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pool chairs saved?


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This is an never ending topic.. I always recommend going to the Topless deck way above, there are always tons of chairs there and no one there to bug you.


Thats where I always go for peace and relaxation Period.


Yea, but isn't it windy up there? And do the servers come up there to sell you drinks? Is there a shower up there where you can cool off? We have never been up there which is surprising cuz I like it when friendgirl lets the puppies breathe. I just don't wanna hafta run downstairs every time I want a drink or to shower off.

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Oh, so basically, you're to only go swimming for 5-10 minute intervals so you can occupy a deck chair? I'm the type of person who does 15 minutes in the water, 15 minutes out. Therefore, I shouldn't have a chair?

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No showers, No Drink service and No Wind. There is a Tarp that surrounds the deck so the Wind is block. As for Drinks you can get one or two before you go up and sip it while tanning. I take a shower when I get back to my Cabin.


I dont see anything wrong with a 15 min Swim, u can alway let the other people next to you know that your going for a quick swim and will be right back. Its the 1 - 2 hour hoggers they are talking about.

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I agree about if nobody did it, it wouldnt be a problem getting a chair. Every time we went to the lido deck on our recent Glory cruise, evey chair was "taken" and only about 10 pct occupied. If everyone just enjoyed the sun for a while and let the chair go it would not be a problem getting a chair. On the Glory they have blue rocking type chairs in some areas in front of the stage, I went to one of those areas to get some pictures and moved a chair slightly to get a better angle for a pic and a lady comes running up yelling "that chair is saved", I almost started laughing at her......

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So, do these people do this with the intent to be at the pool all day, or are they trying to save them for later in the day when it gets real hot.

I think half of these people are saving a chair "just in case" they want to see the 1 pm pool games, etc.


I moved chairs down from Deck 11. Tons of chairs up there, but way too windy.


I seriously wanted to take some of those unattended $22 towels, but I never could bring myself to do it. I never sat in the sun that much, but found it frustrating that the times I actually wanted to, I had trouble.

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Okay, when we have gone on vacations at different resorts I have always "saved" our chairs in the morning. BUT, it was never an issue with anyone not having a chair that needed one. So, do these people do this with the intent to be at the pool all day, or are they trying to save them for later in the day when it gets real hot. I can see myself going up there at 9am and putting my towel down, going for breakfast then going back to my chair for the day. I'm on vacation and I love to sit by the pool with a few cocktails....Is is wrong if I save it for an hour??? This is our first cruise so I really have no idea. I DO NOT agree with those people who put towels on the chairs and come back hours and hours later. That's not fair at all.


IMHO, it is rude to save chairs at all. There is no difference in my mind. It is so prevalent these days and I really appreciate the ships that enforce the no saving chairs rule.


Frankly, if I am looking for a chair and no one is sitting in one after 15 mintues of waiting, it is open for me. I move the stuff and sit down.


It is downright inconsiderate and rude to save chairs, period.

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I, myself, usually allow about 20-30 minutes before attempting to empty out a chair of its contents.



There have been times where ive been on deck sitting on a chair around lunch time, and have gotten up and its taken longer than 15 minutes to wait in line, grab my lunch, snake my way back to the chair (meanwhile, my fiance has been sitting next to my chair "saving" it for me). When I get back, she goes and I save her chair. That way one of us is always there to explain to a person trying to grab the chair that we'd be right back.

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I agree that chair saving is rude! What I find especially annoying is those people who save for all the members of their family. I have traveled with my 4 kids and for the 5 of us we never really need more than 2 chairs at a time anyway! On my recent cruise we saw people saving chairs for kids who only made momentary appearances and even then usually only plopped down for a quick sit on the end of the parents chair.


As far as the 15 minute rule some have mentioned....I think that is a little short. I am a single mom and do not send my younger kids off to the buffet alone, for example, or if they need to get something from the cabin I go with them. These things could take more than 15 minutes. Also if you want to go down the water slide....long lines at times and depending on where I am on deck if I can't see the younger kids I wait in line with them.


See my dilemma here?!?!?! LOL...If I let them go off alone then I would be discussed on the "negligant/where are those kids parents" threads but if I keep an appropriate eye on them for more than 15 minutes I am a "chair hogger" :eek: :D


I would never leave my chair covered and go off to the dining room or photo shopping for example but I would leave if I had to escort kids somewhere. Usually something that could be a 15 minute task but takes longer (20, max of 30 min) when implemented with younger kids

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Laff. . .bring on the chair saving!



I'm the guy who will happily walk by a line of semi-occupied, saved chairs, stop, gently brush all offending saving-items off the chair onto the ground, and then repo the chair with a smile!


Hey, I'm from NYC - if you chair save with reckless abandon, I wil repo with equal and opposite force, and with a smile, to boot!


See ya May 1st on the Miracle!

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That's what I was thinking, $20 per chair. $50 for two in a prime spot. I'm gonna go make a sign now. To get that price, you'd have to sell them off early, by 10 or 11 a.m. Later in the day, you'd hafta discount them, 2 for 1 or something.


Could also make a bundle selling those towels back to people too :D

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So... Does anyone have any funny/scary chair hog stories? Those of you you have said that you will brush off the personal items or tell a crew-member (speaking of that, do they believe you right away or do they have to watch for another 15 minutes - meaning you have not sat down now for about 45 minutes! - before they remove the stuff?) What happened when the "hog(s)" came back? Did you stay in the same place that the chair was in or did you move it (them)?


If you weren't brave enough to do it yourself, or you happened to be sitting next to those saved chairs, what did you see?


Now, for you closet chair savers, what did you do when you went to the pool and found out that the $22 towel(s) you left in a chair since dawn are gone, the book you checked put from the library back home is gone, your sunglasses and everything else are gone. Did you report it as a theft? If so, how did you explain the fact that you were breaking the rules and saving chairs?




Sorry for the caps... realized too late I was on a roll! :)

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If you get up from your chair to grab a bite to eat, or take a dip in the pool or jacuzzi I can't see why that would be an issue. If you are going to be away from your chair for more then an hour then I agree that you should take your things with you and give someone else a chance to relax by the pool. The problem is the people that claim their chairs so early in the morning and don't return for several hours. That is rude and in that case I would take their towel off and make myself comfortable on that chair. But come on now....if someone would like to get up for 1/2 an hour to eat or sit in the pool to cool off I think you would be out of line to take there items away. There are times that I had to get up for a drink because the waiters were no where to be found. And sometimes you end up waiting at the bar for quite a while. If I came back and someone took over my chair just cause I got up to get a drink or grab a bite to eat then I would be pretty pissed and I'm sure you would be too. Are you supposed to starve yourself because you are afraid that someone will take your spot? We are on vacation to enjoy ourselves and not worry about fighting over chairs.

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I just got back from the Imagination yesterday and yes there was an issue with the chairs. People would get there before breakfast save their chair and go eat. they would come back and be up and gone off and on all day. We did have a problem on the first trying to find a chair and then we find the solution. On our ship there was a deck for the activites right above that was a little landing we put our chairs right there and it worked out perfect. had a great view of all the activites and we weren't in anyones way. Try to look for places most people wouln't thank about putting their chairs. A lot of people also had hugh spaces between chairs, we just asked them to move over. We had a full boat and always seemed to find a place somewhere.

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When Dh and I get up in the morning, we dress in our swimsuits, bring our sunhats, books, etc. to the lido deck. We'll get our breakfast and go out to sit at a table by the pool. Once there, I'll scope out a couple of chairs that we want. If they happen to be saved we wait until we finish our breakfast, then go all "Chair Police" on them.

That gives the chair saver ample time (we like to enjoy our breakfast, so that's about an hour) to get back to their chair if they were actually getting food, using the bathroom, etc.


I don't have a problem moving chair saver's belongings. It is rude and annoying for people to inconvenience me. But I will give them time to come back if they are legit.


After that, they are SOL! :p

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When Dh and I get up in the morning, we dress in our swimsuits, bring our sunhats, books, etc. to the lido deck. We'll get our breakfast and go out to sit at a table by the pool. Once there, I'll scope out a couple of chairs that we want. If they happen to be saved we wait until we finish our breakfast, then go all "Chair Police" on them.

That gives the chair saver ample time (we like to enjoy our breakfast, so that's about an hour) to get back to their chair if they were actually getting food, using the bathroom, etc.


I don't have a problem moving chair saver's belongings. It is rude and annoying for people to inconvenience me. But I will give them time to come back if they are legit.


After that, they are SOL! :p


And I agree with you 100%. But 1/2 hour is another story.


Last year I sailed the Legend and luckily my BF and I only ran into this problem on the last day at sea. However, we went 1 level up from the pool and just relaxed there until 2 chairs were available near the pool.

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I'm thinking of bringing some pre-printed note cards and some clear plastic bags. The notes will say something like this: "Hello, these objects were left unattended for more than 30 minutes. For your convenience and to protect your items they have been placed in this plastic bag. Enjoy your cruise." And then putting the items into the bag and turning them over to a staff member for safe keeping.


If someone comes up to the chair looking for them I'll simply tell them that they should check with a staff member.


When I leave a chair I will do the opposite. I will put a note on the chair, that I am temporarily away (pool, drink, restroom etc...) but will return shortly. I will then put the time that I left on the note and explain that if I am gone for more than 30 minutes that the person wanting the chair should feel free to move my items.


Does this all sound too anal?

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Suseg, I see you like my picture from Cozumel that I use for my avatar. I'd be happy to share another Cozumel beach photo with you for you to make into your own avatar. A lot of us around here are recognized more by our custom avatars than by our names.

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Suseg, I see you like my picture from Cozumel that I use for my avatar. I'd be happy to share another Cozumel beach photo with you for you to make into your own avatar. A lot of us around here are recognized more by our custom avatars than by our names.


Sorry, don't even remember when my husband downloaded it...have deleted the pic. Did not mean to offend.

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Oh no, you didn't offend. Like I said a lot of us around here recognize each other by their avatars. I was just suprised when I started reading something I thought I had written because I recognized my photo and then discovered it wasn't me. Hey, as you get older you tend to do a lot of things and then forget them later.:p I've read some of your posts on the whip cream thread you guys sound like fun. You should join us on the Saints & Sinners cruise 10/06. I'm sure there will be plenty of reddi whip available there.;)

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I'm thinking of bringing some pre-printed note cards and some clear plastic bags. The notes will say something like this: "Hello, these objects were left unattended for more than 30 minutes. For your convenience and to protect your items they have been placed in this plastic bag. Enjoy your cruise." And then putting the items into the bag and turning them over to a staff member for safe keeping.


If someone comes up to the chair looking for them I'll simply tell them that they should check with a staff member.


When I leave a chair I will do the opposite. I will put a note on the chair, that I am temporarily away (pool, drink, restroom etc...) but will return shortly. I will then put the time that I left on the note and explain that if I am gone for more than 30 minutes that the person wanting the chair should feel free to move my items.


Does this all sound too anal?


Nope, not too anal at all. I've seen people do that and I think it's actually being rather respectful and aware of the situation.


When Dh and I get up in the morning, we dress in our swimsuits, bring our sunhats, books, etc. to the lido deck. We'll get our breakfast and go out to sit at a table by the pool. Once there, I'll scope out a couple of chairs that we want. If they happen to be saved we wait until we finish our breakfast, then go all "Chair Police" on them.

That gives the chair saver ample time (we like to enjoy our breakfast, so that's about an hour) to get back to their chair if they were actually getting food, using the bathroom, etc.


I don't have a problem moving chair saver's belongings. It is rude and annoying for people to inconvenience me. But I will give them time to come back if they are legit.


After that, they are SOL! :p


And I agree with you 10000%! I do the exact same thing. If during the time I see the chairs with objects in them, go get what I want to eat, sit down and eat (possibly make a second trip ;) ), then get an after meal drink, no one has returned... the chairs are mine. I turn in whatever objects have been placed upon the chair to lost & found.


All that usually takes about 30 minutes. More than enough time to gauge if someone is gone for lunch or swimming or just being rude. :)

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I'm thinking of bringing some pre-printed note cards and some clear plastic bags. The notes will say something like this: "Hello, these objects were left unattended for more than 30 minutes. For your convenience and to protect your items they have been placed in this plastic bag. Enjoy your cruise." And then putting the items into the bag and turning them over to a staff member for safe keeping.


If someone comes up to the chair looking for them I'll simply tell them that they should check with a staff member.


When I leave a chair I will do the opposite. I will put a note on the chair, that I am temporarily away (pool, drink, restroom etc...) but will return shortly. I will then put the time that I left on the note and explain that if I am gone for more than 30 minutes that the person wanting the chair should feel free to move my items.


Does this all sound too anal?



That may actually work ;)

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...I do the exact same thing. If during the time I see the chairs with objects in them, go get what I want to eat, sit down and eat (possibly make a second trip ), then get an after meal drink, no one has returned... the chairs are mine. I turn in whatever objects have been placed upon the chair to lost & found.


All that usually takes about 30 minutes. More than enough time to gauge if someone is gone for lunch or swimming or just being rude....


I like that idea -- chair hogs are actually unknowingly saving chairs for those people who have the cahones to move their stuff.

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I've got a great way to do it. The 33% rule. Install timers on the chairs and for every 2 mins. on the chair you get 1 min. off the chair. Sit for 2 hours get 40 mins. off the chair with your stuff unmolested. After your time is up its a free for all for the chair and the stuff on the chair.

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