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Concordia News: Please Post Here


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I come here looking for news on the Concorida because the media seem to have gotten bored with the story. Yet all I find is a bunch of posts consisting of people mocking the Captain of the Concordia. I think we've all established that he's not going to be winning any popularity contests any time soon, so why can't people just use this topic for what it's intended for? NEWS!


The primary reason we keep going back to the primary guilt of Captain Coward is to rebut those who continue to deny his guilt and use any and all reports of other causative factors as proof of his innocence.


Some of us will not allow revisionists to rewrite the true history of a ship's Captain who put his amorous desires before safe navigation and his own safety before the lives of the passengers.

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Unfortunately the biggest clown of all was in command of Concordia


And here i was thinking it was Ronnie Raygun .... search me !



It's a talent that has been used many times by Irish authors to deliver a dose of reality to their British cousins


Uni ... never phone and Irishman when the is Ironing!


I come here looking for news on the Concorida because the media seem to have gotten bored with the story. Yet all I find is a bunch of posts consisting of people mocking the Captain of the Concordia. I think we've all established that he's not going to be winning any popularity contests any time soon, so why can't people just use this topic for what it's intended for? NEWS!


Sidari & Armitage Shanks


You guys live about 50 miles apart and seem to think alike. In the interests of harmonius relations with my Brit cousins, I've located nice little pub about half way between your respective homes. :)


The Golden Fleece Inn, Lindley Rd., Elland, West Yorkshire, UK


I thought the pub's name was perfect for holding monthly meetings to plan and plot a public relations campaign to restore and rebuild Captain Coward's public image. :eek:




If only we knew how far away Costa Smufette lives, you could invite her to attend. :D

Edited by Uniall
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For those seeking news, there will be a ton of news on Oct 15 -- the next pre-trial hearing date.


Don't know if this was mentioned previously, but there have been more management changes at the Costa Crociere Group: (see link below)


Costa Crociere Group creates new position to oversee safety standards

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And here i was thinking it was Ronnie Raygun .... search me !

Mad Maggie Thatcher called him "an amiable dunce". She would not have said that if she knew she would suffer the same fate (Dementia/Alzheimer's) at the end.


I'll take The Gipper before Thatcherism any day! :D

Edited by cruiserfanfromct
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For those seeking news, there will be a ton of news on Oct 15 -- the next pre-trial hearing date.


Don't know if this was mentioned previously, but there have been more management changes at the Costa Crociere Group: (see link below)


Costa Crociere Group creates new position to oversee safety standards


I'll be depending on you to bring the news here since I'll be on a cruise.

(I still don't understand why The Gipper was brought into this. I don't recall him being a Captain of a capsized cruise ship.)

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I still don't understand why The Gipper was brought into this. I don't recall him being a Captain of a capsized cruise ship.)


Nor were any of the others who have been brought up by the likes of uniall and others along the way! :rolleyes:



"Some of us will not allow revisionists"


Uni .. just who do you think you are? the voice of cruise critic ? if other people have a different view to the one that you hold then they are at Liberty to do so and You will not stop them.

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Nor were any of the others who have been brought up by the likes of uniall and others along the way! :rolleyes:


"Some of us will not allow revisionists"


Uni .. just who do you think you are? the voice of cruise critic ? if other people have a different view to the one that you hold then they are at Liberty to do so and You will not stop them.


You are taking my quote out of the written context with your edit and para phrasing.


I said:

"The primary reason we keep going back to the primary guilt of Captain Coward is to rebut those who continue to deny his guilt and use any and all reports of other causative factors as proof of his innocence.


Some of us will not allow revisionists to rewrite the true history of a ship's Captain who put his amorous desires before safe navigation and his own safety before the lives of the passengers."

Perhaps it would have been more accurate for me to have inserted an additional phrase:

Some of us will not allow revisionists to rewrite,
, the true history of a ship's Captain who put his amorous desires before safe navigation and his own safety before the lives of the passengers."

Edited by Uniall
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I don't know if any of you saw the CNN report last night titled 'Cruise to Disaster". It was very interesting and very scary!! It showed the Concordia as it actually was going through this terrible situation. Passengers and crew were not prepared for such an emergency. They said the Captain didn't sound the alarm until an hour after this all happened. A lot of the video was from cameras the passengers had. It was nothing but panic.

The reporter interviewed crew preformers who lost two band members. The drummer saved several children before he met his fate. A couple who cruised over 60 times vowed never to sail again until the industry improves the safety of all ships. Makes one think especially when people on these boards have cruises booked!

I'm glad I watched this report however, I'm not in fear of cruising. As many muster drills as we have participated in I'm still very aware of the procedures. It is like flying I often wonder how many passengers really are paying attention to the flight attendant.

I feel very sorry for the passengers who lost their lives and the passengers who went through this horrible experience. We can only hope it NEVER happens again.


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You are taking my quote out of the written context with your edit and para phrasing.


I said:

"The primary reason we keep going back to the primary guilt of Captain Coward is to rebut those who continue to deny his guilt and use any and all reports of other causative factors as proof of his innocence.


Some of us will not allow revisionists to rewrite the true history of a ship's Captain who put his amorous desires before safe navigation and his own safety before the lives of the passengers."

Perhaps it would have been more accurate for me to have inserted an additional phrase:

Some of us will not allow revisionists to rewrite,
true history
of a ship's Captain who put his amorous desires before safe navigation and his own safety before the lives of the passengers


I just don't get it Uniall. I don't remember reading that the charges against Captain Schettino (he's still a captain today) that he "put his amorous desires before safe navigation". I am supposing that the above is your opinion as a learned man. You express your opinion with name calling and sarcasm.


Many have opinions and not all coincide with yours. The Captain, most certainly, is responsible for that which transpired on the night of January 13... the loss of 32 souls.



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I just don't get it Uniall. I don't remember reading that the charges against Captain Schettino (he's still a captain today) that he "put his amorous desires before safe navigation". I am supposing that the above is your opinion as a learned man. You express your opinion with name calling and sarcasm.


Many have opinions and not all coincide with yours. The Captain, most certainly, is responsible for that which transpired on the night of January 13... the loss of 32 souls.




You are mistaken about "name calling" unless you're referring to "Captain Coward." The facts speak for themselves. He ordered the course changed to salute his pals on shore and then went to wine and dine his inamorta. Then he brings her back to the bridge after all hell broke loose. He gets himself and her off the ship to saftey while passengers are scambling to avoid death. He is the essence of an egomaniacal evil doer and deserves a long prison sentence.

Edited by Uniall
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Sidari & Armitage Shanks


You guys live about 50 miles apart and seem to think alike. In the interests of harmonius relations with my Brit cousins, I've located nice little pub about half way between your respective homes. :)


The Golden Fleece Inn, Lindley Rd., Elland, West Yorkshire, UK


I thought the pub's name was perfect for holding monthly meetings to plan and plot a public relations campaign to restore and rebuild Captain Coward's public image. :eek:





Uni .... We will make sure we send you copies of the minutes taken at the meeting .... :D we could have held it in FLL at the end of November but you guys just cannot do a decent Beer, and as you appear to have quite a lot of time to spare as shown by the time spent finding a yorkshire pub maybe you could go back to page 1 of the thread and find the names of All those who have said that Captain Schettino is Innocent ? as far as i recall not one person has claimed that fact !

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Sidari & Armitage Shanks


You guys live about 50 miles apart and seem to think alike. In the interests of harmonius relations with my Brit cousins, I've located nice little pub about half way between your respective homes. :)


The Golden Fleece Inn, Lindley Rd., Elland, West Yorkshire, UK


I thought the pub's name was perfect for holding monthly meetings to plan and plot a public relations campaign to restore and rebuild Captain Coward's public image. :eek:






Uni .... We will make sure we send you copies of the minutes taken at the meeting .... :D we could have held it in FLL at the end of November but you guys just cannot do a decent Beer, and as you appear to have quite a lot of time to spare as shown by the time spent finding a yorkshire pub maybe you could go back to page 1 of the thread and find the names of All those who have said that Captain Schettino is Innocent ? as far as i recall not one person has claimed that fact !


The only thing more important than the incarceration of Captain Coward is whether the Golden Fleece Inn has a good ale. Don't forget to prepare a full report. Actually, it looks like a very decent pub.

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I too, follow this thread to obtain actual news and knowlege about the Costa Concordia disaster and don't like to wade through much nonsense. There are a number of members who share valuable information here and I deeply appreciate their contributions.


And Emi,

All attorneys are familiar with the Straw Man Fallacy and know how to use it. This is a fine example.


Might I make a suggestion to both of you and anyone else that it may benefit? If you find postings from members who you feel add nothing to your enjoyment of the conversation, you can edit your profile under "Customize Profile" to ignore members whose postings distract or offend you. I did so some time ago and it has allowed me to read this forum without having to deal with nonsense, while still obtaining updates from serious posters with actual news and knowledge.


Through your User Control Panel: User CP, Settings & Options, Edit Ignore List. Then, click on their name and choose: User List, Add to Ignore List






I just don't get it Uniall. I don't remember reading that the charges against Captain Schettino (he's still a captain today) that he "put his amorous desires before safe navigation". I am supposing that the above is your opinion as a learned man. You express your opinion with name calling and sarcasm.


Many have opinions and not all coincide with yours. The Captain, most certainly, is responsible for that which transpired on the night of January 13... the loss of 32 souls.




I come here looking for news on the Concorida because the media seem to have gotten bored with the story. Yet all I find is a bunch of posts consisting of people mocking the Captain of the Concordia. I think we've all established that he's not going to be winning any popularity contests any time soon, so why can't people just use this topic for what it's intended for? NEWS!
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From Giglio News


Province of Grosseto

"The deputy mayor and councilor Mario Pellegrini Giovanni Rossi guest harbors in the city of Taganrog RECOGNITION IN COURAGE and heroism. THE LILY AWARD IN RUSSIA The prizes awarded during the "Festival Sports from around the world. From the bottom of my heart "that night who risked their lives to save many others A prize to those who have shown courage and heroism during the rescue of passengers of the Costa Concordia, including over one hundred were Russian citizens. And 'it is allocated and withdrawn in Taganrog, a port city of European Russia, the deputy mayor and the councilor Mario Pellegrini port system of the City of Isola del Giglio Giovanni Rossi officially invited by the city government. A prize awarded during the "Festival Sports from around the world. From the bottom of my heart "that night who risked their lives - Pilgrims boarded and Rossi put in command of the boats - to save many others. "He treated - explain Pellegrini and Smith - to a very exciting and because we relived those moments, and because we have heard, once again, very strong heat of so many people around the Giglio and its inhabitants. With this opportunity we started working relationship with the Russian world who watched our small island in an extraordinary way. " An event for charity which was held for the first time in the town that is located on the shores of the Sea of Azov and that the participation of the highest federal, regional and local. A reward Pellegrini Rossi and the Mayor of Taganrog, Vladimir Prasolov and Vice-Governor Grebenshikov, together with the organizers of the Festival."

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Thanks, Micki,


Here is another link from the festival they are discussing:



There is a photo with the following caption:

Within the framework of the festival "Sport by the Whole Wide World. From the Bottom of the Heart", were awarded people who showed courage and heroism while rescuing passengers of the cruise ship "Costa Concordia", which had more than 100 Russian tourists on board. They are: Deputy Mayor of Giglio Island Mario Pellegrini and Giglio Island Port Official Giovanni Rossi.




From Giglio News



Province of Grosseto


"The deputy mayor and councilor Mario Pellegrini Giovanni Rossi guest harbors in the city of Taganrog RECOGNITION IN COURAGE and heroism. THE LILY AWARD IN RUSSIA The prizes awarded during the "Festival Sports from around the world. From the bottom of my heart "that night who risked their lives to save many others A prize to those who have shown courage and heroism during the rescue of passengers of the Costa Concordia, including over one hundred were Russian citizens. And 'it is allocated and withdrawn in Taganrog, a port city of European Russia, the deputy mayor and the councilor Mario Pellegrini port system of the City of Isola del Giglio Giovanni Rossi officially invited by the city government. snipped

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A timeline question for those in the know....


Something about the timeline does not equate.


We have been told that some victims were discovered inside the elevators with their lifejackets.


Question is how did they get there and when.


Since all elevators go offline in a power outtage...I know cos have been on a ship with a full outtage and the elevators all stopped and usually tween decks thus requiring manual intervention to get them to either the deck above or below.


So we have individuals with lifejackets inside elevators...


There is an alleged delay of 1 hour, give or take, tween initial power outtage and the evacuation orders given.


On that basis those inside the elevators with life jackets would not have retrieved them before the outtage...no reason to.


They had to have returned to the cabins DURING the outtage and then tried to reach their muster points DURING the supposed outtage and AFTER the evacuation alarm/instruction was given.


Now...all the speculation has buzzed around that power outtage and the length tween it and the evacuation orders...and there are many who say that the electrical systems were completely down during this time and only emergency gensets had kicked in, albeit slightly slower that anticipated.


How did these people not only ENTER the elevators but get tween decks when the elevators stopped when no elevators can be accessed or run on the emergency gensets?


If these people managed to get into the elevators and they tried to get to their muster point, and got part way there before expiring.....it means that the power was restored from the main gensets at some point.


This would also answer why the ship managed to turn and head for the beach, afterall, much has been said about the use of thrusters...they, like the elevators cannot be used on emergency gensets, they can ONLY be used on the main gensets.


So was there a complete and total power outtage from point of collision to point of list/beaching...or did the power supply get restored intermittantly allowing people to try and use the elevators to escape and the thrusters to be used in short bursts to enable the ship to be taken into landfall?


The elevator doors cannot be opened without special tools when the power supply is cut to them, so the power MUST have been restored for anyone other than crew to enter those elevators and for those elevators to have moved.


And the thrusters could have been used during the time that power was restored...even for a few minutes at a time and using the tide to turn the ship around, they MIGHT have been able to restore power long enough to turn the ship but at the same time passengers realised the elevators were working and they tried to use them as a means of escape.


Afterall, at muster drill and on the instructions on cabin doors it clearly says elevators must not be used, since it is wodely known that they are taken off the power supply in the event of a full emergency.


The power MUST have been restored and that would answer why there were people with lifejackets in the elevators and how the ship was turned around and placed where she is.

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Would you provide a link to the report about the victims found in elevators, please?


I remember seeing a drawing at one time that showed the recovery efforts and where the bodies had been located, but don't recall anyone being found in the elevators. I do recall some survivors reporting that they had tried to help rescue an elderly woman, but that an inrush of water had sucked her out of their grasp and, I believe, down an elevator shaft. Perhaps, there is some confusion in the reporting that may simplify the question.





A timeline question for those in the know....


Something about the timeline does not equate.


We have been told that some victims were discovered inside the elevators with their lifejackets.


Question is how did they get there and when.



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Would you provide a link to the report about the victims found in elevators, please?


I remember seeing a drawing at one time that showed the recovery efforts and where the bodies had been located, but don't recall anyone being found in the elevators. I do recall some survivors reporting that they had tried to help rescue an elderly woman, but that an inrush of water had sucked her out of their grasp and, I believe, down an elevator shaft. Perhaps, there is some confusion in the reporting that may simplify the question.





Final paragraph : http://www.mid-day.com/news/2012/feb/260212-Rebello-family-keeps-fingers-crossed.htm


Four out of them were stuck inside the capsule lift on the same floor and that they had to break open the glass to remove the bodies. The search for the remaining seven missing people continues.


The "capsule lift" is one of the glass atrium elevators.

Edited by CostaSmurfette
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Thanks, Micki,


Here is another link from the festival they are discussing:



There is a photo with the following caption:

Within the framework of the festival "Sport by the Whole Wide World. From the Bottom of the Heart", were awarded people who showed courage and heroism while rescuing passengers of the cruise ship "Costa Concordia", which had more than 100 Russian tourists on board. They are: Deputy Mayor of Giglio Island Mario Pellegrini and Giglio Island Port Official Giovanni Rossi.




This part can certainly be attributed to them.



"They strive to help people and improve the situation. This festival is for such guys who can get together and do the right thing" commented Svetlana Zhurova.


Thanks for the link you found. Much better translation than the Giglio article.

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Never would have found it without your lead.:)

Such a small island and such big hearts.


This part can certainly be attributed to them.



"They strive to help people and improve the situation. This festival is for such guys who can get together and do the right thing" commented Svetlana Zhurova.


Thanks for the link you found. Much better translation than the Giglio article.

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