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Eclipse Fitness Center Photos


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I'll be sailing on my first cruise at the end of February 2012 on the Eclipse. I'm bound and determined to keep up with my work in the gym at the ship's fitness center. I've e-mailed Celebrity to request photos of the specific equipment (not simply the cardio machines), or a list of the various weight machines, so that my personal trainer could assist by providing me with a workout program. It's been a couple of weeks, and all I've received was an auto-reply acknowledging my request, but nothing more. I've checked the photo links on Cruise Critic, but have found only very general photos of the fitness center. Celebrity's web site also has little specific information.


Does anyone who has sailed on the Eclipse, or perhaps, on of the other S-class ships, have any of this information? Any input or appropriate links would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, in advance! :cool:

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I'll be sailing on my first cruise at the end of February 2012 on the Eclipse. I'm bound and determined to keep up with my work in the gym at the ship's fitness center. I've e-mailed Celebrity to request photos of the specific equipment (not simply the cardio machines), or a list of the various weight machines, so that my personal trainer could assist by providing me with a workout program. It's been a couple of weeks, and all I've received was an auto-reply acknowledging my request, but nothing more. I've checked the photo links on Cruise Critic, but have found only very general photos of the fitness center. Celebrity's web site also has little specific information.


Does anyone who has sailed on the Eclipse, or perhaps, on of the other S-class ships, have any of this information? Any input or appropriate links would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, in advance! :cool:


Your Trainer should be able to easily compose a regimen for you with just the basic information...Cardio machines consist of Treadmills, Recumbent Bikes and Ellipticals. There are dumbbells ranging from 1.5 lbs to 75 lbs. There are weight machines for each major muscle group...ie Leg press, leg extension, leg curl, tricep, bicep, chest press, chest fly, adjustable cable machine, lat pull down machine. There are also several exercise balls, a couple of bosu balance balls, a bosu leg lift machine.


There is sufficient equipment to get in a great workout, regardless of your fitness level. The two Fitness Trainers on the Eclipse when we were on board in July are quite competent and extremely helpful as well ! The female, whose name escapes me at the moment...is highly trained and has an extremely impressive resume.


Enjoy...The Fitness Center was my daily early morning place to be...and even with the Premium Drink Package and eating to my heart (and stomach's) content, I only gained 3lbs in 14 days !!


Happy Cruising !!



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Your Trainer should be able to easily compose a regimen for you with just the basic information...Cardio machines consist of Treadmills, Recumbent Bikes and Ellipticals. There are dumbbells ranging from 1.5 lbs to 75 lbs. There are weight machines for each major muscle group...ie Leg press, leg extension, leg curl, tricep, bicep, chest press, chest fly, adjustable cable machine, lat pull down machine. There are also several exercise balls, a couple of bosu balance balls, a bosu leg lift machine.


There is sufficient equipment to get in a great workout, regardless of your fitness level. The two Fitness Trainers on the Eclipse when we were on board in July are quite competent and extremely helpful as well ! The female, whose name escapes me at the moment...is highly trained and has an extremely impressive resume.


Enjoy...The Fitness Center was my daily early morning place to be...and even with the Premium Drink Package and eating to my heart (and stomach's) content, I only gained 3lbs in 14 days !!


Happy Cruising !!




Woody, thanks. Saw photos of the cardio on a link from someone else yesterday. It's helpful to know the general types of weight equipment, and I appreciate your input. As I've found from working out at different health clubs, the same "type" of machine can still have a lot of variance in terms of the weight setting as between the different brands of machines. If worse comes to worse, I'll just have to get on the different machines that I know, and play with the weight settings until I know I'm at the same point where I'm at at home. It's all good.

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Another thing to keep in mind is that the weight settings may be in kilos. I know they were on Equinox and that definitely threw me off a bit at first!


Sandi, you raised a very interesting point! It's another reason why I'm hoping I'll eventually receive an answer directly from Celebrity. Then again, I believe they offer live customer service online chat times, and I suppose I could try contacting them directly that way.

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  • 2 months later...
Sandi, you raised a very interesting point! It's another reason why I'm hoping I'll eventually receive an answer directly from Celebrity. Then again, I believe they offer live customer service online chat times, and I suppose I could try contacting them directly that way.


I'm glad you posted this question. I've also been wondering what equipment there is and what classes they offer. If you receive any answers from Celebrity, please post here. Btw, it sounds like we're on the same cruise - maybe we'll meet during a workout!

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I'm glad you posted this question. I've also been wondering what equipment there is and what classes they offer. If you receive any answers from Celebrity, please post here. Btw, it sounds like we're on the same cruise - maybe we'll meet during a workout!


Bloom, sadly, Celebrity has been painfully silent in responding to me. It took several weeks for them to respond to my first e-mail with nothing more than the information that's already on their web site. I attempted to respond by e-mail, but never received a further reply. (Subsequently reading other posts here on CC have taught me that communicating with Celebrity by e-mail is the least effective method.) I recently attempted to phone them. The individual with whom I spoke wanted to help me, but after placing me on hold on several occasions to ask others was unable to come up with anything beyond what's on their web site. <sigh>

Doing searches here, I found some photos from other Celebrity ships. Someone recently posted photos from the Millenium fitness center, and when I asked, another individual suggested they were pretty consistent w/the Eclipse.

So, I've asked my trainer (and am hoping he'll have time) to jot down a general circuit-type of regime for me to use as a guide. I've been paying a bit more attention to the various settings he's been using on the machines, and we've been talking about what I can and should be doing: no bench pressing w/o him there to spot for me; ok to use hand weights on the incline bench, etc. I'm also bound and determined to make a bee-line for the the fitness center as soon as I'm on board the ship to sign up for spinning classes.

Bottom line: I'm bound and determined to enjoy the food, but making appropriate choices, special requests, etc.; get to the fitness center every day (even on the two days I'll be golfing); and not gain any weight. :cool:

I'll be on the Eclipse, sailing February 25. Hope to meet up w/you!

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I'm glad you posted this question. I've also been wondering what equipment there is and what classes they offer. If you receive any answers from Celebrity, please post here. Btw, it sounds like we're on the same cruise - maybe we'll meet during a workout!


We were on the Eclipse last month and used the gym. They have yoga classes almost daily. There are also spinning, stretching and Pilates classes throughout the week. All classes are listed in the Celebrity Today and there are sign-up sheets in the fitness center the first day. If you have your heart set on a class go there early on embarkation day and sign up since some fill up quickly. Just know that if you decide not to go you will be charged unless you cancel by the deadline. As for equipment, there are the standard machines and weights and it is a very large gym. We never saw it so crowded that machines were not available but that could change based upon weather, port or sea day, etc. Enjoy!:)

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No problem, I have a photo of the treadmills too, but figured you probably know what those look like!


Um, yeah. :p Actually, for cardio, I prefer the elliptical machines, stationery bikes, rowing machines, and even the step machines. Both of my knees are now the titanium models. While I can do fast walking, and even light jogging on the treadmill, it ultimately depends on how hard/soft the bed of the machine is; many (especially Life Fitness, I've found) can be rather hard. With so many choices, I usually work around the treadmills.

What my trainer was suggesting as one option was a circuit consisting of 5 +/- weight machines/free weights (e.g., 10 reps each), followed by 5 min. of cardio; repeat 3 times. Then there's the core work. I found one photo where it showed stacks of the risers used w/the step platforms. I'll plop down on a mat on the floor w/8 of them off to one side, w/one knee bent and the other leg lifted off the floor, twist at the waist, one at time, and in rapid succession, move them to the other side, and then back again; rest and repeat 2 more times.

Are we having fun yet? :eek:

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My trainer will make a program for me too. We've kicked up cardio the past couple weeks to get more comfortable with the idea of wearing a bathing suit soon. ;) I'm not sure I'll be working out every day during the cruise, but I will plan on 5 days in the gym. Per the advice of others here, I'll head straight to the gym after embarkation to sign up for spinning & Pilates. Gotta make sure I burn at least some of the calories I plan to ingest. :) From the pictures posted a little earlier in this thread, the equipment on the Eclipse is really nice and there appears to be a lot of space. I'm so excited to be on this cruise, I'm actually getting excited about working out, lol!

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My trainer will make a program for me too. We've kicked up cardio the past couple weeks to get more comfortable with the idea of wearing a bathing suit soon. ;) I'm not sure I'll be working out every day during the cruise, but I will plan on 5 days in the gym. Per the advice of others here, I'll head straight to the gym after embarkation to sign up for spinning & Pilates. Gotta make sure I burn at least some of the calories I plan to ingest. :) From the pictures posted a little earlier in this thread, the equipment on the Eclipse is really nice and there appears to be a lot of space. I'm so excited to be on this cruise, I'm actually getting excited about working out, lol!


"Kicking up" -- yeah, I suppose that would be the more PC way of describing the program my trainer has had me on these past few weeks. We've got three more appointments scheduled before I head south; this Saturday morning will be brutal.

Ideally, I want to get into the gym at least Sunday through Friday, including the spinning classes. I like Pilates, but have issues doing exercises where I have to lift my head up and down; still, there's a lot of other core/ab stuff I can do that makes up for it. If I can squeeze some time in on 2/25, it would be great, but I'm not sure how realistic that is w/all the embarkation activities. Then again, depending on what time my group leaves from our hotel for the port, I may have time in the a.m., pre-boarding. It will be harder getting there on the St. Marteen and St. Kitts port days, as we have to get a very early start off the ship to make our tee times. All very ambitious, but I'm also feeling very motivated to prove to myself I can do this, and still indulge (within reason).



BTW, I see you're from "VA". What part of the state? I'm in the Metro DC area.

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I usually do about 3/4 of an hour ancillary exercises on the balcony before heading to Michael's for a bloody mary, lox and bagel, sans cream cheese, and a serving of fruit. Then on to Blu for a very healthy breakfast. At the conclusion of those two endeavors, I will have consumed between 12-15 points, but in moderation.

Afterwards, it is off to the Persian Gardens for about 15 minutes in the steam room, and then on the pool in the Solarium for about 1 1/2 hours of vigorous pool walking together with ancillary exercises.

I usually aways combine my walking endeavors with ancillary exercises. As a result of all of the aforesaid, I am able to maintain my daily exercise regimen of 3-3 1/2 hours.

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I usually do about 3/4 of an hour ancillary exercises on the balcony before heading to Michael's for a bloody mary, lox and bagel, sans cream cheese, and a serving of fruit. Then on to Blu for a very healthy breakfast. At the conclusion of those two endeavors, I will have consumed between 12-15 points, but in moderation.

Afterwards, it is off to the Persian Gardens for about 15 minutes in the steam room, and then on the pool in the Solarium for about 1 1/2 hours of vigorous pool walking together with ancillary exercises.

I usually aways combine my walking endeavors with ancillary exercises. As a result of all of the aforesaid, I am able to maintain my daily exercise regimen of 3-3 1/2 hours.


I'm booked in AQ, so I have access to the additional amenities. However, I deliberately chose/booked the premium non-alcohol beverage package, and will get any alcohol beverages on an a la carte basis. I just don't need the additional calories, or the temptation that comes from feeling I need to have additional drinks to get the full value.

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Does anyone know how much the personal training sesions are on bd..per hr/1/2 hr...?


we will bring our progress books and try to do the equivalents of what we are doing now--but all gyms are diff & usually much easier than the ones at our local fitness center


even if not perfect, any effort to walk & keep fit will be a bonus offset to the excesses of cruising!!!;)

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Does anyone know how much the personal training sesions are on bd..per hr/1/2 hr...?


we will bring our progress books and try to do the equivalents of what we are doing now--but all gyms are diff & usually much easier than the ones at our local fitness center


even if not perfect, any effort to walk & keep fit will be a bonus offset to the excesses of cruising!!!;)


It looks like personal training sessions are $85/60 min. At least that's what I found when I looked at what fitness programs are available to book in advance on the Celebrity website. Here's the description: "Our fitness professionals will help you achieve the body you've always wanted with a personalized fitness session. You will learn which exercises work the best with your particular body composition."

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BTW, I see you're from "VA". What part of the state? I'm in the Metro DC area.


I'm in NoVA, so we probably aren't that far away from you. Just drive west on 66 and eventually you'll get to us. :)

I am also from the Commonwealth in Fairfax County, but now a permanent resident of Fl.

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BTW, I see you're from "VA". What part of the state? I'm in the Metro DC area.


I'm in NoVA, so we probably aren't that far away from you. Just drive west on 66 and eventually you'll get to us. :)


Oh, I've spent many a minute(s) and more crawling in westbound traffic on I-66. Beats southbound on I-95, though (not by much). :rolleyes:

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It looks like personal training sessions are $85/60 min. At least that's what I found when I looked at what fitness programs are available to book in advance on the Celebrity website. Here's the description: "Our fitness professionals will help you achieve the body you've always wanted with a personalized fitness session. You will learn which exercises work the best with your particular body composition."


Thanks-- not sure if it'll be worth it-- we would probably want the trainer to follow what our trainer has set for us..but we'll see how it goes...

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