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Concordia News: Please Post Here


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Clive, I looked on the site shortly after your post. The only thing I saw was pitch black beyond the lights of Concordia. You've got some good eyes. :D

Just looked now (7a.m. Italy) and see the cassions floating from land side out.


Latest from Giglio News:


Temporarily suspended the work of removing the Costa Concordia by the waters of Isola del Giglio. To inform insiders but already on the island, in the day yesterday, it was noticed that, strangely, caissons ready for installation after the regular installation of S13 had been put on hold.


giglionews But what happened? Simple: it would seem, as I fear that in the past few weeks, that the continuation of the work is closely related to the removal method (or using the tow ship-Vanguard basin) and the port of destination that still must be chosen. If, in fact, the wreck should be carried away with the Vanguard – the Dutch meganave may enclosed the Concordia it presumably a port abroad – should necessarily be emptied of all liquids present within it, to allow it to have more stability. An operation that once mounted caissons, could only be made through a sea of liquid spill themselves, something that would cause environmental pollution. Or you should first draw the Concordia in a intermediate port, emptied of liquid and then load it on Vanguard. Hence the need to refer to the Centre a more detailed project to obtain permissions.


Observatory: stop work da Costa- "It was Costa, with a letter, to withdraw the request for authorization to waiting to provide full documentation about the operation". This was stated in a note by the President of the Observatory Maria Sargentini saying it was not the block operations. "We are not interested in knowing the port". "The Observatory" – adds President Sargentini-, asked Costa to know risk scenarios related to transportation choices the hull of Concord: and Vanguard, until explicit waiver of Costs, if any, on the use of the platform ". And that's because "to those choices is linked the problem of inland waters, reclamation of waste and the type of treatment safely for the sea of lily and in General for the environment. Change in fact – concluded the note – the possibility of intervention to caissons mounted, that problem is over the same coastline with its letter of suspension of operation "


The Mayor del Giglio: Costa clarifies -"on the removal of the wreckage has generated a situation very serious and very worrying. Costa Crociere clarify immediately the removal mode and the port of destination and resume the work to reach that finish line that we're looking for three years. The Giglio island cannot afford to add further damage to what has so far already, despite himself, immediately ". To declare it the Mayor of the municipality of Isola del Giglio Sergio Ortelli after news about the decision to stop the installation of caissons as are not yet known nor transport modes nor the port of final destination. "Already a month ago – I said – continues Ortelli was important to shed light on how to remove and I did it. Was the proof once again that the lily wondered who has the sole responsibility of each other and the private part, should be clarified. Why would you do the first clarity I asked the Prefect Franco Gabrielli convening an Advisory Committee "


Titan-Micoperi: jobs resume at day- "The Observatory there asked for additional information from the environmental point of view considering lacking documentation on one of two possibilities of removing the wreck, which is Dutch ship Vanguard. It was a correct and we act in a few days we will present to the Centre that we were required to resume work ". So, Sergio Garcia, a representative of the Consortium, Micoperi Titan is working to remove the Costa Concordia, the stop at installation of caissons. Garcia believes that the suspension of the Assembly work will last only a few days. "Once we got the go-ahead from the Observatory at which among other things we asked to have a permit for the installation of all cells, and not one at a time-continues Garcia-, we will reprogram the roadmap of operation even in light of the success of the editing of the first of the 19 bodies, the most complicated, which makes us be optimistic. The operation is carried out in two days, compared with a forecast of three, and this makes us think of a reduction of the times "


Costa: removal as soon as possible- "Yesterday was withdrawn a request that had been made for the installation of the only caisson S12 and, at the same time, the Observatory has been confirmed the authorization request for the whole installation phase of the 18 missing rigalleggiamento bins, including the same caisson S12. The claim, in a statement, Costa Cruises and Titan Micoperi. "We are working to provide some insights required by the Centre with regard to environmental aspects related to transport options other than the traditional trailer," says the note. "Costa Cruises and Titan Micoperi Consortium hoping that the issues raised with regard to the continuation of the installation of caissons are resolved as soon as possible and confirm its commitment to the removal of the wreckage of the Consensus as soon as possible, in full cooperation with the competent authorities"


Realacci: the Government assume responsibility for choosing the port- "After the tragedy of the sinking of the Concordia Italy gave excellent evidence in hard wreck recovery action that had environmental and technological problems in many ways absolutely new. The full cooperation of all the institutions under the responsibility of Mr Gabrielli and correct behavior, after the disaster, the shipping company were decisive. Today the best way to avoid delays in the final phase of recovery is that the Council Presidency to take responsibility for the final choice of the destination port for the disarmament of the ship, immediately summoning a table there are in addition to the Commissioner, the Ministry of the environment, the region of Tuscany, the other ministries involved. As I had occasion to reiterate, in the hearing of Franco Gabrielli at the VIII Environment Committee public works and Territory of the room, that choice can only fall back on an Italian port because ensuring maximum safety for the environment, this is an opportunity not to be missed is to create employment and economy to start a chain for the dismantling and recovery of large ships. We are in fact among the first in Europe for solutions for this, anticipating European norms that soon will end the scandal of journeys to sites, especially in South Asia, where the dismantling takes place without warranties or to the environment or to the safety of workers. " This was stated by Ermete Realacci, President of the Committee on environment and public works, commenting on the stop removal procedures of Concord taken from monitoring Observatory which has not granted authorization for the installation of caissons as are not yet known nor transport modes nor the port of final destination. It is known that the use of the Vanguard involves, inter alia, different problems related to the release at sea of water contained in the wreck.



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Thanks Sid

I guess its going to be a long job while they part fill the sponson as it sinks into position.

The Kerfuffle last nights does seem to point to political grandstanding. With the European elections and various other elections taking place in May. In the UK we have local council, mayoral and European elections. I find it hard enough to keep up with the UK, heaven knows what the Italians are voting on, certainly European and I know Mayor Ortelli on Giglio is up for re-election and there are probably more officials up for the vote.

One can only imagine that to be seen to be standing up for the electorate in stopping the work while they get reassurance on the environmental issues thus stopping CC from going to Turkey, whilst ensuring that the work for the scrapping of CC stays in Italy thus protecting jobs, cant do their campaign any harm.

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Reading both the translation and the UK version, it sounds like it was Costa who stopped things, in a bid to force the authorities to go Costa's way. I believe Costa wants to take the wreck to Turkey, as this is the least expensive (even factoring in the Vanguard), and when the authorities wanted more documentation, Costa said, "okay, we'll just suspend operations, since we may have to rethink the whole thing if we are going somewhere else", in order to get the authorities to back off on the additional studies request.


Frankly, given the amount of environmental monitoring being done there, I would think they would know pretty well the chemical makeup of the water inside the wreck. Just by osmosis, anything that isn't floating on the surface would have blended into the water going in and out through the hull breach and the windows and doors. Anything that floats would be contained by a boom. So when the ship is floated, some water will come out, regardless of whether the wreck is towed to Italy, or dry towed to Turkey. As the wreck is placed on the Vanguard, and subsequently pumped out, the entire operation will be boomed, so I really don't see many surprises happening. They can also have spill response vessels standing by.


I see the "environmental concerns" as a smoke screen for forcing a more expensive, but more locally beneficial scrapping option.

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After having some coffee, and thinking some more (novel activity for me ;)), this may be why the barge paraded up and down for a couple of days, to "rub it in the face" of the authorities that Costa is holding the whole thing up because of them. Probably lots of machismo going on behind the scenes.

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The pontoon, one sponson and aa tug , I think Voe Earl has just left CC and heading out presumably the S12 sponson is the one being fitted and S11 will have a sail up and down for a couple of days


AIS shows Red Wolf and Voe Earl in close proximity, and the camera shows two tugs with the barge "on the hip". Will have to wait and see whether they change to a long tow or stay on the hip. If they stay on the hip, they won't go far, or for long.

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If I were the directors of Costa I'd tell the politician who wants the government to choose the port for scrapping the ship "Fine, then you pay for it." Like all politicians, that guy finds it easy to spend other people's money.


Hear, hear.

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Costa Concordia removal hits snag as captain seeks to shift blame



Meanwhile, captain Francesco Schettino, who is being tried for manslaughter, abandoning ship and other crimes, once again rejected the blame for the shipwreck, assigning it to other members of the crew.

“It’s all the fault of my officers. It’s stated in the maritime code.

We were half a mile away from the coast and at that distance the crew on duty is responsible for steering the ship,” he told the Il Secolo XIX newspaper.

“We found ourselves on the rocks and nobody said: ‘captain, we are very close, captain, watch out,” Schettino said, adding that he tried a last-ditch manoeuvre, which failed because the helmsman got it wrong.

He also said the ship’s owners told him not to launch an official distress signal from the onboard radio, but to use his phone, to avoid a maritime code clause stating that “those who help a ship in distress, can ask for a reward equal to the value of the ship.”

As to the charge of abandoning ship — which has earned him a worldwide reputation for cowardice — Schettino insisted that he fell accidentally into a lifeboat.

“The truth is that when a surface tilts beyond a certain degree, the force of gravity applies,” he said. — dpa

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Costa Concordia removal hits snag as captain seeks to shift blame



Rome — Work to remove the wreckage of the Costa Concordia cruise ship — which has laid off the Italian coast since its January 2012 accident — was suspended yesterday as authorities decide which port should take the ship for dismantling.


Several local authorities in Italy are competing for the lucrative tender. Earlier this month, the government commissar overseeing the process, Franco Gabrielli, told parliament that the cheapest offer so far — $40 million — had come from Turkey.

The boat will be towed away if an Italian port is chosen for dismantling, or loaded on to a semi-submersible heavy lift ship if it is to be taken to Turkey.

However, if the Turkish port gets the contract, the wreck will also have to be emptied of all onboard liquids, to reduce weight.

Authorities said this should happen before all the tanks are attached, meaning work cannot proceed until the port decision is made.

The setback could jeopardise efforts to clear the ship before the weather turns cold, which is usually in September. Engineers would then have to wait until the spring of 2015 to continue their work.

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Costa Concordia removal hits snag as captain seeks to shift blame



Meanwhile, captain Francesco Schettino, who is being tried for manslaughter, abandoning ship and other crimes, once again rejected the blame for the shipwreck, assigning it to other members of the crew.

“It’s all the fault of my officers. It’s stated in the maritime code.

We were half a mile away from the coast and at that distance the crew on duty is responsible for steering the ship,” he told the Il Secolo XIX newspaper.I call BS here. When the Captain starts giving helm orders, he takes "the conn" or control over the maneuvering of the ship. THAT is clearly stated in the maritime code. Now, the ISM code requires "bridge team management" and requires the bridge officers TO ASSIST the Captain, but the man with the conn has the responsibility and the sole authority to give commands.

“We found ourselves on the rocks and nobody said: ‘captain, we are very close, captain, watch out,” Schettino said, adding that he tried a last-ditch manoeuvre, which failed because the helmsman got it wrong.Again, BS, as the official Italian investigation shows how close to the impact this "last ditch maneuver" was, and simulations show that even had the helmsman been spot on, it would not have made any difference.

He also said the ship’s owners told him not to launch an official distress signal from the onboard radio, but to use his phone, to avoid a maritime code clause stating that “those who help a ship in distress, can ask for a reward equal to the value of the ship.”Boy, the BS is piling high. The only time that an assisting vessel can sue for the value of the ship is when it has been completely abandoned by the owners or their representatives (crew). Otherwise, they can sue for lost earnings due to the diversion, etc, but that's it.

As to the charge of abandoning ship — which has earned him a worldwide reputation for cowardice — Schettino insisted that he fell accidentally into a lifeboat.

“The truth is that when a surface tilts beyond a certain degree, the force of gravity applies,” he said. — dpa


While true, why didn't the remaining passengers get thrown out of the ship at the same time? And there is no lifeboat close to the bridge wing, where he should have been at the time, so falling into a boat is garbage. This a**hole amazes me every time he opens that pie hole under his nose.

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Costa Concordia removal hits snag as captain seeks to shift blame



Rome — Work to remove the wreckage of the Costa Concordia cruise ship — which has laid off the Italian coast since its January 2012 accident — was suspended yesterday as authorities decide which port should take the ship for dismantling.


Several local authorities in Italy are competing for the lucrative tender. Earlier this month, the government commissar overseeing the process, Franco Gabrielli, told parliament that the cheapest offer so far — $40 million — had come from Turkey.

The boat will be towed away if an Italian port is chosen for dismantling, or loaded on to a semi-submersible heavy lift ship if it is to be taken to Turkey.

However, if the Turkish port gets the contract, the wreck will also have to be emptied of all onboard liquids, to reduce weight.

Authorities said this should happen before all the tanks are attached, meaning work cannot proceed until the port decision is made.

The setback could jeopardise efforts to clear the ship before the weather turns cold, which is usually in September. Engineers would then have to wait until the spring of 2015 to continue their work.


Again, what a load of c***. They want to remove all the water before attaching all the caissons? How's that gonna work? Right now, there are several decks of non-watertight windows and doors under water, and one big gash in the port bilge. In order to get the ship where the main deck is above water (and take all those doors and windows out of the leakage equation), they need to put the caissons in place and pretty much empty them. The project estimated that the buoyancy of all the caissons would result in an 18 meter draft, well deeper than normal. Plus, the gash in the bilge is now covered by the port side caissons (though some of the missing port caissons may be where the gash is), so that may be too late to address.


Once again, laymen who gave the go ahead for an engineering project, now want to regain control of the process, without any idea of what is going on. Throw in Italy and politics and it just keeps getting better and better. As I said before, I'm actually a bit surprised that it's taken this long for these kinds of problems to surface, but it may have been because no one could tell whether the parbuckle would work or not.


Sorry for this and the rant on the "News" thread, this has really got me worked up today.

Edited by chengkp75
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Time for a decaff this time.

This is only politics, when the European election and Mayoral elections are finished on the 25th May, the politicians will all disappear back under the stone from which they appeared......and we can go back the "what happens next" game.

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Time for a decaff this time.

This is only politics, when the European election and Mayoral elections are finished on the 25th May, the politicians will all disappear back under the stone from which they appeared......and we can go back the "what happens next" game.


Probably right, Clive, and another blood pressure pill. :p

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Again, what a load of c***. They want to remove all the water before attaching all the caissons? How's that gonna work? Right now, there are several decks of non-watertight windows and doors under water, and one big gash in the port bilge. In order to get the ship where the main deck is above water (and take all those doors and windows out of the leakage equation), they need to put the caissons in place and pretty much empty them. The project estimated that the buoyancy of all the caissons would result in an 18 meter draft, well deeper than normal. Plus, the gash in the bilge is now covered by the port side caissons (though some of the missing port caissons may be where the gash is), so that may be too late to address.


Once again, laymen who gave the go ahead for an engineering project, now want to regain control of the process, without any idea of what is going on. Throw in Italy and politics and it just keeps getting better and better. As I said before, I'm actually a bit surprised that it's taken this long for these kinds of problems to surface, but it may have been because no one could tell whether the parbuckle would work or not.


Sorry for this and the rant on the "News" thread, this has really got me worked up today.


As you said before, any liquid "pollutants" which were not contained have long since been flushed out by the currents and tides. Anything remaining must be in sealed containers/compartments and can be pumped out when those areas approach the surface during the refloat. I remember reading in the weekly report over a year ago that they were circulating water from inside the ship through a filtration system way back then to try to remove any pollutants.

Edited by Bearded Engineer
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They also seem to forget that the vessel was rotated 60 degrees 6 months ago. I guess that even with the slow pace of the rotation, anything that has not mixed already after spending more than a year underwater must have been mixed pretty well during rotation with all the water coming out of the previously submerged parts of the ship and "fresh water" coming into the newly submerged parts, not to mention that the ship is now sitting up to deck 6 in the water when the float line is normally below deck A (one deck below deck 0).

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