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Oasis of the Seas - Photo Review


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So sorry for the hiatus....I'm back, so where were we.....right pool! Calypso band, warm sunshine, feet in the water, cold beer...here I come.


We awaken bright and early at 9 am (WHAT? I told you it's good sleepin'!) and are ready to hit the pool deck by 9:30. I call my girlfriend and let her know the plan ...POOL! She says that the kids (including my daughter, who has already made it down to her room)


want to do the zipline and rock wall at 10:30. Crap, pool delay because I have to watch and take pictures! So that is now 45 minutes away. I call my mom and dad and see if they want to meet for a quick cup of Joe and then go watch her slide and climb.

We decide to meet in the Windjammer. Oh the Windjammer.....we have yet to discuss this wonderful venue on the ship. It brings to mind A PINBALL MACHINE with lots and lots of pinballs in it, bouncing around and bouncing off each other and every thing around them. Add to this that it is impossible to find a table. This place is way to small for a ship this size. Now I know the buffet on any ship is a little chaotic and a place to be avoided when possible but, IMHO this takes it to a new level. Not an enjoyable experience for me (and yes I realize that it was 10 am on a sea day).

We head up to the zipline, longingly casting a glance at the pool as we go. Their goes one of our party, two of our party, three of our party......are you going to go???? Nope, she decides she is only doing the rock wall. Great...











As I probably said before, and you probably could figure out for yourselves, the zip line is a novelty versus a thrill ride. I never saw the line terribly long, (but it very well may have been). It is not a terribly fast moving line because they are very aware of safety so it still takes a bit of time.

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Well it is now 11 am or so and we head down, down, down to the rock wall so they can climb back up, up, up.....seems like a point is being missed here.


Waving to the pool on the way to the stairs..."oh pool, why have thou forsaken me?"




The kids make short order of the rock wall. No problem at all. Especially my daughter.....apparently her hidden talent is fake rock wall climbing. Well, we all have to be good at some thing! For some people it's making money, other making world change.....just sayin'


So monkey girl scampers up the wall time and time again, we cheer for her and the others. My dad and I head up to our cabin to take pictures from there, then back down to meet back up with them. Whew, I am exhausted and I didn't even climb the wall!












Seriously, do you ever get tired of this view?


A funny (?) story: At one point this little girl was climbing the rock wall. She got a little ways up (maybe 20 feet) and froze. I can only assume she was crying. The guide goes up to get her....expecting to see compassion and him holding her and lowering her to the ground, I am shocked to see him grab her harness from behind and rip (sounds so violent doesn't it?) off the wall and let her free fall (okay, control fall, whatever, you tell me if she doesn't feel like she is free falling) to the mat.

Hello therapy, my name is fear of heights. It all started when I was 4 and aboard the Oasis of the Seas.....

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My dad is meeting my son for lunch and it is noon at this point so I bid him goodbye. "Oh look, the high diving show is about to start. Let's stay and watch it." "Yeah, great, good catch..." I hear from the people surrounding me as I watch my carefully procured tanning bed tan, fade right before my eyes.

We find a seat in the arena in the shade. The chairs that fold forward are still folded forward all throughout the area. This is important to illustrate the next story that I am going to share.


So we are sitting on the bench (where the boys are sitting) and we fold the chairs in front of us back (the row in front of the boys) so we can sit down. We are standing in and amongst this area, figuring out who is going to sit where.




The rest of the stadium is, how do I say it, I know EMPTY, when this lady comes and literally tries to sit down in one of our four chairs. I mean, she practically had to scootch under us to fit. I said to her, "I'm sorry, we are using these chairs." She looks at my girlfriend and I and says "It's clearly stated you are not allowed to save chairs." Okay people, I am not a violent person but I have to say, I nearly took the old bitty out. I mean seriously, what a witch. Did I mention to you that the place was empty....chairs as far as the eye could see, including those next to and in front on the ones we had chosen. Of course some people might just brush this off and go about their moment, enjoying the sunshine....all I have to say is you are better people than me. Then she kept shooting us these looks from her chair. I just smiled my biggest smile and gave her a great big wave. I have to say, that did make me feel a little better. It does make you feel good to share a smile. I think she "hufphed" Next the bar staff comes by and I order a soda. This is when he "buys" my girlfriend a soda (with my card). See, the stars are all out of line with the fact that I am here and not at the pool. I am screwing with the natural cosmic order of things and all things are going awry.

Soon people start to file in and the show is under way. This is (IMHO) a much better show than the OASIS of Dreams. It is light and fun.









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Immediately after the diving show was the Belly Flop Competition. Well, you are there and Richard is hosting...kind of have to stay. Plus, there is no way I am giving up this chair on the off chance that biddie still wants it. Over my dead body, lady! (yes, most of the rest of the world has moved on but not me, oh no, not me)









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We head out of the theater, down the normally sedate Boardwalk which has been instantly transformed into a tunnel of 1499 of your closest friends (and that lady) pushing, shoving, clawing, biting.....what? I think there may have been some of this. You don't know, you weren't there. It was probably all that lady. Anyway, a hint, for the smart people (which apparently doesn't include us), go up a floor by the rock wall and walk down the stateroom corridor on deck 7 and avoid the madness. Remember the life you save, might be your own.

Finally, it is time for .......lunch. Remember, these shows started at noon so alllll these people ARE THINKING EXACTLY THE SAME THING. I start to hear a chant (although it could just be some of the voices in my head) "Lunch, Lunch, Lunch, Lunch!"

We decided to head to the dining room for the salad bar. And although my tight body wants to be struttin' it's stuff on the pool deck, I remind it that it is important to keep up it's strength. We walk to the dining room and are perplexed (don't you love that word) to see that it is closed. Wondering aloud, we ask ourselves why, with 1488 other nice people (and that lady) all converging on restaurants, wouldn't you have the forethought to keep the restaurant open. Deciding that maybe it is not all about us (although it really, really should be) we head to the Park Cafe, where all the other people from the show have already converged. Scrapping up the three leafs of lettuce and the remnants of the hard boiled egg (just kidding) we find a seat on a park bench. As we watch the Rising Tide Bar go up and down, we decide to try it out while it is open and we are thinking about it (I mentioned that it wasn't working a couple times this week, right?)

My swimsuit, that I am keeping hidden under my clothes for the big reveal, immediately protests by digging into my shoulders and creeping.......anyway, I try to explain to it that this is not my fault and I too want to be frolicking in the pool and sippin' on a Miami Vice..... to just be patient a little longer.









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Afterwards, we decide to head up to the pool......Finally. It is 3 oclock at this point. Still plenty of time to get some sun and relax.










Why we went to the Solarium, I cannot say. Not that it is not lovely, it was my girlfriends favorite spot. It is just not what I was looking for. Maybe I am self sabotaging? Maybe it's karma reacting to the bad thoughts I had to that awful lady. Why can I not get myself to the fun filled, sun filled, Caribbean music filled pool? The answer, I have no idea. But, it didn't happen. Collective "awwwwwwww" for me please. Eventually, for what reason I can not recall, we ended up back at the room and re-watched the diving show from our "private" veranda.

Tip...the diving show is later too so feel free to go to the pool and stay and not rush down at noon for the show.

Dang, if I only had read my review prior to going! (just kidding)

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Fabulous pictures!! great actions shots. What kind of camera are you using? Has to be more fancy than one of those idiot proof cameras that I use.


we use several. The ice show shots that were really good were taken from my husbands SLR....it is a Sony, one of the new ones...not sure what it is called but it was about $700 and we got it just prior to the cruise. I will try and remember to ask him when he gets home.

The others we use are the Sony DSC HX5 which takes fabulous HD movies and probably took most of the diving shots. Or the Canon SD850IS which is my personal favorite camera for colors (brightness). We also have a canon underwater camera powershot D10, which normally does better than the Jamaican pictures. DOn't know what happened there.

Pretty idiot proof. Our theory is, if you take enough pictures. Even an idiot can get a couple good ones. We took 2012 on this trip. I always have two with me and he always has his. Unless of course we are in the water cuz that would just be dumb!! ;):D

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Okay see if you can spot anything different about these two pictures???


Look where the guy lands.




Am I crazy or is this really close to the side!!! Could be the angle but it is the same angle for both shots.




Here is a good view of the high diving platforms.








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Dinner in the dining room and a show. The show was Evolution, a Beetles impersonation band. They were really, really good and it was as fun to watch the audience get into it as it was to watch the band. Fists pumping in the air and dancing in the seats. I really enjoyed it. BUT the reason I went was not for the Beetles, it was for Richard doing his Evolution of Dance, dance that I heard he would be preforming. Liars!!! What a bummer! Later that night was the "dancing in the streets" party hosted by Austin Powers and the Village People. I have seen it before so didn't make it but it is fun to watch if you get a chance.













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Tomorrow we have an awesome day planned aboard a catamaran in Cozumel. Really looking forward to it. BTW, the ship has been really, really rocking last night and tonight. I am thinking about those poor divers standing on the platforms. Scary.


A couple random pictures to finish the day











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Thank you so much for this wonderful review! It has been so entertaining to read and really has me looking forward to our trip on Oasis in less than two months!


A special thanks for the photos of the elevators and the "info screens." I'm vision impaired, so it's nice to have a head's up! Bonus - now I know the screens are big enough for me to use, yay!

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Just found this review. I am a loyal Carnival cruiser, (okay, let's be honest...they are the only ones left on the west coast and we have 2 kids under 4 so I am not ready to fly across the country with them, yet)


Anyhow, I have been considering RCCL so I took a gander are their boards and what do I find? Your review! I read your review of Carnival's San Juan trip and freaken loved it. You are so funny. I kept talking about you to my wife and she would be like, who is this "other woman"? Anyhow, just started reading and have a lot to go, but wanted to tell you how great your reviews are.

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Just found this review. I am a loyal Carnival cruiser, (okay, let's be honest...they are the only ones left on the west coast and we have 2 kids under 4 so I am not ready to fly across the country with them, yet)


Anyhow, I have been considering RCCL so I took a gander are their boards and what do I find? Your review! I read your review of Carnival's San Juan trip and freaken loved it. You are so funny. I kept talking about you to my wife and she would be like, who is this "other woman"? Anyhow, just started reading and have a lot to go, but wanted to tell you how great your reviews are.


Awwww thanks so much! That means a lot. A lot of people write reviews to pay it forward......me, mostly to have my ego stoked.;):D So thanks for the stroke. I'm going to go look at myself in the mirror now and tell myself how great I am. Then I will tell you all about Cozumel. C U Soon.

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What day and time was the Splish Splash show. Is this show only available during sea days during the day? Would like to keep this in mind and not book anything at this time.






My dad is meeting my son for lunch and it is noon at this point so I bid him goodbye. "Oh look, the high diving show is about to start. Let's stay and watch it." "Yeah, great, good catch..." I hear from the people surrounding me as I watch my carefully procured tanning bed tan, fade right before my eyes.

We find a seat in the arena in the shade. The chairs that fold forward are still folded forward all throughout the area. This is important to illustrate the next story that I am going to share.


So we are sitting on the bench (where the boys are sitting) and we fold the chairs in front of us back (the row in front of the boys) so we can sit down. We are standing in and amongst this area, figuring out who is going to sit where.




The rest of the stadium is, how do I say it, I know EMPTY, when this lady comes and literally tries to sit down in one of our four chairs. I mean, she practically had to scootch under us to fit. I said to her, "I'm sorry, we are using these chairs." She looks at my girlfriend and I and says "It's clearly stated you are not allowed to save chairs." Okay people, I am not a violent person but I have to say, I nearly took the old bitty out. I mean seriously, what a witch. Did I mention to you that the place was empty....chairs as far as the eye could see, including those next to and in front on the ones we had chosen. Of course some people might just brush this off and go about their moment, enjoying the sunshine....all I have to say is you are better people than me. Then she kept shooting us these looks from her chair. I just smiled my biggest smile and gave her a great big wave. I have to say, that did make me feel a little better. It does make you feel good to share a smile. I think she "hufphed" Next the bar staff comes by and I order a soda. This is when he "buys" my girlfriend a soda (with my card). See, the stars are all out of line with the fact that I am here and not at the pool. I am screwing with the natural cosmic order of things and all things are going awry.

Soon people start to file in and the show is under way. This is (IMHO) a much better show than the OASIS of Dreams. It is light and fun.









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Are those the seats in the theatre?? Better than my furniture at home. ;)

Ok I have to ask...my DH and I have a habit of heading to the theater, we get our seats, we might even get a drink from one of the nice ( overly aggressive) waiters circulating. Then we each might make a trip to powder our noses before the show starts. ( my DH doesnt like to shine- kidding!)

Are we going to get into fusticuffs with other theater goers over our bathroom habits? Because if so, I'm really done with the mass market lines, even tho I'm diamond after my last booked RCI cruise, I just don't enjoy mixing it up as part of my vacation...Ive read this enough times on CC, that I'm really serious about moving on! I really don't need people all up in my grill.

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What day and time was the Splish Splash show. Is this show only available during sea days during the day? Would like to keep this in mind and not book anything at this time.



It plays at 12:30 and 3:30 on day 5. That is the only time as far as I can figure.

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Love, Love, Love your shirts! Are you willing to share your secret on how you made them? Would love to make some for our upcoming Oasis trip! Any suggestions or advice you are willing to offer would be appreciated!


Loved your review and awesome pictures too!


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Are those the seats in the theatre?? Better than my furniture at home. ;)

Ok I have to ask...my DH and I have a habit of heading to the theater, we get our seats, we might even get a drink from one of the nice ( overly aggressive) waiters circulating. Then we each might make a trip to powder our noses before the show starts. ( my DH doesnt like to shine- kidding!)

Are we going to get into fusticuffs with other theater goers over our bathroom habits? Because if so, I'm really done with the down rent lines, even tho I'm diamond after my last booked RCI cruise, I just don't enjoy mixing it up as part of my vacation...Ive read this enough times on CC, that I'm really serious about moving on! I really don't need people all up in my grill.


Well, I have to say, if scary, old bitty is on board then you may have a problem. But since she doesn't work for RCCL and I can't figure out a way to track where she will cruise next to avoid her.....you may not want to hold it against RCCL ;)

If it helps, the towel police (saved chairs) were very laxidasical (don't you hate it when spell check doesn't even have a clue what you are trying to type) at the pool. Of course I had to hear this from other people as I HAVE YET TO BE AT THE POOL. Anyway, that's what my peeps tell me. So if this is any indication, you should be fine to take a powder trip. But just in case, bring boobie traps for your chair.


The chairs at the Aqua Theater were very nice. I loved the whole area actually.

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