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Well I say dam1050 is in trouble now- not only calls me old spoiled wine-turned-vinegar, but ruins my cruise on the Infinity to boot! Don't y'all think he should have to pay for my next cruise as compensation for mental anguish?:D


And Dave, I won't be on a cruise with these guys anytime soon, so what's the rest of the story? At the very least, given my trauma inflicted by you, I should at least get a good laugh at your expense!


Oh, dear .... now I've done it ! Talk about "mad cow" disease, or hoof in mouth .... You have to excuse me, we get a lot of rain here you see ...



Should I pull out all at once or very slowly ?


How does one spell extrication ??? I was under the false impression you were sailing with the Bucket brigade on their upcoming Crystal crawl ...



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I was under the false impression you were sailing with the Bucket brigade on their upcoming Crystal crawl ...




With this crowd, wouldn't that be the "Bouquet Brigade"??? :D :) Look what you've turned me into, Beav! :) ;) :D

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Tedson, you're catching on so nicely!:)


Dave, no, as much as I'd love to be helicoptered off the QE2 to fly in directly back to San Francisco and join the Harmony for another 12 days, neither my work load nor my Visa card will stand the extra time away. I just happened to meet the gang and become part of the infamous (o.k., now that's a stretch) C6.


And I've really never met DESTCRZ, although we sailed on the same ship 13 years ago, so if we met, names were never exchanged.;) (Now THERE'S a way to start a rumor!:eek: )

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Tedson, you're catching on so nicely!:)


Dave, no, as much as I'd love to be helicoptered off the QE2 to fly in directly back to San Francisco and join the Harmony for another 12 days, neither my work load nor my Visa card will stand the extra time away. I just happened to meet the gang and become part of the infamous (o.k., now that's a stretch) C6.


And I've really never met DESTCRZ, although we sailed on the same ship 13 years ago, so if we met, names were never exchanged.;) (Now THERE'S a way to start a rumor!:eek: )




Oh, I can just see it now .... Beav & Destcrz waving their tiaras at you as you descend the ropes from the heli to the Crystal Harmony ... champagne glasses held high ... everyone grabbing at you at once, wanting a taste of that royalty you've just experienced on the QEII (not to mention the royalty you are about to experience.....)


As to rumours --- no need to implicate yourself in any with Mike --- we'll do well at getting a few rumours flying through cyberspace about you without any help whatsoever, I can guarantee you !


Dave from BRITISH Columbia (that's in Canada you know .... one of the Colonies I believe)


p.s. -- what's with the "IF" we met business ??? I wasn't born yesterday!

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Could we please elevate this conversation to an appropriate level for me to read on my executive style computer located in an exclusive postal code?:D


My great aunt lived in Vancouver for years, my aunt and cousins are from Montreal, and my family is originally from Nova Scotia (The sticks- Pictu) so I'm better versed in the Northern neighbors than most.


And I'm trying to recruit for this DISASTER of a brown-water-in-the-tub six day sailing from Vancouver to S.F., so if I can't get BEAV et al to join, I might have to start working on you, Dave. That'll be your punishment.:p


And for the record, I'm much like that legend of the stage and screen, Doris Day- oft quoted line about her in Hollywood: "I knew her BEFORE she was a virgin!"- so, while I have a past, it is just that. Now I'm just a simple house frau with a dog and station wagon who whips up a mean Chicken Marbella right out of Silver Palate.

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And I've really never met DESTCRZ, although we sailed on the same ship 13 years ago, so if we met, names were never exchanged.;) (Now THERE'S a way to start a rumor!:eek: )




Back then under certain circumstances, guys rarely bothered to exchange names...


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And I've really never met DESTCRZ, although we sailed on the same ship 13 years ago, so if we met, names were never exchanged.;) (Now THERE'S a way to start a rumor!:eek: )


I do recall DESTCRZ sharing with me a rather tawdry story of an anonymous tryst with some upwardly mobile, sweet young not-so-innocent thang celebrating a 30th birthday whilst aboard that fateful Atlantic crossing on Harmony........



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Blazerboy & Dam1050,


Best of luck with your hilarious, on-going, International war-of-words! Having the pleasure of now knowing you both (I must get around!) all I can say is, may the best Queen win! I think you've each met your match when it comes to a good ol' cat fight !!!!


Tedson, YES! you're coming along just fine! You just might get to keep that Q card in your pocket after all !!!


Bdjam, Yes, sorry you missed the first coffee clatch. We've already advanced to a cocktail soiree at the last gathering (Monday at Pier 35) so who knows what'll be next. Pity you were suffering in Hilo during our first gathering!

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Dave, no, as much as I'd love to be helicoptered off the QE2 to fly in directly back to San Francisco and join the Harmony for another 12 days, neither my work load nor my Visa card will stand the extra time away. I just happened to meet the gang and become part of the infamous (o.k., now that's a stretch) C6.



Helicopter off QE2? We switched from Hyacinth to I Love Lucy ??

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I'll tell this story cause I want to make sure it is told TRUTHFULLY AND CORRECTLY.


Dam1050 is well known to be THE night-owl of Vancouver - seldom do his lights go out before 3am-4am - therefore, seldom does his coffee pot get turned on before noon!!! . . .you will NEVER see a post on any of these board from dam1050 with an AM time stamp!!!


BEAV and I did know that last Wednesday little Davey (dam1050) had made the statement that he intended to "do" lunch in the Lido on the Oosterdam. I guess a point of discussion here would be "what time is lunch"? To most of the civilized world (or civilised, so Dave will know what I mean) lunch means noonish. Given his natural tendency and habits, we knew there was no way he would fulfill his desire to "do" lunch in the Lido if we didn't provide some assistance.


BEAV and I chat daily (Mon-Wed - BEAV only works 3 normal days a week - lucky huh?) During one of our normal email exchanges, we commented to each other that we should give Dave a wake-up call to make sure he was able to fulfill his destiny and "do" lunch in the Lido. BEAV calls me - we conference Vancouver in . . .poor Paul (dam1050's LEGAL husband) answers the phone and BEAV proceeds to say "good morning, this is Holland America in Seattle, am I speaking with Dave?" Paul mumbled something about no - wait a minute . . . we hear shuffle shuffle shuffle mumble mumble holland america mumble shuffle shuffle shuffle . . . 'hlo? Beav then proceeds to tell poor Dave that the Oosterdam is in an oversold situation and since he was traveling alone they had paired him up with another gentleman that was traveling alone and just wanted to confirm his cabin number change . . . .I think it took a few minutes for this to actually sink in and then Dave said NO. At this point BEAV and I were snickering so much that Dave realized he had been punk'd. We all had a good laugh and Dave actually thanked us for waking him up so he would make it to "do" lunch in the Lido.



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Yes, 100% accurate story (except for the BEAV only works 3 days part..). And yes, you won't see a response from DAM1050 before Noon. Guaranteed!


But I'm hyperventilating to hear the REAL story of the DESTCRZ/Blazerboy connection on Harmony back in '92. Or is that story posted in the "Shipboard Love Stories" section of Cruise Critic ????






I'll tell this story cause I want to make sure it is told TRUTHFULLY AND CORRECTLY.


Dam1050 is well known to be THE night-owl of Vancouver - seldom do his lights go out before 3am-4am - therefore, seldom does his coffee pot get turned on before noon!!! . . .you will NEVER see a post on any of these board from dam1050 with an AM time stamp!!!


BEAV and I did know that last Wednesday little Davey (dam1050) had made the statement that he intended to "do" lunch in the Lido on the Oosterdam. I guess a point of discussion here would be "what time is lunch"? To most of the civilized world (or civilised, so Dave will know what I mean) lunch means noonish. Given his natural tendency and habits, we knew there was no way he would fulfill his desire to "do" lunch in the Lido if we didn't provide some assistance.


BEAV and I chat daily (Mon-Wed - BEAV only works 3 normal days a week - lucky huh?) During one of our normal email exchanges, we commented to each other that we should give Dave a wake-up call to make sure he was able to fulfill his destiny and "do" lunch in the Lido. BEAV calls me - we conference Vancouver in . . .poor Paul (dam1050's LEGAL husband) answers the phone and BEAV proceeds to say "good morning, this is Holland America in Seattle, am I speaking with Dave?" Paul mumbled something about no - wait a minute . . . we hear shuffle shuffle shuffle mumble mumble holland america mumble shuffle shuffle shuffle . . . 'hlo? Beav then proceeds to tell poor Dave that the Oosterdam is in an oversold situation and since he was traveling alone they had paired him up with another gentleman that was traveling alone and just wanted to confirm his cabin number change . . . .I think it took a few minutes for this to actually sink in and then Dave said NO. At this point BEAV and I were snickering so much that Dave realized he had been punk'd. We all had a good laugh and Dave actually thanked us for waking him up so he would make it to "do" lunch in the Lido.



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BEAV BEAV BEAV . . . .Blazerboy and I were both young . . . VERY YOUNG . . . VERY VERY YOUNG . . .and in love with our partners. . . so what makes you think there is a story there???? . . . Knowing how lascivious you are - always looking for something to titillate and make the naughty parts tingle . . . . I thought Everybody Loves Raymond and Keeping Appearances did that for you these days!!!!!



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Knowing how lascivious you are - always looking for something to titillate and make the naughty parts tingle . . . . I thought Everybody Loves Raymond and Keeping Appearances did that for you these days!!!!!




Don't forget "Lifestyles of the Rich and FABULOUS" !!! I'm a wannabe, ya know.....

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O.K. you Chatty Cathies...


There is NO connection/history/scandal on the high seas between DESTCRZ and BLAZERBOY! Not that it couldn't have happened, not that, given the proper circumstances and marital status, that I wouldn't have wanted it to happen, just that it DIDN'T happen. In addition to celebrating my 30th, I was, as Mike said, young and in love, and celebrating my fifth anniversary with my now ex (with whom I still speak on a regular basis- it's the lesbian in me). That's it... End of story... Nothing here to see... Move along folks.


Now if you want dirt on me, ply me with cocktails, and I'll tell you about my single days....;)

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Now if you want dirt on me, ply me with cocktails, and I'll tell you about my single days....;)


Well I tried, but you had to rush off to that damn meeting!!


Perhaps another time, however DESTCRZ and Dam1050 MUST be in attendance for that one !!

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Well I tried, but you had to rush off to that damn meeting!!


....which got the treasurer his endorsement for his race, thank you very much! :p


But yes work and politics do interfere with cocktail hour. Next time, I promise not to rush off. :o

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Blazerboy & Dam1050,


Best of luck with your hilarious, on-going, International war-of-words! Having the pleasure of now knowing you both (I must get around!) all I can say is, may the best Queen win! I think you've each met your match when it comes to a good ol' cat fight !!!!!


Oh c'mon Beav, no need for you to be humble ...


BTW --- I am attaching the site where we posted the tape of your performance after a few martoooonis at the Radiance sailaway :





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I'll tell this story cause I want to make sure it is told TRUTHFULLY AND CORRECTLY.DestCrz[/color][/size][/font]




Yes, Mike you have rendered a very truthful story --- I am still laughing about it. I'm still miffed too though, as of course had I known you guys were going to punk me, I'd have spent much time in preparing some good responses for you which would have just "shocked the Royal sh*te" out of any clerk who might have been phoning .......LOL


Ever since that episode I've been plotting how to exact my revenge upon y'all.


Perhaps a gift to your upcoming Crystal Cabin ......... oh, I don't know ....visions of Baby Jane bringing a tray upstairs "Blanche, you know we got RATS in the cellar" ...............


Perhaps only placing WIRE HANGARS in your closet onboard .......


"What exactly did this sick individual say to you"



Be afraid guys, be very afraid ......... :)

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Dam1050 is well known to be THE night-owl of Vancouver - seldom do his lights go out before 3am-4am - therefore, seldom does his coffee pot get turned on before noon!!! . . .


Yep.....12 Noon.....right on schedule. Dave's up.......

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I'm hyperventilating to hear the REAL story of the DESTCRZ/Blazerboy connection on Harmony back in '92. Or is that story posted in the "Shipboard Love Stories" section of Cruise Critic ????


I was thinking it might be in the "Lose before you Cruise" section of the message boards (and I'm not talking about weight)


Perhaps we could make it up Beav, at the rate of "Young & Restless" with several authors e-mailing an episode each day to an ongoing thread ..... we certainly have lots of cast members to work with ...



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I was thinking it might be in the "Lose before you Cruise" section of the message boards (and I'm not talking about weight)


Perhaps we could make it up Beav, at the rate of "Young & Restless" with several authors e-mailing an episode each day to an ongoing thread ..... we certainly have lots of cast members to work with ...




Good idea Dave . . . only wouldn't it be the HUNG & BREASTLESS? . . .or would it be the HUNG & BREATHLESS????



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