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11/2-11/6 Silhouette Review---a slightly different perspective than an average guest


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Hi all!


So I decided to write a 'lil review of my cruise aboard the Celebrity Silhouette, from a slightly different prospective than your "everyday average" cruiser. My boyfriend is the orchestra pianist aboard the ship and I was very lucky to be able to take a little cruise and visit him! I pretty much got to see the "in's and out's" of cruising and how hard the crew members work to make every moment an enjoyable vacation for people like us!


I can't give information about how this all worked out for me to be able to go and visit, because that is confidential corporate info, but what I can tell you is that some staff members receive certain privileges that entitle them to sign on guests to visit them for a cruise, or even just a day. It's quite a nice gesture that the company puts forth, because if you remember, if any of you have kept up with my posts, my boyfriends contract is for 5 months--meaning this cruise was the first time since the end of June that I had seen him. I won't cover it up, it's pretty difficult to leave your family and friends for that long, but it's a great job with so many opportunities--and to be honest, musicians have to take what they can get when a fantastic opportunity comes around like this. Plus, from what I noticed, Celebrity is a fantastic company to work for---they care very much about their crew.


Okay, now to step off the soap box ;)




I have to start with the food. OH MY GOSH. Fantastic. Absolutely fantastic. I spent a few meals at Oceanview cafe, and their variety is wonderful. My two favorites were being able to "create your own" panini or grilled sandwich , and the "create your own" pasta station. SO many choices, and it all tastes fantastic for just being the main "buffet" casual dinning experience that is was. I loved being able to actually sit on the outside deck as well, where it was not terribly crowded and I could just sit and enjoy my meal while sailing along---what a treat! The staff was extra friendly which made it a great experience. Next on to the Grand Cuvee. This was an experience in itself! How many times can you say that you had L'escargot TWO days in a row? The Cuvee was probably one of my favorite spots on the ship. the food was absolutely fantastic. The first night I had l'escargot and a goat cheese tart for appetizers, followed by a lobster bisque soup, a cajun marinated lamb shank on top of a bed of couscous and mixed veggies for an entree (this was ok, way too large of a portion and was a little salty for my liking), and creme brulee for dessert (my favorite!). My dearest had the same appetizers, but also had french onion soup (was fantastic!), and Coq au Vin for an entree. He had to run off to do a show that night so he just had a quick espresso (which he claims is one of the best) and went to play. The second night (yes, I was spoiled on this short 4 day jaunt!) we went all out. I had l'escargot again (just as fantastic!), shrimp cocktail, salmon/cream cheese rolls (very good!) for appetizers, he had frog legs, I skipped the soup, but he had a tangerine and granny apple chilled soup that was absolutely amazing. Perfect palate cleanser! I went straight for a NY sirloin steak with a garlic butter on top with veggies and garlic mashed potatoes, and dearest had a veal shank with veggies--was good! (This was honestly, probably the best steak I've ever had. Perfectly cooked and the glaze was perfect.) For dessert I had a raspberry dark chocolate truffle cake and some green tea, and my bf had cherries jubilee and an espresso, which he was thrilled about....then off to another show!


Unfortunately, during this cruise, the specialty restaurants were by "invitation only" and since, well, he is crew and I'm not a VIP, they were out of the question for us. I was really sad I couldn't try out Qsine!


BAR'S/Night scene


Being in my 20's this was a very fun part of my experience. Him and I are more "classy" drinkers than the typical young adult, so we very much enjoyed the Passport Bar, the Sky Lounge, and the Martini Bar. We did spend a few hours in Quasar throughout the trip and that was very fun. It was super clean, and more "respectful" than your average nightclub. It's full of loud music, but hey, that is why you go to a nightclub-- to dance to it!!!


I loved Passport because of it's open feel and the live entertainment from Sipra, was FANTASTIC band. This band is just wonderful. The pianist and the vocalist in the band I got to hang around quite a bit because the bf is pretty good friends with them, and even got to play a set with them on the night of Nov 5th. (woo hoo!!) They play anything and everything and are just so much fun!


Sky lounge was never busy when I was there, nice place to relax and have a (free) martini! (Yes..open bar this cruise was a nice perk!) Beautiful design!


Martini Bar was were him and I got to meet the ever famous Kenny G who was on board and did a show on the 5th. Love to just relax here, high energy crowd, and is right above the passport/foyer were there is live music.





Well, I am of course biased with this review since my dearest plays in most of the shows! The show band is just fantastic. Super tight musicians who have such musical direction and just know how to do it right! Great, great group! It was fantastic to be able to meet the members of the show band and their bandmaster, what nice individuals who know how to have a good time! The singers were also beyond fantastic, such personality and talent they bring to the stage, even when their part isn't the significant feature of the show, they make the show an experience to remember! The dancers, acrobats and the aerialists were just breath taking! I was able to meet a few of them and they are wonderful people--not to mention incredibly talented...I saw the "Silhouette" show 4 times during the cruise and I could have watched it 10 more times, it was that good in my opinion! And I can't forget to mention the physical comedian, he was a hoot! What personality and coordination! I was in awe the whole time!


I can't forget to mention Kenny G, being a musician myself, mainly a clarinet and sax player, I will admit to not being his "biggest" fan (to a some of us in the music world he is kind of an inside joke) but his show was really something I was glad I was able to go and see...and I mean...he is a great guy, and he is quite talented. He had all the ladies screaming...so he's doing something right ;) He really did make the trip very memorable for me!




Well, I can't tell you much about these because I didn't see one! How is that?? Well being a crew guest I stayed in a crew cabin with the member who signed me on. What an experience in itself! He had warned me before "Dear, it is very small, don't be alarmed" but I would have never guessed. It is literally a closet. about 4.5 feet wide and maybe 7-8 feet long. He shares a bathroom with another crew member, which you can literally go on to the toilet, shower ,and brush your teeth all at the same time. It's about 2 feet by 4 feet...max. Bed's fold down from the wall, and are actually pretty comfortable! Not bad at all! We joked calling it the "coffin bed" because of how you feel you are in a corner and can just be closed up into the wall. After the first night, I was already used to it. It's not awful, and is actually quite cozy! The crew areas are pretty nice in my opinion. I only ate one meal at the "crew mess" and that wasn't a big deal to me...seeing as in my college days I got used to cafeteria food. The crew bar, Mingles, was a nice, not smokey, place and was just a nice hang out. We only hung out there once with some of the band, but it was a nice night! There is a nightclub, Fuze, that we didn't end up going to, only because it's really smokey and I'm not really into that much. The crew area is essentially a big maze until you figure out what "loop" or "circle" you are supposed to be in. That's about all the information I am allowed to share about that ;)


THE ship itself:


What a beauty. It is just breathtaking when you first get to the port and see it. Once inside, you feel what they call "Modern Luxury"...it is so true.



Any questions, feel free to ask! And if I can answer, I sure will :)



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That must have been a fun experience; I am one who always loves to see the "behind the scenes" action. Maybe I should get my wife to work on a ship.......haha.....


We board next Friday and are looking forward to seeing the ship, hopefully we will get a chance to meet Rory!!


You mentioned you got to perform too? Do you play piano as well?

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I am so happy the two of you got to enjoy the experience.;)


Hopefully, he didn't pass on any of his germs, seems like he got a bit of a cold towards the end of his transatlantic.


Once again, tell him to book a contract on the Silhouette next Nov-Dec so I can enjoy his music. :D

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Thanks for sharing a more "personal" review. I sure hope Rory is on board when we sail Jan 17. Will he still be on the ship?

So happy that you got to share some quality time with you BF even if he had to "entertain the guests". We appreciate you sharing your experience on the Silhouette.

I am curious.....Do you know if the CD (whom ever it is) and the Captain (who supposedly has a great sense of humor) will still be on board when we sail?

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That must have been a fun experience; I am one who always loves to see the "behind the scenes" action. Maybe I should get my wife to work on a ship.......haha.....


We board next Friday and are looking forward to seeing the ship, hopefully we will get a chance to meet Rory!!


You mentioned you got to perform too? Do you play piano as well?


I should have been more clear with that :) I meant to say that Rory got to play a set with them! It was a fun time. I am a musician though (not piano) I major in clarinet, sax, and flute...I will be doing a contract one of these days, hopefully with Rory! :)

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Thanks for sharing a more "personal" review. I sure hope Rory is on board when we sail Jan 17. Will he still be on the ship?

So happy that you got to share some quality time with you BF even if he had to "entertain the guests". We appreciate you sharing your experience on the Silhouette.

I am curious.....Do you know if the CD (whom ever it is) and the Captain (who supposedly has a great sense of humor) will still be on board when we sail?


Unfortunately he will not be. His contract ends Dec. 12. He will be sticking with Celebrity for any future contracts, but who knows if it will be the Silhouette! Thanks for your wonderful comment, I love watching him perform and entertaining guests...it makes me so happy that he can bring guests such enjoyment with his music!


The CD is not Nick Weire (sp?) anymore (Nick was back for the pre-inaugurals while I was there) but Paul (I can't think of his last name at the moment) will, I believe, still be the CD at that time. Paul is a great guy! Genuine and tons of fun, got to meet up with him a few times. I know that the captain is relatively new as well, so I would venture to guess that he will be on board as well at that time.


P.S. he does have a great sense of humor (the captain) during the boat drill for the crew, he goes "The abandon ship signal will be given by me, only me, if I'm not able to, the second head of staff will, and if he is not able to, then the third of staff will...and if he is not able to...well then, you better just jump off the ship." Ha ha :)

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Thanks everyone for your comments :) It's pretty cool that I didn't even mention his name in the review and you all knew who we were!


So glad everyone is enjoying his blog! And I know Rory would be back on the Silhouette in a heart beat if the choice was up to him. Perhaps one day he will be a headlining act that goes ship-to-ship performing... :D ...well, I can dream any way...! I can see it now...sitting next to him on the piano bench, sipping some wine, and just sailing away...


It's a girls job to dream , right ;)

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I am so happy the two of you got to enjoy the experience.;)


Hopefully, he didn't pass on any of his germs, seems like he got a bit of a cold towards the end of his transatlantic.


Once again, tell him to book a contract on the Silhouette next Nov-Dec so I can enjoy his music. :D


He was all better when I came to visit :) Though...loaded up with antibiotics...!


I will tell him he better be back on that ship when you sail ;) lol! (hopefully with me!)

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A great reason to book another Celebrity cruise. ;)


Funny you should say that.. ;) Rory and I are talking about booking a cruise (Celebrity, of course!) for next Dec or Jan. We came to the conclusion that we both need a vacation together, since we barely see each other.


Looking forward to trying the waffles ;)

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Thankyou so much for posting your review. It was a delight to hear about your indeed unique cruising experience. It seems that entertainers get the best of both worlds--what I mean by that is they get to experience the camaradarie of the crew dining room and bars, etc.; as well as have some meals in the passenger facilities.

I too, enjoyed reading Rory's blog. We are boarding on 12 Dec, so I am sorry that we will not get a chance to meet him and see him perform.

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Thankyou so much for posting your review. It was a delight to hear about your indeed unique cruising experience. It seems that entertainers get the best of both worlds--what I mean by that is they get to experience the camaradarie of the crew dining room and bars, etc.; as well as have some meals in the passenger facilities.

I too, enjoyed reading Rory's blog. We are boarding on 12 Dec, so I am sorry that we will not get a chance to meet him and see him perform.


That is unfortunate! Thanks for reading, and I am glad you enjoyed :)

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Thanks for the review, can't wait to try the food in the MDR for ourselves in 10 days time - we are flying over from the UK for Silhouette's second caribbean cruise. Will try to meet up with Rory and thank him for the blog. Glad that he will still be on for a few more weeks yet.


I had heard that the Captain was a fun guy but wasn't sure if he would still be on for our cruise. Will be great if he is. Also, do you know if Damien (HD) is still on the Ship or if he is now on leave, I think his first born was/is due roundabout now.


Hope you get a contract with Rory one of these days, not sure how you will cope in the very small cabin for 6 months though!!!!!!!!


All the best,

Lyn Mc

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Thanks for keeping us up to date on your adventures! So glad you were able to see Rory. I have enjoyed reading your posts and Rory's blog. We have met some wonderfully personable entertainers on Celebrity (ie Frankin from Chicago, Charlie Butler).

Would love to see some pics!

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I should have been more clear with that :) I meant to say that Rory got to play a set with them! It was a fun time. I am a musician though (not piano) I major in clarinet, sax, and flute...I will be doing a contract one of these days, hopefully with Rory! :)


You do know that when you do a contract, you will required to blog also, the precedent has been set...............

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