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British Isles Trip Review w/Pics: A Thesis :)


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Enjoying your post. We are leaving Aug 1st for this same itinerary. I was wondering, why they would need to take your passport for a few days??? That makes me a bit uncomfortable. I don't like to be without it when traveling.


We were on same cruise as Emily - we were advised that the Irish customs would be looking at the passports around 5 am when arriving in Cork/Cobh [pronounced Cove] and that by having the passports, would save time and aggravation -- our passports where returned to us after Ireland (remember it's not part of the U.K.). We did not have to show the passports in Le Havre nor was there any passport / immigration control when disembarking the ship at the end of the cruise.

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Excellent reviews and write up --- enjoyed them -- made me feel that we were there again. Hopefully you will get to Paris and be able to spend more than 3 hours there ;)


As a holiday for myself, Debbie and daughter, Dani, it was a great time. The only thing we did different at the end was take the "international friends" coach bus from the ship to Salisbury, Stonehenge and Windsor Castle (in the rain) and being dropped off at our hotel just after 5 pm in downtown London. It did not give us much time to do other things in London at that time as our flight was the next morning - we did arrive 1 1/2 days early before the cruise and did much of what you did but no HOHO (we walked and used the Tube from Herrod's to Tower of London and then to British Museum). Best wishes on the next phase of your life --

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DeloreanGirl, really enjoying your excellent review and especially wanted to thank you for reminding me just how wonderful my home town of Liverpool is. I have now lived away from it for more years than I lived in it, but the pull of the Mersey is always strong. By the way, the church near the end of your photos is Liverpool Parish Church (St Nick's) where I was baptised when I was 10, a long time ago :)


I am so glad that Liverpool is getting its own cruise turnaround facility, as it will allow more people like yourself to experience the city and all it has to offer (more Grade I and 2 buildings in any UK city outside of London, two cathedrals, world class museums and art galleries, the river etc etc).


It's great that many thousands more passengers will get to know Liverpool better than just for the Beatles. I used to dance in the original Cavern Club in the early '70s and, although I was too young to go and watch the Beatles play there in their early days, I do have the distinction of John and Paul waving to me on one of their civic reception parades back home, when I was 8 :).

Edited by nellydean
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almost as sad as you were to depart from london, we are to finish your review ! :o


i am advising everyone on our BI cruises next year to study this thoroughly - wish you could join ours !!!;)


you said you would be happy to help even one person,

it would not surprise me to know that hundreds of travelers will be

inspired, encouraged, and aided in soooo many ways

by reading your fantastic amazing travelogue !!:)


ann & jim in so calif


If I could, I would join you in a heartbeat! We could even fly over there together since you live in So Cal (ha ha). Thank you very much for the kind words. Those castles aren't going anywhere, so hopefully the 2012, 2013, 2014... cruisers will see that this is a fun trip and worth doing.


Thanks Emily. Loved your humor, pictures and honest assessment. Will miss visiting with you thru your post. Hope you have already planned another wonderful cruise. I found it helps with post cruise depression. LOL


Now it's onto the Shutterfly scrapbook! So I suppose I'll be able to re-live it one last time...... ;)


I'm hoping to start a blog in the near future. I think it would be fun.


What, you didn't have them mush your peas?!


Let me say this as one of your virtual travel buddies before the trip who met you later - Kim and I were blessed to have met you and Mike, to have made use of your valuable information, especially at Inverness/Loch Ness, and to have spent a little time together. Your travelogue is top notch, as are you guys. Thanks so much for putting this together for us to enjoy - it will help us re-live it forever, and help remind us of the many new friends we made.


And, I will definitely be looking for more summaries in the future from you -- even if we are not fortunate enough to share them with you physically, we will definitely take part "virtually".


Greg Collins


Thanks so much, Greg! You two were wonderful, funny, upbeat traveling companions -- the best type to have! Hopefully DJ didn't exhaust you too much. If you think I can plan, that man has stamina like no other! And you have the fun cruise-related job already. :p

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Emily, I agree with others that your travelogue is the best I have read on CC it is truly outstanding.


I also thank you for your wonderful review on Liverpool, I am ex Liverpool & live on the other side of the water on Wirral peninsular.( opposite from where you docked).

Scousers as we are called by the rest of the UK are as you say are very passionate about their City & I admit as an old man, reading your review brought tears to my eyes, as I am so proud of what said about our City.


If you had stayed longer you would also have found the wit of the scousers, because although famous for the Mersey Sound (the Beatles etc.,)we are renowned as the City of comedians.


I hope you don't mind me pointing this out, but on looking at your photos, you have named two of the photos as Cunard Buildings, these are The Mersey Docks & Harbour board the Cunard Buildings is the middle one of the "Three Graces".


Once again thank you so much for your wonderful reports.


Thank you for correcting me there! The Photobucket uploads took so long because every picture was in full resolution, that I simply copy/pasted a lot of the captions on there while the thumbnail pics were tiny. I had a feeling I might have pegged a few wrong.


My husband loved the Liver Building with the Liver Birds. I thought it was great that you could actually buy a Liver Bird souvenir!

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Great review and great detail! I can't tell you how many times our instructions after exiting a ship or train were inadequate.... especially a train station..."proceed to exit and you can't miss it across the street"... However you get off the train and there will be signs for three different street exits all going in different directions. Your review provided a real blue print for future British Isle cruisers. Thanks



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Hi Emily


What a marvellous report on your cruise. We live in the London area and did the same cruise on Grand Princess back in July/August 2007. You really brought the memories back to us and you have done a great job of giving the information that potential British Isles cruisers really want to know. I hope that you are able to put together on this site, that's possible, the whole experience in one document! We have booked a Norwegian Fjords trip in a month's time but just got an email from Princess UK with cabins still available for £500 (inside) £200 cheaper than when we went in 2007 and, if we only had the time, would have booked this cruise again having read your report!!!


Thank you again and hope that work is not too onerous for you now!!


Kind regards.



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Thanks again Emily. Hey Princess I'm sure you're reading this thread. Hire her!


BTW did you see the British Isles video I posted last year?


1.) Thanks! I'll print out your post and slide it under the door at the Princess/Cunard building across town. :D


2.) Video.... hmmm.... I want to say yes because I'm obsessive about hunting down stuff like that and your screen name sounds very familiar...


Do post the video again though, I'd love to see it!


I have enjoyed your cruise review and hope you will be writing another very soon, please say you have another cruise booked for your worldwide fans :D




I'd love to do Princess' "Pacific Coastal" next. It's downright embarassing that I was born and have lived in So CA my entire life and have never been to Santa Barbara or San Francisco :eek:. Plus, my hubby likes "cold" vacations (hence, UK & Alaska) and really wants to see Astoria, Oregon.

Edited by DeloreanGirl
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Great review and great detail! I can't tell you how many times our instructions after exiting a ship or train were inadequate.... especially a train station..."proceed to exit and you can't miss it across the street"... However you get off the train and there will be signs for three different street exits all going in different directions. Your review provided a real blue print for future British Isle cruisers. Thanks




Oh yes, I agree. This is why I am so very thankful Google Earth and Google Maps was invented. I virtually "walked" around town (such as Inverness) online so that I could see where things were. I knew "to turn left at the church" or "it's right across from that empty building". Technology is amazing. :rolleyes:

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OMG Emily!


Is it possible to email your entire review in one document? I would love to save it and read it again before we sail. Of course we won't have your FABULOUS photos.


Please let me know if that's possible. I'm at trcoopermail@aol.com.






Thank you again for your inspiring review! I have painstakingly copied and pasted your entire review into a word document and you have now become a "tab" in my 3-ringed binder!! :D I can hardly wait until next year and our British Isles cruise!


I created a file of just the text of all days in MS Word format, but it's too big to attach here. If anyone wants it, feel free to e-mail me.


Otherwise, this is how I presented it to friends and family: links to just the posts....


Part I: Introduction:


Part II: Packing, Prepping & Perspiring


Traveling: Planes, Coaches & A Ship – Oh My!


Day 1: The Room, the Food & Officer Eye Candy


Day 2: Chancing Guernsey


Day 3: Visiting Ancestry in Cobh, Ireland


Day 4: Lost in the Streets of Dublin


Day 5: Liverpool – The City That Completely Surprised Us


Day 6: Belfast – Titanic, Titanic, Titanic!


Day 7: Greenock – In Which We Finally Find Sunglasses


Days 8 & 9: At Sea Day & Loch Ness


Day 10: Edinburgh: The Most Beautiful City, Ever


Days 11 & 12: At Sea Day (Ultimate Ship Tour) & LeHavre, France


Disembarkation & Two Days in London


Photo albums:

All of the England ports:


All of the Ireland ports:


All of the Scotland ports:




London, England:


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Emily, you have time to work, spend time with your hubby and still do all this amazing journaling -- you are an amazing woman!


Question: I know you used the do it yourself laundry, but did the ship offer a "laundry special" where you could get everything cleaned that you could stuff in a bag for a special price?


Finishing your travel log is like reading the final chapter of a good book.



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Excellent review.


You mentioned that you didn't take the guided tour of the Tower of London.


This is what you missed.





We toured the Tower on May 25 -- he was our guide -- same manner/jokes/stories

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Excellent review.


You mentioned that you didn't take the guided tour of the Tower of London.


This is what you missed.





Yes!!! This is the one I watched on YouTube before leaving for the trip. I thought *all* of them were going to be sarcastic, but the one I took my photo with was pleasant and soft-spoken. I can't believe I didn't see any of these tours going on. I did see one guy dressed in character giving a speech from a stair railing, and I saw an executioner in all black staring me down from a perch which was part awesome part scary.

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Excellent review!


And BTW, Pret-A-Manger's are already in NYC, DC and Chicago and slowly heading west..


A friend of mind chimed in and said that they are in NYC. Also, I watched the birding movie, "A Good Year", and behind Steve Martin in one scene was a Pret. For some reason we just loved that store. The food was good, the packaging had funny quotes on it, and they gave the sandwiches away to charity every night.


I see that you're on the Disney Magic in August. You will love it! We were on her in 2007. (Best cruise line ever. Shhh......)

Emily, you have time to work, spend time with your hubby and still do all this amazing journaling -- you are an amazing woman!


Question: I know you used the do it yourself laundry, but did the ship offer a "laundry special" where you could get everything cleaned that you could stuff in a bag for a special price?


Finishing your travel log is like reading the final chapter of a good book.




1.) If you saw my schedule in the past week, even I couldn't tell you how I got it all done. Let's just say that there's a load of laundry from one of our suitcases that is just now being washed. And souvenirs are just now being sent out. Between catching a cold and getting over the jet-lag, it's been a crazy rough last week. I have an hour commute each way to work so that only leaves me between 7pm and midnight to eat dinner, attempt to clean the house, and write the stories. :eek: My hubby is on a British kick, so he has spent the last week watching all (ugh, yes...ALL) of the Harry Potter's back-to-back while I've been typing furiously on the upstairs computer. If anything, it's the poor dog that has been neglected...


2.) We didn't partake in the ship's laundry services (as in, the bag of laundry), so I can't help you there. There may be an ad about it in the Patter. We just used the machines on our deck. A seasoned cruiser may chime in to help on this one.

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Great review! I don't usually read trip reports from itineraries we aren't planning on taking anytime soon, because there is only so much time and I tend to get very caught up in them, but I read yours because I had spent a semester studying in England when I was in college, and visited some of the same cities you did (London, Edinburgh and Inverness/Loch Ness). Really fun to see the photos of those cities, plus the ones I hadn't been to, as well as to read about everything you did. As a fellow Anglophile whose parents had lived in Belfast for a year before I was ever born, I grew up hearing about Great Britain from my mother and longing to go there. I was so fortunate to spend three months in Cheltenham (Gloucestershire/Costwold area), it was truly one of the best experiences of my life. I will definitely keep this itinerary in mind for the future!

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I was intending to have an early night tonight but couldn't stop reading your review, even though I live in England! It was excellent - so well written, informative and entertaining. Two little things stuck in my mind though as a Brit - one that although I was in the Royal Mile in Edinburgh last year I don't really remember anything spectacular about it and two - of course we have loads of different salad dressings!! I loved the Titanic stuff (I am a descendant of one of the crew) and must now organise a trip to Belfast. Thanks again!

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Emily - no London Eye? What happened? LOL


As the "Planner from H_ll" as I am - put the London Eye on your agenda for your next visit to London. A Twi-Light or night "Flight" as they are called are the best, but I recommend a Champaign Flight............something you and yours will not forget.


I too am on the Celebrity British Isle cruise with Happy Cruiser and your reviews are great. I actually printed off the packing list (I told you I was a planner from H_ll.) and gave it to the boss. (Better half).


Take care,



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Emily, thanks again for your lovely report. It is one of the best I've read. I've been thinking of taking an extra day or two in London pre-cruise next year and you may have convinced me to do so.


So happy to hear you had such a wonderful cruise and that Princess treated you very well.:)

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Thanks so much for your great review. I usually stick to the Med as I am scared of getting seasick, but I got very caught up with your enthusiasm and may just consider the British Isles now. Was the sea rough at any stage? Anyone sick? Sorry if you mentioned this already.

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What a great review of each location! My wife and I along with 4 other couples are on the Ocean Princess for the 8 day cruise which stops at 4 of the locations that you did. Guernsey, Dublin, Glasgow and Edinburgh leaving on Aug 17th out of Dover. It also stops at Waterford. We'll be spending 4 days in London after the cruise and have already bought tickets to see a play. Thank you so much for putting the time and effort you did in your posts. You have definitely helped us better prepare for our trip and now have a better idea on what sights are the important ones. Thank You!

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Emily, thanks again for your lovely report. It is one of the best I've read. I've been thinking of taking an extra day or two in London pre-cruise next year and you may have convinced me to do so.


So happy to hear you had such a wonderful cruise and that Princess treated you very well.:)

Thank you!


I highly recommend London pre or post cruise. I don't even like big cities and London was phenomenal to me. It didn't feel crowded or hustle-bustle. Sure, it's technically a big working city, but I just loved all of the charm and how friendly everyone was. We saw the highlights in 2 days but could have easily spent 4 or so there once you do all the museums and such.


Thanks so much for your great review. I usually stick to the Med as I am scared of getting seasick, but I got very caught up with your enthusiasm and may just consider the British Isles now. Was the sea rough at any stage? Anyone sick? Sorry if you mentioned this already.


My aunt's boyfriend is a Brit and he warned me over and over about the seas. We got VERY lucky and had smooth sailing with barely any choppyness except for maybe the night going from Guernsey to Cobh. The folks before us (May 14th cruise) had choppy waters. Someone uploaded a short video of it to YouTube. I bought Dramamine and SeaBands and never once used them.


This was the "roughest" seas I noticed. Which is nothing....



There's a difference between being fully "seasick" and having "Mal de Debarquement" (dizzy, elevator head) which is what I get after every cruise. It's simply because you are indoors on the ship and your head feels the dizzy movements because your eyes (rather, inner ear) cannot sense the horizon. On our first cruise, I let it keep me in the room the entire time. By the second cruise I said screw it and chugged along and now I barely even notice it.


I did spot ambulances at the port sometimes, but I heard it was for other medical emergencies.


Also, this itinerary is so port-heavy that you're only sailing from about 7pm to 5-6am, so hopefully you'll be sleeping through most of it. :)



What a great review of each location! My wife and I along with 4 other couples are on the Ocean Princess for the 8 day cruise which stops at 4 of the locations that you did. Guernsey, Dublin, Glasgow and Edinburgh leaving on Aug 17th out of Dover. It also stops at Waterford. We'll be spending 4 days in London after the cruise and have already bought tickets to see a play. Thank you so much for putting the time and effort you did in your posts. You have definitely helped us better prepare for our trip and now have a better idea on what sights are the important ones. Thank You!


No problem! I was thiiiiiiiiis close to booking the 8-day jaunt. I'd love to hear your take on the small-ship cruising. You get to see the beautiful white cliffs of Dover. :) Enjoy!

Edited by DeloreanGirl
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Emily - no London Eye? What happened? LOL


As the "Planner from H_ll" as I am - put the London Eye on your agenda for your next visit to London. A Twi-Light or night "Flight" as they are called are the best, but I recommend a Champaign Flight............something you and yours will not forget.


I too am on the Celebrity British Isle cruise with Happy Cruiser and your reviews are great. I actually printed off the packing list (I told you I was a planner from H_ll.) and gave it to the boss. (Better half).


Take care,




Hi there! One of our cruisers (nostalgiaguru) is a big Celebrity fan.


We didn't do the London Eye because I heard there were huge lines for it and the weather was questionable. We weren't sure how much time we would have. BUT! If I were to go back to London I will absolutely without a doubt go on the Eye (with fast track tickets, of course)!

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