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Spirit 15 Days~Hawaii: A Review


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Ok, so since we are talking about the captain, I did want to mention that Captain Volpi is simply adorable. He’s just this amazing man who doesn’t seem to take the world very seriously and seems to just be full of life and humor. I literally looked forward to his noon announcement every day and listened with rapt attention as I was trying to make out what he was saying in his broken English. I imagine that a LOT of people looked forward to his announcements because every day when I was at the pool, while he was speaking, if he cracked a joke or said something cute (which was often), everyone would crack up…so I know he had the attention of most everyone seated around me. The Captain did mention that he was retiring in Sept and it’s a loss to Carnival for sure.




Being Platinum:

Achieving a certain status on any cruise line has never been a priority of mine as you can tell by my history. I will say that the CCL Platinum perks that are quite nice in my eyes are the priority embark, debark and tendering. If they gave me just those 3 things I would be more than content. I don’t need the chocolate covered strawberries *have a comment about those that I will mention later* or the gift (this time it was the backpack. My DH and I both received one each and I gave them to my SIL for her grandchildren). There is also supposed to be priority restaurant seating but that is hit and miss. All these are nice tokens of appreciation however and you shouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth…


We embarked on this ship in record time so I was loving my ‘status’ when we boarded. I had taken my platinum perk into consideration when I was investigating/booking my excursions for this cruise. Knowing you have priority tendering gives you major flexibility when booking things at ports where you must tender.

We were very fortunate in that we only needed to tender in one port and that was in Kona.

We were supposed to dock in Kona at 8 am. When I found the excursion that we wanted to do, the tour started at 8 am. This was a wild dolphin snorkel tour and we were very excited about it. I had emailed and called the operator of this tour (Captain Ron) several times explaining that we were not docking until 8. He assured me it was a short tender (and it was...maybe 10 minutes??) and he would hold off the excursion until 8:30. I figured this would be pretty much OK as we had priority tendering. He understood that if the ship got in late, then I would also get there late.


We docked pretty much on schedule but it seems that for whatever reason we were not cleared right away. I had asked how the priority tendering worked and was told by the CS rep to just come down to the area in front of the CS desk and sit with the other platinum guests and we’d be taken right off the ship, so that is what we did. I didn’t count the number of ‘platinum’ people down there but there weren’t too many of us…maybe 50 or 60 of us???…We waited and waited. Finally at about 8:15, I called Captain Ron from my cell phone to tell him we hadn’t been cleared. He told me not to worry, he’d wait. That made me feel good, but the other issue is that on Kona (at least where we were to snorkel) the weather is sunny every morning, but then as noon approaches…EVERY DAY, the clouds start to roll over, like clockwork. Anyone who snorkels will tell you that clouds make for lousy visibility so I was anxious to get ON my little boat and get into the water. I did feel relieved that Ron was going to wait and that is because we were fortunate enough to be the only 3 people on his boat that day…so thank goodness for that.

Anyway a CCL crew member finally came over and told us that she ship still was not cleared and that she would allow us to use the phone to call our tour operators. It seems that everyone had already done that with the exception of one family and the CCL crew member seemed to take these people under her wing so to speak and make the call for them….I am assuming this is what she did as she had them gathered around her and was using her phone.

When she was done with that call is when things got a little ugly. She basically told us that she was going to take 10 of us at a time, down to a tender and that she was going to leave for a minute and she wanted us to figure out which 10 were going first.

You GOTTA be kidding me. :eek:


Right away you could see people stiffen. You have maybe 50-60 people….not even 1/2 the capacity of a single tender boat, waiting to just get on that first tender and now you’re not only telling us that you are only going to stick 10 on that tender, but you want us to gather around and figure out who gets to go??

We all just looked at her like she had 3 heads.


Never mind, now she chose the group she had made the call for to go first…

Never checking with anyone to see what time their excursions were…never attempting to figure out if there were some people that needed to get off earlier than others and never mind that there weren’t THAT many of us and there was no reason not to get us all off the ship at once.


The natives started to get restless and my DH was one of these restless natives. He said to the woman, “Does this card mean nothing??” (he shows her his room key…I start to cringe because I dislike tossing the platinum thing, but hey, we were ALL platinum)

She tells him that yes it does mean something….he told her, well obviously it doesn’t. She said, “I am not making a choice.”

He said, “I think you just did.”

Then things got a little more restless and suddenly within a few minutes we were all being lead off because she wanted to take only 10, but everyone just went. So now, the CCL woman as upset…I was not happy with my DH (even though he was right) and it all was for nothing because we all got on that boat along with a bunch of other people with no problem. I do not know what the hang-up was.


Considering that there may likely be more platinum guests on each cruise as years go by and they know when you board how many platinum guests are aboard so they should know what to expect, I think it would be beneficial to CCL to come up with some sort of ‘plan’ for priority tendering…what we experienced was in no way shape or form a bonus. If you are going to tell me that taking 10 CCL cruises will yield me a certain perk, then you should stick to that and not try to take people in shifts of 10 on to 6 different tender boats. Not acceptable. If you don’t want to offer this perk fine, but if you do offer it then give it to me because I planned according to this.


That ends all negatives and complaints. The rest is all good stuff. I have to download some photos and have a ton of stuff to do today so I will get to ports and excursions as soon as I can.


Fair and unbiased as far as I can see and I was right there with you on this cruise;) And I do know that Italian salute...have used it a few times myself. :)

Edited by CruisefromNY
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I don't like to piggyback on anyone's review so to speak, but I did want to mention one thing about the tendering situation in Kona. I was standing and talking to Halos the whole time this was going on and it did get pretty ridiculous. When the lady told us "10 people and figure it out among yourselves" I cringed.

Pretty much all of us had early independent tours and there is just no way a huge group of people, who have already been waiting a long time, were going to be able to do this.


What I wanted to mention is that the crew member in charge called down for assistance which brought Stu up to the lobby. He is the one that made the decision to just throw us all on the first tender (we talked to him in line). This was the smartest and most logical thing to do. It got us all off and settled down and it really didn't hold up anything else. They really should have had a plan from the beginning though. I know my partner and I had asked about the priority tender situation the night before and I talked to others as well. There were 310 Platinum guests on board so someone should have had the foresight to prepare for this.


Oh well, it worked out and was really my only complaint on an otherwise awesome cruise.


Again, sorry to butt in on your review. Thanks for writing this, I am enjoying reading your thoughts (and you already know I loved meeting you guys...).

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I don't like to piggyback on anyone's review so to speak, but I did want to mention one thing about the tendering situation in Kona. I was standing and talking to Halos the whole time this was going on and it did get pretty ridiculous. When the lady told us "10 people and figure it out among yourselves" I cringed.

Pretty much all of us had early independent tours and there is just no way a huge group of people, who have already been waiting a long time, were going to be able to do this.


What I wanted to mention is that the crew member in charge called down for assistance which brought Stu up to the lobby. He is the one that made the decision to just throw us all on the first tender (we talked to him in line). This was the smartest and most logical thing to do. It got us all off and settled down and it really didn't hold up anything else. They really should have had a plan from the beginning though. I know my partner and I had asked about the priority tender situation the night before and I talked to others as well. There were 310 Platinum guests on board so someone should have had the foresight to prepare for this.


Oh well, it worked out and was really my only complaint on an otherwise awesome cruise.


Again, sorry to butt in on your review. Thanks for writing this, I am enjoying reading your thoughts (and you already know I loved meeting you guys...).


Don't apologize, in fact thank you. I saw Stu there but didn't know that he was the one who decided to send us all out....I thought he was there for back-up only.

His decision was a good one and I have no idea why that wasn't done in the first place.

No matter...al''s well that ends well, and this was the only snafu in an otherwise wonderful 15 day cruise so it's nothing...especially if they learned something from it.


And it was a pleasure to meet you guys too...:)



And I do know that Italian salute...have used it a few times myself.


:D :D :D

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Loving your review. Did the ship have hula lessons, lei making and other such activities. I have only sailed on princess to Hawaii and they have all sorts of different hawaiin geared activities. I would like to do the Miracle in the future but I really like hawaiin activities.

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Spirit 15 Days~Hawaii: A Review


This was a challenge for us with 15 days worth of crap....




Now before people blast me about schedules and all that crap...


I will be back tomorrow with port reviews and other observations and thoughts. 



I'll pass, but thanks anyway.

Glad you enjoyed the trip !

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We, too, sailed with you to Hawaii! And I agree with everything that you have said (so far). The lack of music onboard would be the ONLY complaint that we had about this cruise. As you stated, the staff aboard the Spirit was the best we have ever had on any of the 15 Carnival cruises we've taken.


Love your review and look forward to reliving our cruise with you!!!



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The wait staff at our tables and also the table on the other side of me was fabulous as well. Did you happen to see how well that waiter treated the kids at that table?? He was so awesome. The kids came in the dining room and hugged him every night. :)


Also, there weren't too many kids on this ship but man were these kids FABULOUS...such great kids....all of them. If any of you out there reading had kids on this ship I applaud you.

I never saw anything like it...this ship was definitely full of a great bunch of people. It was very noticeable, the difference between 70.


His name was German and we had him for breakfast one day. My sister and I were seated with four more people from Newfoundland. The whole breakfast time was a great adventure. He was so funny and made all the ladies balloon animals. I understand the kids hugging him we sure did after that breakfast. The whole dining staff were super. Never seen this on a ship and like you this was my eleven with Carnival.


Yes the kids were all great. I loved this cruise and thoroughly enjoying your review. Keep up the good work.




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Loving your review. Did the ship have hula lessons, lei making and other such activities. I have only sailed on princess to Hawaii and they have all sorts of different hawaiin geared activities. I would like to do the Miracle in the future but I really like hawaiin activities.


Ship DID have Hula lessons. There were two that I am aware of. There were also Ballroom dance lessons.

No lei making classes though....Leis given to us as we boarded were 'plastic'. The only real leis we received were at the Luau (we booked the Old Lahaina Luau).


I am sorry to be so slow with all of this. I have SO many pics to sort through. I am currently getting the food porn in order.

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Good morning Halo!!! We spent two extra days in San Diego so just got home last night.

I agree with your review! It was absolutely the BEST cruise and BEST crew we have sailed with.

German was our head waiter also at table 105 and he was wonderful.

ok, off to do more laundry......lo

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Hello guys~~~ I wasn't on this cruise, my friend Betty, from NY was tho".. I was on Sapphire Princess docked with you in Honolulu.

I'm reading this review because the 4 others with us were a bit bored, and some were wishing they were on Spirit. We are all planning to go back to Hawaii in 2015, and were hoping for a CCL ship.

We also had rockin' and rollin', and were wishing for more things to do.

I guess the grass isn't always greener. Thanks for letting me interrupt the thread. We like Spirit !! :)


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We are cruising the Spirit in Alaska and I look forward to Captain Volpi steering our ship. If he wants to throw in a party or two that would be great.


Glad you enjoyed your cruise!

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Halo..I was really looking forward to your and other's reports on this Hawaii cruise. I was on the 5 day before yours.


My food had issues including the steakhouse. Paradise 4 day 2009 food was much better..I enjoyed the shows and the one comedy one..had one good music duo but missed enough good music too. Terrific staff and loved the ship itself. Also loved the Captain and Stu....so glad food was better on your cruise..bottom line..would just love to see Hawaii sometime like this. Can not wait to hear abt your wild dophin trip. One of best trips of my life was a week long one swimming with them in Kona..and staying on a few more days on my own there after knowing all the inside scoop places.....cruising and Hawaii..both .....what I think is just heaven cruising and ..all of the Hawaiian Isles comparing closely to one another..really want to do..a killer combo...even though I have been there quite a few times and need to discover more in Caribbean..


How rough was rough? thanks..had very rough seas once 2 days in Caribbean, like waves hitting my bottom porthole and was ok.



PS...Maine looks lovely..enjoyed some travel shows recently..

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Ship DID have Hula lessons. There were two that I am aware of. There were also Ballroom dance lessons.

No lei making classes though....Leis given to us as we boarded were 'plastic'. The only real leis we received were at the Luau (we booked the Old Lahaina Luau).


I am sorry to be so slow with all of this. I have SO many pics to sort through. I am currently getting the food porn in order.


I loved the Old Lahaina Luau. great experience and I long for one of the mai-tais! Can't duplicate it no matter how hard I try! Really looking forward to your port reviews!

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Great review so far. Can't wait to read more. Loved your funny story. Kudos to you for asking if she needed help.


We will be on the Miracle to Hawaii in Oct '13 so your review helps me to know better what to expect.


We are doing the Miracle in Oct 2013 also - we are really looking forward to it.


Enjoying the review Halos - did you do excursions?

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We are doing the Miracle in Oct 2013 also - we are really looking forward to it.


Enjoying the review Halos - did you do excursions?


Come join us on our roll call!


Yes, will start some ports/excrusions today (you'll all have to excuse me, I have a lot of stuff going on right now :))


and DO listen to aggiejade and join your roll call!!!! :)


be back later...........

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Good morning Halo!!! We spent two extra days in San Diego so just got home last night.


I agree with your review! It was absolutely the BEST cruise and BEST crew we have sailed with.


German was our head waiter also at table 105 and he was wonderful.


ok, off to do more laundry......lo




Didja finsih the laundry yet?? I finally got mine done last night.

I am havign a REAL difficult time with my body clock, however....I still seem to want to be on west coast time :eek:

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Thanks for the review! We are going to Hawaii on the Splendor in January and can't wait! DH wants to know if they served lobster twice on your cruise? Thanks!


I believe it was only offered once.

TINY...really TINY.

I didn't think lobsters that tiny were legal to catch. The tail was the size of a prawn at best.

I've been living in Maine too long. I don't enjoy lobster anyplace else now ...seriously, even the lobster in the steak house just didn't do it for me...the steak there however was excellent.

(food porn later...my computer sucks big time and is mega-slow:mad:)

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Ok…back to work J

There are little tidbits that I will toss out here and there as I think of them. Since my memory stinks I will toss them out as they pop into my head so I won’t forget…

The first little bit of info that may be important to anyone considering this cruise is:

They will have at least one Hawaiian themed evening on board the ship after you are done all the ports and on your way back to the mainland.


Many on our roll call (and many passengers in general) had Hawaiian shirts/dresses and it looked really festive. I knew about the Hawaiian themed nights prior to the cruise and ordered a Hawaiian shirt for my DH (even though he already has quite a few) because I wanted a matching dress for me. I assumed (wrongly again) that ordering on line would be less costly. I assumed prices of everything in Hawaii would be outrageous.

They were NOT

In fact…bring money and shop your head off. Things were a lot cheaper there than they are in Maine for goodness sake…including Hawaiian clothing. I should have waited before buying anything….


Ok First Port: HILO

We are so glad that Hilo was our first stop. It isn’t like the Hawaii you envision in your mind; the lush green, beautiful Hawaii you see in travel brochures. The ship docks at a container port and you think…OK, this is just the port, don’t judge…But we had booked the Rainbow Falls/Volcano Park excursion (This one through Island Marketing, who I find very reliable) and drove through a good portion of Hilo and I never quite found the Hawaii I expected to see. However, the tour was great. We first made our way to Rainbow

Falls and alas, so no rainbow because it was very overcast that day. The weather in general for our cruise was not excellent but it could have been worse so I’m happy J



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I believe it was only offered once.

TINY...really TINY.

I didn't think lobsters that tiny were legal to catch. The tail was the size of a prawn at best.

I've been living in Maine too long. I don't enjoy lobster anyplace else now ...seriously, even the lobster in the steak house just didn't do it for me...the steak there however was excellent.

(food porn later...my computer sucks big time and is mega-slow:mad:)


Thanks! He was afraid of that!

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Uh Oh Halos will start carrying her Carnival pompoms again:eek::p


Glad you had a great time and looking forward to the rest of your review

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