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Weight Watchers Point System anyone?

cruising mickey

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I started back to WW in Sept. I love the new points plus. I am a lifetime member that falls off the wagon and has to restart but that is the beauty of WW you can restart. I am down 10.6 as of 12/27. I didn't weigh in last week but plan to get back in this week. I have started exercising and can really see more of a difference in how things fit more than scale loss but that is good too. It all comes together in the end. Good luck everyone and I am glad to have the positive reinforcement on here.

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Does anyone want to join me doing the Weight Watchers point system? I'm looking to lose 21 pounds by October 2013 (target cruise date). Let me know so that we can loose together.




I'm still on the system

But fell off. Lost 25. Getting back on this week.

I would like to lose another 20 by cruise time in nov.

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I just started again The first of the year. Lost 4 pounds last week! Did not use all my points most days though as I've been trying really hard to go for fresh fruit and veggies for snacks. Goal is to lose at least 15 by April, when we're going to Disneyland for sissy's 30th birthday and at least 25 by our next cruise at the end of June.




I am here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=39.006327,-94.591708

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I am seriously thinking about taking my scale out of the bathroom and putting it right in front of the refrigerator or in the pantry. Either the pain from stubbing my toe will stop me from snacking or its very presence will get me to think about what I'm doing.

Edited by nightfire
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I am seriously thinking about taking my scale out of the bathroom and putting it right in front of the refrigerator or in the pantry. Either the pain from stubbing my toe will stop me from snacking or its very presence will get me to think about what I'm doing.


Now that's a funny visual! LOL!

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Wow, it seems that there are a few of us that are re-joining and getting back on the wagon. At least I know that I'm not the only one.


I started in May 2011 at 172.2 and was 10 lbs from my goal by my wedding date last Oct. We went on our honeymoon cruise then the holidays set in and ......... needless to say, here I am 10+ lbs heavier. So in reality, I am now 20+ lbs away from my original 130 lb goal.


I started back on plan the other day but am just following the old PP until I get to my next WW meeting. I am heading there tomorrow to learn the new 2012 plan and do a weigh-in. Arrgghhh, does this mean I have to by another points clicker yet again??


Anyhow, glad to be back on plan and back on this thread. I am sure that I will have questions and need a little help from my WW friends.


Have a great Thursday everyone.




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I was on a 7 nt. Western Carib cruise on NCL Pearl from 11/27-12/4. Yes, there is food available 24 hrs BUT you have so many choices. I was moderately active onboard ship, ate 3 reasonable meals a day with fruit snacks and I actually lost 3 pounds during the cruise. I also did not drink alcohol and did drink water all day long.

Eat what you want in reasonable amounts...that's the key.


Go for it and enjoy!!:D

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I rejoined last week and have my first weigh in tomorrow! I want to lose 15 by April 15th. ( 20 would be better) then we cruise for 27 nights!!!!!:D

I found it very easy all week.. but I am at home. No exercise for another 3 weeks as I just had surgery.

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Not really 'signed up with WW' but am using points plus as my guide, got a great app on my phone that lets me track meals, look up foods in restaurants etc...first week I've lost 4 lbs! My major goal is 40lbs, but I think more realistic goal would be 25lbs...I am 5'7" and wt in at 215 starting out...usually wt 190's, but since I'm turning 45 this spring they are slowly creaping on...and staying!!! I am a curvy 215 not a round ball of fat 215, so I carry my weight well, or so I've been told. That's the problem, I'm carrying it around and I want to dump it somewhere else!!!

I have 10 months, so lets see how far I can get before cruise time, although my real motivation is to do this for my own health, arthritis is setting in the ole knees...and heart disease runs in my family...at a young age.

I'll keep this on my subscription lists and hope to get a "wt loss buddy' to encourage me!

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Well, week 2 was definitely harder than week 1, but I managed to not go over any of my points and was very happy this morning to see I've lost another 3 pounds. This week will be really hard though as I've got 3 days I'll be stuck eating dinner out. I'll be happy if I don't gain anything back this week!


I did buy a WW cookbook off Amazon and that has helped a LOT. We've kind of made a game of trying a new dish every night and surprisingly a lot of them have been better than our usual dinner "staples".




I am here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=39.006373,-94.591606

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I'm halfway through week 1 of the new WW plus 2012. Maybe it's just me, but I'm really missing my 3 extra points that I got on the old plan. I find myself eating an abundance of fruit to make up for it but know that I have to do this in moderation even though it is zero points. I have been trying to get in 3 to 4 excercise points per day. It is really hard but I am kicking myself in the butt for going off plan and gaining back almost 14 lbs in 14 weeks. Got married in mid-Oct, then the holidays. I really packed it back on. :(


Back on the wagon...... and taking it day by day.










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Hey fellow WWs! I started WWP+ August 6, 2011.


Ht: 5'6"

Highest Weight: 217

Starting Weight: 208.4

Current Weight: 166.0

(unofficial) WW Goal: 155

Personal Goal: 149


I can relate to many of the posts here. Weight does have a way of "creeping up on ya!" I started WWP+ in August, when a friend said she wanted to start, but she insisted we had to do the meetings (I would have preferred to go online). I had made up my mind that I did NOT want to be FAT AND 50! Needless to say, friend is no longer going, and I am ever so thankful that she insisted on the meetings, as that is what really holds me accountable!


I am very happy to report, that my 50th Birthday passed by this week, and I can say outloud that I do not feel FAT AND 50! :D


As for the new points + (*2012), it is my understanding that the point of the changes was to make it more "personalized" if you went from 29 to 26 points, and 29 was working for you, it's ok to stay at 29! Fruit and most veggies are still 0 points... continue to eat them, but remember they still have calories (I'm thinking specifically of bananas... even tho they are 0 points, I still wouldn't eat more than 1 a day!) 'Simply filling' can be used any time you need/ want it.


Well, don't want to bore anyone here.


Will post more later, and I look forward to "seeing less of you" next time!



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Hi Everyone,

I did not realize there was a blog for this, this is great. I lost 18lbs. on WW Jan-April 2010, cruised in May. Well do to issues with an ill mother, moving to Gainesville (getting my son enrolled in UF):) and hubby having rotator cuff surgery :(, I just haven't had much time for concentrate on me.

I have learned from WW how to look at foods and know the amounts things carry so I have been able to keep off the lost weight, but I still need to lose another 68lbs. So I joined up again online Jan 11, I will weigh in this Sunday, so here's hoping! I have managed to do pretty well this week with this new point system. I don't have time limit, my goal is to be consistent. Sometimes I have to eat more salt in my diet because both myself and my son have low salt levels and dieting plummets them (& your BP) , so this can be a bit fustrating at times. I am finding it harder also at this age, 45, to get the weight off, peri-menapause levels I suppose.

I posted a pic at my work desk of a girl running down the beach and it says "It takes 4 weeks for you to see your body changing, 8 wks for friends and family and 12 weeks for the rest of the world. KEEP GOING". So I am going for that. Really excited about this blog though because I am on here all the time.


Height: 5"8

SW: 246

Lost: 18

CW: 228.6

GW: 160:D

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I don't have much time as my cruise departs Feb 19th, but if there's one thing I've learned - isn't 5-10lbs down better than staying the same? To a previous poster, there are some changes with Points Plus besides (perhaps) lowering the daily points. Apparently you can do Simply Filling on a as needed basis during the week when tracking is not working out or just because. Something to think about when we're cruising.



Your cruisin' on my Birfday!!!:p

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Hey fellow WWs! I started WWP+ August 6, 2011.


Ht: 5'6"

Highest Weight: 217

Starting Weight: 208.4

Current Weight: 166.0

(unofficial) WW Goal: 155

Personal Goal: 149


I can relate to many of the posts here. Weight does have a way of "creeping up on ya!" I started WWP+ in August, when a friend said she wanted to start, but she insisted we had to do the meetings (I would have preferred to go online). I had made up my mind that I did NOT want to be FAT AND 50! Needless to say, friend is no longer going, and I am ever so thankful that she insisted on the meetings, as that is what really holds me accountable!


I am very happy to report, that my 50th Birthday passed by this week, and I can say outloud that I do not feel FAT AND 50! :D


As for the new points + (*2012), it is my understanding that the point of the changes was to make it more "personalized" if you went from 29 to 26 points, and 29 was working for you, it's ok to stay at 29! Fruit and most veggies are still 0 points... continue to eat them, but remember they still have calories (I'm thinking specifically of bananas... even tho they are 0 points, I still wouldn't eat more than 1 a day!) 'Simply filling' can be used any time you need/ want it.


Well, don't want to bore anyone here.


Will post more later, and I look forward to "seeing less of you" next time!






You GO-GIRL !!!!!! What a great 50th BD gift to yourself. :)


I am turning 50 this year as well and also started with a friend that stopped going. I hung in there and like you, NEED my weekly meetings. I went off-plan right before the holidays but am now back on the wagon. It is week#1 on the new plan, and my first weigh-in this Fri. Keeping my fingers crossed.



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starting wt 215

max weight 218

this week 205

10 lb wt loss in the first 7 days?

ht 5' 7"


To everyone here who wants to make changes in their weight/ health for what ever reason or motivation...GOOD LUCK!!!


The sad thing is I didn't even weight 198 lbs at 9months pregnant with the third kid...but over 17 years of eating junk and working night shift...[my 'excuses'] I packed it on. which should have made me realize I've been on day shift now for almost 10 years...and I still weight 190-215...so what's my excuse now?

Looking at the cruise pics from our November cruise, I realized I needed to do something and NO MORE EXCUSES!!! SO here I am talking to my CC buddies who are in the 'same boat', so to speak. My change in body image needs to happen first, the one where I quit telling myself that "I carry my weight well" and look at reality, those bathing suit pics that I've refused to print off the digital camera!!! Think I'll make a poster and hang it on the fridge..as a 'scarecrow'...to keep me out of the fridge.

I like the post of the motivational picture of a woman running on the beach...as no one (even myself) has noticed the missing 10 pounds...I know it will take a lot more to go...but what I am amazed at is how much more energy I have in the last few days. I don't feel like running a marathon or anything...yet, but I have a bit more spring in my step. I have cut out most breads and sugars...if I crave chocolate at around 3 pm at work instead of getting the king size bar I reach for the little mini's and limit to two!! and I don't wolf them down, I savor the tiny thing...every last scrap of it. So I don't feel 'cheated' Just keep me away from the CHEETOS!

Edited by Sunebeach
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I have joined WW many times. My best time so far was from March 2009 until Sept 2010 when I lost 55 lbs. Then until July 2011 I wasn't tracking any more so I gained 18 pounds. I cancelled my monthly pass and in the next 4 months I gained 19 lbs. So now I am back to WW and following WWP+ 2012. During the next 18 weeks until my next cruise, I want to loose 36 lbs.


Tomorrow I weigh in. This past week I stayed within my DTP, so I am hoping to see a good loss. I haven't used my weekly points or activity points.


I have no special events this coming week so I'm planning on staying within my DTP again. I'll let you know how it is going for me and I'm looking forward to reading about your weight loss journey as well.


Thank you for starting this thread!

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Hey fellow WWs! I started WWP+ August 6, 2011.


Ht: 5'6"

Highest Weight: 217

Starting Weight: 208.4

Current Weight: 166.0

(unofficial) WW Goal: 155

Personal Goal: 149


I can relate to many of the posts here. Weight does have a way of "creeping up on ya!" I started WWP+ in August, when a friend said she wanted to start, but she insisted we had to do the meetings (I would have preferred to go online). I had made up my mind that I did NOT want to be FAT AND 50! Needless to say, friend is no longer going, and I am ever so thankful that she insisted on the meetings, as that is what really holds me accountable!


I am very happy to report, that my 50th Birthday passed by this week, and I can say outloud that I do not feel FAT AND 50! :D


As for the new points + (*2012), it is my understanding that the point of the changes was to make it more "personalized" if you went from 29 to 26 points, and 29 was working for you, it's ok to stay at 29! Fruit and most veggies are still 0 points... continue to eat them, but remember they still have calories (I'm thinking specifically of bananas... even tho they are 0 points, I still wouldn't eat more than 1 a day!) 'Simply filling' can be used any time you need/ want it.


Well, don't want to bore anyone here.


Will post more later, and I look forward to "seeing less of you" next time!



Way to go girl! Sitting here just reading this reinforced my own determination that this this time I WILL stick to WWP+. You are a real inspiration and I will keep reading your post over and over for inspiration!

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I weighed in today and lost 4.4 pounds! This is very encouraging to me and makes me motivated to stick to DTP and not use my weekly or activity points.


This week I want to add 10 more minutes to my workouts each day. Here's my plan.


Last week This week


Sat. 60 min. 70 min


Sun. 20 min. 30 min.


Mon. 70 min. 80 min


Tues. 20 min. 30 min.


Wed. 70 min. 80 min.


Thur. Rest day Rest day


Fri. 60 min. 70 min.


Thank you for your support.

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I have been on WW since mid November and have lost 15 pounds so far. The weight is coming off slow but steady.


Hi, I live in Elk Grove. I, also, rejoined in mid Nov. and have lost 9 pounds. I am 60 and 5' 9" tall. I'm not brave enough to post my weight at this time, but I am morbidly obese which the chart my doctor gave me says is a BMI of over 40.


My personal trainer was happy with my weight loss this week and told me keep on with my dedication and perserverance. She is so encouraging and has lots of clients at California Family Fitness.


Do you belong to a gym? There are CFF gyms all over the Sacramento area.

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starting wt 215

max weight 218

this week 205

10 lb wt loss in the first 7 days?

ht 5' 7"


To everyone here who wants to make changes in their weight/ health for what ever reason or motivation...GOOD LUCK!!!


The sad thing is I didn't even weight 198 lbs at 9months pregnant with the third kid...but over 17 years of eating junk and working night shift...[my 'excuses'] I packed it on. which should have made me realize I've been on day shift now for almost 10 years...and I still weight 190-215...so what's my excuse now?

Looking at the cruise pics from our November cruise, I realized I needed to do something and NO MORE EXCUSES!!! SO here I am talking to my CC buddies who are in the 'same boat', so to speak. My change in body image needs to happen first, the one where I quit telling myself that "I carry my weight well" and look at reality, those bathing suit pics that I've refused to print off the digital camera!!! Think I'll make a poster and hang it on the fridge..as a 'scarecrow'...to keep me out of the fridge.

I like the post of the motivational picture of a woman running on the beach...as no one (even myself) has noticed the missing 10 pounds...I know it will take a lot more to go...but what I am amazed at is how much more energy I have in the last few days. I don't feel like running a marathon or anything...yet, but I have a bit more spring in my step. I have cut out most breads and sugars...if I crave chocolate at around 3 pm at work instead of getting the king size bar I reach for the little mini's and limit to two!! and I don't wolf them down, I savor the tiny thing...every last scrap of it. So I don't feel 'cheated' Just keep me away from the CHEETOS!


I know what ya mean about the chocolate, I have found if I have a cup of low-sugar hot chocolate, it helps fill me up and satisfies my chocolate craving. Also, sometimes I have regular hot chocolate at night with those late night hunger cravings, it's only 2 points. Keep up the good work!:)

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I weighed in today and lost 4.4 pounds! This is very encouraging to me and makes me motivated to stick to DTP and not use my weekly or activity points.


This week I want to add 10 more minutes to my workouts each day. Here's my plan.


Last week This week


Sat. 60 min. 70 min


Sun. 20 min. 30 min.


Mon. 70 min. 80 min


Tues. 20 min. 30 min.


Wed. 70 min. 80 min.


Thur. Rest day Rest day


Fri. 60 min. 70 min.


Thank you for your support.



I weighed in today and lost 4.4 pounds!


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Well, I stuck to the program pretty well this week, I find I have to use all my points and usually my daily activity. I save my "extra points" for the weekend (tequila:D) lol, which is why I luv WW, I can have what I want, just have to be adjust it correctly.

Well weigh in today (2nd wk) and I lost. My average loss for 2 wks is 2.1 per week. Yeah! So am down 4.2 lbs.

My DH's 50th birthday is in Nov. and I am planning on doing a 3day cruise (Sensation) to party with at least one other couple, maybe 2 couples as a surprise BD gift, I just figured up if I lose 1.6 lbs. a week I will be at my goal by then.

Going to St. Augustine today and do some walking.

It's a new week girls, LET'S DO THIS!

Height: 5"8

SW: 246

Lost: 21 3/4 lbs

CW: 224.4

GW: 160:D



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Keystonemama, congratulations!


Yesterday I didn't distribute my 40 daily points well and at 7:30 pm I still had 22 points left. We got a call that a friend of my daughter was in intensive care on life support and not expected to live. We immediately left for the hospital. The doctors are saying there are no brain waves, so the parents need to decide to pull the plug or not.


Anyway, when I got home I was very hungry and I started eating and eating. Fortunately I ate only my 40 DTP. I had such an out-of-control feeling while I was eating that the food was not satisfying and most of my choices had a lot of sodium in them.


Recently, Plan for Success was the weekly topic.


Well, this morning I plan to learn form this lesson and use the 40 points more wisely.

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