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Weight Watchers Point System anyone?

cruising mickey

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I joined WW the first week of December in anticipation of a February cruise with some friends. Leaving the H and kids at home! I am on my third week and so far so good - but no loss this week due to the holidays, but no gain either! Hoping to put on a dress by cruise time.


Hoping to find support and encouragement through this thread!

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discovered yoplait greek yogurt 2 points high protein low carbs, sugar


yogurt makes me gag but this stuff is pretty good.


nikki= did you eat protein- our leader swears by protein


I do eat protein. As I am a type 2 diabetic, I swear that protein is what helps me to feel full but keep the carbs in check. I love Greek yogurt and even though it is almost half again the price of regular low carb yogurt, I buy it most times I go to the grocery. I find it so creamy it feels like a party in my mouth.

Thanks bunches for putting this week into perspective. It IS just one week in our lives and we can overcome the damage.


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my honey is a diabetic. We started WW in March. he was allowed 52 points.

What points he had for dinner was what I was allowed the entire day.


I am proud of what he has accomplished this past year-

his AHA moment was when we were going on a cruise last February and he could not fasten the seat belt on the plane.


before we left he was diagnosed with Diabetes- high blood pressure, High Cholestrol etc etc.


we joined weight watchers in March- he is down over 70 pounds.

His medicals are all good- diabetes stuff was broke in half and half again. his numbers are fabulous. It was a learning experience for us this past year.

He can not eat carbs for dinner as he gains between 5-7 pounds by morning. He eats a salad every meal.

but I think what helped him was his excercise. I do not excercise and only lost 20 pounds in this year-- he does it every night. He rides that stationary bike for one hour every night while he watches tv.

He put over 3000 miles on that bike since March.


Next year-- I want to excersize.

I want to get off the train a few blocks from work-- and walk my way in.

Its an extra 15 minute commute- 15 minutes will not kill me.


i want to take that extra 15 minutes and walk to that train station after work


that gives me a total of 30 minutes a day. Excuses one after another.

its 15 minutes.


I also learned that I was drinking 12 points a day without really realizing it-- or counting it.. will explain why I had a hard time with losing.


between my coffee which i found out was 2 points a can of soda was 4 points. and a bubble gum was 1- my mentos was one. ( I was quitting smoking too)

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I also learned that I was drinking 12 points a day without really realizing it-- or counting it.. will explain why I had a hard time with losing.


between my coffee which i found out was 2 points a can of soda was 4 points. and a bubble gum was 1- my mentos was one. ( I was quitting smoking too)


I think that you should be very happy with a 20 pound weight loss. I quit smoking over 12 years ago and next to raising our boys, that is my proudest accomplishment. As both DH and I were smokers,the money we saved by improving our health is exactly what pays for our cruises. Not a bad switch! As for exercise, I try to do a beach walk of 45-60 minutes every day while we are in the south. At home, that becomes a treadmill walk which is boring but does help keep me in shape and is a weight-bearing walk. I will have to think about getting a stationary bike because that would allow me to switch it up a bit.

Keep up the good work and let us know how you are getting on.


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Next year-- I want to excersize.

I want to get off the train a few blocks from work-- and walk my way in.

Its an extra 15 minute commute- 15 minutes will not kill me.


i want to take that extra 15 minutes and walk to that train station after work


that gives me a total of 30 minutes a day. Excuses one after another.

its 15 minutes.


I also learned that I was drinking 12 points a day without really realizing it-- or counting it.. will explain why I had a hard time with losing.


between my coffee which i found out was 2 points a can of soda was 4 points. and a bubble gum was 1- my mentos was one. ( I was quitting smoking too)


Congrats on quitting smoking! I quit 15 years ago and gained about 20 pounds that have never left. :( Granted, I was at my thinnest ever before I quit - probably too thin to maintain even if I had kept smoking.


One of the things I've learned is that I won't be successful if I say "I want". I have to say I WILL. I WILL walk. I WILL exercise. It has to go on the calendar and it has to be a priority. Several years ago I started walking to work (it was 1.5 miles) and I lost 18 pounds in about 5 months without changing anything else in my life. But I had to make it a real commitment, which meant making sure I got my butt out of the house in time so I wouldn't be late for work. Getting of the bus or train one stop early is a great way to get moving! Good luck!!

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Morning all


Yes Grats on quitting smoking. Lost both my parents to cancer from smoking.


I quit diet pepsi a bout a month ago. I no longer drink and soda. I hate water but dealing with it. I do drink the occasional cappuccino.


The holidays have been horrible to my weight loss, but no matter what I will keep going. January 1st is my get serious day. Cruise is in 63 days, wont hit my goal by then but I will lose some.


I also stopped going to meetings and am just tacking online and working with my groups on the web site. $42 a month was just too much:(


Have a great day everyone.

Edited by Pdljmpr
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I haven't been to a meeting since the day we left to drive to Baltimore for our cruise, November 29th. I've wasted a whole month! Not gaining, just maintaining which I suppose is a positive thing considering the most likely alternative. I WILL go back to meeting this week no matter what my weight. I am afraid to stop paying as I do all my tracking online with eTools. It would be so much harder to track without the app. Plus it automatically changes your allowed points as you lose weight.


Thankfully I never started smoking, in fact never even tried it. At least that's one addiction I didn't have to deal with. Food addiction is hard enough. You can't quit eating completely or it would be easy. No, it's limiting the amount of food you eat that is the problem. Somehow for me, if it tastes good, I want more and can keep eating until I feel sick. When I was first put on Wellbutrin, for six weeks it made me appetite "normal". I would look at my plate and mentally know how much I was going to eat, and the thought of eating more actually made me ill. I though I had the addiction licked. But then the affects wore off. I did manage to lose 88 pounds by just cutting down, until I hit a major plateau that lasted months till I finally started gaining it back. I gained about 60 back before coming to WW in June, and have lost around 20 since then.

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I know what you mean about eating until you feel sick Bunches. I occassionally have the same problem and try so hard not to bring anything that will lead to that into the house. For me, it is always something sweet which is a real no-no due to my diabetes. I am not usually a potato chip eater but if DH buys them, then I have trouble resisting them. We have made a deal that he will switch to pretzels as he has the salt craving, and I don't like them.

Meeting for me will start a week tomorrow and I WILL get back on track and be accountable. I want to lose a minimum of 15 pounds before I head back to Canada in April. I know I can do it and I WILL this time. Then I need to keep it off.


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We also had my brother send us one of those "gift baskets" with crackers and chocolates. Well the cheese spread was open and moldy so I called the company to let them know and they send us a second basket!


Then my daughter wanted me to make something as I hadn't done any baking over Christmas, so I made an apple dump cake, followed by brownies. And I couldn't stay away from them. :( I'm not ready to fly yet. Still in the nest.


When I'm "in the groove" I can resist stuff, even if it's stuff I like. But when I'm like this, everything calls to me. Well I'm going to meeting no matter what this week. I missed last week because of the weather. My car was buried. In fact dh hasn't un-buried it yet for me. Better get on him.

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Happy New Year All!


Time for me to get on track. I sat here this morning and thought about all of the huge changes I was going to make TODAY, but then decided it probably makes sense to change a few small things each week. They say that it takes 21 days to make a new habit, so I'm going to spend some time today working on a list of changes to make.


Changes for Today: Tracking, and eating fruit.


Change for tomorrow: I'm starting back on a really good Run/Walk program that I did last fall. It's 12 weeks and meets every Wednesday evening. For anyone who wants to get into a habit of walking, running or run/walking, this particular program is fantastic because the goal is to get you moving every day for the rest of your life. So no pain, no huffing & puffing, just movement. (www.jeffgalloway.com)


I'm also going to incorporate a few other changes into life that I hope will lessen the chaos that ultimately causes me stress, which leads to stress eating and not exercising.


Is anyone else changing anything for this new year?


Hope you all have a peaceful and happy day to start 2013!



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Hi Janine and Happy New Year to all.


Today starts serious time for me. I know I won't be as far as I wanted before our cruise, but what will be will be, it was a hard year. Tracking and eating right and starting with 15 minutes on the wii. I have arthritis and Fibro so I have to start very slow.


I also think for the first few days if I can track everything I will be ok. There is no junk left in the house.


We can all do this.



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We were just talking about being able to eat until you are sick. I just read an article in the Daily Mail, a British newspaper available online. Part of the article states:


"The food cravings are made even more intense — and impossible to resist — because leptin is supposed to dampen the feeling of pleasure and enjoyment you get from food by suppressing the release of the brain chemical dopamine, helping to decrease appetite.


But if you are leptin-resistant, food never stops tasting delicious, no matter how much of it you eat.


This, says Professor Lustig, is why many overweight people find it so hard to stop eating, and why diets so often fail."


Well at least they are beginning to discover exactly why we have problems losing weight. I get so tired of people who self righteously say "All you have to do is eat less". As if we had never heard that before! There is so much more to it.


It's lunch time and so far so good today. Resisted making chocolate chip cookies which I had been planning on doing. Had a chicken sausage and baked beans for lunch. Will have spaghetti for supper. Was going to go shopping today until I realized it's a holiday and Aldi's is closed today.

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We were just talking about being able to eat until you are sick. I just read an article in the Daily Mail, a British newspaper available online. Part of the article states:


"The food cravings are made even more intense — and impossible to resist — because leptin is supposed to dampen the feeling of pleasure and enjoyment you get from food by suppressing the release of the brain chemical dopamine, helping to decrease appetite.


But if you are leptin-resistant, food never stops tasting delicious, no matter how much of it you eat.


This, says Professor Lustig, is why many overweight people find it so hard to stop eating, and why diets so often fail."


Well at least they are beginning to discover exactly why we have problems losing weight. I get so tired of people who self righteously say "All you have to do is eat less". As if we had never heard that before! There is so much more to it.




Good to know that there is a scientific reason for my weight problem. However, yesterday I can't say anything other than I chose to eat too much. We went to a friend's for dinner and I know that my helpings were too big and I more than exceeded my daily points. I am one that NEEDS the discipline of meetings and cannot get to one before Monday. Then I will be disciplined and pay very close attention to what goes into my mouth. Until then, I will certainly keep trying to maintain.


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today starts my serious tracking.

I did manage to get off the train a few stops before my own. I hustled and got that walk in at 15 minutes.

I am hoping to do that same 15 minute walk after work too.


(heading to the library at lunch which is another 20 minutes to and 20 minutes from)

I got all my point foods in my lunch bag- it does make a huge difference if I plan.


I gained 5.7 over the week of the holidays. I really want to be down 10 pounds before I leave for my cruise on the 27th of this month.

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At least you eat because you feel hungry Bunches. I have just been eating from boredom. Even when I get up to get something, I know it is boredom, but I do it anyway. I need a whole new mindset makeover and hope that getting back to meetings will do this for me.

Congrats on the extra walking Serene. Every bit helps and you are getting a terrific start. Also planning ahead is a huge help for lunches. I am betting on your 10 pound loss for the cruise. Your attitude will pay big dividends.


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Well, just back from weigh in. I gained .6 after missing two meetings over Christmas. Not to bad, less than I was expecting. So I have a fairly clean restart.



Congrats!!! That is a terrific end to a long holiday.


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Does anyone want to join me doing the Weight Watchers point system? I'm looking to lose 21 pounds by October 2013 (target cruise date). Let me know so that we can loose together.




Back after a brief weight meltdown due to the holidays. Over the last couple of months, I've put 14 pounds back on and now need to lose 15 by 08/14 (new cruise target date). Any suggestions on how to avoid packing on the holiday pounds, as WW points didn't really seem to do the trick this year?



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I guess we're really at the end of the holidays now and it is time to get serious. We have pretty much nothing good but bad to eat in the house. DH was in Chicago this week & brought back a bag of Chicago popcorn (cheddar popcorn & caramel popcorn). That was dessert tonight and honestly I feel a bit sick after eating it ... We have NOTHING interesting going on for the next few weeks so I guess I will just keep the junk out of the house.


I have been wearing the Active Link and am put off with it. Last night I hauled out my step and did a step video (from 1994!) for about 40 minutes. My heart rate was HIGH for a good 30 minutes and Active Link gave me only 1 point. How disappointing!


So I think I'm going to invest in a Nike Fuel. I don't know why I feel like I need to have gadgets to stay motivated. Wish I could find a meeting that is convenient because I think that did more for me than the gadgets.


Hope everyone has a really good, successful, active OP weekend!

Edited by Water•Baby
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I don't have my WW materials close at hand, but I'll bet if you checked, you will find that with a high heart rate for 30 minutes you gained more than 1 point. Don't get discouraged. Keep on plugging away and you will reach your goal. I too have gained but am determined to prove that I can lose again. Eating those fun things are my undoing as well and I MUST learn to take just a taste and be satsified with that. It is not worth the agony of watching what I put in my mouth every day and walking miles just to enjoy a 5-10 minute excess. I must start repeating that old mantra " a minute on the lips- a lifetime on the hips!" It is so true.


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