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Weight Watchers Point System anyone?

cruising mickey

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Hi everyone,

Well that was a blow out of a weekend ... and not because of the Super Bowl. DH wound up in hospital with a huge kidney stone on Wednesday evening and they had him back in for surgery on Saturday. So I did a bit of stress eating at the hospital. It could have been much worse (they have a Mcdonald's with the cafe), but it was bad enough. I was up 1# yesterday when I weighed at home, but am going to be very diligent so that is gone by my regular WI on Thursday.

We didn't go out to a party for the SB game, and I made a pot of jambalaya instead. I have to calculate the points today but think it was about 9 points per serving ([U]very [/U] [U]small[/U] [U]serving [/U]I might add). Not bad, but not great. I just felt the need to have some [I]comfort [/I]food since our team - the Falcons - were knocked out in the last round. Boooooo.

So my cruise is in 75 days, and I can say that this is helping me a bit in my focus. I have calculated where I want to be and know that I will not get there if I'm not diligent. I don't want to find myself packing and saying to myself, "why didn't you try a bit harder so you could have lost the weight?". I'll just keep picturing myself packing & having to BUY clothes that fit because I won't have gotten back into my cruise clothes size. Maybe I'll pull out some of the clothes I want to wear and have them hang where I can see them ...

Anyone have any tricks to stay focused and motivated?

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[quote name='serene56']

I felt like i was constantly eating. But the shrimp coctail with those 4 tiny shrinp-- how many points will that dish be??

Shrimp Cocktail is only 3-4 points per serving.

It sounds like you did REALLY well! And I never weigh myself until about 3 days after the cruise because it seems like I'm up a few pounds until I flush my system with water.
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[quote name='Water•Baby']Hi everyone,

Well that was a blow out of a weekend ... and not because of the Super Bowl. DH wound up in hospital with a huge kidney stone on Wednesday evening and they had him back in for surgery on Saturday. So I did a bit of stress eating at the hospital. It could have been much worse (they have a Mcdonald's with the cafe), but it was bad enough. I was up 1# yesterday when I weighed at home, but am going to be very diligent so that is gone by my regular WI on Thursday.

We didn't go out to a party for the SB game, and I made a pot of jambalaya instead. I have to calculate the points today but think it was about 9 points per serving ([U]very [/U][U]small[/U] [U]serving [/U]I might add). Not bad, but not great. I just felt the need to have some [I]comfort [/I]food since our team - the Falcons - were knocked out in the last round. Boooooo.

So my cruise is in 75 days, and I can say that this is helping me a bit in my focus. I have calculated where I want to be and know that I will not get there if I'm not diligent. I don't want to find myself packing and saying to myself, "why didn't you try a bit harder so you could have lost the weight?". I'll just keep picturing myself packing & having to BUY clothes that fit because I won't have gotten back into my cruise clothes size. Maybe I'll pull out some of the clothes I want to wear and have them hang where I can see them ...

Anyone have any tricks to stay focused and motivated?


We are cruising this April as well. My motivation is looking at myself in a swimsuit. Every single pound lost is a good thing. Seriously, I am just taking one day at a time, or as my WW leader often says, one meal at a time.

That's all we can do.

Hope your dh is doing well.
Hang in there.

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[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple][B]WI was not good. I gained 1.6 pounds. This was not a surprize. I am focussed on doing my new plan and see how that works out next week. I just [/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple][B]made a pot of WW garden veggie soup so I can eat if I really am hungry. I need to eat some leftovers tonight, so am concentrating on keeping points low for the rest of the day. There is a bowl of jambalaya, and a tub of sour cream and a chorizo sausage that needs to be eaten or thrown away. I cannot bring myself to throw out food even while trying to keep to points so the only way is to limit the rest of the meals. So far today I have had yogurt, an orange, some bagel chips and about 2 tbsp of hummus, a small bowl of strawberries and I will have a cup of the soup soon. That works out to 8 points and it is 2:30. I should be okay if I keep the snacks out of reach tonight.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple][B]Cari, I cannot imagine keeping to 21 points a day. You did well if that is all you ate most days. Now that you adjust to 26, don't get discouraged if you gain a little over the week as that is an extra 5 points a day. I'll bet your stomach will thank you for the extra food you give it.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple][B]Waterbaby, I hope your DH is healing well. I love the strategy of hanging cruise clothes where you can see them as motivation. I would do that except mine are at home. I am going to buy a cute sundress and hang that instead. If I see it everytime I walk into the bedroom, it should remind me to keep my mouth shut.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple][B]Serene, you did extremely well on your cruise. Good for you. Now perhaps the strategy should be to plan another one soon. That could be all the motivation that you need.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple][B]Nikki[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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[quote name='Hoosiercouple']BTW, I just read you're review. It sounds like you had a great time. We were planning on doing the exact same thing in San Juan, so that info came in handy. I Posted a question, on your review, to see if the salad bar had low fat or fat free dressing options. Also, wanted to see if you used the outside track and how many laps equel a mile..[/quote]

Cari- that leader should be shot. 21 points is not healthy at all. that is like eating nothing. did you find that losing weight was hard?

10 laps = 1 mile.
(it will be posted on the stairs there)
carry a stack of pennies . find a place easy to access as you run by move a penny for each lap.

There is a jogging track on the Carnival Glory. You'll find the track on the Spa Deck, deck number 11. You should note that deck 11 is a split deck, and no all elevators will go to the part of the deck where the jogging track is located. Because of this, the best way to get to the jogging track is to take the stairs up from deck 10. You'll find the stairs in the back of the ship near the fish and chips bar near the sliding sky dome. Edited by serene56
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[quote name='Hoosiercouple']Holy Sh!! I've been on 21 points for a very long time AND it was calculated by a WW rep !!!!!!!![/QUOTE]

It just hit me ... 21 points was the OLD system. I was on 21 points with that system, too. And we got 35 extra points then.
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I gotta say I am thrilled this morning.
Finally got weighed for after the cruise. I was expecting maybe a 3 pound weight gain.
I LOST 2.9 pounds.

I really did eat last week but I was more active then when I am at home.
Took the stairs most of the time.. I think the only times I used the elevators was getting on and off the ship.

I guess moving really does help.

Like I said-= I ate Guys Burgers twice but got rid of the rolls. Yes they both had cheese and one had the bacon on it.
But i did eat fruit with each meal. and a salad with lunch and dinner.

Dinner-- yikes i had like two appitizers, a salad and the main course but we shared desserts each night., I was not deprived. I ate what I wanted.
Within reason.
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple][B]Losing almost 3 pounds while cruising is a fantastic accomplishment! I must take a page from your book. Now when I lose these extra pounds, I can use your example and Cari's earlier plan and when I return I will be so much happier with myself. It was my cruise last November that started me on this bad spiral that I have been on with the ups and downs. But with my new plan, I am ready to reverse that.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple][B]Nikki[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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Nikki, our cruise was Dec 2nd and I have had a devil of a time getting back to normal after we got back. Of course we did have, Dan's Birthday, our anniversary, Christmas and New Year's, but I'm going to have to learn how to deal with celebrations and not let them derail me. As much as I'm looking forward to the next cruise, I'm afraid that afterwards it will mean months of struggling to get back on program.
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I think the longer you are on the program the easier it gets.
We have been going since the end of last March, Honey says we gotta give it a year.

So its almost a year and I can see the changes we made. We did not look at it as dieting but as a lifestyle change.

having a grand child and making us want to be around for a lot longer then what we were heading for made a huge difference.

Well, before we went honey was diagnosed with a lot of health issues,.= diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol-etc etc.

when we flew out last Janaury and he could not fastened the seat belt was his defining moment.

Now he skips down main street holding Grand daughters hand... (LOL)
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple][B]I didn't do badly yesterday but after dinner I couldn't get rid of the snackies until I ate a bowl ( small) of kettle corn. I used 6 of my extra points. Today was good. I have already counted my dinner points and I will have 6 left, so I am going to have a red wine spritzer and leave my pudding until about 8 pm. No extra points for me today. Am I finally back to the program? I sure hope so. Enough is too much!!!![/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple][B]Nikki[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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nikki my concern for you is you are eating foods not filling.

where is your protien?


yoplait greek yogurt has 2 points very high in fiber and protien which is a filling food. i mix it with pineapples


by 2:30half my points are gone.


in the begining of my journey i was eating that that. always hungry afraid of running out of points early in the day.


i also try not to eat 3 hours before bed

Edited by serene56
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Hi everyone, is it ok if I join in on the WW discussion? I was successful losing weight with WW about 10 years ago and then did what so many people do - I stopped going to the meetings. :( This time, I have a lot of support from friends and family on the program and I am committed to sticking with it for life. I have about 40 pounds to lose but I remind myself that I am about 18 pounds down from where I was this time last year, so not bad, right? We are sailing with the Norwegian Epic January 2014, so plenty of time to get into bathing suit shape!



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Hi everyone, is it ok if I join in on the WW discussion? I was successful losing weight with WW about 10 years ago and then did what so many people do - I stopped going to the meetings. :( This time, I have a lot of support from friends and family on the program and I am committed to sticking with it for life. I have about 40 pounds to lose but I remind myself that I am about 18 pounds down from where I was this time last year, so not bad, right? We are sailing with the Norwegian Epic January 2014, so plenty of time to get into bathing suit shape!






Welcome back to WW. I too, joined in 2002 and made lifetime in 2003. Have been on and off the WW wagon since. It's hitting goal and then trying to MAINTAIN. I am in your same spot. Just got back on the wagon after the holidays, which I had a nice little gain.


You can do it, the new 360` plan is wonderful. It gives us the mental tools and teaches skills to maintain a lifetime goal weight not just a quick fix for a fast loss.


Slow and steady wins the race.








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My doctor put me on two different types of steroid medication yesterday. One of the side affects is weight-gain. I'm so bummed out. :(


I have some significant neurological issues, due to a bad car acct a few years back, and the medication is necessary and not optional.


I am hoping for the best but know this will be an uphill struggle for me.








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Hi I am Tina and have been reading your threads and decided to introduce myself. I don't have a lot of time before cruise. Started WW a week and half ago. First week lost 4.6 lbs. According to my scales I have lost another 3 lbs. May be off. We had a party Sat. night and Super Bowl Sunday. Decided to drink my calories. Sun. had one piece of Pizza , no snacks and no desert. But had 2 glasses of wine. I also had a steroid shot this week. Don't know if that is why I am up .5 lbs.

Yesterday I did not have enough points????Who knows why. Everyone keep on working at it. It is truly a journey. Tina

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Serene, I do get my protein. I eat yogurt or have an egg in the morning. At noon, I have an egg depending on the morning meal or yogurt, low fat cheese or soup. I always have chicken, meat, seafood or some kind of beans for dinner. My doctor had me meet with a dietician when I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Adding flax to most things I cook is also something that I have learned to do.

Welcome Kywildcatgirl, Tina and Carollis.You will have noticed that we all have our struggles and the support of others has been most important to me. Most of us have come to the conclusion that this is a lifetime journey.

Cari, sorry to hear about the new prescription. But as you acknowlege, these issues are so much more important than the weight issue. You will have a herder row to hoe, but I know that you will still make the time to do what it takes. You are very dedicated and determined.


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Today was my Jenny Craig "Me Day." I ate my regular breakfast and lunch. Then we went to a bar where I had a cosmopolitan, a salad and pulled pork sliders. I should have only eaten 1 slider, but I ate both. Points for the day, were the full 26 and I used 5 extras. But I did gain 2 activity points for my long beach walk.


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