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deck chair

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Hello one and all!


A bit about me: I have sailed numerous times with Cunard with many transatlantic crossings on QE2 and now Queen Mary 2.


I began sailing on ships when I was six years old on a long voyage from New York to Beirut....since that time, I have sailed on such fine ships as the Lurline, France, Leonardo Da Vinci, Oceanic, Homeric, Atlantic, Rotterdam and Song of America, Queen Victoria among many others. I love being at sea and think I have found a home with Cunard because of the tone, music, fellow passengers and quality of the experience....


I would normally cross over with Cunard and then hang out in Europe for a few weeks before crossing back but because of the rather weak economy, decided to give up on Europe and just experience being on the Queen Mary on transatlantic crossings for two weeks back to back as if being at the beach house except a lovely beach house that moves....


What I will post will provide you with my impressions of the ship and what I found. Of course, other passengers on the same exact crossings as I (8/22 and then 8/29) will wonder if they were on the same ship. I invite them to compose their own experiences to the reading public.


With that said, let me first get to some preliminary issues:


WEATHER: People often wonder what kind of weather to expect on Atlantic crossings. As one who has done many, I can tell you to expect everything from cold, fog, misty, stormy, calm, boring, scary conditions to the most beautiful seas, skies, sun, winds you can imagine. And there is nothing like a full moon shining over the ocean! There is nothing like seeing trillions of stars in the sky whe you are out in the middle of the ocean! LISTEN: THIS CANNOT BE EXPERIENCED FROM AN AIRPLANE!!!!


On these two crossings, the weather for the fourteen days was really marvelous except for a couple of days. When I say marvelous, I mean that you could be out on deck reading, perhaps sunning, swimming or walking about the decks. We had many sunny days mixed with some cloudy days but never any significant fog. There were two days when t he as the deck chairs were not set up.


I never heard the fog horn once which is a bit disappointing since I love that sound....on the last day before arriving in New York the weather was so drop dead gorgeous that even Commodore Rynd and his wife were walking on the promenade deck chatting with passengers enjoying the day.


Contrast this weather with last year's crossings when it was pretty much one horrible foggy day after another....no matter what, it is wise to pack a sweater or wind breaker because it never gets above the 70's degrees give or take.


A NEW CONTROVERSY OVER PARTIES: This needs to be said: As I noted I have sailed with Cunard many times and am at a DIAMOND level. On every previous voyage I have recieved an invitation to the World Club Party and the SENIOR OFFICERS PARTY even when on board for connecting voyages. NOT SO THIS VOYAGE!!! I received an invitation to the World Club party and Senior Officers party for the Eastbound sailing and a World Club party but not the Senior Officers party for the westbound which I found to be very odd. When I inquired, I was told those on the connecting voyages would only be going to one Senior Officers affair. When I softly complained, did find an invitation in my cabin. BUt why should I have to complain? Of course, I realize this change was initiated to cut costs but at what loss?


I enjoyd going to the parties not because of drinks and sparkling wine but because it is another SPECIAL opportunity to connect with other Cunard enthusiasts, make new friends and meet up with old. It is an opportunity to talk happily about the current voyage, future trips and talk about the voyages in the past....these Senior Officers parties makes for a wonderful community, It is not about the drinks! Take note Peter Shanks! THis policy should be changed or you risk losing past passengers!!!! The Cunard community will perhaps disintegrate. Is that what you want???? I certainly invite comments on this issue....


To be continued



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Very interesting and I hope that you will continue to write of your experiences. As a first timer on QM2 (April 2012) and booked lowest class of cabin, I am not expecting invitations to any parties. Probably wouldn't know what to say anyway.


It is good to know about the weather, so that I may pack accordingly. Did you use the allocated dining room or did you eat anywhere else?


Sometimes, I am not in best of health and it may be necessary for me to eat in my cabin; is room service food good? Will it be acceptable for me to carry food from buffet to my room?


Thank you for a very informative post. I shall eagerly await the next installment.

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Thank you for your review and I look forward to reading the rest of, I agree with you re the party, I am sure however that as a diamond member I will get the invite even if I use the soft complain method, always the best way.


The starts and the fog horn I love both.


Nice to read a review that is up to date , thank you

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I was on the same voyages, although a Diamond member I only received one invite in the 14 days, and of course only one bottle of the infamous Pol Acker.


My stomach may have appreciated this lack of "low gradefree drinks" but my mind told me that to Cunard I was not a "loyal passenger" but just a "number"


I know there are postings re how "low" the fares are, but although I have a very good Agent, these so called "deals " never seem to apply to me. The "restrictions" always seem to block me out, "new bookings, only in X,Y,Z states,only for certain cabins,etc etc"

Sometimes she manages to get me a better grade of cabin, but never have I ever seen or obtained one of these "under $100 a day " deals.


I do wish Cunard would take into account "Loyalty" over "lets target newbies" " after all those who are making their XXth trip pay just as much as the "newbies"

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I was on the same voyages, although a Diamond member I only received one invite in the 14 days, and of course only one bottle of the infamous Pol Acker.


My stomach may have appreciated this lack of "low gradefree drinks" but my mind told me that to Cunard I was not a "loyal passenger" but just a "number"


I know there are postings re how "low" the fares are, but although I have a very good Agent, these so called "deals " never seem to apply to me. The "restrictions" always seem to block me out, "new bookings, only in X,Y,Z states,only for certain cabins,etc etc"

Sometimes she manages to get me a better grade of cabin, but never have I ever seen or obtained one of these "under $100 a day " deals.


I do wish Cunard would take into account "Loyalty" over "lets target newbies" " after all those who are making their XXth trip pay just as much as the "newbies"


You are not the only person I've heard this from. A good friend is Platinum and her DD and SIL had been on ony one or two short QM2 cruises. The kids got a mailing with a fabulous price for a Canada cruise and booked for themselves. When the mother tried to book this, she was told that the promo rate was only for people who receieved the mailing. The kids couldn't book a second cabin for mom at the promo rate. Nope, the bargain was for new people they want to get firmly hooked, not for those who have shown that they are already hooked on Cunard. (And maybe Cunard figures the kids have more cruises to book in their lifetimes and Mom hasn't got as many in her future?) Fortunately, the TA was able to get Mom the promo rate or close to it.


But maybe things are getting better. A simliar mailing the kids got this year allowed the recipient to book a cabin for themselves AND a second cabin for a family member. Too bad Mom was already booked on a fall cruise with another line...

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It is good to hear other people are surprised at Cunard's new party policy. I wrote a similar post entitled "Live on the QM2--Cunard's new policy" a couple of days ago and received a lot of interesting responses. You might enjoy reading them also. We complained at the time but did not receive an invitation. Maybe our complaint was too soft. In any case, we shouldn't have to whine and complain to get what has always been graciously presented to us for our loyalty. Hopefully this is just a trial on Cunard's part, will be charted as an error, and things will go back to normal in the near future. We are still on QM2 and have about 5 days until back home in NY. So, we shall see.

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ONe more word on the repeaters parties: If Cunard not change the new policy that Platinum/Diamond passengers are only allowed to attend one Senior Officers party on connecting voyages it is sending a very powerful message that such passengers don't bring that much to the table, that Cunard doesn't really appreciate the patronage of these passengers, that these passengers are not to be too coddled, that these passengers cannot be allowed to be TOO WELCOMED if it costs a few dollars more to have them to this party. This policy is very shortsighted, Peter Shanks! Do not think passengers don't notice or care! These repeat passengers are your BEST AMBASSADORS! TREAT THEM AS SUCH!!! CUNARD is not the only cruise line!


ARRIVING AT THE PIER: I did a rather foolhardy thing, I must admit. Instead of traveling to New York a day prior to the sailing I took a chance and drove up to NY the day of the sailing. While all went well on this 185 mile drive, it could have been a nightmare if there had been a been a wreck on the highway, a bridge blocked or if my car had broken down....I COULD HAVE MISSED THE SHIP!!! it is always best to arrive a day prior so you have no such worries and you can arrive at the ship in a relaxed stress free fashion....no matter what, it is always so breathtaking to see the Queen MAry at the pier!!!


I paid the hefty fee to park at the pier parking lot for the 14 days....there appears to be plenty of parking spaces available so i wonder if would make good business sense for the lot management to reduce the fees and attract more passengers and revenue....after all, an empty space like an empty cabin can never get back that lost revenue...


During the crossings a hurricane was coming up the east coast. Of course, if it had been really bad the pier lot would have been swamped by the storm surge and cars badly damaged or swept away. Lucky for me, the surge only came to about 6 inches so all was well...



EMBARKATION: As is normally the case with Cunard, checking in was a breeze..The shore staff was wonderful/competent and very friendly and helpful. AAA+ all the way. Because I arrived to the pier about 11:15, there was a bit of wait in a special lounge for Grill/Diamond/Platinum passengers. I must say this lounge is not big deal and is really rather ordinary and unremarkable with no refreshments offered. Not plush but no big deal, however....at Noon they began boarding us and I was soon on board the Marvelous Queen Mary with the welcoming crew and wonderful talented Adagio Strings...all was right with the world as I sought out my deck five B2 cabin!


To be continued...

Edited by deck chair
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ONe more word on the repeaters parties: If Cunard not change the new policy that Platinum/Diamond passengers are only allowed to attend one Senior Officers party on connecting voyages it is sending a very powerful message that such passengers don't bring that much to the table, that Cunard doesn't really appreciate the patronage of these passengers, that these passengers are not to be too coddled, that these passengers cannot be allowed to be TOO WELCOMED if it costs a few dollars more to have them to this party. This policy is very shortsighted, Peter Shanks! Do not think passengers don't notice or care! These repeat passengers are your BEST AMBASSADORS! TREAT THEM AS SUCH!!! CUNARD is not the only cruise line!


ARRIVING AT THE PIER: I did a rather foolhardy thing, I must admit. Instead of traveling to New York a day prior to the sailing I took a chance and drove up to NY the day of the sailing. While all went well on this 185 mile drive, it could have been a nightmare if there had been a been a wreck on the highway, a bridge blocked or if my car had broken down....I COULD HAVE MISSED THE SHIP!!! it is always best to arrive a day prior so you have no such worries and you can arrive at the ship in a relaxed stress free fashion....no matter what, it is always so breathtaking to see the Queen MAry at the pier!!!


I paid the hefty fee to park at the pier parking lot for the 14 days....there appears to be plenty of parking spaces available so i wonder if would make good business sense for the lot management to reduce the fees and attract more passengers and revenue....after all, an empty space like an empty cabin can never get back that lost revenue...


During the crossings a hurricane was coming up the east coast. Of course, if it had been really bad the pier lot would have been swamped by the storm surge and cars badly damaged or swept away. Lucky for me, the surge only came to about 6 inches so all was well...



EMBARKATION: As is normally the case with Cunard, checking in was a breeze..The shore staff was wonderful/competent and very friendly and helpful. AAA+ all the way. Because I arrived to the pier about 11:15, there was a bit of wait in a special lounge for Grill/Diamond/Platinum passengers. I must say this lounge is not big deal and is really rather ordinary and unremarkable with no refreshments offered. Not plush but no big deal, however....at Noon they began boarding us and I was soon on board the Marvelous Queen Mary with the welcoming crew and wonderful talented Adagio Strings...all was right with the world as I sought out my deck five B2 cabin!


To be continued...

I guess the only way to punish Cunard for doing this silly save-a-buck policy is if you want to go on a Caribbean or a New England/Canada cruise don't sail with Cunard.Sail with Royal Caribbean or Celebrity as a way to protest to Cunard that you do not like this silly save-a-buck policy.I really do not like to call for boycotts but I don't know what else to do and for our British friends there are other choices for cruises out of Southampton.I'm not too sure but I think Royal Caribbean and Celebrity do offer cruises to the Caribbean and New England/Canada from their dock in Bayonne,New Jersey which is located across the harbor from the Brooklyn dock the QM2 uses.When there is a Royal Caribbean or Celebrity Ship docked in Bayonne you can see those ships from the QM2's Brooklyn dock.Unfortunately when it comes to Transatlantic Crossings Cunard's QM2 is the only Ship doing this service.I wish another cruise company would build a Transatlantic Liner and enter the Transatlantic Liner business so that way Cunard does not have a monopoly on this service. Regards,Jerry
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EMBARKATION DRESS: People often ask what the appropriate dress is when embarking the Queen MAry 2. I can tell you with great confidence that most all passsengers are dressed rather casually (but neatly) as if they off to the local store. I always wear a blue blazer with a collared shirt and khakis. Please do not worry about dressing up when checking as if it is a formal affair. I am always amazed how you barely recognize the people you saw at embarkation when you see them next at a formal affair! What a transformation! So please relax in the terminal and have a nice time....make new friends, take pictures, think about what a great time you will have. DO NOT WORRY ABOUT DRESS!


WHAT I DO FIRST UPON BOARDING: where I sit in the dining room is of utmost importance to me. Upon entering my cabin I find the dining room assignment card that should be there and go right away to the dining room to locate the table. If I am not happy, I identify what tables work for me, find out when the MD is going to be there to handle requests/changes. (Usually about 1PM or so.) I then diplomatically make a request for one of the desired tables and let him know that i will be most appreciative for a change. I have yet to not get the change I want. And I do not mind showing the MD how appreciative I am...(BRITS MAY NOT LIKE THIS!)


I do recommend that if your table is important to you as well, please try to talk to the MD as soon as possible because as the day wears on, a rather long line tends to develop and perhaps your desired table gone....please know, no matter where you sit, you will have a wonderful time...



WHERE I LIKE TO SIT IN THE DINING ROOM: As everyone who has sailed on the ship knows, there are four levels to the Britannia dining room. For me, I dislike the lowest level because (TO ME) it is too crowded, noisy and warm because of all the people and the army of waiters running here and there. Yes, if you are fortunate, you do have the view of the beautiful tapestry behind the captain's table...or perhaps if you are lucky you will have a table next to a window overlooking the sea. YOu do like seeing the ocean, right???


The next level up overlooks the lower level. The next level overlooks nothing and has no views to speak of. . The fourth level, my preferred space, is a much nicer very special space (Than the lower level) accented by numerous tables with windows overlooking the ocean. This area is much quieter and much less stuffy because there aren't as many people and waiters.


if you are a first time passenger on this ship you may not realize that you CAN request a change if you are not happy. I am frankly amazed at the number of passsengers who think they have to live with the table they are assigned....YOU DO NOT BUT YOU MUST TAKE ACTION!!!


To be continued....thanks for reading....please forgive typos/spelling errors...

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Love reading your posts! Informative and make me want to be right there. Only been on two cruises, first on QM2 and the second on QE; nothing to compare to your long and interesting list. Thanks for keeping everyone wishing they were on QM2 and cruising!



Edited by alibabacruisers
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WHERE I LIKE TO SIT IN THE DINING ROOM: As everyone who has sailed on the ship knows, there are four levels to the Britannia dining room. For me, I dislike the lowest level because (TO ME) it is too crowded, noisy and warm because of all the people and the army of waiters running here and there. Yes, if you are fortunate, you do have the view of the beautiful tapestry behind the captain's table...or perhaps if you are lucky you will have a table next to a window overlooking the sea. YOu do like seeing the ocean, right???


The next level up overlooks the lower level. The next level overlooks nothing and has no views to speak of. . The fourth level, my preferred space, is a much nicer very special space (Than the lower level) accented by numerous tables with windows overlooking the ocean. This area is much quieter and much less stuffy because there aren't as many people and waiters.


if you are a first time passenger on this ship you may not realize that you CAN request a change if you are not happy. I am frankly amazed at the number of passsengers who think they have to live with the table they are assigned....YOU DO NOT BUT YOU MUST TAKE ACTION!!!


To be continued....thanks for reading....please forgive typos/spelling errors...


Ok, I am really confused. Having experienced 9 cruises on QM2, I was never aware that there were 4 levels of dining in the Britannia Dining room. To the best of my knowledge there are two: upper and lower level.


Tapesty behind the Captains' Table? On QM2? When did that change please?



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Hello Salacia


Thanks for reading my comments. I hope I get to meet you one day! Perhaps it is not a tapestry behind the captain's table but a very large piece depicting the Queen Mary....Please help me here....


Yes, there are four levels to the dining room.....the main level, and then up a grand flight of stairs to the second which overlooks the main, then a short flight to a third which really loverlooks nothing (I think this is an undesirable place to be) and then finally the fourth level with tables many of which are next to windows overlooking the ocean...next time you are on the ship please check it out....thanks, Salacia....


Deck Chair

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Hello Salacia


Thanks for reading my comments. I hope I get to meet you one day! Perhaps it is not a tapestry behind the captain's table but a very large piece depicting the Queen Mary....Please help me here....


Yes, there are four levels to the dining room.....the main level, and then up a grand flight of stairs to the second which overlooks the main, then a short flight to a third which really loverlooks nothing (I think this is an undesirable place to be) and then finally the fourth level with tables many of which are next to windows overlooking the ocean...next time you are on the ship please check it out....thanks, Salacia....


Deck Chair


Deck Chair, I had no idea about those additional levels! I've dinned on the main level and the upper level (which really suprised me, very nice experience in the upper lever on the July cruise).


Thanks for your mention of the tapestry, I am reading about that now.


P.S. Glad to hear your car didn't float away...it was really looking quite nasty there for a few days ;)

Edited by Salacia
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Deck Chair, I had no idea about those additional levels! I've dinned on the main level and the upper level (which really suprised me, very nice experience in the upper lever on the July cruise).


Thanks for your mention of the tapestry, I am reading about that now.


P.S. Glad to hear your car didn't float away...it was really looking quite nasty there for a few days ;)



PPS. You are quite right, I apologize. Cunard is calling that huge wall hanging in the main dining room a tapesrty.

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Yes, there are four levels to the dining room.....the main level, and then up a grand flight of stairs to the second which overlooks the main, then a short flight to a third which really loverlooks nothing (I think this is an undesirable place to be) and then finally the fourth level with tables many of which are next to windows overlooking the ocean...next time you are on the ship please check it out....thanks, Salacia....


Deck Chair


Deck Chair, on another thread tonight, Whitemarsh posted a photo of the MDR, and yes, clearly there are four levels! I don't know why I didn't realize that before! Usually, we've dined on the lower level of Britannia, but I've enjoyed various meals on the other levels - most recently on level 4. The ceiling seemed rather low when standing, but when seated, it was quite pleasant and the noise level was quite moderate. I wouldn't hesitate to dine on level 4 again in the future.


Thanks again for making me aware of the different levels.



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Hi Deck Chair, We were on the same TA crossing. I also had no idea that there were 4 decks for the diningroom. We actually have always had either a table in front of the "tapestry", by the captains table for the holiday trips or a table by the window for the TA trips....which we've really enjoyed. Mainly because of great tablemates.


I always dress up for boarding because then I'm ready to roam the ship nicely dressed. I'm guessing that's your intention. :) I've always liked the idea of "First Impressions" :D


I don't agree with the idea of booking Celebrity, or RCL, or any other ship to show Cunard that there are other options. I believe that others have done the same to show Celebrity and others that they are not the only ships out there either. We stopped sailing Celebrity because of their smoking policy, they didn't miss us. They filled their ships with happy non smokers. I'm guessing Cunard will fill their ships with new passengers who have no expectations of any kind. Perfect example....We paid the premium price to sail roundtrip from NY to NY......NY, SH, Hamburg, Norway, Hamburg, SH, NY. The people who boarded in Hamburg for the Norway trip, round trip Hamburg....received special invitations for European pastries in the Wintergarden. Also, children under the age of 18 traveled for free. The ship was filled with stollers, there was no avoiding stollers in Kings Court, stollers were everwhere and teens took over Kings Court every night by simply eating from the buffet rather than taking a plate and sitting down. Not one of the staff would reprimand anyone.


I'm guessing Cunard is not in the "who is more important mode". :)

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WHAT I DO FIRST UPON BOARDING: where I sit in the dining room is of utmost importance to me. Upon entering my cabin I find the dining room assignment card that should be there and go right away to the dining room to locate the table. If I am not happy, I identify what tables work for me, find out when the MD is going to be there to handle requests/changes. (Usually about 1PM or so.) I then diplomatically make a request for one of the desired tables and let him know that i will be most appreciative for a change. I have yet to not get the change I want. And I do not mind showing the MD how appreciative I am...(BRITS MAY NOT LIKE THIS!)



There yo u have it. Dont like your table bribe someone to change it. somone siad money talks it seems to me it screams and shouts and stamp its feet. (diplomaticaly)

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actualy, we always do check our table when we get to the cabin. If we request a change, we always thought that that's part of service.. We are on board, we would like a nice table. And since we requested a table for 8, we wre just wondering why we have been assigned a table for 3.

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Hello kind readers!


MY CABIN ON 5 DECK: People often wonder what sort of cabin to book on the Queen Mary for transatlantic crossings....over the years I have been on deck 12 (Britannia Club) deck 11 and deck 5.


Given that the weather on crossings can be be very misty/rainy/foggy/windy, to me the best choice is an IN HULL CABIN which can be found on decks 4,5 and 6.


Why pay extra money to be in a typical balcony cabin on higher decks when it is often hard to see or appreciate the ocean because of fog or it is too windy and chilly to really sit out on the balcony. I was in a deck 12 cabin in 2009 with sweeping views of the sea except that on just about every day it was so foggy you couldn't barely see the ocean!


Of course, on deck 8 most outside cabins have views of not the ocean but of lifeboats. No one loves lifeboats more than I but when you are on the ocean you want to see the ocean not a fat lifeboat from your cabin...


I have always been puzzled why the ship's designers put most of the Queens Grill cabins on deck 9. Much of the view they enjoy is of the tops of the lifeboats. The view of the ocean is okay but not nearly as nice as those on deck 11 or especially deck 12 where Britannia Club cabins are located.


IN HULL CABINS are most desired for me because they are much closer to the sea, are unobstructed, and offer protection from the windy conditions that often prevail. I have found deck 5 to be the best location because if is between six deck and four deck. Six deck cabins to me are not as desirable because of the rumbling sounds above from joggers/power walkers and people dragging deck chairs around. (Although the daily notice asks joggers to run only at certain hours, you know how people obey rules! NOT!)


Deck 4 is not as good as 5 because you may hear noise form the public rooms just below...


My 5 deck in hull cabin for these crossings was rather mid-ship close to stairway C. It is a very convenient location because it offered quick access to elevators and then up to Kings Court, Britannia Dining Room and Chart Room...One downside, the laundry was some distance away on the port side fairly close to stairway D but I didn't mind the walk although you may...


Of course, as most evryone knows, without standing up, it is impossible to see the ocean in this sort of cabin because of the metal obstructing the views...Hey people, all you have to do is stand up and there is the ocean right in your face and heart! And it is so marvelous to step outside and really be close to ocean on which you are sailing....that is magical...and you are on the ocean for magic, right?


TO BE CONTINUED....Thanks for reading! Sorry for typos and spelling errors.

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I have always been puzzled why the ship's designers put most of the Queens Grill cabins on deck 9. Much of the view they enjoy is of the tops of the lifeboats. The view of the ocean is okay but not nearly as nice as those on deck 11 or especially deck 12 where Britannia Club cabins are located.


I have wondered this about Queens Grill cabins as well. The view from deck 10 is much better as the orange lifeboats are further away. If I was booking Queens Grill it would be from one of the suites on deck 10.

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Ok, I am really confused. Having experienced 9 cruises on QM2, I was never aware that there were 4 levels of dining in the Britannia Dining room. To the best of my knowledge there are two: upper and lower level.


Tapesty behind the Captains' Table? On QM2? When did that change please?



I like the sound of level 4 but does anyone know if there is a lift to reach this level, please? Stairs are a problem for me.

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