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problem with going solo


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I use the chair tilt, and it works. I carry a book in case of boredom; I'm on vacation; reading is not rude. I have often been joined by others, who usually ask, and I have joined others, after asking, this is a usual happenstance, and often entertaining.

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Like lots of posters before me, I also carry a book with me when dining. Actually, I carry one almost 24/7. I guess I consider dining another opportunity to meet people. If the buffet area is crowded, or sometimes when it isn't, I'll approach people and ask if I might dine with them. I love meeting people and this works beautifully. I've remained friends with a couple I met this way five years ago. Not sure why the OP eats mainly in the buffet. I always check the box that says I want to dine at a large table in the dining room for dinner. I have never had a bad experience in all of my cruises. Nifty people. The main dining room for lunch is amazing, so I rarely miss that one. Ohhhhh and breakfast in the main dining room has FRENCH TOAST that is to die for. True, the buffet does have french toast, but not the same as in the dining room. Can you tell I'm a sucker for good french toast?? I just love meeting people and use every opportunity I can get to do so. It's one of the best parts of solo cruising, in my humble opinion.


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Maybe the type of book would help, how many people would take your table if you left a copy of the karma sutra on the table lol




LOVE IT!! Might even be a good way to get a nice looking guy to join me..:D;) Ebay here I come...

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this is one of the main problems with solo cruising--and i LOVE solo cruising (i'm sailing with my husband in two weeks and i'm LESS excited about it than my last two solo cruises--ha!) i've also had a similar problem in ship bars--there's no easy way to save your seat (especially when the bar is crowded, as they usually are) and when you're drinking, well, sometimes you have to get up to use the ladies room, ok? i've contemplated making my own little card that folds into a triangle--picture a kid's name card for a classroom desk (i'm a teacher) and printing 'be right back' in english, french, and spanish on each side and laminating it (again, i'm a teacher!) to carry with me for just these types of situations.


the way i dealt with the buffet issue was by eating there as little as possible. while i never go back for seconds, even finding a suitable solo table (or, as on my last cruise, ANY table) was a bit of a challenge. so i ate all of my meals except breakfast in the MDR. and i'm typically up so early that breakfast isn't an issue, so perhaps by eating at off times you'd have more luck.

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  • 4 weeks later...

If eating alone, I just look around at the nearby tables for someone who is in the middle of eating and politely ask if the person would be willing to keep an eye on my table as I will be right back.


People are always glad to do it, and others have often asked me to do the same for them. I thought that was a common practice at cruise ship buffets until I read this thread. :D

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I tend not to eat at the buffet and this issue is one of the reasons, I prefer to eat in the MDR. On the odd occasion I've used the buffet and need to go for something I've forgotten and I'm not sharing with anybody else, I leave a low value item on the table.


However if I lose my place, I lose my place. It's no big deal. Have the same issue with sun beds and bar stools as well.


You'll meet rude and ignorant people at some point, but I refuse to allow their appalling behaviour spoil my day. If a table is soooo important to them they are prepared to be rude to others over they can have it, for all I care. That said, I won't allow folk ro "move" me just because I'm a solo and they want the space. They can share but I'm not leaving until I'm ready to.

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It would be nice if they had some counter seating maybe along the walls or some of the window seats too.....made just for us solo peeps!



I have sat at counter type areas on several RCCL ships.

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I agree, there will always be rude people who have the sense of entitlement (not sure why). I could create a scene and embarrass the rude person but do not want to lower myself to that level. These are socially inept people and wouldn't get the message anyways. I have not had this issue much but when I do I have been known to whisper 'you are very rude person' and then walk away. :) It makes me feel a bit better even though it probably doesn't matter. :D

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One step further.... Leave your car keys on top of the newspaper. Always gets the point across that the table is occupied.



Until somebody decides it would be "cute" to walk off with your car keys...:eek: I'd rather lose my seat than my keys...

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this is one of the main problems with solo cruising--and i LOVE solo cruising (i'm sailing with my husband in two weeks and i'm LESS excited about it than my last two solo cruises--ha!) i've also had a similar problem in ship bars--there's no easy way to save your seat (especially when the bar is crowded, as they usually are) and when you're drinking, well, sometimes you have to get up to use the ladies room, ok?


tipping the seat into the bar is the standard way to save a bar spot. if that's not feasible put a coaster or cocktail napkin on top of your drink.

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Like lots of posters before me, I also carry a book with me when dining. Actually, I carry one almost 24/7. I guess I consider dining another opportunity to meet people. If the buffet area is crowded, or sometimes when it isn't, I'll approach people and ask if I might dine with them. I love meeting people and this works beautifully. I've remained friends with a couple I met this way five years ago. Not sure why the OP eats mainly in the buffet. I always check the box that says I want to dine at a large table in the dining room for dinner. I have never had a bad experience in all of my cruises. Nifty people. The main dining room for lunch is amazing, so I rarely miss that one. Ohhhhh and breakfast in the main dining room has FRENCH TOAST that is to die for. True, the buffet does have french toast, but not the same as in the dining room. Can you tell I'm a sucker for good french toast?? I just love meeting people and use every opportunity I can get to do so. It's one of the best parts of solo cruising, in my humble opinion.



I concur with those sentiments, Pamela. The culture of eating in the MDR is that if you are solo, people know that you are there in part to socialize. It's been a few years since my last cruise, but I think on all of them you are seated at the same table for dinner every night. However, breakfast and lunch in the MDR you were expected to go just go find a table, and they requested that you fill each table starting from the end closest to the kitchen and moving back. One side of the MDR was roped off for breakfast. This was done for efficient table service by the servers. Bottom line is I just go with the flow and I've always enjoyed myself. I do enjoy reading alone on some days so then I just go to the Lido deck and find a vacant table. Sometimes that can be tricky, so avoiding peak meal times can help there (i.e. late lunch.)

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I generally use the book ploy to let others know that I will be back. If others ask to join me if all I could find was a larger table I have never refused and when I cannot find an empty table for myself I am not shy about asking others if I may join them.

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I understand your amazement, but in defense of the newspaper stealer I have to tell you about my sweet DH. When we cruised he always tried to get the ships daily newsletter to check all the sports scores & news he was missing by vacationing! When he saw a paper, he really was "just borrowing" to check his stuff. He always offered his paper to people when he was finished with it, and many times he had to retrieve a paper that someone had borrowed when he left it on a table to get food. He would never ever take someones book. I don't think anyone would. That or a magazine, but a paper 's something you basically read & then dump. That guy could have been my DH!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I do not use the serve yourself buffet on any ship, however on one occasion on Cunard, I overslept and the MDR was closed so had to go to the Buffet.


I chose juice and fruit, then left my deck bag and my knitting - needles , ball of yarn etc on the table when I went to get hot items, came back and thought I was in wrong area as I could not see my bag and the knitting.


Then I saw the items - on the floor - beside the table , which now had two people sitting there eating. I went to table , stood looked at them and asked "Did you take my items and put them on the floor" to be told" Yes , so what -we wanted to sit here, go and find yourself another table".


Some people just do not care how they behave. On my last cruise also on Cunard, it was muster drill, in the Buffet area. There was a couple , both overweight, sitting eating at a table full of food - and no life jackets. A crew member went and asked, "is this your muster station, you should have life jackets?" The couple's reply cannot be written here, it contained at least three "F" words including the comment "F*** off".


Eating in the MDR with strangers may not always be great but I have never heard such filthy language in there.

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I havent had a chance to post since I got back from my first solo cruise. I was really concerned about going solo but glad I did. While I'd love to have my son go with me, if he dont go, I will still go.


There is so much advantage to going solo but I did come across a problem that really got to me. Maybe you guys can tell me what you do so I can avoid this next time....here's the situation.


I spent most of my eating time in the Windjammer. And, there was a time or two when I went to eat and it was crowded. I hated to take up a table for 4 when it was just me but the only table i found at all was ... a table for 4. Im trying to set up the image of the setting and you'll see why later. But two of the chairs that were side by side faced the window for a view. Two chairs faced the food area. I sat in one of the chairs facing the window for the view. Behind me was a 4foot wall separating the dining area from the food area. I sat in a chair with my back to the food area so i could see the view. The chair beside me, of course was empty and beside that chair was the wall also. For someone to sit there I would have had to get up as there was no exit for that chair except by my chair. These row of tables were the only ones in a row, meaning, there was a isle in front of my table, and then more tables across the isle, beside me to my right was one table also for 4.


I finished my breakfast and was still hungry. Usually I just grab enough to get started when there is a crowd and then go back. However, I realized as I wa sitting here ready for more that once i got up I'd loose my table. I knew the staff would grab my empty plate. So, I tried to arrange the table to represent i was not finished. I laided out my napkin and my knife and fork the best i could to show I was coming back. I was gone, I know less than 1 minute as I know where every thing is and went straight there and back. Just as I got back to my table there was the 60ish couple 'about' to sit down. I said, 'excuse me but that is my table, I wasn't finished eating'. As I was saying this the man went to sit down in the same chair I was using. The lady kind of stopped as to not take the table but the man continued to sit down and claim the table. He said something to the effect...your taking the whole table?..as he was still settling down and about to eat. I honestly told him no and just as i said that he slid over to the chair next to the one I was using making him beside of me also meaning he would have been cornered in by me and preceded to eat his breakfast. The wife was now sitting down about to eat as well and she never said a word.


Had I sat down in my chair once he moved over I would have been sitting beside him with his wife in front of him. Had I done that he would have been at my mercy should he needed back up. For a minute it did cross my mind to sit there and do just that. But without saying a word I reached down with the one free hand I had, plate of food in the other hand, I reached down grabbed my remaining items on the table and walked away. I was furious. I know there are rude people out there and had he at least asked i would have gladly offered but to boldly just take a table the way he did didnt start my day off right.


But what do you guys do when you cruise solo and want to go back for more when it's crowded without loosing your table. I didnt have a coat or item to leave to show that someone was still using the table and dont feel comfortable leaving items at a table when leaving it. I dont think it would have mattered with this couple anyway, they would have just moved my items over and still sat down. How do you handle this?


I normally cruise with family, but i normally eat breakfast and lunch alone since i sleep in and eat at differnt times. We only eat as a family at dinner in the MDR. I kkow what you mean. Ive gotten up and had my table taken, I just say "oh well" Ill just go sit at a differnt table if i find if that happens. There is always a empty table somewhere or a lounger out in the pool area. Usually i eat "seconds" on the fly anyhow for that same reason.

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Until somebody decides it would be "cute" to walk off with your car keys...:eek: I'd rather lose my seat than my keys...


Or worse off.. throw them overboard... Just make up a ring of "dummy" keys that dont fit anything.. then it wouldnt matter..

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Just as I got back to my table there was the 60ish couple 'about' to sit down. I said, 'excuse me but that is my table, I wasn't finished eating'. As I was saying this the man went to sit down in the same chair I was using. The lady kind of stopped as to not take the table but the man continued to sit down and claim the table. He said something to the effect...your taking the whole table?..as he was still settling down and about to eat. I honestly told him no and just as i said that he slid over to the chair next to the one I was using making him beside of me also meaning he would have been cornered in by me and preceded to eat his breakfast. The wife was now sitting down about to eat as well and she never said a word.


How do you handle this?


Yes he could have been rude, but it might just have been a cultural thing. Coming from a foreign culture (YES I am American now so don't flame me :) ), I know that in many cultures starting a discussion with "Excuse me" is akin to saying "Hey you idiot, ...". In my culture we tend to prefer something like "Oh, I am so SORRY, I was sitting here a moment ago. Could we share the table." It starts the discussion on a neutral tone. Also the wife "not saying a word" can also be cultural where people will find it rude to argue back with someone else. Not saying you are wrong to have said what you said, but I always try to think of how something I am about to say could be interpreted - when heard by someone who is not the same culture as me.

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