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Home Lines employees/memories?

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I think that's wonderful that your father still has such vivid memories of his times serving the passengers on Home Lines. Even if nobody responds on this board that they remember him, I'm sure MANY passengers do remember him and think of him fondly each time they are reminiscing about their cruises on Home Lines! As you can see.....so many of us here do remember those who have served us on board. Some may remember him by name and others might just remember some special treatment he gave them or a kindness he showed.

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Joe, great stories about your Father. Although I didn't sail the Oceanic that early, I am amazed at the affection both staff and passengers had for each other. I still remember when they gave out awards to people who sailed several times.


It was like one big family thanks to the example set by your Father and the rest of the crew, officers and staff on board the Home Lines.


Much like Italy itself. I always felt so welcome when going there.


Tell your Father that I love the Oceanic. What was the song again???

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If the song you are talking about is the Oceanic song, it went like this,

Oh Oceanic ship, shes a bella bella bella.

Somehow I think that Cruzin75 will know the rest of the words. I'm sitting here humming them as I am typing (lol).

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If the song you are talking about is the Oceanic song, it went like this,

Oh Oceanic ship, shes a bella bella bella.

Somehow I think that Cruzin75 will know the rest of the words. I'm sitting here humming them as I am typing (lol).


Okay, lets give this a go!


"Oh Oceanic Ship, tu se bella, bella, bella. (You are beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.)


Oh Oceanic Ship, never ever will forget 'ya!


Good Bye, So Long, Farewell!



I think that's pretty much the jist of it. And Marge106, do you remeber


"The most beautiful ship in the world, is the Carla, is the Carla."?


Oh, I'm sure you will. And if you don't remember than your other friend in Hamden, Connecticut sure does! ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Okay' date=' just HAD to get in on these memories of the old days aboard Home Lines. First cruised on the Oceanic in - are you ready - October 1975. I've been on hundreds of cruises, so many of them aboard the Oceanic, the Doric, The Atlantic and the Homerice. I even sailed on the Bid Red Boat just to relive some of the old times - I thought- and although the ship was pretty much the same, nothing else was. There were no Italian crew and officers aboard the Big Red Boat. It was definitely the crew and officiers that made Home Lines the cruise line you couldn't help but fall in love with.


Dino Vecchio? Oh yes, quite a charmer, more charming to some than others, obviously, but always very polite and sweet, always very amusing, always very confident, and always the epitome of what is expected of an Italian male. You couldn't help but love that boy. And so many others just like him. Does anyone remember Danielle of that often mentioned Donzelli Orchestra? He would get out in the middle of the dance floor, invite the passengers to join him in a line dance, and then pay very special attention to each and every woman individually at some point in the evening. Each young lady came off that dance floor honestly believing she'd had the most special moment of her life. Don't know how he managed that for months at a time, or however long his contract with "the company" would last. He always looked so fresh and rested. Amazing.


From the Cabin Boys and Cabin Stewards - remember there used to be two crew assigned to your cabin to meet your every need and when they finished working at around 9:00 (after straightening the cabins of the 2nd seating dinner passengers), the night steward would take over and make sure you got into your cabin at the end of your day at sea (and also make sure you were not trying to sneak a cabin steward or waiter or some other rank of crew into your cabin!) Ah, it was great to single and sailing on Home Lines.


79Cruiser, how did you & Dino every manage to get together what with parents, siblings, and Night Stewards hagining around? The Home Lines company had very strict rules and regulations about crew fraternizing with passengers. We all heard about it all the time. Crew being sent home after a passenger complained, some other crew member being left in Nassau when it was found out he'd taken a passenger to the casino, the stories just went on and on. But they managed somehow, didn't they? And thank goodness they did. Love that stubborn Italian streak!


I could go on and on and on, but I would only bore the group and that's not my intent. We all have wonderful, happy and longlasting memories of our days with Home Lines. I tell everyone that I grew up on Home Lines ships. And I did. My entire life is different than it ever would have been had I not sailed on the Oceanic on 10/25/75 - the worst and best day of my life.


Well, that's my part in keeping this thread going. Who's next?[/quote']




Hi there cruisin'since'75:


Just a reply to your message about Dino Vecchio. Wow, you knew him too? Do you have any more info about him?


Well, I don't know how we got together like we did, but it was quite easy! He took me to the dining room and we had champagne and pastries. We met on the top deck every night by the smoke stack. He sent me notes he had written with other crew members to give me. VERY SNEAKY! I had no idea about their policy on the ship, I was only 17 years old and had no clue whatsoever. Oh well.


79 Cruiser :)

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  • 4 months later...

My sister and I sailed on the Oceanic in June of 1975 (I think). The first morning, we awoke feeling sick, and our cabin steward, Mario, came rushing in to shutter our portholes and told us we were on the outskirts of a hurricane - - in June! After unsuccessfully trying to eat breakfast, we finally went for the seasick shot and had to wait in a line of about 20 people (all sick) to get the cure. We felt better several hours later, and the fun began!


I met a guy on the first night and dated him for a year or so. A purser named Pietro started dating my sister and did so for the rest of the cruise. I can't believe how many of you dated members of the crew. We were told it was strictly forbidden, and I was a wreck all week worrying that my sister would be thrown off the ship! Pietro took her to Goombay (sp) in Nassau the night the ship was supposed to leave at midnight. They almost didn't make it back in time! Pietro (anyone remember, know what happened to him) asked her to come meet the ship each Saturday and, though tempted, she realized that she had probably been the "girl of the week" and chose not to. A girl we met around our ages (20's) was dating (in the biblical sense) her waiter. With so many passengers involved with crew, it's no wonder the ship tossed and turned!!


This was our first cruise, and I remember the travel agent going on and on about what a wonderful ship this was. We were just astounded at how good the service was and how extraordinary the food was. I can't remember who our waiter was, but he was great! I loved the reserved deck chair and the iced teas and goodies that were served as we sat and watched the dolphins jumping out of the water and following the ship.


Remember, each night in the Montmarte Club how the band would sing, Ciao, Ciao, Bambino as their closing number and everyone (drunk as Lords) would sing along? And who could forget the Oceanic song? I was so glad that someone posted all the words.


We had reservations about a cruise, but after the first awful day, we had never had so much fun in our lives. Drank and partied all week and were pampered to a fault. When we got home, we started planning our next one on Oceanic, but it just never happened (getting engaged, changing jobs, etc.) I can't believe how many of you cruised on Home Lines so many times. Lucky you!


I haven't been on a cruise since (we own a couple timeshares and tend to use them) but I think I'm reluctant to try another ship as I know nothing will ever compare to my first love - Oceanic. Everything I read about the Megaliners turns me off - hardly any midnight buffets, lines for everything, food not great and on and on. Anyone been on any cruise line/ship that even comes close to Home Lines? I am so tempted to try the cruise from Barcelona on Oceanic, but I don't want to ruin the memories I have of that graceful, yellow and white beauty. So glad I found this thread!!!:)

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Your post made me smile. I have to ask this question, was the Pietro that your sister dated a red-head. If he was, he is now married to an American and living in Miami. How funny would that be.

I, too, was one of those 'crew girls'. The strangest part of that is that every so often we still chat (God bless my husband for understanding that I did have a life before we were married!). As a matter of fact, we just spoke about a month ago. 30 years ago we both knew the relationship would go nowhere but we have remained friends over the years.

Some of my friends did marry their 'crew guys', some sucessfully, others not.

After having cruised on many different lines, I know that you will never find another Home Lines.

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The Pietro my sister dated was tall, dark and extremely handsome. Unless your Pietro became a redhead, it's probably not the same guy. I think it's nice, though, that you remained friends and your husband understands that you want to stay in touch with him. I know I'll never find another Oceanic - I'd just like to find a smaller ship that could even come close. Did you or anyone else on this thread ever have a "Yellow Bird" drink? We drank them all week. Supposedly, this was a Home Lines exclusive. I wish I could remember what was in it, as it was delicious.

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I worked on various cruise ships between 1980 - 1986. Mostly on Home Lines because that was my favorite. My parents used to take my family twice a year since the early 60's. I started as a children's counselor - then a DJ and finally a tour director for Singleworld. It was a great job and I met a lot of great people. Most of all - my husband Sal. Salvatore was an officer (engineer) on the Oceanic. I know - a lot of woman are probably saying "oh my god". I wouldn't go out with him for months because I thought he was such a hound dog. We were friends for a while but I finally gave in. Now 22 years and 3 kids later we're taking our family on cruises each year. But, nothing compares to Home Lines. It was a shame what happened to that cruise line - goes to show you what damage a few greedy people can do! We'll always have our memories!

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What is you name? I spent a number of vacations cruising with Singleword and had a great time.


I remember Dominick, Julie McCormack, Julia Stramm, Beth Grosholtz and some blond Califrornia type surfer guy!


I was so sorry to see Home Lines go as I was so sorry to see Singleword go!


I would love to undestand the real reasons that both of these fine companies ceased to exist?



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Hi Mark, my name is Christy. I worked mostly on Home Lines and sometimes Carnival. Home Lines went under because no one was watching the store so to speak. No one actually owned HL. My understanding was that it was a trust for a school in Europe - i think in Switzerland. Did you ever notice that the same carpet on the Oceanic was in a lot of stores in Nassau Bahamas?! There was a lot of things supplied to various islands thanks to some people on the Oceanic/Doric/Atlantic and finally Homeric. A few of the people ended up in jail in Bermuda but there was a lot more involved. As far as Singleworld - i'm not sure. Dick basically retired and Wendy his daughter took over. They were nice people. Maybe Wendy just did not want it anymore.

My husbank and i take our kids on Celebrity now. Royal Caribbean is ok but Celeb is a little more elegant - i like that. I'm working my way up to Crystal! Take care.

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Home Lines was also my first cruise experience and I've had some wonderful experiences since, but nothing that quite measures up to Home Lines.


My favorite line to sail is Celebrity. I, too, am trying to work my way up to Crystal or a smaller upscale cruise line that will be less "commercial" than the big megaliners that are out there these days.


If you choose wisely Lynn, you can still have a wonderful cruise experience. Even though they have some downsides, the new ships do have a lot of things to offer that did not exist all those many years ago on the Oceanic. Go for it!

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  • 4 weeks later...
Hi Mark, my name is Christy. I worked mostly on Home Lines and sometimes Carnival. Home Lines went under because no one was watching the store so to speak. No one actually owned HL. My understanding was that it was a trust for a school in Europe - i think in Switzerland. Did you ever notice that the same carpet on the Oceanic was in a lot of stores in Nassau Bahamas?! There was a lot of things supplied to various islands thanks to some people on the Oceanic/Doric/Atlantic and finally Homeric. A few of the people ended up in jail in Bermuda but there was a lot more involved. As far as Singleworld - i'm not sure. Dick basically retired and Wendy his daughter took over. They were nice people. Maybe Wendy just did not want it anymore.

My husbank and i take our kids on Celebrity now. Royal Caribbean is ok but Celeb is a little more elegant - i like that. I'm working my way up to Crystal! Take care.

Hi Christy,

Were you the Singleworld Rep on many Home Lines cruises in the 80's? If so, I remember you well. I just now found this thread on Home Lines and quickly registered as I was a Home Lines Assistant Cruise Director mostly on the Atlantic and then became a Home Lines Cruise Director a few years before that wonderful line went under.

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Did You Have Dark Hair And A Mustache. (notice How I Put That In Past Tense - Because If You're Anything Like Me You Have To Enhance It Now) Anyway, I Do Remember An Assistant Cd We Used To Call Him Robert. Did You Work With Stanley Kayne And Another Assistant Mark? And I Do Remember Going Back To Visit The Year After I Got Married And Robert Was The Cruise Director. Could That Be You?

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Hey Singleworld,


The description of your cruise director sounds like the guy who played one in that funny cruise movie Out to Sea with Walter Mathau, Jack Lemmon and Dyan Cannon...which I might add was filmed on the Home Lines MV Homeric after she had been transformed into the Home Lines Westerdam.



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Christie...yup...it's me, but with a heck of a lot less hair! This is incredible! It seems so long ago and I guess it was but what a wonderful time it was working for Home Lines. Have you ever been to any of the Home Lines crew, staff and pax reunions that are often mentioned here? What's the best way to get in touch with you?


And to the person who just wrote about "Out to Sea", that wasn't me but what a great movie. What it depicts is pretty true to form (at least the way cruising was back then). I never knew that it was filmed on a Home Lines ship.

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You lost your hair and I found more weight. We all have something! But we were great back then weren't we. It's hard to believe all these years have gone by. I just stumbled onto this site a couple of weeks ago. I didn't know about any of these reunion parties. My husband Sal was an officer and we still keep in touch with some of his friends. Do you remember Maureen - she was a children counselor with me (before Singleworld) She is now a principal. Richard the DJ is now a CD for Princess - I stumbled on to his web site. Didn't you used to live in New York? Do you keep in touch with anyone from Home Lines?


And Mark - I have to rent that movie. I vaguely remember it - I vaguely remember most things these days!

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I am afraid I had a typo in my posting!


It was the Home Lines ship MV Homeric after it had been transformed into the Holland America Line Westerdam...conversion included the stretching of Homeric.


I remember the little Italian Captain when I first sailed on MV Homeric...tiny and old guy named Capt Salvatore Musumicci...not sure if I spelled it right...anyhow, he had had the crew build him these unique large varnished wood planters that he kept out on the bridge and he grew vegetables in...my guess was tomatos, peppers and basil. When docking the ship or leaving port, he never believed in using radios...he whistled a lot and waved his arms and hands...a real old timer but a nice guy!:cool:

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Hi Christy,

Yes, I remember many of the people you just wrote about. As far as who I still know...not many, although I'd love to change that. I'm close with a wonderful dance team that you might have seen on board, D'Valda and Sirico. Angie and Steve live in Connecticut and have become extremely successful in the world of dance education. I'm about to get back in touch with Jimmy O'Connor. You probably remember him as being Bermuda's best entertainer, and he sure was. He sang Neil Diamond songs better than Neil Diamond did. Those were some of the best concerts I've seen on ships...they were electric and you'd buzz from the energy of his shows long after they were over. Now I know you once again so my circle of Home Lines folks is getting larger!

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I don't know if I knew that particular dance team. Was Jimmy O,Connor on the Oceanic one winter with his band in the Europe Observation Lounge? I remember Stanley Kayne brought a group from Bermuda on the Oceanic and they were treated like crew instead of entertainers. They were soooooo mad! I remeber the Celebrations singers - there were 3 or 4 different groups. One of the lead guys was Chris - he was such a nice guy. Do you ever get back to New York? If so we'll have to try to plan one of those reunions.

And Mark - I do remember Capt. Mussemicci he was very nice.

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If you go on Richard Joseph's web site and click on staff photos you'll see a picture from 1983 Oceanic. I'm in the purple jumpsuit (can you imagine! I'ld say "what was I thinking" but it was 1983) On one side of me was Michael whose father owned Singleworld the other side of me was Rick Spath then Maureen, CD Bill Gable, an entertainer - I can't remeber her name, Richard, a hostess - can't remember her name either and Marty. Do you know Marty passes away - it was very sad.

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I too was sad when Marty died. What a loss. The Oceanic hostess to the right of Marty in the picture is Otti Korholz. Although not in the picture, do any of you remember another hostess, Luciana Trevisan. What a gracious lady. As someone else said, there was just something about Home Lines that cannot be described. You just had to experience it.

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Otti that was her name - thanks. That drives me crazy when I can't think of someone's name. And yes I do remember Luciana. She was a very attractive, classy lady. Luisa was another one. She was with Home Lines a long time - I remember her when I was like 10 years old travelling with my parents. I have memories of travelling on Home Lines as a passenger with my family and working on Home Lines as a staff member. They are all great memories! Does anyone remember the summer of '83 when the casino manager jumped overboard and then the following week Angelo a navigator died in the pool? I was working on the Atlantic that summer and it seemed like every time we pulled into New York there was another horrible story from the Oceanic. I got transferred to the Oceanic in the fall and everyone was telling me to BE CAREFUL OVER THERE!

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My first four cruises were on Home Lines, the original Homeric twice in 1972 and then the Oceanic in 1973 x2. Yes, on the first cruise, I acquired a boyfriend, and we came close to marrying. Today, I say I was traveling steerage on homeric: Small 'single' cabin on next to bottom passenger deck, with sink in cabin but bathroom and showers down the hall. I remember the night steward, and keeping watch or distracting while my boyfriend disappeared in the mornings...No alternative restaurants, wonderful food, buffet nearly every night, lots of formal nights. I thought I was in Heaven. I have traveled the world since, didn't cruise again for 26 years, but those are still magic memories. E

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Christie, I'll be sure to let you know when I'm in NYC next. It would be great to see you and anyone else we used to sail with. Those were such special days. I remember Otti, Luciana and there was another Hostess that worked with us, I think she was Austrian. I can see her but can't remember her name. It'll come to me and when it does I'll let you know. You'd remember her. Does anyone know what ever happened to Stanley Kayne dare I ask?

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