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Weight Watchers Point System anyone?

cruising mickey

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Bought the Fiber One brownies. They are delicious. I was out with friends yesterday so was only in Walmart for a couple of seconds. Today we will go grocery shopping so I intend to pick up the cereal that Cari mentioned as well. Have a good on-track week-end all.


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Hello everyone, can I join you all on WW? I signed up online a couple of weeks ago but failed at the first hurdle (bottle of wine at the weekend = raid the fridge).


But as I said on another thread, we've booked a cruise so I have my motivation again.


I must admit I've done WW lots of times in the past with varying results but its all down to motivation and will power isn't it? I know it works, its just the sticking to it!

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Bought the Fiber One brownies. They are delicious. I was out with friends yesterday so was only in Walmart for a couple of seconds. Today we will go grocery shopping so I intend to pick up the cereal that Cari mentioned as well. Have a good on-track week-end all.




I love the Fiber One chocolate cereal!


Hello everyone, can I join you all on WW? I signed up online a couple of weeks ago but failed at the first hurdle (bottle of wine at the weekend = raid the fridge).


But as I said on another thread, we've booked a cruise so I have my motivation again.


I must admit I've done WW lots of times in the past with varying results but its all down to motivation and will power isn't it? I know it works, its just the sticking to it!



Hi Miranda! I have decided that when I fall off the wagon this go around...tomorrow is a new day and to start all over. In the past I would just give up. Not this time:D

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Good Morning Everyone! Hope everyone had a good day yesterday. Found a new recipe I am trying for lunch today...crockpot chicken cacciatore with only 7 points per serving. Haven't fixed cacciatore in a long time.


Looks like bad weather is headed our way...suppose to get between 12" and 24" of snow over the next couple of days. Guess I had better make a big pot of soup:D

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Whew! I have now read all 48 pages of this thread. You are all such an inspiration to those of us just starting out.

My first weigh in - lost 4 pounds. I am very pleased! I had my first session with my trainer too. I thought it would be harder! LOL But I think she is starting me slow, as I have a long journey ahead of me! She did say we will "work up" to more.

Tomorrow will be my first day of work since being on program. I have to pack both my breakfast and my lunch. The trick will be finding foods that satisfy and are easy to pack.

Here's to week number two! :D

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Just wondering - how many of you weigh yourself every morning? And if you do - does it help? I've been weighing myself daily, but I've only just finished my first week. I realize I won't drop as quickly from this point on....

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I weigh myself daily and chart it using "weight commander". That way I can see the daily fluctuations and not let it bother me if I'm up a little one day as I know it will go back down again. I think it helps keep me in line. I took my scale with me on the cruise and it helped to know exactly what was going on (gaining!) and how much. In the end I only gained 3.8 pounds on a 7 day cruise. I hear the national average is one pound per day.

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ju-stniopi have never gained weight on a cruise. our first cruise my brother gained 14 pounds in 7days
honey weighs in every day on the cruise so he knows what he can do food wise for the day.

we leave next sunday and i have been going over'the menu and looking in my point guide.
know hat foods will be bad so i can avoid them---example is the burritto bar with one tortilla being 9 points just not worth it for me

can you tell me where you found a roll for 2 points the lowest i found was the WW ones and they are 3
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[quote name='gubby'][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple][B]Thanks for the link to Slender Kitchen. There are some awesome sounding recipes there. I will take more time to look through them in the next couple of weeks, and try some of them. [/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple][B]Nikki[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/quote]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][COLOR=DarkOrange][B]I have tried several recipes on this website and they have all turned out really good.

[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [quote=High C's;36759630][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]Just wondering - how many of you weigh yourself every morning? And if you do - does it help? I've been weighing myself daily, but I've only just finished my first week. I realize I won't drop as quickly from this point on....[/SIZE][/FONT][/quote]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][COLOR=DarkOrange][B]I do weigh myself daily but get aggravated if I have not lost anything or if I have [SIZE=4]gained anything so trying not to weigh everyday. Still find myself [SIZE=4]doin[SIZE=4]g it at times though.[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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[quote name='serene56']ju-stniopi have never gained weight on a cruise. our first cruise my brother gained 14 pounds in 7days
honey weighs in every day on the cruise so he knows what he can do food wise for the day.

we leave next sunday and i have been going over'the menu and looking in my point guide.
know hat foods will be bad so i can avoid them---example is the burritto bar with one tortilla being 9 points just not worth it for me

can you tell me where you found a roll for 2 points the lowest i found was the WW ones and they are 3[/quote]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][COLOR=DarkOrange][B]Have you tried the Sara Lee Wheat Delightfuls? Only 2 points and [SIZE=4]taste good.

[SIZE=4]Hope you have a great time on your cruise![/SIZE]
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[quote name='ready2cruzagain'][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][COLOR=darkorange][B]I have tried several recipes on this website and they have all turned out really good. [/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][COLOR=darkorange][B]I do weigh myself daily but get aggravated if I have not lost anything or if I have [SIZE=4]gained anything so trying not to weigh everyday. Still find myself [SIZE=4]doin[SIZE=4]g it at times though.[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/quote]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple][B]I do the same. I find there are times that I seem to weigh over 2 pounds more than the day before ( and after) and that sends me on a tirade. I am always fearful that sometimes that is what happens on my weighin day. However, I try to console myself and feel that sometimes I will weigh in less than what my own scale says.I guess it all works out in the end.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple][B]Nikki[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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[QUOTE=High C's;36757667][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]Whew! I have now read all 48 pages of this thread. You are all such an inspiration to those of us just starting out.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]My first weigh in - lost 4 pounds. I am very pleased! I had my first session with my trainer too. I thought it would be harder! LOL But I think she is starting me slow, as I have a long journey ahead of me! She did say we will "work up" to more.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]Tomorrow will be my first day of work since being on program. I have to pack both my breakfast and my lunch. The trick will be finding foods that satisfy and are easy to pack. [/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]Here's to week number two! :D[/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE]

If you have a microwave, the Smart Ones lunches are great. Typically less than 8 points and pretty satisfying with an apple or some celery.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD
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[quote name='miranda99']Hello everyone, can I join you all on WW? I signed up online a couple of weeks ago but failed at the first hurdle (bottle of wine at the weekend = raid the fridge).

But as I said on another thread, we've booked a cruise so I have my motivation again.

I must admit I've done WW lots of times in the past with varying results but its all down to motivation and will power isn't it? I know it works, its just the sticking to it![/QUOTE]

Incorporate some sort of hard workout routine. I find that I'm less likely to cheat if it means undoing the hours of sweat-dripping exercise I've done for the week. It makes the food a lot less worth it.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD
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Hi everyone,

I'm back and I am on track. Congrats to all who have had good weigh ins this month!

I had been trying to do WW Online but decided that wasn't enough motivation for me so I joined a meeting (Thursdays at noon). I need someone to look me in the eye when I weigh-in and hold me accountable! Our cruise is in 13 weeks so I have a real job ahead. I am up 0.2 in my one week of meetings ... although I didn't try at all so that's what I get!

There were a couple of big work-related events the past two weekends, but that is now all over and done with so I have zero excuse to do anything stupid like eat an enormous stadium hamburger and gigantic fries.

Another thing I've done that is a big change is I got this Nike Fuelband. It measures activity all day long - activity includes walking around the office, up and down stairs, workouts, etc.. And I now see that I am an absolute sloth. The "baseline" for activity is 2,000 fuel points a day, and I am having to work to reach that. NO WONDER I have gained weight! I had tried the ActiveLink but didn't find it to be very consistent, so this was a better choice for me.

Anyway, I will be checking in frequently now.

I saw a question on weighing, and I do weigh in pretty much every day. It's more of a habit than anything. I especially find the Monday weighing helpful because it lets me know how I did on the weekend.

I have a good 'homemade' steak chili recipe if anyone is interested. A full serving is 8 points and it's very filling with a lot of tomatoes in it. Will be happy to share.
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple][B]Welcome back Waterbaby. Please post your chili recipe. Weather is going to chill this week and chile sounds like a great meal.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple][B]Had my weighin this morning. I lost 1.2 pounds. Although I had hoped for more it is my own fault for not tracking accurately for the entire week. I must absolutely track everything every day to reach my goal to reach lifetime before my cruise in October. It means losing 16 pounds, and then maintaining that for 6 weeks. Which will be a long time, but I intend to keep this off forever, so 6 weeks should certainly be doable. Wish me luck.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple][B]Nikki[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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Although I feel I do better going to meetings, we are cutting back on expenses where we can so I am only paid through Feb 1, then I'm on my own. Hopefully I can do it without meetings. I had previously lost 88 pound by myself without any outside help, so I know I am capable of doing it.

Is that Fuelband like ActiveLink where you have to pay monthly to track?

That Chili recipe sounds like a winner. Please post it. I am always looking for lower points meals. Edited by bunchesofun
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Hi Nikki & Bunches,

I'll post the Chili recipe tomorrow when I'm on the computer at work.

Nikki - congrats on the great weigh in! Just keep doing what you're doing :)

Bunches - Fuelband does NOT require a subscription, which is one of the reasons I like it. But it is more expensive than the ActiveLink. It was $150, but it has been much more worthwhile for me in just a few weeks. You set a daily goal each day and today I set it a bit higher, so while standing at the photocopier this afternoon (for 45 minutes!) I did side steps --- just to get in extra movement. Fortunately the people at work already KNOW I'm crazy! :D

If you're mainly walking then I think a pedometer would probably do just as much for you. If you wear it all day you'll get steps, stairs, etc. and that gives you a good idea of how much time you spend sitting. JMHO
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[quote name='Water•Baby']

I have a good 'homemade' steak chili recipe if anyone is interested. A full serving is 8 points and it's very filling with a lot of tomatoes in it. Will be happy to share.[/quote]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][COLOR=DarkOrange][B]Hi t[SIZE=4]here Waterb[SIZE=4]aby and I [SIZE=4]can't wait until you post the chili recipe! I am constantly looking for new recipes and [SIZE=4]love trying a new one everyday!

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[COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=4][FONT=Comic Sans MS][B]Looked at the Nike Fu[SIZE=4]elband and ouch...too much for me cause I know it would tell me nothing more than..."You are in[SIZE=4]acti[SIZE=4]ve[SIZE=4]" lol. Glad it is working for you Waterbaby[SIZE=4]!

[SIZE=4]New day today...I [SIZE=4]fell off the wagon yest[SIZE=4]erday:eek:[SIZE=4] ,[SIZE=4] went to Bob Evans for lu[SIZE=4]nch and yes I just had soup and salad but boy was it way high in points. So today...I start over.:D[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE]
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Here's my recipe for Steak Chili. As described here & divided into 12 servings it is 8 Points per serving.

[*]3 lb. Chuck Roast - trimmed (will probably have to buy a bigger roast & trim yourself). Or can use 3 lbs of chuck steak (see note below)
[*]2 x 28-ounce cans of crushed tomatoes
[*]1 tbsp vegetable oil
[*]3 cloves garlic - minced
[*]1 onion - chopped (I use Vidalia)
[*]3 tbsp chili powder (I like it hot!)
[*]couple of dashes of crushed red pepper
[*]1 tsp cayenne pepper
[*]1 tsp cumin
[*]3 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
[*]salt and pepper to taste

Chop the beef into bite sized chunks after trimming all visible fat. Heat a large pot or dutch oven. Add the beef to the pot and brown. This will take several minutes as the beef produces a lot of juice. If there is a lot of liquid in the pot I usually drain out the liquid, add the beef back & then let it brown.

Drain remaining liquid out of the pot & set the beef aside for a minute. Into the empty pot, put a tbsp of vegetable oil and heat. Add the garlic and onion. Add the beef back in to the pot & stir until onion is fragrant (a few minutes).

Add all remaining ingredients EXCEPT cocoa powder. Lower heat to LOW and let it cook on a low simmer for a couple of hours. Keep the cover on the pot. [I]If you don't like your food really hot, add about a third of the chili powder and cayenne at first. Taste after about an hour and increase the heat as needed. I do this with the salt, too.[/I]

About 30 minutes before serving, add the cocoa powder and continue cooking on a low simmer.

If you like [B]beans [/B]in your chili, add a can or two of well rinsed beans (whatever kind you like - kidney, pinto, black) when you add the cocoa powder and simmer. The points value above doesn't include beans.

You can also add other vegetables you like.

If you prefer, you can make this with round steak but the steak won't be as tender. This recipe can also be made in a crock pot. I serve it either with a bit of rice or with a small dinner roll.

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[quote name='Water•Baby']Here's my recipe for Steak Chili. As described here & divided into 12 servings it is 8 Points per serving.

[*]3 lb. Chuck Roast - trimmed (will probably have to buy a bigger roast & trim yourself). Or can use 3 lbs of chuck steak (see note below)
[*]2 x 28-ounce cans of crushed tomatoes
[*]1 tbsp vegetable oil
[*]3 cloves garlic - minced
[*]1 onion - chopped (I use Vidalia)
[*]3 tbsp chili powder (I like it hot!)
[*]couple of dashes of crushed red pepper
[*]1 tsp cayenne pepper
[*]1 tsp cumin
[*]3 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
[*]salt and pepper to taste

Chop the beef into bite sized chunks after trimming all visible fat. Heat a large pot or dutch oven. Add the beef to the pot and brown. This will take several minutes as the beef produces a lot of juice. If there is a lot of liquid in the pot I usually drain out the liquid, add the beef back & then let it brown.

Drain remaining liquid out of the pot & set the beef aside for a minute. Into the empty pot, put a tbsp of vegetable oil and heat. Add the garlic and onion. Add the beef back in to the pot & stir until onion is fragrant (a few minutes).

Add all remaining ingredients EXCEPT cocoa powder. Lower heat to LOW and let it cook on a low simmer for a couple of hours. Keep the cover on the pot. [I]If you don't like your food really hot, add about a third of the chili powder and cayenne at first. Taste after about an hour and increase the heat as needed. I do this with the salt, too.[/I]

About 30 minutes before serving, add the cocoa powder and continue cooking on a low simmer.

If you like [B]beans [/B]in your chili, add a can or two of well rinsed beans (whatever kind you like - kidney, pinto, black) when you add the cocoa powder and simmer. The points value above doesn't include beans.

You can also add other vegetables you like.

If you prefer, you can make this with round steak but the steak won't be as tender. This recipe can also be made in a crock pot. I serve it either with a bit of rice or with a small dinner roll.

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][COLOR=DarkOrange][B]Thanks for the recipe ... will have t[SIZE=4]o give it a try. The only difference for me is that I would proba[SIZE=4]bly use venison instea[SIZE=4]d of a ch[SIZE=4]uck roast. We don't use a lot of beef but use venison instead. [SIZE=4]Yummy![/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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