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When you order multiple entrees or appetizers


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We have often ordered an extra "vegetarian" dish for more interesting vegetables. Many just automatically order two shrimp cocktails to get one normal size portion.


What kinds of vegetarian entrees do they have....and are they good?? I'm going on my first Celebrity cruise and I'm a veggie. :D

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What kinds of vegetarian entrees do they have....and are they good?? I'm going on my first Celebrity cruise and I'm a veggie. :D


Just use the search function above and put in menus. There's a very long thread about menus during the past year+, including changes

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First, all this talk about food has got me really, really hungry. With my first ever cruise coming up, I really want to try EVERY type of cruise line food item available. This of course will necessitate ordering virtually everything on the menu. Which in turn will require that I eat swiftly in order to finish before midnite. The result of this food binge will be me lurching back & forth in a attempt to reach my cabin. While this may appear frightening to others, I have lived a remarkably happy life eating & drinking to excess;)


I'd like to apologize in advance to anyone my behavior offends, particularly those who know what's best for me. I've always tried to live my life based not upon my own decisions or desires, but to meet the expectations of others. Sometimes it's very difficult to function, as numerous people will have a wide variety of opinions as to what I should do. This immobilizes me as I really don't know whose advice I should be following..who I should be pleasing:confused:


If the captain of the Millinium doesn't banish me to eating alone in the ships engine room at 1:00AM, then I guess my behavior is okay with Celebrity. Perhaps others will be banished along with me to eat in the bowels of the ship away from well mannered, appropriate passengers. Actually it might be great fun to dine with like minded cruisers:rolleyes:


As I indicated this will be my first cruise, and I was just wondering if anyone gets confined to their cabin for ordering surf & turf? I'd be okay with that as long as I get to take the food with me:p


LOL!!! Love your wit master_angler_dave!


You are not alone. Too bad we're not on the same cruise, we'd dine with you. Surf AND Turf all the way around...seriously, hope you enjoy your first cruise. The Millie is a lovely ship. You'll have to try Qsine and Bistro on 5. Amazing crepes there (yes you can have multiple!).

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It really is frightening what so many people think is ok. Make your own observations next time, especially in the ocean view cafe. They do say empty vessels make the most noise. I on the eclipse in a few months and I will post some photos that prove my point.

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It really is frightening what so many people think is ok. Make your own observations next time, especially in the ocean view cafe. They do say empty vessels make the most noise. I on the eclipse in a few months and I will post some photos that prove my point.



Please don't post your pictures depicting hateful, condemnation or judgement. Actually, please go find another thread like-minded to your pitiful self-righteous behavior and stop pointing your finger. It's not welcome here. Your toxic, almost abusive belittling attitude does not contribute to the original poster's question, only hurls insults at those who do not conform to your way of living. We don't cruise to "make observations" of others. We cruise to enjoy ourselves. If you continue to harass, poke fun or otherwise, I'll be happy to flag your posts.

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It really is frightening what so many people think is ok. Make your own observations next time, especially in the ocean view cafe. They do say empty vessels make the most noise. I on the eclipse in a few months and I will post some photos that prove my point.


Spare us the pictures please! No one cares but you and it is an invasion of other people's privacy. It would prove nothing other than that you have a "fix"-ation on this topic.

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It really is frightening what so many people think is ok. Make your own observations next time, especially in the ocean view cafe. They do say empty vessels make the most noise. I on the eclipse in a few months and I will post some photos that prove my point.


You desperately need professional help! :rolleyes:

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It really is frightening what so many people think is ok. Make your own observations next time, especially in the ocean view cafe. They do say empty vessels make the most noise. I on the eclipse in a few months and I will post some photos that prove my point.


So you spend your vacation photographing people whom you believe aren't behaving how you think they should? At best that would be classified as not having a life, at worst, having emotional issues. I'm reasonably certain that people you have photographed without their consent would not be agreeable to your posting said photos in order to mock them.


I agree with the other posters, spare us any such photos. The persons who you are photographing are living and enjoying their lives, you could learn a lot from them.

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It really is frightening what so many people think is ok.


You are correct. I am shocked you think it is "OK" to photograph people you feel are eating more than they should during a vacation and then post the pictures.


Go troll somewhere else.

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Hey, you do as you must, as I say, I have my own opinion and it does seem to be the minority but I will stand my ground and voice it in the rip tide of the majority who are hell bent on chasing out anyone who dares to disagree.


Personally I have 3 rules

a) When stuck with a choice of dishes, I make a manly decision and pick one. I can always have another next time and if not, well I still enjoyed what I had. If I pick something and don't like it, then fair enough a second is justified in that situation.


b) Sometimes less is more, I prefer to eat slower, tasting what I am eating. This also allows my stomach to tell my brain when it is full. Wolfing down a course bypasses this mechanism.


c) When I am full, that is it, I stop, game over. I don't force that last piece of desert, I don't regret leaving what I may have left and I don't get a doggy bag or have the remainder sent to my room.


Now for me, I find that just one of a course is sufficient. If you lot want 3 lobsters and 4 shrimp cocktails then I am not standing in your way


Personally I have three rules

a)When stuck with a choice of underwear I make a manly decision and pick one. (Usually the pink lace bikinis) I can always wear another pair next time and if not, well I still enjoyed what I had.

b) sometimes less is more, I prefer to dress in thongs in those cases, feeling what I am wearing. Going commando bypasses this feeling.

c)When I am covered, that is it, I stop, game over. I don't add that last piece of lingere, I don't regret leaving what I may have left...


Now for me, I thought cruise critic boards were for learning things from others' experiences... who would have thought that it could be so darn enlightening and entertaining as well...:D

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a) Is it normal to order 2 or 3 starters or main courses for one person?

b) Is it healthy for one person to consume 2 or 3 starters or main courses?


In my humble opinion the answer is no. It is a fact that the USA's biggest source of wastage is food. Around half the food in the USA is wasted. Go and google it, if you don't believe me.


What happened to will power, constraint and reasonable eating?


In my humble opinion have one starter and one main. There is no need to stuff yourself silly. I am shocked and horrified that people think they can have two main dishes because they are scared of missing out on one thing. If you don't like a course on the menu, you can ask the chef to make an alternative, but missing once course is not an excuse to have 2 additional meals. Occasionally we even skip one course. We don't want to compensate it with another course. One is enough people.


Who ever said "Many just automatically order two shrimp cocktails to get one normal size portion." I disagree, you are ordering 2 normal sized portions to get a double sized portion.


Next time you are in the ocean village people cafe, just look at who piles their plates high and who doesn't. I am not pointing the finger or naming anyone but those who just go OTT with food know who they are and are probably the ones trying to defend their right to stuff themselves silly.


I find your post condescending at least, insulting at worst. Cruise lines serve many different size people and they all get the same size portion. Since when does a 6 foot 5 260 lb 30 y/o man have to eat the same amount of food as a 5 foot 2 110 lb 80 y/o woman. And who is anyone else to judge him about it. I am short and fat and could care less about your sideways glances. But out son is self conscious because he is a BIG man, not fat he is a very healthy deputy sheriff. He works out evry day but that size furnace burns a lot of fuel! Perhaps you should worry about your own plate and not whats on other someone elses.

The OP asked if he would be made to feel out of place enjoying himself on a cruise. Most likely he will if theres not with many people who share your pompous additude!



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Personally I have three rules

a)When stuck with a choice of underwear I make a manly decision and pick one. (Usually the pink lace bikinis) I can always wear another pair next time and if not, well I still enjoyed what I had.

b) sometimes less is more, I prefer to dress in thongs in those cases, feeling what I am wearing. Going commando bypasses this feeling.

c)When I am covered, that is it, I stop, game over. I don't add that last piece of lingere, I don't regret leaving what I may have left...


Now for me, I thought cruise critic boards were for learning things from others' experiences... who would have thought that it could be so darn enlightening and entertaining as well...:D


What a riot! And to think, all those people think we wore standard issue under our uniforms!


Made my last two cruises on the Nimitz in 80-83. Lovely cruises.....took my wife a few years to talk me into going back to sea - heck and paying for them - but it is just a bit different. I tell other sailors, they don't mix JP-5 with the shower water, and some sweet young thing keeps walking up and sticks funny umbrella drinks into my hand all the time. It's a tough life at sea!


I try to follow every one of that guy's 3 rules, but I don't make a manly choice, I tend to giggle and have been known to choose a 2nd one, but its good to hear what is 'manly' so I'll now know. I guess my wife is more 'manly' because she never orders a 2nd option.



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We took our first Carnival cruise last week and we had the person who checked us in and the waiter both informed our family that we could order multiple starters, dinners and desserts. I have never had them suggest this on RCCL.


I did order 2 starters a couple of nights, a fruit cup and soup. I hardly think that this made me a little piggy.

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Personally I have three rules

a)When stuck with a choice of underwear I make a manly decision and pick one. (Usually the pink lace bikinis) I can always wear another pair next time and if not, well I still enjoyed what I had.

b) sometimes less is more, I prefer to dress in thongs in those cases, feeling what I am wearing. Going commando bypasses this feeling.

c)When I am covered, that is it, I stop, game over. I don't add that last piece of lingere, I don't regret leaving what I may have left...


Now for me, I thought cruise critic boards were for learning things from others' experiences... who would have thought that it could be so darn enlightening and entertaining as well...:D


I have three manly rules which don't necessarily conflict with yours:


1) Wear a multi pocketed see through MANly plastic raincoat to dinner. With it, you can fill the pockets with more food for later.

2) Hit the MENS room for a download before dinner. You can then fill your tanks to their utmost capacity.

3) Have a MANly camera hidden on you for clandestinely photographing miscreants reaching for that 2nd pork chop.

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I find your post condescending at least, insulting at worst. Cruise lines serve many different size people and they all get the same size portion. Since when does a 6 foot 5 260 lb 30 y/o man have to eat the same amount of food as a 5 foot 2 110 lb 80 y/o woman. And who is anyone else to judge him about it. I am short and fat and could care less about your sideways glances. But out son is self conscious because he is a BIG man, not fat he is a very healthy deputy sheriff. He works out evry day but that size furnace burns a lot of fuel! Perhaps you should worry about your own plate and not whats on other someone elses.

The OP asked if he would be made to feel out of place enjoying himself on a cruise. Most likely he will if theres not with many people who share your pompous additude!




Thanks, Squid. Actually your post was spot-on. I AM 6'7" and 265 pounds. I have always been the tallest person in my class, work, cruise, most any place. My sister is 4'11" and 125 pounds. We are both in our 40's and even growing up, if she didn't finish her plate, I was more than happy too! The larger we are, the more calories we are able to consume and burn. Thanks for your thoughts, I couldn't agree more. :)

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Thanks, Squid. Actually your post was spot-on. I AM 6'7" and 265 pounds. I have always been the tallest person in my class, work, cruise, most any place. My sister is 4'11" and 125 pounds. We are both in our 40's and even growing up, if she didn't finish her plate, I was more than happy too! The larger we are, the more calories we are able to consume and burn. Thanks for your thoughts, I couldn't agree more. :)


You are very welcome! I usually try to be neutral and helpful with my posts but that one hit a BUNCH of nerves! Narrow sighted people amuse me most of the time! Enjoy you cruises and multiple servings!

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It really is frightening what so many people think is ok. Make your own observations next time, especially in the ocean view cafe. They do say empty vessels make the most noise. I on the eclipse in a few months and I will post some photos that prove my point.


Fixit2010, there is a new thread on the Ask A Cruise Question forum about ordering multiple items that needs your involvement to keep the gluttons from taking it over. Don't let it get away!!!



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I'm in training for my upcoming Alaskan cruise. I've been going to nothing but all you can eat buffets and all you can eat fish frys on Fridays. I've brought my game up a notch and feel I'm ready for the big leagues.


Being at the top of my game will serve me well for my fall trip to Las Vegas, whose buffets are nothing to sneeze at. Last year we did Caesar's resorts 24 hour buffet for $44.99 which entitles one to all the buffets you want at any Caesar's properties - Harrah's, Flamingo, Bally's, Imperial Palace, Rio, Paris and Caesar's Palace. The trick is to purchase your first meal in the evening at say 9:00PM or so. That way you can fit in 1 dinner buffet the first night, and can have 3 more, a breakfast, lunch and dinner the following day. We did Rio's, Paris, Caesar's Palace and Harrah's. It was a great deal and saves you quite a bit of money. Perhaps if FIXIT is ever in Vegas when my wife and I are there he can tag along....

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First, all this talk about food has got me really, really hungry. With my first ever cruise coming up, I really want to try EVERY type of cruise line food item available. This of course will necessitate ordering virtually everything on the menu. Which in turn will require that I eat swiftly in order to finish before midnite. The result of this food binge will be me lurching back & forth in a attempt to reach my cabin. While this may appear frightening to others, I have lived a remarkably happy life eating & drinking to excess;)


I'd like to apologize in advance to anyone my behavior offends, particularly those who know what's best for me. I've always tried to live my life based not upon my own decisions or desires, but to meet the expectations of others. Sometimes it's very difficult to function, as numerous people will have a wide variety of opinions as to what I should do. This immobilizes me as I really don't know whose advice I should be following..who I should be pleasing:confused:


If the captain of the Millinium doesn't banish me to eating alone in the ships engine room at 1:00AM, then I guess my behavior is okay with Celebrity. Perhaps others will be banished along with me to eat in the bowels of the ship away from well mannered, appropriate passengers. Actually it might be great fun to dine with like minded cruisers:rolleyes:


As I indicated this will be my first cruise, and I was just wondering if anyone gets confined to their cabin for ordering surf & turf? I'd be okay with that as long as I get to take the food with me:p


All I have to say is that I want to be on your ship :cool: Love people with a sense of humor (and perspective)!


My advice to all is: It's your vacation - enjoy it! And ignore that which makes you not enjoy it :D

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I'm in training for my upcoming Alaskan cruise. I've been going to nothing but all you can eat buffets and all you can eat fish frys on Fridays. I've brought my game up a notch and feel I'm ready for the big leagues....


LOL! Too funny. :D

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I've brought my game up a notch and feel I'm ready for the big leagues.


Oooh, speaking of big leagues... aren't a lot of MLB ballparks now offering an all-you-can-eat package with certain tickets? Can you imagine, someone leaning over to the guy in the next row who's elbows deep into a tub of nachos and a fourth hot dog, telling him to stop eating so much or else the home team are going to have to trade their ace pitcher?! :cool:

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OK, I fully agree about how immoral it is to order a 2nd helping and overfill our plates! I Only stick to the set dining events and never over-order:


Dining at Sea:

0630 - Breakfast in your SR

0730 - Full Breakfast in the Oceanview Buffet

0930 - Elite Breakfast (free bloody mary and snacks so I don’t drink on an empty stomach)

1030 - Brunch in the MDR

1130 - Lunch MDR and/or Oceanview

1400 - Dunch (meal between Lunch and Dinner, but closer to Lunch)

1530 - Quick Snack at the outdoor Grill (no name, just a quick stop for only a couple of hotdogs)

1630 - Linner (meal between Dinner and Lunch, but closer to Dinner)

1700 - Snacks at Elite Lounge w drinks (don’t want to drink on an empty stomach!)

1830 - MDR early dining

2000 - quick bite at Bistro on 5

2300 - Room Serve pizza before they close! (oh,someone told me they don't close completely so I could order another later!)


On special celebration nights, we will cut back and not go to Bistro on 5 and try the Tuscan Grill!


That way, I’m not overeating ordering 2nds and overfilling my plate so somebody doesn’t take my picture.



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What a riot! And to think, all those people think we wore standard issue under our uniforms!


Made my last two cruises on the Nimitz in 80-83. Lovely cruises.....took my wife a few years to talk me into going back to sea - heck and paying for them - but it is just a bit different. I tell other sailors, they don't mix JP-5 with the shower water, and some sweet young thing keeps walking up and sticks funny umbrella drinks into my hand all the time. It's a tough life at sea!


I try to follow every one of that guy's 3 rules, but I don't make a manly choice, I tend to giggle and have been known to choose a 2nd one, but its good to hear what is 'manly' so I'll now know. I guess my wife is more 'manly' because she never orders a 2nd option.




After not meeting my second kid till he was five and a half months old because I was on deployment, (CH-46 phrawg driver) the thought of being on a boat on the ocean kept me from enjoying cruise ships for several years after I retired. Glad I wised up or I would have missed out on all the wisdom displayed by such tolerant and open minded people in some of these posts!:p My biggest adjustment was from the Navy's policy of "45 DAYS at sea minimum until you get a beer" to the cruise industry's policy of "45 NANOSECONDS at sea maximum until you get a beer" ENJOY!!! (no matter how many appetizers or entrees it takes!:))

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After not meeting my second kid till he was five and a half months old because I was on deployment, (CH-46 phrawg driver) the thought of being on a boat on the ocean kept me from enjoying cruise ships for several years after I retired. Glad I wised up or I would have missed out on all the wisdom displayed by such tolerant and open minded people in some of these posts!:p My biggest adjustment was from the Navy's policy of "45 DAYS at sea minimum until you get a beer" to the cruise industry's policy of "45 NANOSECONDS at sea maximum until you get a beer" ENJOY!!! (no matter how many appetizers or entrees it takes!:))


This type of cruising is the perfect mix...I do like being at sea, but now I'm with a 'roomate' I want to sleep with, great people to meet and talk with, dining at its best, and then just opening my hand and someone sticking a drink in it while I'm lazing the day away.


No turning into the wind and being so rudely shot off the bow......OK enough of that stuff, lets concentrate on the here and now and how I couldn't live without a cruise booked in my future!


Enjoy navyrotorhead, hope we cruise together sometime...and talk about how much fun we are having and never mention those 'dark times at sea'!!



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