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Middle Aged Drama Queen's Eastern Med Review: Serenade, Pics, Surprises & Fun!

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Now, are you SURE your daughter is only 12??? Looking at her formal pic I think you may have forgotten a few years! We have three sons, now 16, 19 and 21 and there are long periods that are now a blank when they were all little. You have a wonderful family, congratulations :-)

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Sherri, I am loving your report. Thank You so much for taking the time to write it. I have a couple of questions. They may have already been covered by other posters, but I don't read all of their responses. Do you tip the tour driver and the tour guide at the end of your tour, and if you wouldn't mind telling me how much? Also, what is a Mary Poppins bag?

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Sherri - Amazing report and the ability to reply to you was one of the main reasons I finally got my activation problems sorted out so I could post! We're off for our first ever cruise - boarding Mariner in September for the Med - myself ,DH (you also prompted me to find out what all these D's stand for - told you I was a novice!) and our own version of Taylor being our 6' 5" DS (18). Hope you don't mind a few questions!


1 Your photos of the Klingon's in formal attire are to treasure but I was planning to dress my men in Tuxedos - DS up for the challenge but will he stick out from everyone else and hate his mother forever for embarrassing him?

2 He too is sports mad and happy with anything remotely resembling a ball - as he will be too old for the teen club is there other ways for him to find activities to join in with?


Huge thanks and hope you're taking a ridiculous amount of pride in the number of replys to and veiwings of your adventure

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Now, are you SURE your daughter is only 12??? Looking at her formal pic I think you may have forgotten a few years! We have three sons, now 16, 19 and 21 and there are long periods that are now a blank when they were all little. You have a wonderful family, congratulations :-)


She definitely looks older, doesn't she?! When she was an infant, we had a woman come in and babysit her one night while we went out for a date night. When we got back, the woman said, "Your daughter is an 'old soul'." And it's very true - she not only looks much older than her years, but she acts much older. Unfortunately, this is why she struggled with the Teen Club...the kids who WERE her age don't relate to her - and vice versa - so she didn't feel like she fit in. I told her the other kids will "catch up" as the years go on....

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Sherri, I am loving your report. Thank You so much for taking the time to write it. I have a couple of questions. They may have already been covered by other posters, but I don't read all of their responses. Do you tip the tour driver and the tour guide at the end of your tour, and if you wouldn't mind telling me how much? Also, what is a Mary Poppins bag?


We would hand the tip to the tour guide (if there was a tour guide & tour driver) to be shared between the two...we did $10E per person for the day - or a total of $50E for our family. Tipping is very personal - so I don't want anyone to think my tip is the standard...it's an individual choice.


A "Mary Poppins" bag is my flippant reference to my purse, that seemed to contain EVERYTHING, including the kitchen sink, in case it was needed in an emergency. Remember in the movie, where Mary Poppins pulls out everything from her purse to decorate her room???! That's why I call it that - it's a bottomless pit!

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Sherri - Amazing report and the ability to reply to you was one of the main reasons I finally got my activation problems sorted out so I could post! We're off for our first ever cruise - boarding Mariner in September for the Med - myself ,DH (you also prompted me to find out what all these D's stand for - told you I was a novice!) and our own version of Taylor being our 6' 5" DS (18). Hope you don't mind a few questions!


1 Your photos of the Klingon's in formal attire are to treasure but I was planning to dress my men in Tuxedos - DS up for the challenge but will he stick out from everyone else and hate his mother forever for embarrassing him?

2 He too is sports mad and happy with anything remotely resembling a ball - as he will be too old for the teen club is there other ways for him to find activities to join in with?


Huge thanks and hope you're taking a ridiculous amount of pride in the number of replys to and veiwings of your adventure


How awesome - you're going to have such a wonderful trip! I hope my review has given you some valuable tips and information. Like - don't set off alarms at David. :)


1. I had Hubby Mike in a tux, but the boys weren't going to wear one if I had paid them to wear it. Tuxes were few and far between - and it was mainly the men - although I did see one or two teens/young men in tuxes. And a few little boys - who were adorable. I just knew my sons would be more comfy in suits & ties - so again, personal choice! If he'll be miserable in a tux - then perhaps consider a suit. If he's not miserable and can go with the flow - then dress him up!


2. There were the organized activities onboard, such as the 3:3 Dodgeball and 3:3 Basketball...and there were always "pick-up" games going on...mainly soccer, due to the large number of Europeans onboard and the EuroCup happening. There's also ping-pong, as well, and the arcade. My 19-year old DID get bored, sometimes, so he'd go to the gym and work out, or hang at the pool.


Hope that helps! :)

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I'm still working my way through, I think I'm on page 19, lol, but wanted to thank you for writing! It's been fun to read as I impatiently await our cruise, in between ferrying kids to music camp, swim lessons, etc...


LOVE the dress you wore in Rome, I might have to find a dressbarn. And your daughter is beautiful, but it is a little scary for me (having 10 and 6 year old daughters) that she looks so much older than 12. It has to be a challenge to keep "way too old" boys away! My oldest daughter is just starting to show signs of growing up and it's a little scary - we have a teenager, but he's a boy, so this is new for us. I can't imagine how we'd ever be able to afford to take our three on a trip like this, so I'm living vicariously through your trip!


Lastly, we so appreciate all Red Cross volunteers - our home flooded during Hurricane Irene a year ago, and they were there before the waters receded. Once I finish nursing school in a year, one of my goal is to volunteer to help with Red Cross or Drs. without Borders when I have the chance. Thank you!

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Sherri, what a DELIGHTFUL review! You posted some very nice comments on my extended Explorer narrative this past January and said we seemed to be separated at birth... now that I read your trip log, I see why:). I just have to learn how to post photos as well and we'll be true twins!


Your family looks absolutely lovely. My kids are now 22 and 25, and I can only hope we all end up on the same ship one day; I'm sure we'd all have a great time together. I have made great friends with other cruising families with kids at similar ages; it's a terrific way to meet people.


Hey! I'm back on the Explorer December 13, sans kids (er, Klingons) but with my BFF Sheron -- come along! Good fun, and NYC (well, Bayonne, anyway) is a fun port... at least, if you don't live here it is!!!


(After reading about the delights of Arthur Bryant and other KC bbq joints I'm dying to make a trip there, but it's not exactly a bustling cruiseport... er... port... er... any water in sight here??? Nice to know Rick knows how to eat low as well as high!:D)


Seriously, though, back to your review: PLEASE do post links to all those amazing tour providers in one place... and I LOVE the idea of **The Binder** -- indeed, it sounds like we could go into business creating customized travel folders for people who are not logistically inclined!


Also, your sense of humor is a treat... and it's clearly a legacy that has benefitted your children. When did I laugh out loud? At the post-its, of course!! (Well, the pigeon photos were pretty good, too... and the purse alarm... and the Ouzo shot... okay, so I laughed out loud a lot...)


And wow, those shots of the Royal Family Suite!!! Grand Piano! Giant Balcony! Can you say "green eyed envy monster"?:p Amazing!!! Perfect ending to the cabin crawl; I'm sure everyone enjoyed seeing it.


Hope to to meet you and your family in person sometime, in NYC, KC or on the Deep Blue C...




PS - I had a dear friend on the Brilliance cruise mentioned by that later poster, also injured in the rough seas; such a shame! What an incredible itinerary to miss due to difficult sailing conditions. I really enjoyed reading about all of your port stops -- I'm sure if I had been on that cruise and had to miss them, I would be feeling very sorry about that. Many years ago we had a Princess cruise with a bum engine and had a number of short port stops in the Caribbean (1-2 hours instead of half a day, really couldn't do anything but get off and walk around the port area and re-board). It's no fun -- and missing Europe would be much worse for me, since that's a real "trip of a lifetime" (indeed, yet to happen in this lifetime). So happy for you that the weather and seas were favorable for you and your family! Even reading about the HEAT in some places was a little intimidating; I remember visiting Mexican ruins on a hot day, and feeling we wouldn't have made it if they hadn't provided sunbrellas for us.

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This is by far the best review I've read on CC. I've spent the last 5 days reading through this entire thread; the only other one I've visited is my roll call for my Allure Cruise!


Your writing skills are fantastic and now you have me thinking about switching my Jewel Caribbean cruise to a Med cruise; Santorini has now been added to my hit list of cities I intend to visit in my lifetime.


Keep up the great job; I'm still here following along!


PS Taylor is cute!!

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Sherri, what a DELIGHTFUL review! You posted some very nice comments on my extended Explorer narrative this past January and said we seemed to be separated at birth... now that I read your trip log, I see why:). I just have to learn how to post photos as well and we'll be true twins!


Your family looks absolutely lovely. My kids are now 22 and 25, and I can only hope we all end up on the same ship one day; I'm sure we'd all have a great time together. I have made great friends with other cruising families with kids at similar ages; it's a terrific way to meet people.


Hey! I'm back on the Explorer December 13, sans kids (er, Klingons) but with my BFF Sheron -- come along! Good fun, and NYC (well, Bayonne, anyway) is a fun port... at least, if you don't live here it is!!!


(After reading about the delights of Arthur Bryant and other KC bbq joints I'm dying to make a trip there, but it's not exactly a bustling cruiseport... er... port... er... any water in sight here??? Nice to know Rick knows how to eat low as well as high!:D)


Seriously, though, back to your review: PLEASE do post links to all those amazing tour providers in one place... and I LOVE the idea of **The Binder** -- indeed, it sounds like we could go into business creating customized travel folders for people who are not logistically inclined!


Also, your sense of humor is a treat... and it's clearly a legacy that has benefitted your children. When did I laugh out loud? At the post-its, of course!! (Well, the pigeon photos were pretty good, too... and the purse alarm... and the Ouzo shot... okay, so I laughed out loud a lot...)


And wow, those shots of the Royal Family Suite!!! Grand Piano! Giant Balcony! Can you say "green eyed envy monster"?:p Amazing!!! Perfect ending to the cabin crawl; I'm sure everyone enjoyed seeing it.


Hope to to meet you and your family in person sometime, in NYC, KC or on the Deep Blue C...




PS - I had a dear friend on the Brilliance cruise mentioned by that later poster, also injured in the rough seas; such a shame! What an incredible itinerary to miss due to difficult sailing conditions. I really enjoyed reading about all of your port stops -- I'm sure if I had been on that cruise and had to miss them, I would be feeling very sorry about that. Many years ago we had a Princess cruise with a bum engine and had a number of short port stops in the Caribbean (1-2 hours instead of half a day, really couldn't do anything but get off and walk around the port area and re-board). It's no fun -- and missing Europe would be much worse for me, since that's a real "trip of a lifetime" (indeed, yet to happen in this lifetime). So happy for you that the weather and seas were favorable for you and your family! Even reading about the HEAT in some places was a little intimidating; I remember visiting Mexican ruins on a hot day, and feeling we wouldn't have made it if they hadn't provided sunbrellas for us.


Your name rang a bell. Did you get some pearl for me on a cruise to the Caribbean several years ago? Our ship missed the island .

Louise in FLA

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I just wanted to drop a quick line and say how much I'm enjoying your review!


And don't feel alone with the puzzlement about Pigeon Obsession... A few years ago my husband and I were on a trip to the west coast of Mexico, and when we got home and were looking through the pictures, I had to ask him why in the name of all that's holy he felt compelled to take 297 pictures of pigeons... he was a little sheepish, haha :D

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Oh Man! I've been reading your TR for two days and now I've finally caught up to you! Like all the other folks I am hooked.


My DS(9) and I are working to convince DH that this is a cruise we need to go on. It's not an easy job since we haven't been on a cruise yet!


It does seem to me that private tours are the way to go, but aren't you worried about missing the ship? I've heard that they will leave with out you as you have mentioned in your TR. Did the tour companies you used give you any sort of guarantee that they would get you to port on time? I am I just a worry wart?

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I have 44 days till I sail to Hawaii, promise me you will be done by then. :D

I will put together another review for that cruise, maybe do some postings along the way. Should be fun, not as much fun as yours though. :)



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I had never really given any thought bout cruising Europe and the Med till reading this review. Your title and name (Drama) is what caught my eye while I admitt it trolling the boards. Totally amazing review. Cant wait till the next installment. :D

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Your name rang a bell. Did you get some pearl for me on a cruise to the Caribbean several years ago? Our ship missed the island .

Louise in FLA


OMG LOUISE!!! Yes indeed, that was one of my first Cruise Critic actions -- so amazing to "meet" someone online, have them send you money and send them back pearls! It was from Isla Margarita -- that was actually on the ill-fated Princess cruise that had several shortened port stops, but we did manage to find the amazing pearl vendors in the port, every color of the rainbow and terrific prices. What a great memory you have!!!


I have made many other CC friends in the years since then, but you were my first contact, and it made a VERY positive impression.:)

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I'm still working my way through, I think I'm on page 19, lol, but wanted to thank you for writing! It's been fun to read as I impatiently await our cruise, in between ferrying kids to music camp, swim lessons, etc...


LOVE the dress you wore in Rome, I might have to find a dressbarn. And your daughter is beautiful, but it is a little scary for me (having 10 and 6 year old daughters) that she looks so much older than 12. It has to be a challenge to keep "way too old" boys away! My oldest daughter is just starting to show signs of growing up and it's a little scary - we have a teenager, but he's a boy, so this is new for us. I can't imagine how we'd ever be able to afford to take our three on a trip like this, so I'm living vicariously through your trip!


Lastly, we so appreciate all Red Cross volunteers - our home flooded during Hurricane Irene a year ago, and they were there before the waters receded. Once I finish nursing school in a year, one of my goal is to volunteer to help with Red Cross or Drs. without Borders when I have the chance. Thank you!



Hey - I was IN New Jersey for Hurricane Irene...I supervised 22 feeding trucks for all the counties in central and southern New Jersey....I loved NJ, except for the left turns. Argh. Who knew you'd have to be in the RIGHT lane to turn LEFT?! Not me. If you ever have questions about volunteering, let me know; I do a lot of education for volunteers, and I can answer any questions you may have, with regards to training, or what a deployment is like. I'm glad the ARC was able to help you - the flooding was terrible!


Thanks for visiting my review - and the wonderful compliments. ;)

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Sherri, what a DELIGHTFUL review! You posted some very nice comments on my extended Explorer narrative this past January and said we seemed to be separated at birth... now that I read your trip log, I see why:). I just have to learn how to post photos as well and we'll be true twins!


Your family looks absolutely lovely. My kids are now 22 and 25, and I can only hope we all end up on the same ship one day; I'm sure we'd all have a great time together. I have made great friends with other cruising families with kids at similar ages; it's a terrific way to meet people.


Hey! I'm back on the Explorer December 13, sans kids (er, Klingons) but with my BFF Sheron -- come along! Good fun, and NYC (well, Bayonne, anyway) is a fun port... at least, if you don't live here it is!!!


(After reading about the delights of Arthur Bryant and other KC bbq joints I'm dying to make a trip there, but it's not exactly a bustling cruiseport... er... port... er... any water in sight here??? Nice to know Rick knows how to eat low as well as high!:D)


Seriously, though, back to your review: PLEASE do post links to all those amazing tour providers in one place... and I LOVE the idea of **The Binder** -- indeed, it sounds like we could go into business creating customized travel folders for people who are not logistically inclined!


Also, your sense of humor is a treat... and it's clearly a legacy that has benefitted your children. When did I laugh out loud? At the post-its, of course!! (Well, the pigeon photos were pretty good, too... and the purse alarm... and the Ouzo shot... okay, so I laughed out loud a lot...)


And wow, those shots of the Royal Family Suite!!! Grand Piano! Giant Balcony! Can you say "green eyed envy monster"?:p Amazing!!! Perfect ending to the cabin crawl; I'm sure everyone enjoyed seeing it.


Hope to to meet you and your family in person sometime, in NYC, KC or on the Deep Blue C...




PS - I had a dear friend on the Brilliance cruise mentioned by that later poster, also injured in the rough seas; such a shame! What an incredible itinerary to miss due to difficult sailing conditions. I really enjoyed reading about all of your port stops -- I'm sure if I had been on that cruise and had to miss them, I would be feeling very sorry about that. Many years ago we had a Princess cruise with a bum engine and had a number of short port stops in the Caribbean (1-2 hours instead of half a day, really couldn't do anything but get off and walk around the port area and re-board). It's no fun -- and missing Europe would be much worse for me, since that's a real "trip of a lifetime" (indeed, yet to happen in this lifetime). So happy for you that the weather and seas were favorable for you and your family! Even reading about the HEAT in some places was a little intimidating; I remember visiting Mexican ruins on a hot day, and feeling we wouldn't have made it if they hadn't provided sunbrellas for us.


Aw, Denise - thank you SO much for visiting and posting! I've always enjoyed your reviews, as well! You've got me seriously tempted about the December cruise - could we have some fun, or WHAT??!! :D I love my Klingons, but it would be a hoot to cruise without them, for sure!!!!


I will definitely post all of my links, with contact information, costs, etc.


And I'm glad I could make you laugh...even it its laughing at pigeon pictures. ;)

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This is by far the best review I've read on CC. I've spent the last 5 days reading through this entire thread; the only other one I've visited is my roll call for my Allure Cruise!


Your writing skills are fantastic and now you have me thinking about switching my Jewel Caribbean cruise to a Med cruise; Santorini has now been added to my hit list of cities I intend to visit in my lifetime.


Keep up the great job; I'm still here following along!


PS Taylor is cute!!


Aw, thanks! Santorini was amazing...it looked like a Hollywood movie set! I will get to posting today and get caught up - as I still have another entire cruise to review!!! :eek:


Taylor IS cute, isn't he? Sigh. He is FULL of charm...as long as he's conversing with women older than he is. If he gets around girls his own age, he's absolutely terrified and won't say a word. He's yet to have a girlfriend, and I'm not rushing him, but still....I wish he would get some confidence! :) (Speaking as a mama, of course!)

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I just wanted to drop a quick line and say how much I'm enjoying your review!


And don't feel alone with the puzzlement about Pigeon Obsession... A few years ago my husband and I were on a trip to the west coast of Mexico, and when we got home and were looking through the pictures, I had to ask him why in the name of all that's holy he felt compelled to take 297 pictures of pigeons... he was a little sheepish, haha :D


Isn't that funny??!! Is it a GUY thing???!! I understand the cats...because they're all soft and cuddly...but pigeons? With their little beady eyes???!!


I don't get it. :confused:



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Oh Man! I've been reading your TR for two days and now I've finally caught up to you! Like all the other folks I am hooked.


My DS(9) and I are working to convince DH that this is a cruise we need to go on. It's not an easy job since we haven't been on a cruise yet!


It does seem to me that private tours are the way to go, but aren't you worried about missing the ship? I've heard that they will leave with out you as you have mentioned in your TR. Did the tour companies you used give you any sort of guarantee that they would get you to port on time? I am I just a worry wart?


I'm glad you're enjoying the review!


Well, it's always a bit worrisome to think we're going to miss the ship...but the tour companies we use have never missed a ship yet. They leave with lots of time to get back to the ship; they also communicate with each other to avoid wrecks or bad traffic; and if your van was to break down - they can have another van/driver there in no time to safely whisk you on your way. As they said, they're using the same highway/roads that the RCI ship excursion's buses are using - so if traffic was to hold up YOUR private tour, it's probably also holding the RCI bus. In Europe, it's also a bit easier to get to the next port, if the worst was to happen and we'd miss the ship. We could hop on a train and be at the next port in no time. ;)

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21 days and counting!

(not that I'm keeping track :D)


Yikes. I'd better get busy!


It's amazing how much work we've found to do around this "vacation" home. I've spent the last three days weeding. As gratifying as it was to see my flower beds looking all clean and pruned, it's not been gratifying to see that I was basically a Thanksgiving meal for the mosquitoes. I am covered in bites - I look like I have the chicken pox!


I'd much rather be inside, in the a/c, writing - so I think I'm telling Hubby Mike that my fans are missing me and it's time to get back to work...blogging! :)

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