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My extensive Pearl review with pics and SURPRISE


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That braiding story is hysterical. Reminds me of a purse purchase I made in NYC once. lol

Do you know anything about Majestic MTN in Ocho Rio's. Saw it on the travel station and sent them an email but haven't heard back.








We were very worried about this port and I had a previous bad experience there before so we decided that if we were even going to get off the ship, it was going to have to be an AI resort that didn’t allow “pushers” in.



I tried to do a lot of research on this and came up short of anyone that could really review this place. It seemed like tons of people have booked with Jamaica for a Day, but couldn’t tell me about this particular resort. I read both good and bad things on Trip Advisor, but thought “what the heck” and booked. It seemed like most of the “complaints” came from those with problems with their rooms…and hey, I wasn’t getting a room, just using their facilities.



When booking, the price was $60 for an adult and $40 for a child. You are required to put down a $20 deposit for each person no matter the age. Then you pay the remaining amount when you arrive at the resort. You can get transportation provided by them for $9 a person. That’s to and from together for only $9. Since I didn’t know how far it was from the port, I decided this was a good idea and booked it too (was paid along with the deposit at the time of booking). Plus I didn’t know what a cab ride would cost for the 5 of us there and back if I did it on my own. It’s about a 10 minute ride there and you can see the ship right there in port from the resort and we loved that. Once we booked online, we were sent a confirmation notification that they received our payment and would be “emailing” our resort pass within 24 hours. After 24 hours, I had not received it and emailed them. They responded very quickly to let me know they were running a little behind but not to worry and they would get it right out to me (and she did). They also tell you to print 2 copies. One for the ride there and one for the ride back (although we didn’t need to show anyone anything on the way back, but they say to do it as a precautionary).




When we made it to the pier, we ask for the Jamaica for a Day operator and were told to wait inside the gated area for someone. We waited for about 20 minutes or so and then I ask again. There was another couple also waiting for the same bus. I think we must have waited about 45 minutes or so before our bus finally came. The papers tell you to be waiting at the port at 9am and that is when they would be leaving for the resort. Obviously they were running late.



Upon arrival, we checked in and paid the remaining amount of our fees and were issued an armband and also some tokens for resort towels. I had completely forgotten that we didn’t need our towels and had brought the ship towels with us. Also they ask us when we wanted to be picked back up to return to the ship and we told them 4pm was a good time.







I have to say, the place is GORGEOUS!!! The entrance is grand, the décor is beautiful, it really looks like a nice resort. The grounds were also VERY beautiful. I could not believe how many pools this place had. They had pools within pools. Private little area pools and huge pools. Pools under slides, pools under bridges, fountain type pool, you name it. Everything was landscaped very nice as well.







The dining area was a HUGE, very TALL, open area. The buffet was very large and PLENTY of seating there. You are right beside the pools and right in front of the ocean. Very nice. We did see people painting up in the rafters and such AFTER we had all ate and everyone was out of the way.

I loved the food. Very tasty and they had tons of it. Everything you could think of and the jerk chicken was fabulous! The only “rule” they had was you HAD to be dressed and have shoes on in that area to eat (understandable) but we found tons of people that were still in their bathing suits and was told to come back dressed.











Since this was an AI, it included your drinks too. We could drink soda all day or alcohol all day. It came with the resort pass. I have to say my favorite was the “dirty banana” drink. Yummy. They made virgin strawberry drinks for my little one and she loved it.




We couldn’t find an actual lay down beach chair by the time we arrived. I think all the resort people had already taken them. But we could find plenty of regular sit up chairs…which is always fine with us since we really don’t stay in a chair long and would rather be on the beach, in the ocean or in the pool. So we just found a spot by a landscaped area and put our things and had a chair there (plus you could sit on the wall).

The beach is kinda small, but had plenty of chairs. They also had some type of cabana things and I bet it’s pretty at night because they all had lights around them (like the little white Christmas lights). They also came with tables.







The ocean had a sandy bottom, so not great for snorkeling, but there was areas that had sea grass at the bottom of them. I managed to find several crabs in those areas…so watch where you walk or have water shoes on. We did manage to see a few schools of small minnow type fish and a few other fish.



The resort provides the HUGE round rings (something like Styrofoam) to use. They are free of charge. You just have to find one to use it. When we first got there, there were plenty and we waited until later, then there wasn’t any. So we missed out on just floating around on one of them.

To the right of the resort, when facing the ocean, there is a water sports place that you can rent jet skis, take a boat tour and so on. They do stay in their spot but will try to lure you in to purchase a ride or whatever. Just keep walking and you’ll be fine. They aren’t allowed to actually come on to the property or the beach in front of the property.



The water slide…it’s massive huge and looks like a lighthouse. There are 2 different slides that come out of it and it’s quite the haul to get up there. It’s inside the light house and a winding staircase. I booked this AI knowing that my 3 year old was going to love this. When we got to the top a very rude man told me she was not allowed to go down. Everyone had to be at least 48” tall to go on the slides. He would not even let me go down with her. You are only allowed 1 person at a time. He was VERY rude about it and I walked away upset and my daughter was in tears. The rest of the day we had to deal with her pointing at the slides and crying to go on them. This is when parenting gets creative trying to divert her attention to something else to make her forget about it. Ugh! So that was the ONLY bad experience I really had at the resort that day.







Toward the end of the day, they had a live band playing and they were playing “music games”. It was hilarious. They would play the beginning of a song that everyone would know and sing it and then stop and you had to keep singing it and name the song. It was hilarious and entertaining.

Now on to the “sketchy” part of the day…LOL There was a lady that my husband had ran in to that ask if he wanted to have our 3 year olds hair braided. He told them it was a possibility and she quoted him a price of $35 for her entire head. He told her that he would tell me about it (because he knew I was wanting this done) and get back to her.



I had ask several other resort visitors how much they paid for their children’s hair to be done and they had told me it was $4 a braid and it seemed to be costing around $60 a person for their entire head to be braided. When my husband told me $35, I decided it was a good idea. When I found this lady later, she said she would do it for $25 and I told her yes in about an hour or so we would find her. She let us know where to find her (off the resort area of course).




When I went to find her, she wasn’t there and it was just a bunch of men hanging out in the area and they told me to come back in 10 minutes and she should be back. I figured I would wait until I seen her pass again. When I found her, she ask us to follow her to the place just around the corner (by the jet ski rental shop) and she would braid her hair there. When we went around there, it was pretty nasty and a dump. There was a broken down boat back there, men hanging out smoking pot, and trash bags everywhere. It made me a little leery but there was 5 of us there so a little at ease…until….a Jet Ski pulled up and she hurried and put my daughter down off the chair and said “whatever you do, don’t tell them I’m braiding her hair” and then she hid. Another lady that was back there ducked down behind my husband and hid. I started to get a little freaked out at this point. The guy on the Jet Ski was a police officer and he got off and walked up toward the rental building. Once he got out of sight, she said “I’ll be back when the coast is clear” and took off running down the beach. Um…ok. At that point my daughter had 2 braids in her hair and we just stood there like, are we going to get in trouble for something we don’t know about???




We waited about a half hour after the police left and could see her in the distance and kept wondering if she was ever going to return to finish her hair. When she did, she told me that the police didn’t like her and they would get her for not having a license to braid hair and they all knew her.

She then said she was going to take us “somewhere safe that we wouldn’t be bothered”. YIKES. She had us walk up to the rental building and we walked along the back side of it between the building and a huge privacy fence. It was long and dark and at that point I was freaking out even more. I kept telling my oldest daughter, “I’m not liking this at all”. When we got to the other side, there was a bunch of locals sitting at a card table playing dominos and just hanging out. She put my daughter up on a bench and continued to braid her hair. We had some long discussions with her and she was very nice and my mind was finally put at ease at that point. The guys went over to check out the “game” at the table and they were all friendly as well. Not pushy on buying “stuff” but did ask. Now from this area I found that the resort actually went a lot further than I realized. We could see the other half of the resort from on top of this little hill that I didn’t know existed and had seen pictures on their website before. There was a beautiful area with a covered area and flowers everywhere that went out over the water (like an island type) and people get married there. They had a beach area over there too and you could snorkel on that side of the wall. Maybe that’s where I should have been in the first place. We watched people snorkeling up and down that area and I could see tons of rocks in the water. Now I wish I would have explored a little more. In the end, my daughter’s hair was done and she actually took $22 for it. Then my 23 year old daughter had hers done after that.



When it was time to leave, we stopped by the resorts store inside the building to get some tee shirts and souvenirs of our visit to Jamaica.

Our driver was out front waiting for us as promised but this time we were in a HUGE Greyhound type bus. We were the only ones on the bus on the way back. It was a nice bus and we got back in plenty of time to get back on the ship.



When we went into the little building where you show your cruise ID’s to the authorities, they pulled my daughter and her boyfriend aside and did a “search” on them. No clue why or if they just randomly pick people to do that to. Maybe he looked like a drug lord or something to them…he does have a lot of tattoos. LOL But all was good.



All in all, I would definitely recommend this place to anyone. It was a lovely day and I’m happy to finally report back about this place for others to know what it is like.



Here are the rest of my pictures: http://kimbakersphotography.smugmug.com/Other/Ocho-Rios-Jamaica/22279178_k5Tzn2#!i=1780052789&k=fj4CZK2

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We are going here in November. Our first NCL cruise on the Pearl.

Will now know to take our snorkel gear with us. We have rented Jet Ski's. They do have lockers for our stuff, right?


Also, what kind of camera do you have... these are great pics.


I'm not sure if they have lockers or not. We have never used lockers anywhere we go and I don't recall seeing any there.


I have a Canon D10 and also an Olympus Tough camera. Both are point and shoot cameras and are underwater cameras as well. I love them both. :)


Thanks so much for the comments.

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That braiding story is hysterical. Reminds me of a purse purchase I made in NYC once. lol

Do you know anything about Majestic MTN in Ocho Rio's. Saw it on the travel station and sent them an email but haven't heard back.


Sorry, that's not a place I have ever heard of before (at least I don't recall anyone on here mentioning it). This was the first time I had been to Ocho Rios and my next trip to Jamaica in 3 months will be to Montego Bay. :)

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  • 1 month later...



I loved the look of GSC and the tendering area they have made is beautiful. The entrance is very nice and tendering was easy as can be.

We found a spot to the right at the beach area after walking in and pretty much stayed there most of the day (other than a little shopping and over to the food area for lunch). I couldn’t wait to get into the water and start snorkeling.








The water was cold that day, but the weather was sunny and very nice out. So, I wasn’t about to let a little cold water keep me away. After getting in, you got use to it.



Before we did venture into the water we were kind of walking up and down the beach area and we saw several sting rays swimming around. They were exploring everyone around them. I ran back to our beach chairs to grab my camera and of course, my luck, they were gone and we didn’t see them the rest of the day.







I have to say I was very amazed at the amount of fish and snorkeling to be done here. I wasn’t expecting much and figured it was mostly a sandy bottom type area. There seem to be a little of everything there from just sandy areas in the water to sea grass, to rocks with plenty of fish. You could swim really far out (going toward the huge rocks that stick up out of the water) and it was still fairly shallow (where you could still touch the bottom in most places). Most of the fish were out that way (or at least more of a variety of them). You will find coral here, anemones, sea urchins, sea worms and tons of fish. Just make sure you are looking under some of the huge rocks out there and in the nooks and crannies and you’ll find things most people don’t see. I didn’t swim all the way to the huge rocks but spoke with another couple on the ship that did and said they ran into a 4 foot barracuda out there.




At one point I went out toward the rocks and then decided to swim diagonal across toward the other side to see if there was anything different in that area. I found several different “things” (not sure what they were remains of) but they were like bars/metal and to my surprise, I seen my first Lion Fish under one of them. It was the first time that I’ve ever encountered one and I was completely thrilled!!!







We did see people parasailing there as well. It looked like fun.



We went over for the lunch buffet and the lines were long. We stood in line for probably about 20 minutes before making it to the food…which was VERY good. Then when I made it to the end of the line, I THEN noticed that the food started over. Geesh, I stood in this long line, like others, when they had several different places to get the same food and it repeated. (Putting hand up to forehead and banging it about that time). So hint…don’t just get in the line at the beginning of the tables.

They have a huge covered area that you can sit at or you can opt to sit at the tables out in the sun. There was a lot of room.







My little one had decided that she wanted to try the hippo slide and had been begging all day long to go. So we went over to investigate. We ask the rep there if it was ok for her to go down or if there was an age or height regulation. He told us anyone could go down. He ask if we wanted to do just 1 slide for $4.99 or if we wanted to buy the all-day pass for $20. The thing is huge. We talked him into letting my husband go down with her (free of charge) just to make sure she would be ok. Then we talked him into holding off on the charge and if she liked it and could do it by herself then we would pay the $20. If not, then we would pay the on time rate. He agreed and let them go. She was able to climb it by herself and they slid down together. At a certain point almost toward the curve at the bottom they went a little sideways and it seemed as though they hit an area that brought them up a little. Not air borne but you could tell it was different. You could also tell by BOTH of their faces that it kinda freaked them out. So, that pretty much made up my mind that it would be her only time of trying it out. I don’t think I would trust her going alone on it.







The beach does have a lot of rocks/pebbles in the sand, so it’s a good idea to wear sandals or water shoes if you want to go easy on the feet. I’ve always ran around bare-footed since I was a kid, so it didn’t bother me but it did my husband. You could see the staff working hard at raking up the rocks and hauling them away during the day.




We did a little shopping at the stores before getting back on the tender and was able to barter with one of them on a dress for my daughter and a tee for me so I was happy.



I really didn’t explore around like I thought I would. I seem to get wrapped up in something exciting and then forgot to wonder off and look around. I didn’t even see where the lazy river was going to be and we didn’t go over past the adult beach either. I’ve seen many reviews about people walking to the lighthouse and I saw the arrow pointing which way it was, but when you are on the ship and you look at the tender area, and then look over to the lighthouse…holy crap it looks really far away. I felt like we’d spend a lot of time just walking there and back. So, we decided not to go.







The only complaint I would have is they have the chairs so packed that you are basically sitting on top of each other. We were the only ship there that day and it wasn’t too crowded that you had to sit within hand-holding distance with someone in the chair next to you, but still…wow. The beach is huge and they need to spread things out some more or make the beach bigger. I like people, but not so much that they can hear me whisper. LOL



We had a wonderful day and I hope to make it back again someday. We really enjoyed it and thought it was just beautiful there.



Link to my other pictures: http://kimbakersphotography.smugmug.com/Other/Great-Stirrup-Cay-Bahamas/22274414_n4mcj7#!i=1779715263&k=bRvb8nx




Thanks for the great review.


Would you suggest to book an excursion for Great Stirrup Cay? I'm going on the MSC Divina. If so, where should I book through? NCL directly?


Or is there stuff to do at the island regardless of an excursion?



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Thanks for the great review.


Would you suggest to book an excursion for Great Stirrup Cay? I'm going on the MSC Divina. If so, where should I book through? NCL directly?


Or is there stuff to do at the island regardless of an excursion?




I'm confused. What is the MSC Divina? Is that a cruise ship? If so, you can't book this as an excursion. This is NCL's private island that they take their passengers too. It's not an excursion. :)

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I'm confused. What is the MSC Divina? Is that a cruise ship? If so, you can't book this as an excursion. This is NCL's private island that they take their passengers too. It's not an excursion. :)

The Divina is a new MSC ship that is coming to Miami. NCL is renting Great Stirrup Cay to MSC.

To the poster who was asking about GSC - It is NCL's private island. Consider it a beach day. You cannot book excursions through other companies. NCL offers things like parasailing, jet skis etc.

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I'm confused. What is the MSC Divina? Is that a cruise ship? If so, you can't book this as an excursion. This is NCL's private island that they take their passengers too. It's not an excursion. :)


As the last poster mentioned, NCL is renting out GSC to MSC.


This is the ship I will be on:




My main question is, should I even bother booking an excursion through NCL for GSC? Or is it best to not book anything just explore/relax on the island?



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The Divina is a new MSC ship that is coming to Miami. NCL is renting Great Stirrup Cay to MSC.

To the poster who was asking about GSC - It is NCL's private island. Consider it a beach day. You cannot book excursions through other companies. NCL offers things like parasailing, jet skis etc.


Oh ok. Thanks for the info. I had no idea but figured it was another cruise ship. I remember some talk (I thought) about RCL renting out their island to someone or something like that, but didn't realize NCL was doing the same thing. Good to know.


As the last poster mentioned, NCL is renting out GSC to MSC.


This is the ship I will be on:




My main question is, should I even bother booking an excursion through NCL for GSC? Or is it best to not book anything just explore/relax on the island?




There's really nothing to book. You will tender to the island from your ship and you can just hang out at the beach, play games (if they do that like NCL does), snorkel right from the beach (I think I heard someone mention they might have a stingray place there now, but can't comment on it since they did not have it when we were there) and then they have a giant water slide.


You could probably check with your cruise line the excursions they offer while they are there (like if you wanted to do the stingray swim, jet ski, para-sailing, cabana rental). Otherwise, it's just a beautiful day at the beach in the beautiful blue water. :D They do also have floatie mats that you can rent there too.

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Oh ok. Thanks for the info. I had no idea but figured it was another cruise ship. I remember some talk (I thought) about RCL renting out their island to someone or something like that, but didn't realize NCL was doing the same thing. Good to know.




There's really nothing to book. You will tender to the island from your ship and you can just hang out at the beach, play games (if they do that like NCL does), snorkel right from the beach (I think I heard someone mention they might have a stingray place there now, but can't comment on it since they did not have it when we were there) and then they have a giant water slide.


You could probably check with your cruise line the excursions they offer while they are there (like if you wanted to do the stingray swim, jet ski, para-sailing, cabana rental). Otherwise, it's just a beautiful day at the beach in the beautiful blue water. :D They do also have floatie mats that you can rent there too.


Thanks for the information.


Is snorkeling equipment available for rent there?

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  • 3 weeks later...
Thanks for the information.


Is snorkeling equipment available for rent there?


Honestly, I'm not sure. We have our own equipment that we take with us each cruise so we never need to rent snorkeling equipment. Maybe someone else can answer that for you. :)

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  • 1 month later...
Did you book this thru the ship or just take a taxi there? (Chankanaab)


Definitely NOT booked with the ship. They are expensive and limit your time there. Just grab a taxi outside the port. The taxi situation at Chankanaab is amazing. There is a lot over to the side of the turn around area that the cabs sit at (kinda out of the way and unless you are looking for it, you won't see it). They all have walkie talkies and when you are ready to leave Chankanaab, they will call one over. Easy as can be. :D

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I am starting to get tired of telling you thanks! (lol) You are awesome for taking all the time you do to help others I as well as many others really do appreciate it!


Aww, thanks so much. I enjoy it, I really do. There are plenty of people on here that have helped me out and this is just my way of trying to help others out as well. Enjoy your time at Chankanaab. :)

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Aww, thanks so much. I enjoy it, I really do. There are plenty of people on here that have helped me out and this is just my way of trying to help others out as well. Enjoy your time at Chankanaab. :)
Well, I have now booked Maya Key and will be doing Chankaab from reading your reviews. Costa Maya I am booked for Maya Chan as the owners are on the same cruise as us. Comon now, help me decide on something in Belize!!!
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Well, I have now booked Maya Key and will be doing Chankaab from reading your reviews. Costa Maya I am booked for Maya Chan as the owners are on the same cruise as us. Comon now, help me decide on something in Belize!!!


Oh how neat that they are on the cruise with you. That would be awesome. The staff there is totally awesome!!


In Belize I have done the cave tubing twice and loved it and the other time I did Bannister Island. What are you interest there?

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Oh how neat that they are on the cruise with you. That would be awesome. The staff there is totally awesome!!


In Belize I have done the cave tubing twice and loved it and the other time I did Bannister Island. What are you interest there?

Thats just it, nothing seems to be jumping out at me. I think we would like the cave tubing, but not really interested in long walking thru the jungle, wife has 4 disks fused in back.
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Thats just it, nothing seems to be jumping out at me. I think we would like the cave tubing, but not really interested in long walking thru the jungle, wife has 4 disks fused in back.


Well, I can understand that. We don't find the walk too stressful (with a small child in tow) and have had many elderly people with us on tours there as well and they did just fine. However, only you and your wife know her limitations. We find that the walk in the jungle is the most interesting part of the tour. There's just so many things to see along the way and the facts they give you and just amazing. I think it "makes" this excursion a great one.


Are you interested in doing a beach day?

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Have 3 beach days booked. I think we will just play this one port by ear and maybe just stay on the ship?


Only you can determine if another beach day is something you and your family can handle. We love the beach and each beach experience is different, so we sometimes to beaches for all ports while other times we mix it up a little.


I know it just seems like the main thing to do in Belize (that you can't do at other ports) is the cave tubing. I have only done that twice and went to Bannister once (which is an island). If I ever return, it would be another beach place for us to go to (probably Goffs Caye).


I believe some people might go to ruins there as well...but I'm unsure since I don't really have a desire to see them, so I haven't checked in to them.

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  • 1 year later...

Mitsugirly, not to hack your thread but I have seen on several posts where you talk about Chankanaab and I have a question for you. if we don't want to do an encounter other than an entrance fee and snorkel rental what other things cost at Chankanaab? does the zip line cost extra or is that included. If you could let me know I would greatly appreciate it.


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  • 10 months later...

We were in Cozumel 6 months ago and went to Chankanaab and it was by far our favorite port of the cruise. We knew when







Can you please let me know how you went about booking something in Chankanaab?

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