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Zuiderdam.. horrific food. March 12, 2005


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Please see above. I had posted some of these details already through the thread, but summarize above. I feel this is a fair assessment of our experience on the boat. Now we are getting somewhere. It is so much better without the insults.. don't you think?


Pereiras, how come you haven't yet answered Scrumpy's questions about other aspects of your cruise? As I said before, I'm the first one to criticize HAL or any other line that doesn't meet my expectations based on what I've paid for the experience. In fact my review of our recent cruise was highly critical, but I also took the time to talk about all the good things and I tried very hard to be fair. After my review, not one poster came down on me for it.


The reason people are having difficulty with your review is that it is so one-sided, so terribly negative. They wonder why you had one meal in the dining room and gave up because it didn't measure up. How could you know it wasn't just one bad night or simply not prepared to your liking?


The thing is most of us have been on HAL ships and we find it hard to believe that your cruise could possibly be as bad as you describe. We all consider ourselves discerning passengers so we have to ask ourselves how this is possible.


So it's not because you said you had some problems with your cruise. It's because you say you had nothing but problems. I would love if you could tell us what vacation has been so amazing for you that this one proved so horrible. We've been travelling for a lifetime in many parts of the world and I just can't say that any place we've been has been so fantastic that a HAL cruise would be "horrific" by comparison.


Landlubber, I love your post ... so well said.

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Pereiras, I read the entire thread (along with all your remarks on the Gaylenhazel thread which mysteriously reappeared out of nowhere) ... so I know what you said aboout the cruise.


I can only speak for myself, but I honestly try never to insult anyone EXCEPT (and this is a very big "except") when they insult me. Then I get very mean and nasty. Even the teeny hairs on my arms stand up straight when that happens.

But even in my former post I don't think I insulted you ... I'd have to go back and read it. I was just puzzled. Because I really think I'm a very good judge of what is good service and what is bad. I also have eaten in some of the worst and some of the best restaurants so I think I know "horrific" (i.e. Denny's) food. I'm quite fussy as a matter of fact. So I was merely puzzled when your review just seemed to smash the entire cruise.


I believe many of us tend to talk more about when things go bad rather than when they go well. I just wanted to point that out.

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I can tell that you are a good person. Please take a read through, I think I posted strongly about the bad food in the main. Never said anything bad about the Pinnacle.. in fact that it rescued it in my mind. Never said anything bad about the ports or the other things..(read above)


Don't remember ever posting an insult about you, and wouldn't. You've been very coordial.. which is great. Just as an FYI, and I hope this doesn't invite any feedback, but we travel and awful lot for pleasure. We are in a good place, and are able to go 4 times a year or so. We usually do a large trip in the summer, and a few smaller ones through the year. This year it is China and Japan. Last year Italy and Austria. I also am a Platinum Starwood and Marriot rewards member. Had more than 200 nights in 03 for business. Stayed in dump hotels, and ones which would have cost 8000 (yes, 8000) Euro's a night (the Prince of Wales suite at the Bristol in Vienna). Why I bring this up is that we are not inexperienced travellers. On the contrary, we travel about 40-45 days a year for pleasure. A lot.


Don't expect anything except what you pay for...and know full well this is a relative thing. We didn't get what we paid for here.. in my opinion.. which is all that I am qualified to relate. Feel fully justified in posting it that way.


Do appreciate that you do think they are value cruises though.


Pereiras, I read the entire thread (along with all your remarks on the Gaylenhazel thread which mysteriously reappeared out of nowhere) ... so I know what you said aboout the cruise.


I can only speak for myself, but I honestly try never to insult anyone EXCEPT (and this is a very big "except") when they insult me. Then I get very mean and nasty. Even the teeny hairs on my arms stand up straight when that happens.

But even in my former post I don't think I insulted you ... I'd have to go back and read it. I was just puzzled. Because I really think I'm a very good judge of what is good service and what is bad. I also have eaten in some of the worst and some of the best restaurants so I think I know "horrific" (i.e. Denny's) food. I'm quite fussy as a matter of fact. So I was merely puzzled when your review just seemed to smash the entire cruise.


I believe many of us tend to talk more about when things go bad rather than when they go well. I just wanted to point that out.

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Okay! Now I get it! You're on the wrong cruiseline! You should have said this before. You should be on Crystal or Seabourne. You'll be much happier. Whatever made you choose HAL in your wildest dreams if you're used to that level of style.


I feel much better now. You just got on the wrong boat:D

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.. don't exactly agree. Paid less for Princess and for Norgwegian.. but enjoyed more. Way more. Granted that was 2 years ago, and before Carnival bought HAL and Princess.


Don't need it to be opulent to enjoy. As mentioned in my first post.. quite happy with a Big Mac.. food just needs to be edible and tasty.


Would you say Princess in your mind is same quality as HAL? They are roughly the same cost. No comparison in my mind.. based on my experience. You seem to want to compartmentalize my complaint into a nice package with an explanation beside it. Don't agree that we got on the wrong boat. It should have been plenty good a boat. Just average to good food would have worked.



Okay! Now I get it! You're on the wrong cruiseline! You should have said this before. You should be on Crystal or Seabourne. You'll be much happier. Whatever made you choose HAL in your wildest dreams if you're used to that level of style.


I feel much better now. You just got on the wrong boat:D

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.. don't exactly agree. Paid less for Princess and for Norgwegian.. but enjoyed more. Way more. Granted that was 2 years ago, and before Carnival bought HAL and Princess.




You, apparently, are unaware that Carnival rescued HAL by buying the company about 14 or so years ago.


Carnival has owned Princess for something over a year.

FYI......Included in the Carnival Family of Ships are: Carnival, HAL, Cunard, Windstar, Seabourn, Costa and Princess.

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It was misinformation floating around on the ship, again, no pun intended. They were probably referring to purchase of Princess.. which I did know... Thanks for confirming this. I appreciate it!


You, apparently, are unaware that Carnival rescued HAL by buying the company about 14 or so years ago.


Carnival has owned Princess for something over a year.


FYI......Included in the Carnival Family of Ships are: Carnival, HAL, Cunard, Windstar, Seabourn, Costa and Princess.

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You, apparently, are unaware that Carnival rescued HAL by buying the company about 14 or so years ago.


Carnival has owned Princess for something over a year.



LOL! On the first night in the D/R on Volendam... I over heard the man seated behind me loudly proclaiming, "Well, since Celebrity bought Holland - we think the food is better!"


Don't you just love it???

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Pereiras......I do believe that the steak you had on the Zuiderdam was as horrible as you say. I also believe that HAL's C/S dept boned you on your air arrangements. What I'll like to know is what are your real intentions here. Is it to persaude the HAL faithful that the cruiseline they love is worthless? Is it too stop future HAL customers from cruising with them?? Or is it to tell the folks here that you had a terrible cruise and not everything is all roses as some might say? If it's the later, then I have gotten your point and appreciate you given us your views and opinions. If it's the first 2...I don't think it's going to happen. But best of luck to you and yours for all your future travels. Bill

Of course...JMO

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Thanks for your note.


I am not sure that my intentions would be of any importance to the faithful, as you call it, here... and certainly not to persuade them that the 'cruiseline they love is worthless'. I wouldn't expect that anyone's convictions would be that low. It isn't exactly as you have phrased point 2 or 3 either. Fair question though.


I would say that it is to inform and advise on our experience. I can honestly tell you that I wish I had got the info regarding the quality of the food before we cruised with HAL. I did hear from people that Carnival and Costa were not known for 'good cruise food', and didn't select them for that reason, but I didn't hear that about HAL before...either from our agent, or others. To that end, I just think people should know. They can then make their own decisions. No one is going to change plans based on one person's posts.. at least, I wouldn't think so. Rather, this thread should be part of a larger package of posts from which they might cull a good decision. I do believe that there is a larger population of people who would find HAL below the standard of other cruise lines which are roughly at the same cost. I posted a quick survey on the other thread, but it looks like the whole thread got toasted, or moved to the 'driftwood' threads...


Thanks to you too Bill.. and I do appreciate the question and the way it was asked.


Kindest regards,


Pereiras......I do believe that the steak you had on the Zuiderdam was as horrible as you say. I also believe that HAL's C/S dept boned you on your air arrangements. What I'll like to know is what are your real intentions here. Is it to persaude the HAL faithful that the cruiseline they love is worthless? Is it too stop future HAL customers from cruising with them?? Or is it to tell the folks here that you had a terrible cruise and not everything is all roses as some might say? If it's the later, then I have gotten your point and appreciate you given us your views and opinions. If it's the first 2...I don't think it's going to happen. But best of luck to you and yours for all your future travels. Bill

Of course...JMO

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...this thread is beginning to remind me of "The Song that Never Ends".


Here's one version from a cartoon show script:






Ba-ba-la-la-da! This is the song that doesn't end,

It just goes on and on, my friends.

Some people started singing it not knowin' what it was,

And they'll just keep on singin' it forever just because-

This is the song that never ends, ba-la-la-la-da,

It just goes on and on, my friends, ba-la-la-


Zorak: BRAK!


Brak: What?!


Zorak: Stop singing that stupid song!




I can't stop it! It's The Song That Never Ends.

Some people started singing it not knowin' what it was,

And they'll just keep on singin' it forever just because-




Brak: I guess it just ended.


We can only hope.:(


For those who like this post, I will gladly accept your silent appreciation.

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..... It should have been plenty good a boat. Just average to good food would have worked....


Oh, dear. I simply don't understand this ... I'm sorry.


But you've clarifed once again. You're happy with a Big Mac. No wonder you didn't like the food. I have to tell you, Pereiras, that you are confusing. You think a Big Mac is "edible and tasty" yet find HAL food "horrific." You say you travel frequently and spend 8000 Euro dollars per night at the Prince of Wales suite at the Bristol in Vienna so I have to wonder what they gave you there. Were you happy? Did you get your money's worth? To me there is nothing they could do that would be worth that amount of money.


So it's a huge conundrum for me to be honest.


To answer your question, I would not get on a Princess ship unless maybe all the people I love in the world are gathering there. Sorry ... Princess is just not my style. Vanilla and chocolate. Apples and oranges.

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I'm wondering why one person's opinion of the food on one of the HAL ships on one particular cruise upset so many people. Let them have their say!


I've yet to cruise on HAL *laughing*...but I've seen all sides of just about everything on these boards. Shall we put this one to rest? *runs the white flag up the pole*


Jane :)

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I might have to say the same thing.. oh dear. Why do I feel like some folks here make this like the tower of Babel? There is a misunderstanding here. Please read carefully again.


1. While a Big Mac isn't my preferred (by any stretch) meal, I have eaten them from time to time, and don't find them horrible. Perhaps you do. I don't. Once a couple of weeks or so, if we are out, and my daughter is with us, we will go there. The point, from point one, is that I am not a fussy eater, and as long as it is edible, I am OK. Can you please understand that this was only an analogy, aimed at saying we aren't fussy eaters. We eat from fine dining (Canoe here in Toronto is a fab restaurant).. to Swiss Chalet to Japanese steakhouses to etc.. What do I prefer? A good, honest fine dining restaurant. Will I eat other things which are edible? Absolutely. Do you get this point now?


2. Hal's food was as described.. for the meals we tried in the main dining. I think this has been beaten to death. History is here. Many others on the boat agreed. Now.. stay with me on this one...


3. Now, using simple algebra. 1>2. That is, anything edible is > 2 something which wasn't.. though you might not agree a BIG mac is in this category, was better than 2.. the food we personally saw existed on the Zuiderdam. Whew!



4. I think I discovered why this board goes gaga. People misread things, and then jump all over the poster. Take a deep breath, and re-read. I never said that I spent 8000 Euro's at the Prince of Wales what I said was:

'...which would have cost 8000 (yes, 8000) Euro's a night'. How this works, is that I am a Platinum member, and book the rooms free on points. Given the business I have given them, they will upgrade me, upon check in.. to the best available room. In my wildest dreams I wouldn't spend 8000 Euros' for a night.. not even if I had millions lying around. I have booked the entire China trip on points, and a few of them have been kind enought to pre-confirm suites though they are not obliged to do this. Whew.. got through this one too..


Do hear your comment about Princess. Perhaps this is, respectfully, due to a difference in 'demographics' between you and I. You are right, apples and oranges.


Oh, dear. I simply don't understand this ... I'm sorry.


But you've clarifed once again. You're happy with a Big Mac. No wonder you didn't like the food. I have to tell you, Pereiras, that you are confusing. You think a Big Mac is "edible and tasty" yet find HAL food "horrific." You say you travel frequently and spend 8000 Euro dollars per night at the Prince of Wales suite at the Bristol in Vienna so I have to wonder what they gave you there. Were you happy? Did you get your money's worth? To me there is nothing they could do that would be worth that amount of money.


So it's a huge conundrum for me to be honest.


To answer your question, I would not get on a Princess ship unless maybe all the people I love in the world are gathering there. Sorry ... Princess is just not my style. Vanilla and chocolate. Apples and oranges.

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I think the point here was to post, and see who else came out.. and there was quite a few which you can see from review of this thread and others.


Thanks though!


I'm wondering why one person's opinion of the food on one of the HAL ships on one particular cruise upset so many people. Let them have their say!


I've yet to cruise on HAL *laughing*...but I've seen all sides of just about everything on these boards. Shall we put this one to rest? *runs the white flag up the pole*


Jane :)

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Here was the general feeling about the food on the island.


The bad points:

People were complaining about it. It was mostly BBQ fare, and salads and the like. It consisted of hamburgers, hot dogs, bbq chicken, etc. By the time they served it, and we were quite early in line, the potato salad was quite warm already from the heat. What I found about the food was again related to the quality. The boiled hot dogs in little dry buns.. wasn't eaten by my daughter. The salads were warm and to us anyway, a risk eating with the mayo. The bbq chicken was awful and tastless. The hamburger was OK, but again the bun was dry and so was the patty. There was something which looked like Ceasar salad. Being honest, it was more tasteless and worrisome than horrible.


The good points:

There were beer and pop stands, and complementary ice tea and water as I recall. They did allow some to use their coke cards there, which wasn't originally advertised.Didn't try the deserts except the cookies which were quite good, especially the Macadamia nut cookies.. which were there in short supply.


<<Also, the food on their little island was equally disturbing.>>


I would like more info on this, please. I was hoping for a little more detail when I asked previously.



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Thank you. That tells me what I need to know. I don't really eat that kind of food (except for burgers occasionally) and wouldn't eat mayo if someone paid me :eek: So, even if the quality was excellent, I would probably still have to eat on the ship. We will love those cookies, tho.

Appreciate it,



Here was the general feeling about the food on the island.


The bad points:

People were complaining about it. It was mostly BBQ fare, and salads and the like. It consisted of hamburgers, hot dogs, bbq chicken, etc. By the time they served it, and we were quite early in line, the potato salad was quite warm already from the heat. What I found about the food was again related to the quality. The boiled hot dogs in little dry buns.. wasn't eaten by my daughter. The salads were warm and to us anyway, a risk eating with the mayo. The bbq chicken was awful and tastless. The hamburger was OK, but again the bun was dry and so was the patty. There was something which looked like Ceasar salad. Being honest, it was more tasteless and worrisome than horrible.


The good points:

There were beer and pop stands, and complementary ice tea and water as I recall. They did allow some to use their coke cards there, which wasn't originally advertised.Didn't try the deserts except the cookies which were quite good, especially the Macadamia nut cookies.. which were there in short supply.

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I'm wondering why one person's opinion of the food on one of the HAL ships on one particular cruise upset so many people.


Jane, because this is what we do here. It's what they did before I came and it's what they'll do long after I'm gone.


But I post now mostly because I am confused again. Doesn't really matter what this person thinks about the food. I've already posted I don't care for HAL food particularly, but I just don't think it's "horrific". I do think a Big Mac is "horrific".


I post now for only one reason. What in the heck does the poster mean by "Perhaps this is, respectfully, due to a difference in 'demographics' between you and I." What do you know about my "demographics". Are you talking about age, income level or educational attainment? I'm just curious because I found this commen somewhat offensive since you know me not at all.


And secondly, I totally read your remarks about the Prince of Wales, was very clear on what you said and you completely missed my sarcasm.


And now, for Jane's sake, I will retire from this thread.:o

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After being away for 10 days' date=' I just got caught up on this thread. I think that everyone has beaten this dead horse to a "horrific" death. :eek: In the grand scheme of things, it's a BIG who cares!!!!!![/size']:p


While I totally agree with you, I'll bet the OP comes back to comment on your posting. And then posts another reply commenting on this one that I'm posting. And, thus, keeps "the thread that would not die" continuing ad infinitum!

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I'm wondering why one person's opinion of the food on one of the HAL ships on one particular cruise upset so many people. Let them have their say!


I've yet to cruise on HAL *laughing*...but I've seen all sides of just about everything on these boards. Shall we put this one to rest? *runs the white flag up the pole*


Jane :)


Because we are all getting our very own special personal mail and the poster loves to write. It's a win-win. After you and I sail on our first cruise to Alaska on HAL (how exciting!) then we can be thankful if our food in the dining room is edible. If not, I am just going to cut and paste from his/her posts.:D Won't that be easy?

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