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*OFFICIAL* CC Group Cruise 02/15/2014 Cupid's IV Southern Caribbean - Carnival Breeze


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Hi there Cupids,

I was on the boards doing research for our next cruise on the Magic at the end of March. This time we will be traveling with Mike's WHOLE family.


Shelly and I were talking about all the cupids and wondering what you all were up to, and I saw your new cupids board and i just popped in to say hi and I hope you have a great time. Seeing how much fun the cupids had on the Freedom, I'm sure another great cruise will be coming. :)


Have fun.



Carnival Freedom, 2012 :)

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Good mornin'! Jes stoppin' by for a minute before jumping in the pool. First mornin' in awhile that it hasn't been raining so now's the time.

I see Chicago is supposed to have a high of 77 today. The Gulf is 90 degrees!!!! Only during rain does the temp drop a little in the air.

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Good Morning!


I see Chicago is supposed to have a high of 77 today. The Gulf is 90 degrees!!!! Only during rain does the temp drop a little in the air.


Yes, the weather is beautiful here. We have hardly even used our A/C since we got it fixed. We have the new furnace and A/C scheduled to be installed on the 29th. We did have some rain yesterday though. We still need more but things aren't so brown around here anymore. The grass is turning green again. We had some pretty bad hail though yesterday. It came down real hard but luckily it was small so there was no damage to our cars. I posted a picture of it on FB which I know some of you saw.


Have a great day.

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Well, I spoke too soon about the smoke being gone. :( It was great yesterday morning, took my walk for the first time in 2 weeks and could still breathe! But we went to town for lunch & errands and the smoke started rolling in while there. By the time we got home it was thick out here too.


The fire is getting under control, it's 50% contained and didn't grow any last night. The smoke is from our fire plus some other fires in California. Not too bad so far this morning, but I can see smoke around the edges.


Cat ~ next up on the ranch schedule: Dave is getting the hay equipment all cleaned up and put away for the year. Still spraying weeds. He is hot on the trail of a different baler for next year, so we may be taking a trip to Fallon, Nevada to look at one this week. We are going to rebuild part of our corral system, so we will start working on that soon. Our old corral is 60 years old and we have been rebuilding as we can. We have a series of round and square corrals...some really big and some much smaller. The 2 barn lots are the biggest and those are done. Some of the smaller ones have been done. Now we need to tackle the biggest round corral and also the loading chute where we load cattle onto cattle trucks.


In a month, we will get all the cows and calves back in so we can give the calves a booster shot for the shots we gave at branding. At that time, we will take out any cow that does not have a calf...some are getting old and need to go down the road.


Robin ~ I love watching the wildlife here on the ranch also. We have deer, antelope, and tons of birds...geese, sandhill crane, ducks, bald eagles, golden eagles, and lots of other birds.


Because I love the deer & antelope so much, we don't allow hunting on our property, except for 1 neighbor who helps us all the time and his uncle for deer season. I always hope that they won't get anything! And they usually don't...yay. This time of year, the phone calls start...people asking to hunt on our property. We also usually get strangers at our door, asking to hunt, even though we have a "no hunting" and "no trespassing" sign at the end of our private road in to the ranch! They have to DRIVE PAST the signs to get to our house. People are so annoying sometimes.


I do appreciate people asking instead of just going out and shooting something, but then we have the ones that want to argue with us when we tell them no. Most don't do that, but seems like there's at least one of those every year. This year, it was an acquaintance of ours who was having a hard time accepting "no" for an answer. He asked Dave at a party, then called and left a message for me on the phone, then his wife asked me in the grocery store. HELLO!!!! NO MEANS NO!!! :rolleyes:


Heidi ~ I saw your picture of the hail on FB! Crazy! We were 90 degrees here yesterday! Oh, I feel for you about the hot flashes. I have been dealing with them for several years. They aren't super bad, but annoying. I really can't wear any of my sweaters or sweatshirts anymore, even in winter...I just get too hot. At night, I sleep without the covers most of the night. I've heard about different herbal remedies to try, but really haven't tried them because I'm a bad "pill-taker"...don't like to and usually forget so it's not very effective. Hope your doc can give you some relief!


Renee ~ saw your neice pic on FB too. What a cutie!


Char ~ have you been on Holland America before? One of our Cupid friends from the Spirit, Kelly, has been asking about Holland America...she is wondering if she needs to dress up a bit more for dinner? I am thinking the answer is "yes", but since I've never actually been on H.A., I wondered what you think?


Linda ~ thanks for stopping by and saying hi!

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HAL is generally an older crowd who hang on to tradition therefore they tend to dress a little nicer for dinner. That does not mean real dressy but on the other hand you probably won't see jeans either. The Alaska itinerary is more casual than others, however.

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Happy Tuesday!!!


Renee - the picture of your niece is adorable.


Sue - I bet that is frustrating to have people always asking to hunt on your property espcially those who continue to bother about it...


Char - Alaska Cruise is on my list - I really want to do Alaska an Panama Canal.


Have a gret day everyone :)

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Kaylee has been showing horses since she was 11 months old.... her first trophy was for youngest contestant ever..... her mom has been showing since she was a little girl and just started Kaylee out very young... she prefers ribbons to trophies... you can't pin a trophy to your shirt....:eek:

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Smoke got bad yesterday later in the morning. I'm getting so frustrated, I was house-bound AGAIN. This morning, I can't really see or smell any smoke, so I'm hoping, hoping, hoping for a smoke-free day!! But I've thought that other mornings and the smoke comes in later, so we'll see........


Rick, thanks, that's what I thought about Holland America cruises. I'll let Kelly know what you said.


Dang, I guess we don't get our trip to Reno after all...to look at a baler in Fallon. The dealer withdrew his offer for trade-in on ours, and besides, he was offering a low-ball amount for ours which we weren't diggin'! A quick Reno trip would have been fun, though.


It will actually be kind of nice to stay home this weekend, since for the next 4 weekends after that we will be traveling to Eugene for Duck games.


My sis and her family may come over to visit this weekend, but they are not sure yet. She has 3 kids and they are busy getting ready for back-to-school and end of summer stuff. And they are watching our smoke situation here, they don't really want to come if it's bad and I don't blame them.


Have a great day, people! :D

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Good afternoon Cupids,

Yesterday was a great. We did not get out of the 70s all day. We will be back into the 90s today.:( Summer is not over, yet.

Char, Bettie and I are jealous. Glad you had a great time. We will have to think about that 14 day cruise later. Too much planned at the moment.

Sue, hope the fires are out soon. Being cooped up is not my idea of having fun.

Hope everyone has a great day.


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Good evening, Breeze buddies!

Just skimmed over the post and just to pooped.

Tropical Storm Isaac,well here we go again. We will just have to wait and see Jim Cantore just said he thinks it will be big so we will have to wait and see.

Someone mentioned HA...that was my first cruise and I think it will always be my favorite. The food was outstanding and they treated us like royalty. Would love to do it again, but prices are better with Carnival for us cheap peeps.

Just going to lurk a bit. Chat later.

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Good morning Cupids,

Summer has returned but I think we are through with the triple digits, I hope. None are in the forecast for the next 5 days.

Sue, sounds like you had a Ben & Jerry's kitchen with the cow decor. On RCL there is one cabin that is just above the B&J stare that is decorated with cow decor. I think you would love it.

Cat, good luck with TS Isaac. Hope is doesn't strenghten too much.

Off to get my hair cut in a few minutes.


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Char, Bettie and I are jealous. Glad you had a great time. We will have to think about that 14 day cruise later. Too much planned at the moment. Dave


Dave...I felt so bad because I knew that Bettie really wanted to go to Sitka. We want to do the 14 day Alaska too but it will have to wait for us as well. Next year is going to be extremely busy for us we will have two weddings, a college grad, our "big" anniversary and finishing up with our volunteer work in June. :eek:


Cathy P...stay safe with the storm coming...how far away are you from Tampa?


Sue...OMG I can't believe that Greg has been married for three years now? I remember when they got married and it seems like yesterday. Wish them happy anniversary from me and Jim.


Actually to all our Florida and Gulf Coast cupids...all be safe through the storm...we will be keeping you in our prayers.

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Good Evening Cupid's.


I had a nice day today. My sister, niece and her almost 1 year old baby were here. We went out to lunch and then to Hobby Lobby then they stayed for dinner even though it wasn't planned so we just ordered pizza. My little great niece is soooo cute. She's at that stage where she is getting into everything though. I had forgotten just how exhausting it is to have a little one like that. when we were at Hobby Lobby my niece gave her something to play with and she thought it was great fun to just keep throwing it out of the cart. Then back at my house she kept want to crawl into the bathroom. Later we were sitting in the middle of the yard but every few seconds she would pick up a leaf and put it in her mouth. She's a really happy, personable little girl though.


To all our Florida Cupid's, stay safe.

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Dave...I felt so bad because I knew that Bettie really wanted to go to Sitka. We want to do the 14 day Alaska too but it will have to wait for us as well. Next year is going to be extremely busy for us we will have two weddings, a college grad, our "big" anniversary and finishing up with our volunteer work in June. :eek:


Cathy P...stay safe with the storm coming...how far away are you from Tampa?

About 1 and 1/2 hours. We can get it either if it comes straight up from the keys or comes up a bit further and takes and right going East. Of course nothing like the coast would get. Rick is on that part of the Coast I do believe.


Sue...OMG I can't believe that Greg has been married for three years now? I remember when they got married and it seems like yesterday. Wish them happy anniversary from me and Jim.


Actually to all our Florida and Gulf Coast cupids...all be safe through the storm...we will be keeping you in our prayers.


Thanks a bunch Char.

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Stay safe, Florida Cupids!


We are SO proud of our daughter-in-law, Mallory! She graduated with a bachelor's degree in finance before they moved to Bend 4 years ago, but she wants to become a CPA. She has been taking online classes for a year and finished her last exam last night!! Now, she starts studying for the CPA license exams...there are 4 of them and it could take her about a year to complete all of them, they are very intense.


Dang, my sister was trying to come visit this weekend, but it's not going to happen. I was looking forward to seeing them.


Quite a bit cooler here, which is fine with me. It was probably in the upper 70's to low 80's yesterday. Definitely has a feeling of Fall to the air, especially in the mornings. Very cool and crisp outside this morning, and so far....no smoke!


Last night was the first night since the fire started almost 3 weeks ago that I could see Abert Rim clearly without a blanket of smoke.


Heidi ~ sounds like a great day with your sis and niece!


Dave ~ yes my kitchen was definitely a cow kitchen...never been to a Ben & Jerry's, but I'll bet I could have given them a run for their money! Even my wallpaper had a cow motif, with the border having cows on it!


Char ~ it's very hard for me to believe that Greg & Mal have been married 3 years also! Time flies by so fast. Thanks for the wishes, I'll pass them along to them.


Enjoy the weekend, all. Again, I am sending out good thoughts for all our Florida Cupids, that you are safe from the hurricane!

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Good morning Cupids,

To all our Florida cruisers. Stay safe.

Being almost 300 miles from the coast has its advantages but I still miss the sea. Growing up in Virginia, I was only an hours drive to the beach and fun in the sun.

Char, you are just way too busy. I thought you were retired.:D

Sue, wishing Mallory good luck on those exams. I've heard they are tough. Glad to hear that the smoke is lessoning. Hope the fire is getting under control



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Good Afternoon!


Not much going on here. I have to work at 5:00. It's hot again. Yesterday it was in the mid 90's and it's the same today. I don't think it's very humid though because it doesn't feel that hot. I know it's been a really hot summer but I'm not looking forward to winter. I'd rather have the heat.


I posted a really cute picture of my great niece and our dog of FB so check it out if you are on FB.


Have a good weekend.

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Hello Cupid's,

Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Florida cupid's stay safe. Will be watching the news for updates on the hurricane.

Our weather has been nice lately. In the 80's with a chance of rain this weekend.

We will be going to a wedding tomorrow. Otherwise a relaxing weekend is planned.

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Good morning, Breeze buddies!

Here it is 6:10 and I am getting ready for the last 4 hours of the week. We are all on alert for Monday and if the storm gets close no day off for me all hands on deck. I do have a phone appointment with Social Security to sign up for my retirement so I will have to jet home for that for a minute. Since I am only 5 minutes away no problem.

Thanks you everyone for your well wishes for all the Florida Cupids. I also join that wish for Rick and also Lisa as I know Rick is on the West Coast of Florida and I think Lisa in toward Central. The whole state will be effected they just don't know how much. Did someone say Hurrican Party??lol


Well everyone have a super day and will check back later.

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Haven't turned the news on this morning..hope all the Florida Cupids are still high and dry and safe.


Well, yesterday didn't turn out so well for me. On our daily walk, Zeke got overexcited, which he always does....and he ran into me and knocked me right off my feet! I landed hard on my knees, but especially the left knee. This is one time I'm glad I live in the boon-docks so no one could see or hear me. I was bawling like a baby and cussing up a blue streak. It hurt so badly, it made me sick to my stomach. Finally was able to stand up, but I was a mile from the house and didn't think I'd be able to make it back.


I never take my cell phone with me on my walk, but for some reason I did yesterday. Dave also hardly ever has his cell phone with him, but did yesterday and it was actually turned on! I called him and he came out and got me and brought me home. Someone was definitely watching over me, I'm thinking all my grammas and grampas must have been whispering to me from Heaven to take the phone! ;)


I'm fine this morning, just a little swollen and sore but nothing major. Sure did hurt, though! Dang dog. Cesar the Dog Whisperer would not be impressed with my training skills. :o


Yesterday was another cooler day, in the high 70's, and we had almost no smoke at all. The fire here is getting contained....75% yesterday. We are getting some smoke from other fires, but nothing like before.


I made the weirdest cookies yesterday that I found on Pinterest! They sound icky, but they were actually very good. They are peanut butter, agave syrup or honey, vanilla, baking powder and.....wait for it...........garbanzo beans!! You mix that all up in your food processor until smooth and then throw in some chocolate chips and bake. Now, don't get me wrong, they aren't going to replace good old Nestle Tollhouse cookies, but for a healthy alternative....not bad at all! Dave even liked them (I didn't tell him what was in them until AFTER he tasted them!).


Heidi ~ saw that picture on FB and it is very cute.


Stay safe, Floridians!! Have a great weekend, Cupids!

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I have been silent, but not by choice the last few days. I lost access to the internet. Thursday I spent ALL morning with Brighthouse tech and they finally referred me to Microsoft where I literally spent ALL afternoon to no avail. They are sending me a recovery disk for free (they charged me $99.00 to talk to them!!!) Last night at the Lodge someone mentioned that the cable from the modem to the computer may have gone bad so Bright House came out this morning. He couldn't have been in the house more than 3 minutes and voila! I now have internet. (Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!)

Sue our kitchen is all roosters...even the breakfast table has roosters painted on it plus the rooster border, curtains, rugs, etc. etc. Not to be outdone but the dinnerware also has.....wait for it........Roosters!

Thanx for the well wishers regarding Isaac. I took in the garbage cans, grill etc. so they don't blow away and now we just wait for hot air from the Republican Convention which starts tomorrow in Tampa as well as the winds of Isaac.

Have a great weekend......

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Good afternoon Cupids,

Sue, sorry to hear you feel and injured your knee. Cursing a "Blue Streak" proves that you are a "Cowgirl". I need you nominate you for the Hall of Fame. At least get your picture posted on the wall.:D Hope it is better but if you are still experiencing any pain in it Monday, please get it checked out.

Hope all you Floridians are safe and that Isaac takes a more westerly route.

Cat, a Hurricane party sounds like an excellent idea. Do you have to be in a hurricane to start one. :eek:

Kathy, have a great weekend. I'm sure glad we got some rain and that the fires are out.

Just finished mowing the yard. It's warm here but not in the triple digits.


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