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Toddler in the Bahamas – Carnival Fantasy Jan 20-25 2012


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Day 2 – Sea Day

We ate breakfast in the MDR and then dropped Nibbs off at the camp around 10:00. She cried at first, but I am sure she calmed down after a few minutes. I went to Serenity to love up my Nook and BooToo decided to walk around the ship. During the one and only time I relaxed in Serenity, the staff was diligent about keeping kids out. On both sea days, the pool wasn’t too crowded, but then again we didn’t want to sit right by it. Ever since we had Nibbs, we prefer the shade.







Around 12:30, we decided it was time to pick up Nibbs. The counselor said she was sad the whole time, she did not participate in any activities, and as soon as she spotted other kids being picked up by their parents at the door, she planted herself right beside it. The moment she saw us she went into banshee mode. I could tell the counselor was relieved to have Nibbs go. We decided to eat lunch at the buffet. Once we saw a shirtless and shoeless hairy guy reaching over the different food stations that was the last time. But it was good while it lasted. After lunch was Nibbs’ nap time. Now, I don’t know if it is normal, but for a few hours in the afternoon there was a strong sewage smell on our deck. It didn’t disturb Nibbs’ sleep, but it sure disrupted mine.


When she woke up, we got dressed for elegant night. We didn’t make the Captain’s Celebration. From our observations, people were nicely dressed in suits and dresses. There were a few sprinklings of khakis and polo shirts, but we didn’t see any jeans, t-shirts, hoochie mama gear, and baseball caps. It was a good looking crowd.


BooToo and Nibbs



After dinner, we changed into street clothes and made our way to the 8:45 showing of “Nightclub Express”. We sat on the second floor and near the stage. It wasn’t very crowded and Nibbs pretty much behaved herself. She enjoyed the show as much as we did. There was a liberal amount of bums being shown, but at least they were nicely decorated and in good shape. My husband can attest to that. Men.


We never got to enjoy the comedians during the whole cruise, but there was a laughable incident in the wee hours. Well, I thought it was amusing; BooToo did not.


Around 2 am or so, we got woken up by a pair of finely aged, tipsy southern belles walking through the hallway.


ROUND 1 (Walking towards the front end)

Belle1: I am tellin’ you we on the wrong end of the ship.

Belle2: No, we ain’t. The room is this way. Just follow me.

Belle1: Alright, but I think you’re wrong. I think they should have people wanderin’ the hallways to help. We can’t be the only lost ones.


ROUND 2 (Walking towards the aft end)

Belle1: Didn’t I tell ya we’re going the wrong way? Lookee here, U99 (my room). Our room is 105. It’s right over there.

Belle2: No, that ain’t our room. Our room is 225. We need to keep going.


ROUND 3 (Walking towards the front end)

Belle1: Ok, I think we’re headed the right way. We’re gonna find our room.

Belle2 (in a soft, scared voice): I think we’re lost. We’re never gonna find our room!

Belle1: Hush now! We ain’t lost. We’re gonna be fine. I ain’t gonna let this ship beat me!


ROUND 4 (Walking towards the aft end)

Both belles are cackling at this point.

Belle1: Didn’t I tell you we ain’t lost?

Belle2: I know, I know. We’re alright now. I guess we shoulda looked at the map earlier. Good thinkin’ on your part.

Belle1: I got your back, I got your back!


We didn’t hear them again, so either they finally found their room or passed out somewhere.


Now, the Day 2 FunTimes










Thank you all for being patient with me! I will continue with Nassau tomorrow.

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Day 3 - Nassau


I forgot to mention that we received past guest invitations the night before to take place the next day (day 3). It was from 5:00-5:45 pm. We didn’t go to it, but just wanted to put out the information.


We wanted to get an early start today, so we ordered room service. It arrived around 6:00. The staffer was very nice, asking questions about how our cruise was going and what our plans were for the day. We got off the ship around 8:00. All you need to take with you are your carnival cards and a driver’s license for those over 16. When we got to the welcome center, we grabbed a couple of maps and looked at them since we didn’t know where the heck anything was located. Our plan was to go to Ardastra Gardens, then Arawak Cay for lunch, and chill out at Junkanoo Beach.










We needed to catch the #10 jitney to the gardens. Along the way, there were a few signs pointing out which way to walk to get to Junkanoo Beach and Arawak Cay. If you arm yourself with a map and follow the signs, it would be nearly impossible to get lost.






Following the map, we went to George St. to catch the #10 jitney. We were the first ones on it. Island music was playing and it was just a very cool vibe. There was enough room to store the umbrella stroller. After a few more passengers got on, we took off. The driver made a few stops to pick up more passengers. It didn’t take more than 10 minutes to get to our stop. We paid $2.50 for both adults and Nibbs was free.


Jitney drop off



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Arawak Cay is across the street from the Ardastra jitney drop-off



It was an easy walk from the drop-off to the gardens. We arrived a few minutes before 9, but the lady let us in anyway. The price is $16 per adult and children under 4 are free (I think). She asked us is we grabbed any maps from the welcome center and we said yes. She took one of them and pointed out the $2 off coupon for the gardens. She said there are a lot of coupons in the maps and most tourists never check them.

We had a nice time at the gardens. It’s small, but a perfect place to stroll about. The flamingos and peacocks are allowed to roam free, which delighted Nibbs, but watch your step. They go when it moves them.








This guy tried to take a chunk off of Nibbs' shirt, but stopped when he realized BooToo is Greek




World's largest rodent. Imagine the housetrap for this bad boy.




Flamingo Show


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I am excited to see how your Nassau adventure went. We are thinking of Junkanoo and Fish Fry as well! Would it be feasible to walk to both?



I can answer this because we walked to both in October. Just follow the signs to Junkanoo and then Fish Fry is just further down the beach.

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We left after the flamingo show. We wanted to stay for the lorry feeding, but Nibbs was getting a little restless and hungry, so we took off. We went straight to Arawak Cay. I read that Goldie’s, Twin Brothers, and Oh, Andros served great Bahamian food, but we wanted to throw a bone to any lesser known eateries. We chose The Fish Fry and were not disappointed. I ordered the conch fritters. It was $3 for 12 balls of deliciousness. My Heineken perfectly complemented it. I wanted Kalik, but they didn’t have any. I thought “What the frack? How could they not have the national beer of the Bahamas? Waaaa:(“ BooToo ordered the cracked grouper and declared it a winner. It was very fresh and he ate everything. It was $16 for the cracked grouper, french fries, and a salad.






It had a smidgen of spiciness, but it didn't stop me from scarfing them down.




Stuffed, we slowly walked towards Junkanoo Beach. We passed by Twin Brothers and it was starting to get lively. Speaking of lively, allforfun&funforall - you and the Andrew would be the perfect people to critique this place. If it ever occurs to you, I would love to live vicariously through you. Tell me everything; omit nothing. If we didn’t have Nibbs with us, I definitely would’ve wanted to hang out there for a while. We were walking a bit slow, so it took us about 15 minutes to get to the beach.


The beach wasn’t very crowded. The sand had a few rocks and trash, but otherwise clean. When we entered the water, we realized it was pretty rocky, so we put water shoes on Nibbs. Now, to me, it was cold. Not breathtakingly cold, but I couldn’t stand to go in farther than my knees. It didn’t stop other people from paddling around. There were stands selling food, alcohol, and renting out chairs.








Nibbs passed out on BooToo’s chest and I decided to get a quick nap as well. While we were lying, some gentleman in a suit was chastising a vendor. We kept our eyes closed and laid possum to eavesdrop on the conversation. Apparently, the suited gentleman was pissed that one of the vendor’s friends was telling the tourists that he was part of the Tourist Ministry and ripping them off. Not only that, the vendor snitched to the police about his friend and his buddy got arrested for misrepresentation. The suited gentleman said it wasn’t right to rat out his friend, even though he was lying. They were all there trying to make a living. The poor vendor couldn’t win.


The long day beat us up, so all we managed to do was eat at the MDR for dinner, wander around the ship for a bit, and we were in bed by 10.


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Thank you for posting the kid's activity schedules. We are considering taking four of our grandchildren on a cruise - ages, 8, 9, 10 and 11 - and were concerned about the youngest being in a different group from the other three. I see on the schedule that there are a lot of activities with the two groups combined (ages 6-11). I also appreciate the info on the #10 jitney in Nassau. Nice to read an enjoyable review with info that applies to me :)

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I'm enjoying your review!

So sorry Nibbs didn't like the kids club. Maybe the other kids were no fun, just kidding!

We just sailed with our 22 month old and are thinking of doing another later in the year, so it will be interesting to see how Nibbs liked the cruise.

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Am loving your review! I'm just curious on how the weather was, both on board and in the ports. Being from Ohio we are all giddy about getting out shorts and sundresses, but didn't know if that was going to be enough. I'm assuming it will be chilly the first day leaving from charleston? Will probably wear jeans to board but was hoping I didnt need them again until the last day.

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Stuffed, we slowly walked towards Junkanoo Beach. We passed by Twin Brothers and it was starting to get lively. Speaking of lively, allforfun&funforall - you and the Andrew would be the perfect people to critique this place. If it ever occurs to you, I would love to live vicariously through you. Tell me everything; omit nothing. If we didn’t have Nibbs with us, I definitely would’ve wanted to hang out there for a while. We were walking a bit slow, so it took us about 15 minutes to get to the beach.


It's a deal! I will make sure we head by Twin Brothers and will return with a full report including pics!

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Thank you for posting the kid's activity schedules. We are considering taking four of our grandchildren on a cruise - ages, 8, 9, 10 and 11 - and were concerned about the youngest being in a different group from the other three. I see on the schedule that there are a lot of activities with the two groups combined (ages 6-11). I also appreciate the info on the #10 jitney in Nassau. Nice to read an enjoyable review with info that applies to me :)


You're welcome!


Understood! I have a hyper 7 yr old and I have to wait til he sleeps or is at school for me to really get on the computer. lol Enjoying it so far.


Thank you!


I'm enjoying your review!

So sorry Nibbs didn't like the kids club. Maybe the other kids were no fun, just kidding!

We just sailed with our 22 month old and are thinking of doing another later in the year, so it will be interesting to see how Nibbs liked the cruise.


It was definitely the other kids. My kid is the best in the world and can do no wrong;). I wish my daughter is as outgoing as yours. Life would be so much easier.

I enjoyed your review and the vegan/vegetarian perspective. I thought about going vegetarian once, but I love flesh too much to give it up.

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Am loving your review! I'm just curious on how the weather was, both on board and in the ports. Being from Ohio we are all giddy about getting out shorts and sundresses, but didn't know if that was going to be enough. I'm assuming it will be chilly the first day leaving from charleston? Will probably wear jeans to board but was hoping I didnt need them again until the last day.


For us, it was beautiful weather from start to finish. High 60's/low 70's in Charleston on both embarkation/debarkation. 70's in Nassau and Freeport. You will definitely put the sundresses and shorts to work.


Great review thx so much traveling 2/20 w/ 3 kids:):):D


Oooff:eek:.. 3 kids! Hope you and your family have a great time!


Thank you so much for posting the Fun Times! I am going on this same cruise on Friday, and I love to be able to see what to expect as far as activities, shows, etc.


I look forward to reading the rest.


You're welcome!

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Day 4 - Freeport


We decided today was going to be a lazy day. We got up late and ate a light breakfast at the buffet. Everyone else had the same idea because the shuttle van lines were a bit chaotic. We weren’t sure where to stand to catch one and you have to be a bit assertive if you ever want to get to the marketplace. It was $10 RT per adult and Nibbs was free as long as she sat in my lap. The driver will give you a return ticket. 9 of us hopped into the van. There wasn’t any air-conditioning, but at least we could open the windows. The ride over was quiet. The driver dropped us off in a parking lot beside the marketplace and told us vans should always be available. They will not take off unless the vans are full.

We walked past the marketplace and went straight to the beach. It took us about 25 minutes or so. It wasn’t far, but Nibbs wanted to walk and she gets easily distracted.

We didn’t spend the day frolicking on the beach. We got enough beach time the day before and just wanted to check out it out.


Entrance by the police station











After the beach, we hit the marketplace. All the vendors selling the same stuff. I needed a drink, so I got a pina colada from a stand in the middle of the marketplace near a water fountain. It was a small cup, but it was mighty. I felt alright afterwards. We walked around for a bit more and headed for the parking lot. The return driver’s narrative was a nice touch. He’d point things out and gave the history behind it. There is only one gas supplier on the island and because of that, the gas prices are pretty high. $5 and change per gallon. He asked us to send some competition to Freeport. My husband told him we’ll send BP over. When we got back to port, we strolled about for a little while. It was a repeat of the marketplace.

We didn’t do much this evening. Nibbs refused to go to Camp Carnival. When we tried to drop her off after dinner on elegant night, she clung to my husband like white on rice and wouldn’t let her feet touch the ground. We tried again a few times throughout the cruise, but as soon as we got in the general vicinity, she’d start crying, so we just gave up:(

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Day 5 – Sea Day



Since Nibbs had clearly voiced her feelings about Camp Carnival, we turned the cell phone in. We spent the day lapping the ship numerous amount of times and a little time at waterworks. We finally decided to give the Mongolian Wok a try. It was pretty tasty, but avoid peak times. The line tends to snake around lunch time. I needed a drink today, so I got a Kiss on the Lips. At first, it tasted delicious, but by the end it was too sweet.






We wanted to go to the farewell party at the Universe Lounge at 5, so we cleaned up and joined the crowd. We didn’t know complimentary drinks were served at this event. That was bonus. BooToo noticed that many people took full advantage of it. My first screw driver was strong, but the second was all oj. The band and the ship’s singer was our entertainment. Nibbs let us enjoy it for about 45 minutes before she let us know she was ready to go. After dinner at the MDR, we lapped the ship a few more times before we headed to the Camp Carnival farewell party. Not too many kids showed up. Since we were going to have an early start the next day, we went back to the room to pack and relax.



Day 5 FunTimes










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Debarkation Information






Day 5 – Debarkation

We set the alarm for 6:00 am because we bought liquor in Nassau and thought the line would be long. We were wrong. It took BooToo a minute to collect it. We chose self debarkation and since our group time to exit was around 7:15, we went to the buffet to eat breakfast on the ship one last time. From start to finish, it took around 30 minutes to get to our car.



I wish I could say it was an awesome vacation and we had the best time. It would be a lie if I did. The ship, staff, and ports were fine, but Nibbs was not. We thought we would have plenty of adult time to ourselves in the evenings. We wanted to go to the casino, see a few comedy shows, hit the nightclub, etc. Never happened. Sadly, Nibbs wasn’t the only one who hated Camp Carnival. There were other children who had to be bribed so their parents can have a night out. Now, I don’t know if all these children have similar anxiety issues or the camp itself stunk. Nevertheless, we’ve decided to wait a couple years before taking another cruise. I have my eye on the Carnival Breeze.


Thank you for reading! Happy Sailings!

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Thank you so much for posting the Fun Times. I am writing down things not to miss as we speak.


I am printing them out! I will read them at lunch and pretend I'm on the cruise deciding what activities to do. :) And yes, I am one of those people who brings a highlighter with me!


I feel bad for little Nibbs not wanting to go to Camp Carnival. :( I'm sure she will like it better when she gets a little older.

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I wish I could say it was an awesome vacation and we had the best time. It would be a lie if I did. The ship, staff, and ports were fine, but Nibbs was not. We thought we would have plenty of adult time to ourselves in the evenings. We wanted to go to the casino, see a few comedy shows, hit the nightclub, etc. Never happened. Sadly, Nibbs wasn’t the only one who hated Camp Carnival. There were other children who had to be bribed so their parents can have a night out. Now, I don’t know if all these children have similar anxiety issues or the camp itself stunk. Nevertheless, we’ve decided to wait a couple years before taking another cruise. I have my eye on the Carnival Breeze.


Thank you for reading! Happy Sailings!


We had the same issues with Camp Carnival on the Fantasy. I don't know if it just too small or a space or someone is pinching all of them (/sarcasm) but it was near impossible to drop our son off at all.

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