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Concordia News: Please Post Here


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It's a bit past 9:40 a.m. in Giglio. Looking at the webcam panorama view I can see a couple of lines (cables?) running across from either land or a crane on or near land. Wondering what they are for.

From the parbuckle view on the webcam is how I can see the crane tho not the lines.

If anyone else checks in whilst they are still there, do you have any thoughts on what they might be for?

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Hi Cheng .... I am sure that in the early reports it was mentioned that the call took place on Schettino`s personal phone but with many other things it could well have been reported wrongly.


Have you read anywhere about what info was or had been recorded on the bridge other than what the media have done so far with regard to the call to Ferarini?

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Hi Cheng .... I am sure that in the early reports it was mentioned that the call took place on Schettino`s personal phone but with many other things it could well have been reported wrongly.


Have you read anywhere about what info was or had been recorded on the bridge other than what the media have done so far with regard to the call to Ferarini?


I have not heard specifically what was recorded, but regardless of whether the call was on his personal phone, every word spoken on the bridge is recorded. Now, it takes time and equipment to untangle whose voice says which words, and make a transcript, but this has already been done for the official Italian investigation. We make jokes about the company listening when we make disparaging remarks about the home office over coffee on the bridge or ECR, but unless the VDR is dismantled, leaving evidence of tampering, the data is only recorded, and then recorded over after about a year.

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You've got better eyes than I do, or they are gone now. The work plan also mentions preparing mooring points on Concordia, so some of this may be mooring lines from a crane barge that has backed off due to weather. I can't believe they would use the wreck to moor to, but they could be used to hold a barge in position relative to the wreck, along with anchors.

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Cheng, in this link you will find a final report to the accident. It will be in PFD form.




Not sure if it will provide additional information from bridge recordings (as I didn't have time to read the whole thing again.)

I'm pretty sure there is a link out there that has some but not all of what was picked up from the bridge but I don't have time to search that one out now either.

Another article I read this morning mentioned that when Farrarini was testifying the prosecutors played a tape from the Bridge recordings. Unfortunately the article did not say what the conversation was about.

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Cheng, in this link you will find a final report to the accident. It will be in PFD form.




Not sure if it will provide additional information from bridge recordings (as I didn't have time to read the whole thing again.)

I'm pretty sure there is a link out there that has some but not all of what was picked up from the bridge but I don't have time to search that one out now either.

Another article I read this morning mentioned that when Farrarini was testifying the prosecutors played a tape from the Bridge recordings. Unfortunately the article did not say what the conversation was about.


Thanks, SB;


I downloaded that a few months back when it first came out. That report does have some transcript from the phone conversations between Farrarini and Schettino, but I'm not sure of the source.

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Excellent article.... short but to the point.






I'll be visiting "Mother England" for 10 days in May.

We take RCL Brilliance for a 15 day trans Atlantic from Tampa and arrive in Harwich..

I rented an apartment in Portsmouth for a week.

Then, we'll tranfer to a hotel in Southampton for 3 nights before boarding Ruby Princess for 12 days with 3 ports each in Ireland, Scotland and England.


"Rule Britania, Britania Rules the waves" :D


Your American Cousin ;),



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Uni ... I hope you get decent weather for the crossing, it usually goes downhill when you reach the area of the Canary islands ... :D


We sailed on Brilliance a few years ago and it is one of our favourite RCL ships, of course since then it has had a refit so it should be so much better.

There are some good places to get to from Portsmouth by train, plus of course the HMS Victory and others.


Not a great deal to do in Southampton but there is the memorial in the main park there to the Titanic, once again there are places to get to by train unless of course you hire a car.


Ruby Princess our Favourite ship, we were in L106 on deck 15 two years running, fantastic views due to it being just above the bridge, although passengers got in the way on top of the bridge on sailaways ... :)


"Rule Britania, Britania Rules the waves" Yes but you weill be on 2 American owned ships LOL.


Does the Ruby stop in Liverpool by any chance? I know we have had our differences on here but it would be good to actually meet you in person.

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Uni ... I hope you get decent weather for the crossing, it usually goes downhill when you reach the area of the Canary islands ... :D


We sailed on Brilliance a few years ago and it is one of our favourite RCL ships, of course since then it has had a refit so it should be so much better.

There are some good places to get to from Portsmouth by train, plus of course the HMS Victory and others.


Not a great deal to do in Southampton but there is the memorial in the main park there to the Titanic, once again there are places to get to by train unless of course you hire a car.


Ruby Princess our Favourite ship, we were in L106 on deck 15 two years running, fantastic views due to it being just above the bridge, although passengers got in the way on top of the bridge on sailaways ... :)


"Rule Britania, Britania Rules the waves" Yes but you weill be on 2 American owned ships LOL.


Does the Ruby stop in Liverpool by any chance? I know we have had our differences on here but it would be good to actually meet you in person.




We'll probably have rough weather for most of the crossing since our first port of call after leaving Florida is Boston. So, we'll be using the nothern route.


I'm looking forward to the British Naval history and HMS Victory. Also, some dear Brit cruising pals (he's a retired Barrister) we'll be spending a few days with us. The apartment I rented straddles the Gun Wharf Mall and the Outdoor Naval Museum and has a 12th floor balcony and view of the harbor and estuary.


Yes, the Ruby Princess docks in Liverpool on Thursday May 29 at 5am and departs at 8pm. Sharon Rae and I were planning on a DIY Hop On Hop Off Bus Tour which is suppose to be a 3 minute (10 for us LOL) near the "Liver" Building. We figured 3 hours for the 2 loops and one hop off.


Then, our focus would be to find a good pub for lunch. I'm sure your presence would enhance the ambiance of any pub and I'd be delighted to buy you the first pint, as previously promised. I've had good luck in the past in JD Wetherspoon Pubs and there appears to be quite a few in Liverpool. If you have better suggestions, you would know best.



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The words of G in the House- For dismantling the wreck of Concordia "in there is an Italian and a Turkish solution", the Turkey presented the cheapest offer: "40 million dollars", compared with 200 million request, "out of business" from Civitavecchia. "In the middle there are the solutions Piombino and Genoa." It said the head of civil defense, Franco Gabrielli, the hearing in the Committee on the environment of the room on the removal of the wreckage on the coast from the island of Giglio.


gabrielli rimozione concordia isola del giglio giglionews"The port of Palermo it became no longer available – ha aggiunto Gabrielli – remain Civitavecchia, which presented an off-market offer, proposed an exorbitant amount: Turkish solution involves a disbursement for the company of 40 million dollars, 200 million to Civitavecchia. In the middle are the solutions of Piombino and Genoa. The problem of Piombino is that didn't dock ".


The Turkish solution presupposes use of Vanguard, the Italian one of the trailer hitch: "we – said Gabrielli – we expect not only the indication of a solution but a substantial documentation that demonstrates the risks and issues related to each of the two solutions".


Of 30 ports probed by the London society which has also consortia selected for righting the ship of the coast 13 have submitted tenders, he explained, "there are four Italian ports: Piombino, Civitavecchia, Genoa and Palermo. Then there are the Turkey, Great Britain, Norway, the lowest bid is Norwegian, not sustainable for the distance ".


"We hope that both an Italian port, because remember that we have yet to find a body." "It is true though – he added – the price you have to pay the Costs, which is a private company, that can go to air "legs. "The costs to be borne by the shipowner have been so far – noted Gabrielli – 1.1 billion"


"Today we cringe on Turkey but that's where we send our military ships". "From 25 years in Italy we do not ship dismantling our military ships carry in Turkey". "Today in Europe the best-equipped country Norway is" added answering questions of members-but they have not opted for that country as a matter of

distance ", although the Norwegian was" offer lower prices than Turks ".


Environment Minister Galletti- No to Turkey, "harmony must be dismantled in Italy. The tragedy, which occurred in our seas with environmental damage and casualties, there must be economic opportunities for our country ". So Mr Gian Luca Galletti ANSA when asked about the possibility of nuclear decommissioning in Turkey of Concord.


The President of the Tuscany region-Red "A priority is the environmental impact assessment of the move of Concord. We then evaluate the project that there will be presented. Dismantle the ship in Turkey, told Gabrielli, is cheaper but the Turkey is distant and, at least from what we know, dismantle the ships not really respecting the environment ". Lo ha detto il presidente della Regione Toscana, Enrico Rossi.


enrico rossi governatore toscana presidente isola del giglio concordia vanguard giglionews"We have the task of completing this task in the best possible way, which means the destruction of the ship must be carried out while respecting both the environment and workers ' rights. If Turkey makes us run these risks the solution cannot be to an Italian port, or Plummet or Genoa, "added Rossi.


"If we are ready for when the ship will be moved – noted the President of Tuscany – the solution must be Piombino, for a reason of common sense: you can reach in just 5 hours, while it takes 5 days to Genoa. And the port of Piombino, I did a check on the work yesterday, will be able to host the Concordia starting from September. As President of Tuscany contend that the ship should be removed from the Lily as soon as possible (but without intermingling with the highlight of tourist season), and it is dismantled in Italy, and if the port is ready to Plummet ".


Realacci words- "The tragedy of the Costa Concordia and the actions that followed have emerged two Italie. A sbruffona, unreliable, irresponsible symbolized by Commander Schettino and another represented by joint efforts in rescue Lily and citizens after the excellent safety action of the wreck. In this difficult and in some ways never attempted, under the direction of civil protection, we have demonstrated efficiency and Italian companies showed the best of their technological capabilities. A success that, after the tragedy, helped to redeem, at least in part, the country and return honor to Italy. Positive then confirming that all costs related to recovery and removal of Concordia, coming to turnover today 1.100 billion, are borne on the coast. Important, moreover, that it is a continuous environmental monitoring operations carried out with the involvement of the Department of Environmental Biology de La Sapienza University, Ispra and the Harp of Tuscany, which gave encouraging results. It is time to bring to fruition this hard work ensuring maximum safety for the environment and using this opportunity to initiate a process for dismantling and recovery of large ships, starting precisely from the demolition of Concord in an Italian port. We would be among the first in Europe for solutions for this, anticipating European norms that soon will end the scandal of journeys to sites, especially in South Asia, where the dismantling takes place without warranties or to the environment or to the safety of workers. It is an opportunity that Italy can not lose, "said Ermete Realacci, President of the Committee on environment and public works, commenting on the informal hearing Prefect Gabrielli today in the Committee on the environment and the completeness of the report of the prefect himself on the progress of the work of removing and dismantling of the wreck of the Costa Concordia.



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Thanks SB

It does appear from that, that although she will be ready to sail at the end of June it may well be that she will stay where she is until September when Piombino is ready to receive her.

What does everyone else think?


$1.1 billion estimated cost of the recovery of the CC so far. Wow. :eek:


As to the port of salvage, I think the decision will come down to money and timing, although the authorities would obviously desire one of the Italian ports be the final destination.

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Let's suppose that things stay on schedule with the removal. If the work is completed and it's ready to haul away in June, then what. Is everyone suppose to just wait around until Sept when an Italian port might be ready? The gov't has known for 2 years that the ship has to go somewhere. If they wanted a port in Italy they should have stopped arguing a long time ago and picked and prepared a port several months ago.

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Nothing happens quickly in Italy as we have seen in the trial.

Perhaps our specialists will be able to tell us whether it would be possible to "Dock" the wreck in say Piombino until the salvage area is ready.

No idea what the Italian equivalent is to the Spanish "Manyana" but the ambition of "tomorrow" still prevails it seems

Your report clearly rules out UK, Norway and India because of the distance involved. We must be somewhere close to 130 weeks since the awful event so would another 8 weeks or so make much difference. Giglio still protests the effect on tourism but I seem to remember that they put a levy of 10 euros per passenger on the ferries arriving.

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Nothing happens quickly in Italy as we have seen in the trial.

Perhaps our specialists will be able to tell us whether it would be possible to "Dock" the wreck in say Piombino until the salvage area is ready.

No idea what the Italian equivalent is to the Spanish "Manyana" but the ambition of "tomorrow" still prevails it seems

Your report clearly rules out UK, Norway and India because of the distance involved. We must be somewhere close to 130 weeks since the awful event so would another 8 weeks or so make much difference. Giglio still protests the effect on tourism but I seem to remember that they put a levy of 10 euros per passenger on the ferries arriving.


Sure its possible to "park" the ship somewhere, you just need the permits, because of possible stuff falling off, etc. There is also the need to monitor the ship and the caissons to maintain the ship afloat, etc, tend mooring lines, etc. The longer she sits around, the more likelihood she may break apart.


Politics bore the heck out of me, so I've not been following all the Latin posturing regarding Piombino. But I can tell you that if they haven't started dredging the harbor by now (and I would be surprised if they started without a firm commitment), it probably won't be done by September. Maybe September 2015. And I can't believe they would have the infrastructure ready by September, given that there is nothing there.


I may get back to the painful translations since it seems there won't be much activity this month, and see if I can figure out something more.

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Sure its possible to "park" the ship somewhere, you just need the permits, because of possible stuff falling off, etc. There is also the need to monitor the ship and the caissons to maintain the ship afloat, etc, tend mooring lines, etc. The longer she sits around, the more likelihood she may break apart.


Politics bore the heck out of me, so I've not been following all the Latin posturing regarding Piombino. But I can tell you that if they haven't started dredging the harbor by now (and I would be surprised if they started without a firm commitment), it probably won't be done by September. Maybe September 2015. And I can't believe they would have the infrastructure ready by September, given that there is nothing there.


I may get back to the painful translations since it seems there won't be much activity this month, and see if I can figure out something more.


Excellent points, Turkey seems to me to be the most likely port.

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Seems like the premise that those with plea bargains will be prosecution witnesses is holding up. I see on the UPI from a couple days ago, that the Hotel Director is now testifying that Schettino never notified him of the problem to start the evacuation. Anybody that side of the pond have better news sources on the trial? Uni?

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Seems like the premise that those with plea bargains will be prosecution witnesses is holding up. I see on the UPI from a couple days ago, that the Hotel Director is now testifying that Schettino never notified him of the problem to start the evacuation. Anybody that side of the pond have better news sources on the trial? Uni?


My international professional contacts have inferred that the court and or the prosecutors are looking for additional witnesses and or testimony.

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Just had a look at the webcam, it's dark in Giglio at the moment so difficult to clarify, but there appears to be some sort of fairly large working platform/barge/vessel being manoeuvred around between CC and the harbour wall using four tugs according to VesselFinder.com, no mention of the actual vessel on Vesselfinder


Hoping to see more in tomorrow's daylight!



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Well spotted.

Just checked and apart from the usual suspects that have been there for months, there are two tugs which I believe are new to us, Red Wolf and ITC Meltemi.

Is it possible that these two have towed a large barge which may have some of the caissons we have been waiting for.

As you say we wont know until dawn which will be about 4am BST.

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