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Attn All who were aboard the Norwegian Dawn

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if you were in one of the cabins that were affected by water, you received a 100% refund, as I read in the paper this morning.


AS one of those in the cabins affected by the water, ( actually we were one of the injured) I was just wondering about this 100% compensation. No-one, I repeat, No-one from NCL has contacted us to tell us this. Perhaps this shows how the media are reporting things before they have any TRUE facts.


Or perhaps NCL is planning on all contact with us being done in the media.


I am so tired of hearing what we have gotten or will be getting:mad: . So far ALL we have gotten besides our clothes cleaned and returned (at least what they located), another cabin, dinner with the Captain is the exact same piece of paper as every other pax receivedstating a 50% credit for this cruise and 50% off another cruise. Oh yes we did received a free medical check up of our injuries as well.:rolleyes:


Perhaps this will go to show that the media does NOT report the truth, only their perception of the truth!

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I am soooo sick of people who want to sue at the drop of a hat.


Just remember to have your attorneys to include Mother Nature, David Letterman, God, the City of New York ( because they were so far away from where the wave hit) and me ( because I wrote this).




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Good to read an objective, non-hysterical reporter who was a passenger on that cruise. I suspect the people who will be most upset are the executives of the other cruise lines who will be obligated to match NCL's generous offers when they have a similar incident. You can't please everybody and getting what amounts to a free cruise is still not enough for some.


I don't think another cruise line will match the offer. It will be along time befor NCL does as well. This situation was like the freak wave it happened due to a combination of on the surface unrelated events. NCL has stepped up to the plate, taken responsibility, and compensated all effected.


A simple marketing decision that NCL knew would effect one cruise was made, That caused a change in itierary. That was compounded by the delays in clearing the ship in Miami outside NCL's control. Had it ended there passengers would have returned early to nyc and shared the disappontment here. It would not have been news.


Mother nature steppped in for the knock out punch. The compensation reflects the effects of the 3 punch combination.


Taking all that into consideration many still had a great adventure. Those that were terrified were taken care of.


The funny thing is that NCL did not have to provide a single bit of compensation per the contract. All the laywers in the world would have a very had time getting a settlement except perhaps for the 4 people with minor injuries.


NCL in my view did the right thing. Some will be angry for life and they can choose that path. Others have already rebooked and are going about enjoying this addiction many of us have.


Time to stop beating the horse, it is dead :eek:


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My apologies for continuing the debate but in so many threads I have read how well we made out while everyone else got shafted I felt I had to respond. As far as a lawsuit, we have no intention of participating. We feel when NCL does get in touch we will receive fair compensation for the things we lost. That is our main concern.


Again, my apologies

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My apologies for continuing the debate but in so many threads I have read how well we made out while everyone else got shafted I felt I had to respond. As far as a lawsuit, we have no intention of participating. We feel when NCL does get in touch we will receive fair compensation for the things we lost. That is our main concern.


Again, my apologies


I just want to say I am a proud supporter of the "WAVE RIDERS" NORWEGIAN DAWN 4/10/05 :D

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Shoreguy.I appreciate the support. Coming from you I take that as very high praise. From reading your post I have come to value your opinion. You are a voice of reason,

knowledge and experience and I for one am grateful for all you provide to this board.

Thank You

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I understand that it is a weak comparison the Titanic and the Norwegian Dawn. Titanic was simply unprepared and unorganized. If they were prepared everyone aboard the Titanic (1,500) would have survived.


UnhappyPassenger -


Please get your facts right about Titanic. You don't really have a clue about that disaster do you. The Titanic only had enough room for half the people on board. People were going to die no matter what. Believe me - I've read about every book on Titanic that has been written.


Definitely anyone should not compare the Dawn to Titanic - It is a grave injustice to those who perished on Titanic.



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UnhappyPassenger, if I'd been on that ship, I would have been afraid, too. Shame on all the posters who are trying to minimize your feelings. Ironically, some of the same posters defending this reporter are the same ones who have slammed the news media in all other coverage. This is the one good reporter out there because...he on NCL's side, uses NCL as his only source, and used to work for NCL. Yes, that's top-notch unbiased reporting.;)

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Guest OBAYbee
Your fact is wrong........NCL was taken over by Orient Lines.

What is wrong with NCL using their PR Dept. doing some damage control:confused:


If you are going to be suspect, be suspect on both sides.



With all due respect, my FACT is a fact.

Nothing wrong with NCL using their PR Dept doing some damage control. I simply found it interesting they announced he worked for a New York paper and not include he HAD worked in the PR dept. at NCL.


My post was aimed at the OP. I felt the OP was being attacked for being new to the board and I hoped to make him/her feel welcome.

My goodness, why is it one must defend everything they say on this board? I am constantly reading posts where members are being confronted with their facts being suspect. You for instance did just that to me. And you were wrong.

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Everyone on the DAWN should re-read the letter from the Captain. It says that he is "proposing" a 50% return, and will match that $$ amount towards another cruise with NCL. It doesn't say it's going to happen -- only that he "proposed" it. So at this stage in the game; all we received were free drinks for a few days when people "couldn't drink" because many of them were so sick. Unless you were on the ship, don't comment on it. I am not interested in suing anyone, actually who cares about the 50% return. Accountability would be nice.

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if you were in one of the cabins that were affected by water, you received a 100% refund, as I read in the paper this morning.


AS one of those in the cabins affected by the water, ( actually we were one of the injured) I was just wondering about this 100% compensation. No-one, I repeat, No-one from NCL has contacted us to tell us this. Perhaps this shows how the media are reporting things before they have any TRUE facts.


Has it occurred to you that perhaps the poster misquoted the article and that it didn't actually say 100% refund? I actually did a google search for news articles about the Dawn. I didn't run across one that said that - unless it's not on there yet. To set the record straight - if you actually read the articles you'll see that it's pretty balanced. For every one that quotes someone as saying the cruise was the pits there is one that quotes someone as saying it was no big deal. Just in case anyone is interested in facts.

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Unless you were on the ship, don't comment on it.
Your posting to an interactive message board forum. If you don't want others to comment on what you're saying then what should people do? On a message board you have to expect people to make comments and ask questions. Our members don't have to have been on the same cruise with you in order to have an opinion on what you've said.
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My apologies for continuing the debate but in so many threads I have read how well we made out while everyone else got shafted I felt I had to respond. As far as a lawsuit, we have no intention of participating. We feel when NCL does get in touch we will receive fair compensation for the things we lost. That is our main concern.


Again, my apologies


Mimi, You have nothing at all to apologize for. If you thought my little temper tantrum was directed at you...then I owe you an apology..it was not...it was for some of the others, and they know who they are, that have gone on to stoop so low as to call others liers and other names because thieir views were differnt from theirs. Please forgive me for mis-leading you. I feel the same way that you do and I hope NCL will do the right thing, which I am sure they will, even though they had no control over the weather.:o


And finally to qoute a semi-famous Angelino (thats someone who lives in Los Angeles, CA. for those who don't know what an Angelino is).


"Can't we all just get along" ---By Rodney King...(he the guy that the LAPD beat up and when the cops were not charged.. a riot broke out..and that what he said during the middle of the riots);)

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BTW ALL cruiselines sometimes change intineraries and ALL cruiselines sometimes have long lines and many cruiseships experience rough seas.QUOTE]


I have some friends who sailed on a 10 day Caribbean cruise on another line out

of Baltimore. They made only 1 port! They received absolutely nothing, in fact,

the ship ran out of such items as milk & fruit.

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I think you have just summed up what is behind your complaints and it has nothing to do with waves and rough seas. BTW ALL cruiselines sometimes change intineraries and ALL cruiselines sometimes have long lines and many cruiseships experience rough seas. (I have yet to hear of anyone successfully suing a cruiseline for "rough seas" or "long lines" or itinerary changes).

Personally I sympathsize with the Dawn passengers who experienced the rogue wave and rough seas just because it was a very unpleasant and frightening experience but NCL is not in control of the weather. And they did compensate passengers VERY generously (something they were in no way obligated to do).


Zeno, I didn't complain about the rough seas or the "Freak wave" I was complaining about not recieving compensation for my port charges that I paid for even though we didn't port. And if the itinerary change was due to weather or something out of their control I would have no gripe, but that wasn't the case. I also never said I was sueing.


Mimi, I know for a fact that some people have received 100% compensation. I know of 3 families that have, why you haven't baffles me.

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Zeno, I didn't complain about the rough seas or the "Freak wave" I was complaining about not recieving compensation for my port charges that I paid for even though we didn't port. And if the itinerary change was due to weather or something out of their control I would have no gripe, but that wasn't the case. I also never said I was sueing.


Mimi, I know for a fact that some people have received 100% compensation. I know of 3 families that have, why you haven't baffles me.


Wait you want your 12.00 port charge instead of the $100 OBC or the 50% rebate plus the 50% credit. I am sure if you write a letter to NCL they would be happy to give you what you want. A fraley :rolleyes:

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Water Logger,

Your screen name caught my eye...are you a logger?? The reason why I am asking is my husband is a logger


It's just a play on words, like being "water logged" or keeping a log or record of water. If I had thought of it sooner I would have used "Water Blogger". Cuter, don't ya think?


I've never met an acutual logger. I think that's great!

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I read what these two passengers said in that article and they didn't seem to be too alarmed:


newright.gifmichael daupheny Apr, 22 2005 i was on that cruise and it really was no big deal. granted some rooms got about 4 inches of water in them. but it was in no danger of sinking. as a matter of fact it looked as most people went on enjoying themselves, god knows me and my party of 4 did. and we greatly appreciate the way ncl compensated us all. acouple of dramamine is all that was really needed. people should just lay back, relax and enjoy. we will definitely be taking advantage of our 50% off.




spacer.gifspacer.gifnewright.gifAnne Fischer Apr, 21 2005 I never felt we were in grave danger. The only physical damage the ship sustained was basically cosmetic. I would never compare this experience to the Titanic and I find that statement to be a bit melodramatic. Of course, this is only my opinion but also that of my entire group of 6.



As one of the unlucky passenger aboard the M/S Norwegian Dawn on April 16th I thought I would share this article with all of you. I was recently searching AOL and found this article amoung the thousands out there and was appalled. You will have to check it out. http://www.zwire.com/site/news.cfm?BRD=2256&dept_id=550689&newsid=14374162&PAG=461&rfi=9 I do not know if everyone will have the same feelings as I do but I find it to be unreasonable of him to be downsizing the severity of that "freak wave". Does anyone realize it was not one freak wave? I understand that it is a weak comparison the Titanic and the Norwegian Dawn. Titanic was simply unprepared and unorganized. If they were prepared everyone aboard the Titanic (1,500) would have survived. However had one wave hit our ship and knocked us out of place or had we started taking on dangerous amounts of water, no one aboard that ship would have survived. How could any life vest or life boat save you in 40 - 70 some foot waves? It would be impossible... Not to mention a much greater loss. Please pass it on to people that you know were aboard that ship.
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Wait you want your 12.00 port charge instead of the $100 OBC or the 50% rebate plus the 50% credit. I am sure if you write a letter to NCL they would be happy to give you what you want. A fraley :rolleyes:


$18? where do you get that figure? We paid $160 each in port charges? For 3 ports. THere were 4 people in my cabin. Thats $25 each. Plus no island. I didn't say I wanted this over the 50%. I wanted The Port charges over the $25 each.

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$18? where do you get that figure? We paid $160 each in port charges? For 3 ports. THere were 4 people in my cabin. Thats $25 each. Plus no island. I didn't say I wanted this over the 50%. I wanted The Port charges over the $25 each.
Port charges aren't the same for every port. You can't take the total amount you paid in port charges, divide it by the number of ports and say you want that amount of refund. It varies. But whatever the port charges were for the port you missed, you should get them back.
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$18? where do you get that figure? We paid $160 each in port charges? For 3 ports. THere were 4 people in my cabin. Thats $25 each. Plus no island. I didn't say I wanted this over the 50%. I wanted The Port charges over the $25 each.


Check you invoice the 16o is not listed as port charges. On my NCL invoices it is listed as "GOVERNMENT TAXES/FEES" . The port charge may or may not even be included in that line. It is in fact a catch all including fuel surcharge on some lines. The actual amont a port charges per passsenger is a very small number. The cruiselines are screaming with Alaska looking to raise the fee to the outrageous sum of $50.


I am not sure but as part of a settlement the cruselines have to include the actual port charges in the fare.


If they miss a port some ships will give a small onboard credit ($10 - $25 per cabin) I believe the intial $100 was in part to cover that. Lots of issues around your cruise port charge should not be one of them.


You are in fact getting half back in the credit less taxes I imagine. The other half in the form of a credit plus $100. You want it back twice :confused:

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Guest nhrich
$18? where do you get that figure? We paid $160 each in port charges? For 3 ports. THere were 4 people in my cabin. Thats $25 each. Plus no island. I didn't say I wanted this over the 50%. I wanted The Port charges over the $25 each.

The $160 is not only port charges. There was a lawsuit filed over this a few years back. It's now called "non-commissionable fares". It includes port charges, and other money that the cruise lines don't want to pay commission to TA's on.


Rich, ACC

Carefree Vacations

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Your fact is wrong........NCL was taken over by Orient Lines.

What is wrong with NCL using their PR Dept. doing some damage control:confused:


If you are going to be suspect, be suspect on both sides.


Seahorse, don't you just love these people who have all the answers, but have the facts backward? Agree on the PR Dept as DH is a retired PR person, not only did he work for companies, he worked for a very large PR firm and one of our Presidents (I will not mention which one). It is much better to have a company spokesperson or dept than have everyone saying something different.

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