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Costa Concordia SINKING!


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Who ever took the video appeared to be doing so from waist height I would suggest so that they would not be detected filming. No one in authority on that bridge would have allowed anyone to film anything especially as the emergency unfolded. And I'm sure if they had been caught they would have been jumped on severely.


It can't have been any of the senior officers as they had their hands full.


And even the other officers who we know were on the bridge like the head of the hotel and the restaurant would surely have realized how serious the situation was, I simply can't believe that any managers would have thought to video this. Nor would they take the risk of being caught.


Nor would junior officiers dare for the same reason. "What are you doing, oh just filming you Captain". ..... It just wouldn't happen.


The quality of the images, even when in areas with better lighting, suggests it was taken on a mobile phone. You don't get mature men filming much of anything on mobile phones. However Y GEN think nothing of filming and sharing every aspect of their lives. Hence the rise of YouTube etc. Our captain's 'friend' very neatly fits this Y GEN demographic.


To me that all adds up to only one person who really could have been both free and had the inclination to film this.


Then think about who would be stupid enough to keep this video from the police and worse than that sell it to the media.


To do that it would really have to be someone lacking maturity and who is unable to understand the ramifications of such action. Surely senior staff/management would surely know better and not take such a stupid risk in with holding evidence.


Again there is only one person on that bridge who ticks all of these boxes.


I don't see how it can be anyone else.


Additionally the fact that we don't hear her doing any announcements in Russian doesn't actually rule her out but rather rules her in. Naturally is she was making announcements in Russian she couldn't film and do that at the some time.


Also this all filmed from the rear of the bridge, exactly where we are told she was, (someone has said in a room separated by a curtain). A perfect place to watch everything unfold and to record things unobserved. As the the bridge was in blackout for night time navigation anyone standing at the rear by a wall would be unlit and and would be very hard to see, especially with all the distraction going on.




Agree with all of the above.

As you say, it could not be an officer who was recording.

We need to get an accurate list of those present on the bridge.

You could fairly assume if there were invited non officers on the deck to witness the fly by they would be cleared off as soon as the first HIT occured.


It does look as if it could be her.


I have tried to supportive of Domnica BUT if it was her filming why would she release it now?


One last chance to show some support for Domnica from me.....

If it was Domnica recording why don't we hear her footsteps as she is hurrying along the corridors to the outside?

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Again there is only one person on that bridge who ticks all of these boxes.


I don't see how it can be anyone else.



It could even have been someone who slipped up to the bridge and hid near the doorway unnoticed in the confusion.


Seriously, if it was Cemorton, she'd have to be dumb as a post to release a video that refutes eveything she said to that point.

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It clears up a few points:


He wasn't waiting for his "date's" dessert or having a nightcap. Sorry chef-guy...you're busted!

He wasn't the first one on a lifeboat.

The ship did have some power and it was a conscious decision to go into the harbour area, not just the unwitting result of winds and tides.


Who says "call the tugs"...Schettino or Bosio?


I've agreed with you Milaandra through out all this and still do.

The trouble with the translation I did was that it was from the selected transcript from the media. There has been so much unsourced and unconfirmed and hearsay media reports that have been disproved we cannot put much credit on this selected transcripts.

What would be best if the full transcript of the communication from the bridge was translated NOT the media commentary of what was being said.

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Trying to determine what was used to "film" this event is rather mundane since the encoding and output size (resolution) are most likely far lower than the original output.


The best mobile phones today indeed record at 1920x1080 progressive, the same format as HDTV and your home Blu Ray player but quality only can be say acceptable in sunlight without much movement. Bringing inside and lowering the light just makes things look worse. Yes I can take footage at 100Mbps from a professional HD recorder and compress it to "360p" youtube and it will also look like this. Of course it's silly to assume that someone would be allowed with an over the shoulder full sized camera on the bridge at any time let alone a crisis unfolding such as this.


I would say the device is somewhere in between. A Sony TX55 is half the size of a Galaxy Nexus and can take video that will blow it away. It could easily be concealed on one's person and take video similar to what we see here. On a cruise there are lots of video cameras about...it's a vacation spot! The comment about "mature men not taking video on mobile phones" is ludicrous! Ever hear the saying "The best camera is the one you have with you!" ?


The fact that this footage is public is rather scary though. I cannot believe it has stayed up for as long as it has. This is evidence of a crime scene as it unfolded in slow motion. The audio, not the video is where all the clues are. ;) It won't be hard to figure out where it was uploaded from. If the uploader was the person taking the video and they were careless in covering their footsteps they will be in heaps of trouble.





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It could even have been someone who slipped up to the bridge and hid near the doorway unnoticed in the confusion.


Seriously, if it was Cemorton, she'd have to be dumb as a post to release a video that refutes eveything she said to that point.


Money makes people do dumb things. Can you image how much a US network would pay for that footage? Potentially millions. Staff on cruise ships as we all know get terrible pay but it is normally much more than they can earn in heir home countries.


$100 bucks can be a lot to them. Add one two or three zeros to that I think you have an answer to why anyone would be so stupid.

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"Does the side make a difference?"


Milaandra ..... if the ship was listing to port (side with the hole) at 20 degrees there is no way that the ship would have been able to lauch lifeboats on that side! and would more than likely have sunk on that side before they were able to turn the ship around.

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"Does the side make a difference?"


Milaandra ..... if the ship was listing to port (side with the hole) at 20 degrees there is no way that the ship would have been able to lauch lifeboats on that side! and would more than likely have sunk on that side before they were able to turn the ship around.


I'm sorry, Sidari. I don't mean to seem obtuse, but I need more clarification.


To quote from Cutthroat Island "I'm all at sea when it comes to things nautical"

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It clears up a few points:


He wasn't waiting for his "date's" dessert or having a nightcap. Sorry chef-guy...you're busted!

He wasn't the first one on a lifeboat.

The ship did have some power and it was a conscious decision to go into the harbour area, not just the unwitting result of winds and tides.


And, the version with English subtitles shows that it was Schettino who called the abandon ship. So much for the reported bridge mutiny!


It's nice to see some of these questions resolved. I really hope the video is real!

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Hello Itmom - thanks for your post.


The majority of us here understand that Schettino does not represent Italy. He is only one person who happened to have made a grave mistake - he won't be the first or last and he could have been from any nationality. Every country has had its share of Schettinos.


This incident, in my view, will not take away from the positive traits of the Italian people. The friendly, hospitable, generous, intelligent, good humoured and family oriented people that I've had the pleasure of meeting throughout my travels in Italy will always be fondly remembered and cherished. There are many positive aspects of your culture that I wish we could implement here in the United States.


If there is a silver lining to be found in this unfortunate incident, it would be the tighter regulations of the cruise industry as a whole as a result and the implementation of more stringent safety standards, making the high seas safer for all cruisers in the future.


P.S. Your English is much better than my Italian.



thank you so much,I really appreciated it..

Milaandra,Joanie,deckofficer(good italian!you made me smile about Homer and G.W.Bush!)), thank you too


sorry if I'm not very useful in translations,but I do have very little time to stay on the web...

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It is best not to bring up politics (or religion). You will surely offend someone.


Also I think you do not understand this forum. It is about cruises and the cruise industry. This thread is about the Concordia sinking. Also the forum is not owned by us. A private company owns it and they tend to moderate the forum fairly strictly compared to some others you might be used too. If the thread goes too off topic the moderators will likely lock it. I suggest posting on topic so they don't close it.


Now this should have a "like" button!!! I haven't agreed with all of your posts but certainly do with this one. Now, back to Costa Concordia...morbidly fascinating and certainly several lessons to be learned.

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This is my first post....I just found this forum, which is fascinating. After watching the video last night, I attempted a rough translation. Would someone please help make corrections? I am sure there are many mistakes!



Just what (we) need – a blackout.


And the engines are really just going all to hell.


Actually there is a hole ... I believe... and water down there.


He says they have a Tango-India (injured person) at life-boat No. 3


The director (chief engineer?) tells me if we have only these two compartments…


With two compartments we (sopravviviammo) (can stay afloat?)


There is the problem here, also because the [...] and normal.


Now they cannot start the bilge pumps.


We are drifting to land.


At what depth are we here?


More than one hundred meters.


We ought to see if we can (reach?) there with the length of chain. (anchor?)


We are waiting to drift into shallower water…


And reach bottom again..(?)


and eventually sit on the bottom..(?)


We’ll see…


Currently broken down are the aft main engine and generators 1-2-3.


And how about the 4-5-6?


See if you can find the director (chief engineer?) for the 4-5-6.


Close all watertight doors ... Close all. Immediately!


Captain, the passengers are beginning to board the launches by themselves.




Let's get them to land.


Anyway…ok ... I have to give the general emergency.


Wait, wait.


(Allow/announce?) the emergency


Please send us the means (of rescue?) (the tugboat?) but very quickly...


But very quickly.


Tell me if you heard last announcement that I made.


We are down to 0.2 (kilometer) from the island


We are calling people.


Talk to the hostess.


Tell us whoever is making the announcements that people are falling (?) (dropping off the ship?)


We in the islands because there are ...The islands and nearby...(???)


Call the tugs.


Abandon ship.


Abandon ship.

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Thank you so much for this translation....isn't it pitifully tragic? Emphasis on the pitiful. Thanks to all who have been posting here, I have lurked since day one but have been busy and often don't have access to the internet. Mickey D Mouse is a shero:p for sure....I am amazed by her resiliance and was quite shocked at some of the negative responses when she first (and indeed was THE first survivor) posted here.

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Going back to a video posted here a few days ago that shows the direction of the ship and its final position, the map/ chart shows no rocks where the ship hit one and shows no rocks where the ship currently lies! all that it shows is mud or sand.




So it now brings into play what Schettino said right after that there were no rocks shown on the maps!/charts and also in the latest video from the bridge he says to beach the ship and sit on the bottom! so it seems he clearly believed that it was possible to sit the ship down in the shallow water.


It certainly appears as though there may well be some truth in what he has claimed right from the start.


Without a full transcript of everything that was said on the bridge that night it is difficult to put it all together using just what the media put out.


With regard to the video of the Bridge Where were the Security officers i wonder?


Thebestisyettocome .... you are allowed to take still photos of the bridge but not allowed to video any of it... we were also escorted by 4 Security officers on our bridge tour.

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Going back to a video posted here a few days ago that shows the direction of the ship and its final position, the map/ chart shows no rocks where the ship hit one and shows no rocks where the ship currently lies! all that it shows is mud or sand.


It shows Rocks where he hit. His statement was that his charts did not show the rocks that he hit. Does not matter if the rocks where the ship now lies are not on the charts (he did not hit those, they are away from the ship not embedded in it), what matters are the rocks he actually hit, and those are on the charts.




So it now brings into play what Schettino said right after that there were no rocks shown on the maps!/charts and also in the latest video from the bridge he says to beach the ship and sit on the bottom! so it seems he clearly believed that it was possible to sit the ship down in the shallow water.


It certainly appears as though there may well be some truth in what he has claimed right from the start.


Without a full transcript of everything that was said on the bridge that night it is difficult to put it all together using just what the media put out.


With regard to the video of the Bridge Where were the Security officers i wonder?


Thebestisyettocome .... you are allowed to take still photos of the bridge but not allowed to video any of it... we were also escorted by 4 Security officers on our bridge tour.


My hubby took an in depth nearly 5 hour tour of the inner workings of our last cruise ship, HAL's Zuiderdam, in September 2011 and he was allowed as were the other 11 guests, to take photos and videos everywhere to include the engines, the engine control room and the bridge. And, just an FYI, the tour was while we were at sea in Alaska. So statements that cameras of any type are not allowed on the bridge are no longer an active argument, or I guess I should say were not prior to January 13, 2012, they could be now, after this tragedy.



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Joanie .... the rock on the chart if correct is shown above water as is the one where the ship lies! there is non shown as underwater at that point and a depth of 48 metres is shown more than enough for the ship to sail over normally.


We visited the Ruby princess bridge on 2 occasions the first being in December 2008 when we were allowed to take pictures but not allowed to video anything, we were also not allowed in to the bridge wings that overlook the sides of the ship.

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Joanie .... the rock on the chart if correct is shown above water as is the one where the ship lies! there is non shown as underwater at that point and a depth of 48 metres is shown more than enough for the ship to sail over normally.


We visited the Ruby princess bridge on 2 occasions the first being in December 2008 when we were allowed to take pictures but not allowed to video anything, we were also not allowed in to the bridge wings that overlook the sides of the ship.

Not going to argue the rocks as I see what I see and you see what you see:)


As soon as I can get hubby to give me his bridge photos/video I will post some of them, most specifically his standing right above the Plexiglass area in the floor where he is taking photos from the wing.


As an FYI, my hubby is a nobody when it comes to being on a ship. No ship experience other than 8 cruises that we paid for. My point being that he was not a VIP with special access.



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Thebestisyettocome .... you are allowed to take still photos of the bridge but not allowed to video any of it... we were also escorted by 4 Security officers on our bridge tour.


Visitors to the bridge are likely to bring a camera. What they do with it is likely a function of their role as visitor and the line's policies. Yours is one data point.

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from the video


is anyone able to tell me their interpretation from 7:04 onwards.

The footsteps are not those of the person recording.

Why dont we hear something like breathing/ puffing in such a situation

at one point ,7:20 , it looks like they are not sure which stairs to take... surely you would hear some type of "cursing" (or something like that).

To me its all to managed.

why no voice of the recorder. either they are very very cool under pressure or this is manipulated somehow. ( or am I being too cynical)

If I walk out my front door and leave something behind I think I normally mumble some expletive to myself. Why no voice at all especially at the stairs.

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My hubby took an in depth nearly 5 hour tour of the inner workings of our last cruise ship, HAL's Zuiderdam, in September 2011 and he was allowed as were the other 11 guests, to take photos and videos everywhere to include the engines, the engine control room and the bridge. And, just an FYI, the tour was while we were at sea in Alaska. So statements that cameras of any type are not allowed on the bridge are no longer an active argument, or I guess I should say were not prior to January 13, 2012, they could be now, after this tragedy.



When we did a similar tour on Carnival Conquest in 2010, we were not permitted to bring cameras or cell phones on the tour and we were searched before the tour began. They did have a photographer take pictures of us on the bridge with the captain, which was included in the cost of the tour.
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Going back 15 years, which was my first visit to the Bridge to current times, it seems that the restrictions are not as tight as they first were where taking pictures is concerned.

Of the 3 different lines where I've done tours, they have all requested that you stay together as a group and not freely wander around on your own. There is always at least one security officer watching everyone. The officers conducting the tours will follow the protocol of the tours. It's usually when the Captain comes in that determines how far out of the usual protocol that one can move to other areas of the Bridge. The majority of my tours, which number a dozen or so, I have been from one wing to the other.

From conversations with Captains, one thing Captains don't like if they are conducting the tour is for someone to wander away or walk too far ahead of them, as if you aren't interested in what they are saying.


I think I have the answer to the type of shoe we hear at the end of the video.



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