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If that jerk in Los Angeles hadn't won [u][b]MY 56 million[/b][/u] in the lottery, maybe I WOULD fly back and join all you queens on the Harmony!

Dave, does that mean you have to entertain all these folks when they stop in Vancouver? A little candlelight supper?

With your schedule, it won't be brunch!;)

And my favorite Bette line:
"I'm not to be had for the price of a cocktail, like a salted peanut!"
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[quote name='JohnM']This Is Going To Be A Dammned Good Cruise!!! Did I Hear Someone Day 'fasten Your Seat Belts, It's Going To Be A Bumpy Night'? Will The Real Bette Davis Stand Up?[/QUOTE]

Atta boy, JohnM! Jump right into the fray and don't be shy! Too bad Dam1050 isn't sailing with us, although there's still PLENTY of room on Crystal, should he come to his senses.....................
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[quote name='Blazerboy']
Dave, does that mean you have to entertain all these folks when they stop in Vancouver? A little candlelight supper?

With your schedule, it won't be brunch!;)


Dave doesn't even pack his own suitcase, so I doubt he'll serve a QUALITY candlelight supper....

But the lil' darlin' IS entertaining.....that you cannot deny!
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[quote name='BEAV']Dave doesn't even pack his own suitcase, so I doubt he'll serve a QUALITY candlelight supper....

But the lil' darlin' IS entertaining.....that you cannot deny![/QUOTE]

Just remember Beav --

"People who try to pretend they're superior make it so much harder for those of us who really are."
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[quote name='BEAV']Too bad Dam1050 isn't sailing with us, although there's still PLENTY of room on Crystal, should he come to his senses.....................[/QUOTE]

"Important as I am in local circles, I have not yet risen to the level where I can walk on water."
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[size=4]The best Bette Davis line for me is from Jezebel . . . [/size]
[size=4]she comes out of the house and walks up to her beau and sez "I'd love to kiss ya, but I just washed my hayyuh (that's hair with Bette doing her BEST southern accent - kinda like BEAV does after several cosmos sitting on a big deck)[/size]
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Boys, boys, y'all must be a hoot to sail with.:D

Brian (Bepsf), when I get back from Norway, maybe you and I can strategize some more on the San Francisco-side cruise gathering- you can already see here what happened as a result of the Contra Costa one! I'll never be able to show my face at Starbucks in Countrywood again!;) (kidding, it was lots of fun)

And who knows what past connections we'll find among the San Francisco cruisers.:eek:
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We are just back from the Volendam "repo" and it was great. Always a treat to sail under THE bridge with the horn blowing and folks waving from above. There were several people talking to friends on cell phones from the GG bridge and held baloons for their frinds onboard to see.
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[quote name='DESTCRZ'][size=4]The best Bette Davis line for me is from Jezebel . . . [/size]
[size=4]she comes out of the house and walks up to her beau and sez "I'd love to kiss ya, but I just washed my hayyuh (that's hair with Bette doing her BEST southern accent - kinda like BEAV does after several cosmos sitting on a big deck)[/size]

Love that B&W formal of you Destcrz - Which cruiseship was that on?
You look so young and almost ravishing ... I'll bet that dress was crimson or maybe scarlet?

I guess our young Beav is coming up the coast - once upon a Princess - right as we speak!

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[size=4][color=blue]Amazing how quiet this board gets when BEAV is on a ship and doesn't have access . . . I wonder if they bothered with laptop and internet access for just a 2 day repo???? wouldn't surprise me if we don't hear from our BEAV today!!!![/color][/size]
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Hey DESTCRZ--Your favorite Bette Davis line is one that I have enjoyed for years. It's been a long time since I have seen the movie, but as I recall, her Beau is in love with her and she couldn't care less as she delivers her famous line. Bob and I are looking forward to meeting you both on May 30.
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[quote name='DESTCRZ'][size=4][color=blue]Amazing how quiet this board gets when BEAV is on a ship and doesn't have access . . . I wonder if they bothered with laptop and internet access for just a 2 day repo???? wouldn't surprise me if we don't hear from our BEAV today!!!![/color][/size]

I don't know Mike...it's dangerous to leave this thread unmonitored even for a few days. Never know what's going to be said about you :D
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Well, after the joke DESTCRZ and I played on Dam1050 last week, I was FULLY expecting revenge at some point along our 2 day jaunt up the Pacific Coast. Thankfully, nothing happened, so I figured some sort of smear campaign was no doubt raging here on the message boards as Tedson feared!

Yes, Princesses we were...if only for two nights! Strangest cruise I've ever been on. Welcome Aboard and Farewell party all on the same night! Vancouver disembarkation information in your cabin as you EMBARK in SF! Coral Princess a beauty. Like it much better than the Grand Class ships. Dinner first night in the main dining room (Personal Choice seating) pretty nasty. Spring rolls tasted like stuff from the frozen food section at your local Piggly-Wiggly! Waiter would hardly make eye contact with any of our group of six. And we were ALL dressed up for him, too..... Schlepped on over to the table with a kind of "ya, what'll ya have?" sort attitude. I was SURE he would later return slingin' some hash across the table! One gal in our group asked for salad dressing on the side. Waiter responded "which side do you want it on....the right or left.."
Granted, there's not much incentive to get all warm and fuzzy with us for just one night, but our dear Bette Davis would have been friendlier....even serving RATS!

Next (and last!) night in the Bayou Cafe a complete contrast. PHABULOUS waitstaff. PHABULOUS wine steward and YUMMY food. Gumbo, crab cakes, filet, lobster, fried peach pie...... Wonderful LIVE jazz entertainment, too. Oh what a $15 service charge will do!

Blazerboy, have you departed for the Queen yet? Have a PHAB cruise, dahlink! Sorry to hear you've had to boycott Starbucks Countrywood, but probably a good idea...

Aaerobear, your SF sailaway sounds a lot like ours. Cell phones galore....lots of people waving from the bridge as we slid under.

Of course wanted to call Dam1050 yesterday morning in Vancouver, but I've been warned NEVER to call before Noon again! Really wanted to call you, Dave, around 7:30am as were were gliding under the Lions Gate Bridge in heavy FOG. Really, couldn't you have arranged a more quality forecast for the arrival of such a contingent from San Francisco? By 12:30pm we were seated in a tiny prop job headed for our JET standing by in Seattle!
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[quote name='BEAV']Well, after the joke DESTCRZ and I played on Dam1050 last week, I was FULLY expecting revenge at some point along our 2 day jaunt up the Pacific Coast. Thankfully, nothing happened, so I figured some sort of smear campaign was no doubt raging here on the message boards as Tedson feared!

Of course wanted to call Dam1050 yesterday morning in Vancouver, but I've been warned NEVER to call before Noon again! Really wanted to call you, Dave, around 7:30am as were were gliding under the Lions Gate Bridge in heavy FOG. Really, couldn't you have arranged a more quality forecast for the arrival of such a contingent from San Francisco? By 12:30pm we were seated in a tiny prop job headed for our JET standing by in Seattle![/QUOTE]

It's too bad it was so foggy --- had it not been so, you'd have seen Paul and I waving our hankies and tossing hyacinths at you guys from Lions Gate Bridge upon your arrival.

We then rushed down the hill from Prospect Point and jogged along the Seawall to Canada Place, only to find that they'd called PINK one already and off you'd galloped. Fortunately all was not lost, as the crew was still talking about you ...........

Sorry to hear about your dining room waiter the first night, but glad you enjoyed yourselves overall. With your great personalities I can't imagine you not having a good time.
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No, not gone yet, just spent the weekend packing my gowns into the wardrobe trunks- I'd let the staff do it, but you know how easily they get it wrong.;)

Including today, 3 more days of work, and then an overnight flight to London.:( A few days to regroup in the New Forest, and then on the ship on Saturday.:D
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[quote name='Blazerboy']No, not gone yet, just spent the weekend packing my gowns into the wardrobe trunks- I'd let the staff do it, but you know how easily they get it wrong.;)


Talk to dam1050. He has a built-in staff that does all his packing. And I don't hear any complaints. And judging by the looks of him in his muu muus on Radiance to Hawaii last Fall, he has phabulous staff...... Wonder what his secret is.........???
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[quote name='BEAV']Talk to dam1050. He has a built-in staff that does all his packing. And I don't hear any complaints. And judging by the looks of him in his muu muus on Radiance to Hawaii last Fall, he has phabulous staff...... Wonder what his secret is.........???[/QUOTE]

Beav: It's all in what's underneath the muu muu my dear fellow ..... ;)

Perhaps I'll bring along my kilt as well to SFO this fall after the Radiance ... did you warn Blazerboy and all the SF/WC cruisers they're having more West Coast visitors this fall ...........? If they can handle those Appallachian Boys, then they should be able to handle us!

Blazerboy -- wishing you a fantastic trip on the QE -- brush up on your proper English for us will you .........
Also try not to worry further about the Infinity and it's brown water .......while we're aboard going to Alaska we'll notify all concerned of your upcoming appearance and they'll be sure to do all they can to fix everything prior to your arrival.

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[QUOTE] Blazerboy -- wishing you a fantastic trip on the QE -- brush up on your proper English for us will you .........
[/QUOTE] Why, have you seen my brother mercilessly teasing me about my spelling becuase I'm dyslexic over on the G/L formal thread, or have I committed some other grammar faux pas? :eek:

[QUOTE]Also try not to worry further about the Infinity and it's brown water .......while we're aboard going to Alaska we'll notify all concerned of your upcoming appearance and they'll be sure to do all they can to fix everything prior to your arrival.
[/QUOTE] But thanks for readying the old gal for my arrival in August.:D
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[quote name='Blazerboy']grammar faux pas? :eek:

No, dear boy, just wanted to make sure you brushed up on your "Queen's English" before you sail on up to the Colonies in August :D

English is spoken with a particular "flavour" in my "neighbourhood" ...

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[size=3][color=blue]Blazerboy - it was suggested (and I'm sure you know who would have made the suggestion!) that I contact you re: apparel. Just exactly what would you suggest one wear to their virgin experience of The WC? [/color][/size]
[size=3][color=#0000ff]RE: Queen's English . . . you know those Brit's and other subjects (aka friends to the North) are about things like use of Z - or lack thereof . . . and their insistence of putting the letter u in every opportunity they get . . . . if you need tutoring I'm sure dam1050 can arrange an correspondence course!!! Enjoy the Queen - will you have time in London prior?[/color][/size]
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[quote name='DESTCRZ']Blazerboy - it was suggested (and I'm sure you know who would have made the suggestion!) that I contact you re: apparel. Just exactly what would you suggest one wear to their virgin experience of The WC?

Yes, no one is more qualified than Blazer to advise what is proper attire for one's virgin visit to THE WC. He was quite properly outfitted at the virgin gathering of the C6. In fact, heads were turning at Starbucks Bancroft. Just one of the reasons he must make all future visits inkognito!
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Mike, for the WC, a smart sweater set and pearls with chinos or jeans (the new "little black cocktail dress") and some Escada sandals, and you'll fit right in. Unfortunately, you'll also have to drive one of those dreadful Suburbans or Escalades (If I've given offense to anyone, GOOD!- how COULD you drive one of those things when Volvo makes a perfectly adequate wagon!:eek: )David, I've already started refering to napkins as serviettes, and pronouncing my "z's" as "zeds" And yes, I know the "Cholmondley" is pronounced "chumley":D

Down to the wire here- one more day of work!:)

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[quote name='Blazerboy']Mike, for the WC, a smart sweater set and pearls with chinos or jeans (the new "little black cocktail dress") and some Escada sandals, and you'll fit right in. Unfortunately, you'll also have to drive one of those dreadful Suburbans or Escalades (If I've given offense to anyone, GOOD!- how COULD you drive one of those things when Volvo makes a perfectly adequate wagon!:eek: )


And don't forget to walk through downtown THE WC with your cell phone clearly placed at your ear, looking "engrossed" in conversation, regardless of whether you are or not, DESTCRZ. It's ALL about image, you know............

Oh, yes, and clutching a petite shopping bag from Tiffany's wouldn't hurt, either.....

And by the way, DESTCRZ, with your two canines named Van Cleef & Arpel, why are you so concerned about looking "fashionable" while in THE WC? Don't you know you're already a THE WC wannabe, and are clearly headed in that direction?

Scottsdale? Oh puhleeze........Can we talk, here?
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Do you and the possibly ficticious "Ed" (seen you twice, but never "he") have "packing issues" at your quality THE WC postal code? We certainly do in our 94596 THE WC postal code. And talk to DESTCRZ, too. He has similar issues. But don't talk to dam1050, we all know he has NO packing issues in his quality THE BC postal code.
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My only packing issue is that, no matter how short the trip or large the luggage, there's never enough room for all I [u][b]need[/b][/u] to take. Since Ed shaved his head and no longer needs a blow dryer, shampoo, conditioner, brush, mousse, comb, hairspray, styling gel, helmet-in-a-can, or any of the other 20,000 products he used to bring, I now just use his extra space for my needs.

And, yes, dear BEAV, he does exist. I mean, do you think a queen with my style and panache would willingly isolate himself in the 'burbs were it not for the love of a good man? The love of stationwagons only carries me so far!
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