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Do chair hogs exist on Princess (not that I want them to)


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So now people are dictating what others can do while away from the chair. That's a good one. LOL :D

Lets see...... if people aren't actually swimming in the deep end of the pool they should give up their chair. ;) Also no bathroom breaks. :) If you have to go, do it in the pool or lose your chair. :eek:


I think the point is "why do you consider it your chair?"

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I think the point is "why do you consider it your chair?"


I'm only using it just like yourself or others during the day but don't expect me to vacate the chair because I'm gone for 30 1/2 minutes just to have someone else move in for the rest of the day and do the same thing. I'll give it up when I'm done & it won't be all day but if I decide to eat lunch during my break, don't expect me to vacate the chair so willingly. That not hogging by any stretch of anyone's imagination.

Now this is a chair hog by anyone's definition. This guy put his stuff down every day, same chair and left his stuff there all day long. I I saw him in the seat a few times but on days in port he would lay his stuff out waiting there until he returned in the afternoon after a tour.

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I'm only using it just like yourself or others during the day but don't expect me to vacate the chair because I'm gone for 30 1/2 minutes just to have someone else move in for the rest of the day and do the same thing. I'll give it up when I'm done & it won't be all day but if I decide to eat lunch during my break, don't expect me to vacate the chair so willingly. That not hogging by any stretch of anyone's imagination.

Now this is a chair hog by anyone's definition. This guy put his stuff down every day, same chair and left his stuff there all day long. I I saw him in the seat a few times but on days in port he would lay his stuff out waiting there until he returned in the afternoon after a tour.


Your the one who used the term "give up their chair." I just want to know how anyone feels they have a right to the chair being "theirs."



Is a 30.5 minutes really any different from several hours? I just don't get the point of people thinking that if they go to lunch they are still sunning themselves by the pool.

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A table is a great idea. It wouldn't necessarily have to be manned all the time. Just the presence of the table, with a sign saying that items removed from deck chairs have been placed there, would be a huge deterrent. Plus, it would empower more passengers to remove items from chairs that had been left unoccupied for 30 minutes or longer.


Thanks, I think I got it now....rules that are not enforced or we don't agree with are "guidelines" and those that we do are "rules"....how silly of me not to have figured this out before.


I guess if you have a good enough reason (have to go eat lunch, etc.) that trumps the mentions in the Patters and any signs in the area. Other than taking a dip in the pool or hot tub or needing to visit the restroom, the cruiseline feels that passengers should remain considerate of the others.


I'm not a sunbunny and prefer to read my book in the shady part, but sometimes I need to be closer to the pool if watching my kid. If there are empty chairs in whatever area I plan to sit, aside from towels and cheap sunglasses, and no otherwise available chairs, I will ask anyone in the area if they've seen these people. If nobody has, the towel, etc. will end up moved. And if the owners come along, I'll just sweetly play innocent. It probably wouldn't be a good idea to hassle a 100 pound, five foot woman in her 50s.

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I wander up to the shaded area of pool deck [since i hate sun] at 9 a.m. immediately after breakfast at the HC, and toss my towel. trust me... no one else is even clamoring for chairs at that hour on a Mexican Riv cruise, and then i go back to my cabin for 10 minutes to put on my suit and put on sunscreen. And amazingly, only a handfull of peeps are out there...

but a curious thing happens around 11:00 a.m...... people start showing up left and right and throw down towels everywhere, with 75% not returning for anywhere from minutes to hours, and that is where i have a problem.


I do not have a problem with those who have gone to the effort, like myself, to get up early, stake out their chair, return quickly to claim said chair, leave for reasonable time to go to the HC to eat. DH and I take turns -- he watches our chairs while I go to HC and prepare a platter. Takes about 8 to 10 minutes tops. I bring said platter back to chair. Then he goes and gets his food and brings it back to chair.

But we are using our chairs for the majority of the time we're on pool deck. Now, if I leave to go "wander" I tell him to release the chair if someone would really like it and he does the same. We try to be respectful regarding chairs. But if someone came over demanding my husband's chair because he leaves for under 30 minutes, I'd tell them to take a hike for sure. On RCCL 8 of us had 8 lounge chairs, and 2 out of 8 went back to their cabin to change into their suits. Two rude ladies came and very snottily asked if those chairs were taken, to which we replied yes, and our 2 from our party returned. Well, 45 minutes later, two more from our party left to go get a quick snack TO BRING BACK TO OUR AREA, and those same two rude dogs got even MORE demanding and wanted our chairs and I told them no way. You see, we'd been sitting there since 8:30 a.m. and here it was 12:00 p.m. and they slept it or went shopping or whatever, and then decided they'd just try to intimidate someone into giving them a chair. THAT is the behaviour that I cannot stand on cruise ships.

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Chair piglets!!!



Oh soooo cute!


So what am I? I get up early (because I am a morning person), have my coffee and write in my journal, then around 7-7:30 find a chair I like (not right next to the pool) and place my towel & book there, go have breakfast, change & am back out by 8-8:30. By noon I am hungry so I relinquish my chair, go eat and if I go back outside after lunch I find a new chair. Does that make me a piglet or a full blown hog? I'd kind of like to be a piglet :rolleyes:

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Your the one who used the term "give up their chair." I just want to know how anyone feels they have a right to the chair being "theirs."



Is a 30.5 minutes really any different from several hours? I just don't get the point of people thinking that if they go to lunch they are still sunning themselves by the pool.


What difference does it really make what they're doing as long as they return in a "reasonable" amount of time, whether it be eating, in the pool, going to your cabin for a bathroom break, whatever?

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Oh soooo cute!


So what am I? I get up early (because I am a morning person), have my coffee and write in my journal, then around 7-7:30 find a chair I like (not right next to the pool) and place my towel & book there, go have breakfast, change & am back out by 8-8:30. By noon I am hungry so I relinquish my chair, go eat and if I go back outside after lunch I find a new chair. Does that make me a piglet or a full blown hog? I'd kind of like to be a piglet :rolleyes:



If you're reserving a chair for an hour while you eat and change ... I don't think that falls into the "cute" category.:rolleyes:

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What difference does it really make what they're doing as long as they return in a "reasonable" amount of time, whether it be eating, in the pool, going to your cabin for a bathroom break, whatever?


You are redirecting this in a direction to suit you. This is the second post from you stating the same thing.The whole point is if you go to lunch or take in any other activity and save the chair for your return (No matter the time frame), you are hogging the chair. A Chair Hog is a Chair Hog. As the first post was asking if they exists on Princess, then I would asume by posts here, that they do indeed exist.

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I concur. The use of a pool lounger is for when you are at or in the pool. When you leave the pool area, you should give up the lounger. The only exception is a bathroom break.


It's not really that complicated. If you want to reserve a permanent lounger, book the sanctuary.


You are redirecting this in a direction to suit you. This is the second post from you stating the same thing.The whole point is if you go to lunch or take in any other activity and save the chair for your return (No matter the time frame), you are hogging the chair. A Chair Hog is a Chair Hog. As the first post was asking if they exists on Princess, then I would asume by posts here, that they do indeed exist.
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Well call me silly or a dreamer, but if Princess would just simply enforce the 30 minute policy, I think even the chair hogs would get the message after a while. We've been on 19 Princess cruises, and I've seen some pretty nasty arguments over chairs which could have been avoided if the 30 minute policy was enforced. Not sure why they even bother to have deck attendants, as I never see them do much. Seems like a waste of personal, and for that matter a waste of paint making up the policy signs. I had read on another thread where on the Grand they were actually enforcing the policy by tagging chairs, and removing articles after 30 minutes. Bravo!! Now if they would just do this fleet wide, problem solved, Bob's your uncle!



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Well call me silly or a dreamer, but if Princess would just simply enforce the 30 minute policy, I think even the chair hogs would get the message after a while. We've been on 19 Princess cruises, and I've seen some pretty nasty arguments over chairs which could have been avoided if the 30 minute policy was enforced. Not sure why they even bother to have deck attendants, as I never see them do much. Seems like a waste of personal, and for that matter a waste of paint making up the policy signs. I had read on another thread where on the Grand they were actually enforcing the policy by tagging chairs, and removing articles after 30 minutes. Bravo!! Now if they would just do this fleet wide, problem solved, Bob's your uncle!




What I don't understand is that an argument takes two people. If the hog is standing there yelling and screaming at the person that now occupies "the" not "their" deck chair, then said hog comes across looking like a lunatic! Then if the hog goes further and threatens a person or invades a person's personal space, it's time to call security. If chair hogging becomes a security issue, then maybe Princess will stand up and do their job of enforcing the rules!


Vacation is not a time to engage in any kind of altercation, verbal or physical. If people would learn to let the hog/now lunatic rant and rave at them without engaging with them, it's a win/win for the person now occupying the deck chair!!

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What difference does it really make what they're doing as long as they return in a "reasonable" amount of time, whether it be eating, in the pool, going to your cabin for a bathroom break, whatever?


Your definition of "reasonable" may be different than my idea of "reasonable". Princess' definition of "reasonable" is 30 minutes, which I think is ... reasonable:p. Now if we could just convince them to enforce it!

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I have no problem with the 30 min reservation of a lounger. In fairness it really comes down to Princess enforcing their 30 min rule and I applaud the fact that they are evidently doing so on the Grand. However until they do this fleetwide, inconsiderate people (the oinkers) will continue to ignore the rule and snub their snouts at the people they are inconveniencing.:eek:

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I appreciate this thread. I've often ended up in a lounger right next to Neptune's grill while I watched seats sit empty with a towel or sunglasses for hours.


Next time, I'll wait 30 minutes and move myself to a better location, put the items down on the ground.


If approached, I'll say, "Nobody was here so I took it."


If they continue their drama, I'll say something like, "you cannot reserve a chair for yourself. If you have an issue, please see a crew member. I'm busy reading." Then I'll proceed to read and ignore. :-)


Thanks everyone!

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If approached, I'll say, "Nobody was here so I took it."


If they continue their drama, I'll say something like, "you cannot reserve a chair for yourself. If you have an issue, please see a crew member. I'm busy reading." Then I'll proceed to read and ignore. :-)


Thanks everyone!


Or better yet, act like you don't speak English -- still better, learn some sign language and sign to them!! Wonder what their reaction would be to that?!?!?:eek::eek:

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You are redirecting this in a direction to suit you. This is the second post from you stating the same thing.The whole point is if you go to lunch or take in any other activity and save the chair for your return (No matter the time frame), you are hogging the chair. A Chair Hog is a Chair Hog. As the first post was asking if they exists on Princess, then I would asume by posts here, that they do indeed exist.


Well then I must be a chair hog by all definitions. The next question is, if I'm a chair hog then what difference does it make if I'm gone 45 minutes of 3 hours? Not much I guess.

I concur. The use of a pool lounger is for when you are at or in the pool. When you leave the pool area, you should give up the lounger. The only exception is a bathroom break.

It's not really that complicated. If you want to reserve a permanent lounger, book the sanctuary.


I love the way people decide for them selves what actions are appropriate & which are not. :p

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It's not a decision about what is appropriate. It's right there in the name. Pool lounger. A lounger for use in the pool area. If you are not in the pool area, you are not using a pool lounger by definition. I don't care what you are using it for while in the pool area as long as you are present.


It falls under the same rules for common courtesy as any other scarce public resource. If you are done eating in crowded McDonalds you should yield your space to those wandering with trays. If you are finished shopping move your car at the mall during holiday times. If you are leaving the pool area to do something else, give up your pool lounger to someone using the pool area.


There really should not need to be rules for this or enforcement, but sadly, people cannot be relied on to do the courteous thing anymore.







I love the way people decide for them selves what actions are appropriate & which are not. :p

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It falls under the same rules for common courtesy as any other scarce public resource. If you are done eating in crowded McDonalds you should yield your space to those wandering with trays. If you are finished shopping move your car at the mall during holiday times. If you are leaving the pool area to do something else, give up your pool lounger to someone using the pool area.


There really should not need to be rules for this or enforcement, but sadly, people cannot be relied on to do the courteous thing anymore.


You are so right! Common courtesy, just like common sense, sadly is a thing of the past.


We shouldn't need rules or even guidelines for time limits on loungers, you're either using it or you're not; just like we shouldn't need labels on highly toxic materials that state do not ingest orally and/or do not bathe your baby in said toxic material:rolleyes:!

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What I don't understand is that an argument takes two people. If the hog is standing there yelling and screaming at the person that now occupies "the" not "their" deck chair, then said hog comes across looking like a lunatic! Then if the hog goes further and threatens a person or invades a person's personal space, it's time to call security. If chair hogging becomes a security issue, then maybe Princess will stand up and do their job of enforcing the rules!


Vacation is not a time to engage in any kind of altercation, verbal or physical. If people would learn to let the hog/now lunatic rant and rave at them without engaging with them, it's a win/win for the person now occupying the deck chair!!


I agree totally, and I'm glad to say that I've never personally been involved in an argument with a chair hog and we are definitely not chair hogs. I guess I can only hope that I would handle the situation in a civilized manor, but as with most people there is a breaking point, especially when you are with family and friends.

Worst case I saw was a fellow who would come out at 6 am and toss towels and flip flops down on 8 loungers and leave. One morning a nice fellow came up to me and asked if I had seen what had happened to his towel and book that he had left on one of the 8 'reserved' loungers, which were empty when he put his stuff on them but which now had the usual towels and flip flops on them. He had gone to get his wife and when he returned his stuff was gone. He was not worried about losing the chair but really wanted his book back. I told him about the chair hog and his daily routine and mentioned that they usually took claim to the 'reserved' loungers around 11 ish and he could maybe ask them if they knew. I really felt sorry for the fellow.

I'm not sure why some people insist that the rules don't apply to them. Perhaps they think they've chartered a yacht and they have all the say in what applies. A little common courtesy would be a blessing at times.


I'm not sure where we're going but what the heck are we doing in this hand basket!



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I go by what I consider an appropriate amount of time to be gone from the chair & pushing it to a little over even the 30 minutes in my book isn't a major violations. Giving up the chair for as little as 10 minutes difference doesn't sound that bad to me considering that giving it up would sometimes mean no chair at all.

If they remove my stuff, then so be it but from past experience they can't be bothered for such minor infractions.


You already had the chair while you were there but while you went for 30-40-?50 min lunch someone else could not have a chair even though yours was empty. Gee, how could that be viewed as inconsiderate?:rolleyes:

And why should people have to stand around for 30 minutes monitoring chairs to find out which ones they might claim? Attendants should be tagging them.

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You already had the chair while you were there but while you went for 30-40-?50 min lunch someone else could not have a chair even though yours was empty. Gee, how could that be viewed as inconsiderate?:rolleyes:

And why should people have to stand around for 30 minutes monitoring chairs to find out which ones they might claim? Attendants should be tagging them.


Honestly, with some of the abuses I noticed on all of their ships I can't see why stretching the 30 minute limit slightly is any big thing. Although at times we don't return after lunch we do relinquish the chairs but if you have any intentions of going back after lunch you'll never find another. The day when attendants do tag the chairs I'll give them up immediately when I leave but we all know that not about to happen any time soon.

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Honestly, with some of the abuses I noticed on all of their ships I can't see why stretching the 30 minute limit slightly is any big thing. Although at times we don't return after lunch we do relinquish the chairs but if you have any intentions of going back after lunch you'll never find another. The day when attendants do tag the chairs I'll give them up immediately when I leave but we all know that not about to happen any time soon.


So just because someone else abuses something, that means that you should abuse it too? So THAT'S what's happened to common courtesy! Thank you for the clarification.


Oh, and NEVER say never! There were a lot of people that said Princess would never ban smoking on balconies:p!

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Well then I must be a chair hog by all definitions. The next question is, if I'm a chair hog then what difference does it make if I'm gone 45 minutes of 3 hours? Not much I guess.


The difference between 3 hours and 45 minutes? That would be 2 hours and 15 minutes. :rolleyes: What makes someone feel they are entitled to leave a chair unattended for hours? :confused: That's selfish and rude.

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