in a position to handle that kind of situation. However, they should have notified management after a few minutes of the event, and most certainly the female staff involved should have done something immediately after the guest asked her the inappropriate question. Even more, I was totally amazed at the failure of the manager to not come to our table. There is nothing that could have been more important other than someone dying that should have prevented him from addressing the situation.


Guest relations apologized and said they would have the manager call me. One and a half days later I received a voice mail from the manager saying that if I still wanted to discuss the matter I could find him in the Windjammer. No apology was offered.


At this point I decided not to pursue that matter.


I'm sure that this is an isolated management issue, but I did want to post it here, I guess just to get it off my chest.


Thanks for "listening".

So I got to tell you. The lack of response by the staff is especially alarming to me. Had this happened to me, when I was younger and cruising with my children, I can almost certainly tell you it /he would have been handled if not by the staff, by me. And it really would have sucked to have gotten thrown off a cruie ship.

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That behavior would not be tolerated by me. Bad language in front of children is absolutely a no-no with me. It wouldn't have taken very long for me to knock him right off his chair. I might have seen the inside of the brig but if no one else stops it somebody has to step up to the plate.

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That behavior would not be tolerated by me. Bad language in front of children is absolutely a no-no with me. It wouldn't have taken very long for me to knock him right off his chair. I might have seen the inside of the brig but if no one else stops it somebody has to step up to the plate.


Exactly. Sometimes one has to do what one has to do.

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So I got to tell you. The lack of response by the staff is especially alarming to me. Had this happened to me, when I was younger and cruising with my children, I can almost certainly tell you it /he would have been handled if not by the staff, by me. And it really would have sucked to have gotten thrown off a cruie ship.


OMG exactly what I was thinking!:eek:

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That behavior would not be tolerated by me. Bad language in front of children is absolutely a no-no with me. It wouldn't have taken very long for me to knock him right off his chair. I might have seen the inside of the brig but if no one else stops it somebody has to step up to the plate.


This would be my problem too, when I was younger would not put up with, but even now think I am 21 going on 69 still would get involved, if it got to heavy would have to do a runner :D........


hope the poster complains to RCI, and why not add all our names to it...............

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A great pity that you had such an unpleasant experience. Out of curiosity what actions, if any, do security / management take with very drunk obnoxious passengers. Are they put off the ship at the next port?


Yep, disruptive and abusive (drunk or sober) behavior can result in you and your bags sitting on the pier in a foreign port, watching the ship sail away without you! :eek:

As I understand it, this sort of thing is handled on a case-by-case basis. It's really up to the ship's captain (or whoever he delegates that specific authority to). :cool:

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I don't understand why it took so long for someone on the staff to contact security. The guy and his friends should have been booted from the WJ.


I hope everyone in the area commented to guest relations, on their surveys and with a follow up to corporate about how poorly handled it was.

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I'm sorry but the problem I have with this is that we spend to much money on our cruise vacations to have to deal with knot heads like this. If I want to have to arrest drunks I would not take any time off and stay at work.


My cruise vacation is exactly that, a vacation. It bothers me that no one in either security or management stepped up to deal with this guy. My first RCL cruise will be in December and I choice RCL to get away from the drunks and party stuff on Carnival. Who do I have to go to next, Norwegian or Princess?


This incident really bothers me.

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Maybe nothing was done because the staff are used to this behavior. For instance, I'm sure Carnival deals with many more drunks than say Celebrity, with the level of condonance being different. We are diamond members but have not cruised on RCL for many years, as we don't consider this line to our personal liking. That said we have booked Radiance because of a particular itinerary and in spite of lower expectations in some areas. I don't believe this behavior should be ignored & I stand with all the others who would move & then immediately call security. If nothing happened then I would go to Guest Relations & make a more formal complaint. To become physical or even vocal to a drunk is just asking for your cruise to be a bad memory.

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I'm sorry but the problem I have with this is that we spend to much money on our cruise vacations to have to deal with knot heads like this. If I want to have to arrest drunks I would not take any time off and stay at work.


My cruise vacation is exactly that, a vacation. It bothers me that no one in either security or management stepped up to deal with this guy. My first RCL cruise will be in December and I choice RCL to get away from the drunks and party stuff on Carnival. Who do I have to go to next, Norwegian or Princess?


This incident really bothers me.


No matter what line it can happen on any ship. I´ve seen such behavior even on lines like Crystal or Cunard.

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I'm sorry but the problem I have with this is that we spend to much money on our cruise vacations to have to deal with knot heads like this. If I want to have to arrest drunks I would not take any time off and stay at work.


My cruise vacation is exactly that, a vacation. It bothers me that no one in either security or management stepped up to deal with this guy. My first RCL cruise will be in December and I choice RCL to get away from the drunks and party stuff on Carnival. Who do I have to go to next, Norwegian or Princess?


This incident really bothers me.


I have never experienced such behavior on any of our RCCL cruises. I have done quite a few of the so called rowdy 3 nighters. I think to read of one event like this and think it happens frequently is rather naive for anyone who has spent any time at all reading the boards and cruise reviews.


Maybe nothing was done because the staff are used to this behavior. For instance, I'm sure Carnival deals with many more drunks than say Celebrity, with the level of condonance being different. We are diamond members but have not cruised on RCL for many years, as we don't consider this line to our personal liking. That said we have booked Radiance because of a particular itinerary and in spite of lower expectations in some areas. I don't believe this behavior should be ignored & I stand with all the others who would move & then immediately call security. If nothing happened then I would go to Guest Relations & make a more formal complaint. To become physical or even vocal to a drunk is just asking for your cruise to be a bad memory.


I don't know what you experienced on the other ships you have been on since you left RCCl for other experiences, I can assure you it is not the norm on the RCCL ships I've been on. Also you will notice in my cruise history most of my cruises have been on the 3 and 4 nighters that are frequently attached for being rowdy party cruises.

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I've been lurking on this board for about a week just to get a feel for Royal Caribbean. I've been on quite a few cruises (X and Carnival for the most part). I'm getting a bit tired of Carnival and ready for a change. But during all of my Carnival cruises (all 7 night cruises) I've never experienced this type of behavior. I'm sure it happens but I've never seen it. What I do see are families enjoying trips of a lifetime.


Anyway, what bugs me are those folks who seem to enjoy bashing Carnival using outdated stories from the past. I have no doubt most of these people have never been on a Carnival ship. Face it...we're all cruising on mass-market cruiselines. There will be slobs, drunks and bores on every ship not just those associated with Carnival. Off my soapbox!


To get back to the OP's original posting...I'm sorry this had to happen to you but just know this slob has to have an unhappy life. You did what you should have done but unfortunately Royal failed you (at least to this point).

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I've been lurking on this board for about a week just to get a feel for Royal Caribbean. I've been on quite a few cruises (X and Carnival for the most part). I'm getting a bit tired of Carnival and ready for a change. But during all of my Carnival cruises (all 7 night cruises) I've never experienced this type of behavior. I'm sure it happens but I've never seen it. What I do see are families enjoying trips of a lifetime.


Anyway, what bugs me are those folks who seem to enjoy bashing Carnival using outdated stories from the past. I have no doubt most of these people have never been on a Carnival ship. Face it...we're all cruising on mass-market cruiselines. There will be slobs, drunks and bores on every ship not just those associated with Carnival. Off my soapbox!


To get back to the OP's original posting...I'm sorry this had to happen to you but just know this slob has to have an unhappy life. You did what you should have done but unfortunately Royal failed you (at least to this point).


Cushing985 -- I do hope that you will decide to give RC a try. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised! :cool: And, for the record, we've been sailing RC for a decade now, and I've (fortunately) never witnessed an incident like this. I think most RC cruisers here are shocked at how poorly it was handled -- this is the exception, not the rule. :eek:

And, although we don't sail Carnival anymore, you won't catch me bashing your line. ;) One of our first cruises (and fondest memories) was a 4-nighter to the Bahamas on the Carnivale, back in 1989! :p

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What is surprising is how poorly it was handled by the staff in the WJ. I am sure if it had happened in the MDR, Security would have been called immediately. Seems the manager did not want to get involved. If that was truly the case, he should not be a manager. Not only were passengers subjected to this but one of his staff members as well. You would hope that your boss would care about your safety and well being.



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I can, in a sense, understand why staff (lower level staff, ie waiters, servers, etc) do not want to get involved. They probably just want to do their job and receive their paycheck. Bringing in security would put them in a sticky situation.


SO....my thoughts are...if I see any kind of questionable situation I just might find a phone and call security myself and then let them all sort it out. Better to have security and not need them, than to need them and they not be around. And you all have permission to do that for me :)

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Anyway, what bugs me are those folks who seem to enjoy bashing Carnival using outdated stories from the past. I have no doubt most of these people have never been on a Carnival ship. Face it...we're all cruising on mass-market cruiselines. There will be slobs, drunks and bores on every ship not just those associated with Carnival. Off my soapbox!


My cruise vacation is exactly that, a vacation. It bothers me that no one in either security or management stepped up to deal with this guy. My first RCL cruise will be in December and I choice RCL to get away from the drunks and party stuff on Carnival. Who do I have to go to next, Norwegian or Princess?


This can and does happen on any ship that has bars on board. It doesn't matter the cruise line.

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I totally agree that security should have been called to deal with the situation. Certainly more then one member of the wait staff heard the comotion yet none did anything. Makes me wonder if they were unsure of what to do. Seems to me some training is in order to outline what is acceptable behavior and what is not and what should happen when it is not.

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Seems to me some training is in order to outline what is acceptable behavior and what is not and what should happen when it is not.


Pretty simple. Just instruct all staff that when an obnoxious drunk causes a scene, call security immediately.

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When I recently complained that guys were coming into the MDR wearing baseball caps and shorts in the evening, I was told that Management will not interfere as the passengers would complain. Jeans also appeared in the MDR on formal night. (However, the person concerned did remove his baseball cap when he sat down. Hallelujah:D:D) Again, staff ignored his refusal to adhere to the dress code.


Could be why the behaviour on board RCI ships is deteriorating - our next cruise is on Queen Elizabeth and then onto the Eclipse, so I shall have a chance to see whether the behaviour on these other lines is any better!! Could be just a sign of the times - sigh!! But I am just an old fogey I suppose. I am not of the 'me me me' generation.


My sister in law wore a pretty pink baseball hat on our cruise to hide the fact that she had lost most of her hair from chemotherapy treatment and yes, even during dinner in the MDR. I got sick to death of people tutting and staring at her. Some people can be so narrow minded and very quick to be judge and jury!!


To the OP (sorry for my rant) :o

I sincerely hope that you contact RCCL about this and am so sorry you had to put up with this kind of behaviour especially without assistance from The Manager!

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