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Here ya go.....another Legend review, another perspective

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thank you. I can't tell you how much we cherish his smile' date=' especially when it stems from real happiness, however brief. This picture, taken while on the Dream two years ago (the one you missed :() shows about the best we usually get without forcing a smile.




Totally different boy than the one on this year's cruise, I think!


You're right. You can definitely see the difference in his smile. He looks genuinely happy. It feels good to see kids in moments when they are genuinely happy. Warms my heart.



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This was such a GREAT REVIEW, I live in Eastern NC also.

Looks like your DS had a wonderful time, and he had lots of smiles. DD, always looked happy. :) Enjoyed your review and you are such a wonderful Mom. Your kids will looke back one day on all the happy times with their family.:p

I know DS is a lot of work and a real challange at times but looks like you have it all under control. Hope your Family enjoy many more cruises. Thanks again for the great review, I agree MB Jimmy Buffets place is not that great, :mad:

Thanks for taking all the time for the wonderful review. I am looking forward to my 13 cruise in oct.:):p

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DS came home earlier today from his steel drum lesson (his grandfather ended up taking him) with homework / practice music. The song? "Margaritaville"! How perfect! He also got the "in the jungle" song from the Lion King. So I'll have some fun steel drum music to listen to, at least!


I realized I forgot to tell you about our autistic moment on Grand Cayman day. We made it through this whole week without having any significant incidents (which is a miracle!), but while we were on the tender from the port in Grand Cayman to the ship, it happened. I should have expected it, because I knew DS was overwhelmed by the excitement of trying two new things (dolphin encounter and swimming with stingrays) combined with so much anxiety-inducing wait time in between activities (especially with the uncertainty involved in them). Plus, he was hungry (wouldn't eat at Margaritaville and had only had a bag of chips for lunch) and it was hot. The tender was crowded, and we ended up on the bottom level again, which unloads last. He was also upset with me because when we got off the ship in Grand Cayman, he was worried we would miss the last tender and get left behind. I had told him that we would be on a tender at least an hour before the ship left. He interpreted this to mean that we would catch a tender at least an hour before the last tender. When he found out that we were leaving Margaritaville just in time to catch the "last tender" he panicked and got upset with me for "lying" to him. In his mind, there was at least some chance that, even though we were on a tender, the ship would leave without us, leaving him "lost" and hungry in Grand Cayman.


As soon as we got on the tender, he was showing signs that he was stressed and about to react, and I tried to help him calm down. He was fine until we got back to the ship and it took a really long time to unload (not so bad for most passengers, too much for him, an eternity for a mom trying to talk a kid with Aspergers through it). He started wringing his hands (first sign that he is no longer in control) and rocking from one foot to another. Then he complained loudly and whined about wanting to get off the tender NOW! After a few minutes of unsuccessfully calming himself, he started tearing up, and I knew I needed to help him. So, I left DD with DH, got mine and DS's sign and sail cards and helped him inch along the edge moving in front of others to get to the door. We made a deal that if I could get him to the door, he would check in and go to our room to wait for us. I would wait for DD and DH to catch up at the door.


People were not happy with us, and I get it. It looks like two selfish people trying to jump in front of everybody who really wants to get off the tender too. We didn't push anybody or move too quickly....we just moved along the edge and took advantage of opening spaces. I still felt terrible. I said "excuse me" a few times, but it seemed to just bring on more eye rolls or disgusted looks, like I was acting more important than everyone else. I didn't know what else to do but announce that my DS has an Autism spectrum disorder, but I couldn't do that to him, so we just went on. We finally got to the door and DS, after seeing that I was physically on the ship and therefore would not be left behind, went through security and on his way while I waited for the rest of my family to catch up.

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Summer; I really enjoyed this trip report. Most of all I have learned something as I have "lived" vicariously through you concerning your sons autism. I feel like I am an intelligent, educated person, but I honestly I am afraid there might be times when I judge a kids behavior without considering that there might be underlying causes I know nothing about. I am humbled by your grace as you describe the looks, comments, and lack of understanding you experience on a daily basis. I know that I will think more before I react in the future. I am glad your family can enjoy cruising, and I hope your adventures continue to enrich your son and your precious daughter. God's speed.

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So that takes us to Saturday...our last full day. We were all starting to feel a little down because our great vacation was coming to an end! DD handled it the best of all of us...very matter of fact. In her eyes, we had a great time but it was time to get back to family and home (and our pet rabbit, Hippo), so it was okay. She was looking forward to going back to Camp Carnival one last time (after 4 port days).



We had a lazy start. Slept in and went for breakfast on Lido deck (buffet). We checked out the CC schedule for DD...yoga, towel folding, a dinosaur book & the dinosaur stomp, and then indoor mini-golf. We dropped DD off not long after 10, and then DS and I went to the Follies Lounge to try to catch the towel folding demo. We were only about 8 minutes late, but it was all over already! :( We missed it.


We walked around the ship a bit. DS showed me stuff he had found that I hadn't and vice versa. We looked for and found a bunch of our pictures in the photo place, but still didn't buy them (curses!). I thought I'd get DH back to give me some input (and talk sense in me before I went nuts and bought a ton, especially of my beautiful DD!) We headed back to the room for a little while and just hung out until almost time to get Dd. We had decided we would eat lunch in the MDR today so we could use our free drink coupons (all four of us had one). We picked up DD around 12:30 and went to lunch.


Here's my free drink!!!




a margarita. DH ordered a Foster's (big can) and both kids ordered a soda each. The bar server asked didn't we want to order virgin drinks for the kids, but they really wanted a soda (especially DD - it was her first -and only - soda on the cruise). For lunch, I had the Chinese pepper steak




and DH and DS had create your own burgers (one much less creative than the other! LOL)




I got a few pictures around the MDR. I love these fixtures...





the dining room...



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Summer; I really enjoyed this trip report. Most of all I have learned something as I have "lived" vicariously through you concerning your sons autism. I feel like I am an intelligent, educated person, but I honestly I am afraid there might be times when I judge a kids behavior without considering that there might be underlying causes I know nothing about. I am humbled by your grace as you describe the looks, comments, and lack of understanding you experience on a daily basis. I know that I will think more before I react in the future. I am glad your family can enjoy cruising, and I hope your adventures continue to enrich your son and your precious daughter. God's speed.


Another one making me cry! Thank you for that. I hate inconveniencing others or making them believe that I am selfish or thoughtless. And we try so hard to get DS out and about in the real world as much as possible, because every experience is a chance for him to learn to do better next time (hopefully)....and we go over each and every difficult day later, when he is calm, to help him learn. I try really hard not to "cater" to his meltdowns if others are involved, but there are those times when I know I have to put my son first. Sometimes people understand; sometimes they don't. And it's okay. I'll probably never see those people again, but I have to do the best I can for my child so I can face him (and myself) the next day. I understand people who judge, and I remind myself I'm blessed that my son LOOKS normal on the outside...his disabilities are not obvious until he has one of those moments where he looks like a brat, but on the inside he feels like he would just as soon crawl out of his own skin as take another breath. Too much for a kid to handle on his own.


Thank you for sharing your understanding and for the positive wishes as well! It means a lot.

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I realized I forgot to tell you about our autistic moment on Grand Cayman day. We made it through this whole week without having any significant incidents (which is a miracle!)' date=' but while we were on the tender from the port in Grand Cayman to the ship, it happened. I should have expected it, because I knew DS was overwhelmed by the excitement of trying two new things (dolphin encounter and swimming with stingrays) combined with so much anxiety-inducing wait time in between activities (especially with the uncertainty involved in them). Plus, he was hungry (wouldn't eat at Margaritaville and had only had a bag of chips for lunch) and it was hot. The tender was crowded, and we ended up on the bottom level again, which unloads last. He was also upset with me because when we got off the ship in Grand Cayman, he was worried we would miss the last tender and get left behind. I had told him that we would be on a tender at least an hour before the ship left. He interpreted this to mean that we would catch a tender at least an hour before the last tender. When he found out that we were leaving Margaritaville just in time to catch the "last tender" he panicked and got upset with me for "lying" to him. In his mind, there was at least some chance that, even though we were on a tender, the ship would leave without us, leaving him "lost" and hungry in Grand Cayman.


As soon as we got on the tender, he was showing signs that he was stressed and about to react, and I tried to help him calm down. He was fine until we got back to the ship and it took a really long time to unload (not so bad for most passengers, too much for him, an eternity for a mom trying to talk a kid with Aspergers through it). He started wringing his hands (first sign that he is no longer in control) and rocking from one foot to another. Then he complained loudly and whined about wanting to get off the tender NOW! After a few minutes of unsuccessfully calming himself, he started tearing up, and I knew I needed to help him. So, I left DD with DH, got mine and DS's sign and sail cards and helped him inch along the edge moving in front of others to get to the door. We made a deal that if I could get him to the door, he would check in and go to our room to wait for us. I would wait for DD and DH to catch up at the door.


People were not happy with us, and I get it. It looks like two selfish people trying to jump in front of everybody who really wants to get off the tender too. We didn't push anybody or move too quickly....we just moved along the edge and took advantage of opening spaces. I still felt terrible. I said "excuse me" a few times, but it seemed to just bring on more eye rolls or disgusted looks, like I was acting more important than everyone else. I didn't know what else to do but announce that my DS has an Autism spectrum disorder, but I couldn't do that to him, so we just went on. We finally got to the door and DS, after seeing that I was physically on the ship and therefore would not be left behind, went through security and on his way while I waited for the rest of my family to catch up.[/quote']


Thank you for sharing that. I appreciate it because of the lesson in it. I hope to remember that lesson at all times. :)

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I have really enjoyed your review. We have done that itinerary in the past but not on the Legend. We are going this November and again in March before Legend pulls out of Tampa. So it was really nice to read your input. You did a beautiful job.

But I think a small miracle has occurred. I have been reading since you started the review and loving it and your pictures! But I have cringed a few times waiting for the flamethrowers to chime in when you explained that your son had special needs but mentioned that he was roaming the ship (I think you called him your roaming DS) and that he went to the dining room alone. But miracle of miracles, not a word! And if you read much on CC you know that doesn't happen very often. Some people can be so unkind behind the anonymity of a keyboard and computer screen and seem to snipe at every opportunity. I am hoping that maybe you just wowed them with your wonderful spirit!

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I was so proud of your son going to the MDR for dinner on his own. I am sure the waiters made him feel very special. I also understand the break down, and I hate to say it, but it reminded me of me when I get hungry and nervous about something (especially crowds, traveling, and trying anything new)which is why I plan everything to a T and ask a thousand questions. :)

Thank you so much for the review, I will miss you. If you happen to find any more of the 1300 pictures, please post them! A big hug to you and your family, from marshhawk and Catmando.:D

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Thank you for sharing that. I appreciate it because of the lesson in it. I hope to remember that lesson at all times. :)


I have really enjoyed your review. We have done that itinerary in the past but not on the Legend. We are going this November and again in March before Legend pulls out of Tampa. So it was really nice to read your input. You did a beautiful job.


But I think a small miracle has occurred. I have been reading since you started the review and loving it and your pictures! But I have cringed a few times waiting for the flamethrowers to chime in when you explained that your son had special needs but mentioned that he was roaming the ship (I think you called him your roaming DS) and that he went to the dining room alone. But miracle of miracles, not a word! And if you read much on CC you know that doesn't happen very often. Some people can be so unkind behind the anonymity of a keyboard and computer screen and seem to snipe at every opportunity. I am hoping that maybe you just wowed them with your wonderful spirit!


Thank you both. I, too expected that there MIGHT be some negative input about our allowing him to go out and about on his own some (and I'm thankful that, for whatever reason, it hasn't happened). We let him roam because we knew he would avoid interaction with other passengers (even those his own age) unless there was an emergency, in which case he would have looked for a Carnival employee or a mom (that's what he was trained to do at Disney :o). Also, he would go in very small "spurts"...literally less than 15 minutes each time before he'd pop into the cabin to check in. We felt like this was a good way to help him practice independence.


For dinner that night, he told the servers the night before (after meeting Chef Panda) that he would probably go eat there with or without us, and when we left, I pulled our head server aside and asked him to please "take good care of my baby". I kept the Camp Carnival issued phone on the table beside me at Chef's table (I think you can even see it in some of the pictures :o) at all times just in case DS needed me (and we showed him how to call it from our room as well as from the phones by the elevators). Then, before we left, we did a last minute run through of how to go to dinner on his own, proper behavior, our expectations, and what to do if things went wrong. So, hopefully even the negative voices can see that we did all we could to make sure that his time on his own around the ship was no bother to others. We were thrilled that it went well and he got such an awesome chance to be independent in a relatively safe, contained environment.

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the china in the MDR






After lunch, we took DD back to CC because she was really excited about the face painting they would be doing. DH decided to go back to the cabin to nap, and I started to join him. Got all comfy under the covers and everything, and then DS asked if I would go play ping pong or putt putt with him. He had been asking me to do this all week, and I had put it off, but even though I felt a tad guilty (after all, I had spent some one-on-one time with DD but not him yet), I said "not now." DS decided to go get some ice cream and walk around a little bit. Just seconds after he left, I realized my guilty conscience wouldn't let me sleep anyway, so I followed him out.


I found him pretty quickly but I followed him a bit, partially to see how he behaved on his own but also because I had a hard time keeping up! Little bugger is quick (or maybe I'm old! LOL). I finally caught up with him on one of the top decks near the front (the wind slowed him down a little). He was glad I had joined him and really wanted me to go to see the whale tail with him.




his view




After that, we went to check out the ping pong table, but it was really crowded, so we decided to try putt putt. Now, let me tell you, the putt putt course is on the highest deck at the front of the ship. It curves around the basketball court. And it was OMG windy.






We managed to somewhat play through the 9 holes (very difficult since I hadn't put my very long hair in a ponytail before leaving the room) and then headed back down.

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After that, we decided to go take a picture of DS using one of his soda coupons that his aunt / my sister had given him for his birthday. Before we left, his aunt said she was excited to imagine DS acting all grown walking up to a bar to get his own soda whenever he wanted, so we decided to take a picture of it for her. Goofy, I know, but it made him smile...again!




Before long, it was time to go pick up DD. Camp Carnival was having their kids' talent show that afternoon, but DD hadn't rehearsed with them so she wasn't in it. We had to pick her up before 4 since she wasn't involved. She and I hung out on the balcony a bit.




I almost forgot until I saw that picture...this afternoon at CC, the kids read a book about Funship Freddy (how he came into existence), and after the reading , they were told to turn around for a surprise....and there he was! FF visited the kids in CC. Now, I usually could not care less, but DD was beyond herself excited. She bought into the story 100% and couldn't believe he was really there in the fle....um, cloth. The best part is that when the kids left that afternoon, they were each given a copy of the story....a hardback book for free (wow!). Now, DD LOVES to read. She's been reading since she was 4 (and set herself a goal to read 100 books on her own before she turned 5...she exceeded that). So, this was the ideal gift/souvenir for her to get from Carnival. Perfect.

You can see it in the picture above.




After DD read the book to me, we took a brief nap and then decided to go to the pool for a little while. When we got to the pool in the middle of the ship, it was crowded and the DJ was playing loud music. We decided on a whim to walk through the doors to the pool closer to the front of the ship....only a few steps away but totally different. Very few people were here.




I sat in a chair right by the pool's edge and DD jumped in. She made friends with a kid her age and when she left, DD made friends with an older couple.


God bless her, she knows no strangers!

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Soon, DH and DS joined us. And everybody else left. Around 6:30 pm we had the pool to ourselves.








And I have to tell you, with DH in the pool with the kids, I sat back in the lounge chair, put my feet up, closed my eyes and just absolutely savored the moment. This is what cruising is all about. Being in a warm, happy, relaxed place....everybody safe and entertained and together...not worried about schedules (since we met the towel folding at the beginning of the day, we gave up after that)...just PERFECT.


Around 7:20 we headed back to the room to shower and get ready for our last dinner in the MDR.


DD shows how she butters her bread LOL



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I started with the grilled portabello...delicious




DH had the American navy bean soup




For dinner, panko crusted shrimp for me




bacon mac n cheese for DH




and DS got all brave once again and tried the mahi mahi (he liked it just okay)




Everything was going so well until they sang THE song.....you know it...Carnival's words to the "Leaving on a jet plane" song. And DS started crying. The servers brought him two hot chocolates quickly!




Funny DS said they REALLY shouldn't sing that song...poor guy! We let him be in charge of handing out our extra tips, which made him happy...that and his favorite server, G, gave us his Facebook contact info. Very sweet! We ordered dessert...I remember I got the grand marnier souffle, but I couldn't really taste it with DS crying about having to leave. DD and DS asked for brownies, but they had walnuts in them, so they wouldn't eat them. I don't remember what DH had.

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We took pics with our servers






and that was it. Our last night in the MDR. We headed back to the room and packed up. Put our big bags out in the hall (before midnight), laid our clothes out for debarkation, and turned in.


Debarkation is a quick story. We had to be out of the rooms by 8:30, so I set the alarm for 7:30. When we got up, we were not completely in port yet, so I hung out on the balcony watching. We pulled up next to the pier and bumped against it, then we started drifting away, and I let my crazy mind believe for half a second that we were just setting sail....I know, crazy.


We showered and dressed (forgot to leave out underwear for DD :eek:, so be careful when packing the night before. She handled it beautifully...said she was more comfy that way anyway! :rolleyes: We wouldn't have been able to leave the room if it had been DS).


We had breakfast on the Lido deck (buffet) as always. We ended up having to sit on pool chairs around the pool. The Lido deck is one of the few places you can hang out while waiting for your number to get called, so it is crowded. We had number nine, and I can't remember what time it got called, but it was somewhere between 10 and 10:30. We made our way to the lobby area and had to wait in a VERY long line that went down a hall on one side of the ship before looping around in the casino and then back to the lobby. Both kids did well, except DS kept saying loudly that he wasn't going to breathe in the casino "since people smoke there and smoking gives you cancer and I don't want to die" :rolleyes: He survived.


We dinged our cards one last time and headed out to pick up our bags, which we found easily. Got a porter to take our bags and us across the street to the meeting place for Capital Parking. The shuttle came along pretty soon, but there was a crowd waiting before us, so we had to wait for it to come a second time. I'd say the whole process took just over 30 minutes. We were back at the Capital Parking lot before 11:15, just in time to see two loaded up cars coming in to start their adventure! Jealous!


Here's the parking lot...




and the shuttle...



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Tomorrow I'll wrap up with a few things I forgot or overlooked that may matter to future Legend cruisers. So, if you have any questions, fire away! I'll try to answer them all tomorrow.


If by some chance you are interested in looking at pictures from our other trips (we travel a LOT), I'll give you my Facebook ID so you can friend me. I didn't write reviews, of course, but I have albums from last year's trip to DC, Baltimore, and NYC (just me and the kids! :eek:), our 2010 Dream cruise, our 2008 cruise on the Destiny, DH and my trip to an AI in Aruba (awesome!), Disney trips, our annual trips to the NC mountains every fall (beautiful foliage!), a trip to the Outer Banks (no DH again), our annual family trips to Emerald Isle, NC (sister and I rent an ocean front cottage July 4th week every year, because our mom and grandparents did that for us growing up. We want our kids to know this tradition) and probably a few more. I'm happy to share our experiences. I'd love to write a travel blog about seeing the world with kids....one day.


Before I go tonight, I have to tell you that we decided to break up our 12 hour drive back home by stopping in Micanopy, Florida. Now, I'll bet most of you don't know anything about the very small town (or care!), but this, my friends, is the town where they filmed Doc Hollywood! My family loves Doc Hollywood (and his pig!) and other movies filmed in the early '90s or so...gotta love "What About Bob" and "Dutch"! We drove through this amazingly gorgeous town and took a few pics.


mossy trees lining the streets




the garage where Dr. Ben Stone's Porsche ended up




the "main drag" in town




Now THAT was fun!


Good night!

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I have thoroughly enjoyed your review and I'm so sad it has come to an end. I really felt like I was there with you!! You are an excellent writer and an awesome mom!! It's so refreshing to see the love you have for both your children!!! Thank you so much for your review, I actually teared up a little just now.

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I was so proud of your son going to the MDR for dinner on his own. I am sure the waiters made him feel very special. I also understand the break down, and I hate to say it, but it reminded me of me when I get hungry and nervous about something (especially crowds, traveling, and trying anything new)which is why I plan everything to a T and ask a thousand questions. :)


Thank you so much for the review, I will miss you. If you happen to find any more of the 1300 pictures, please post them! A big hug to you and your family, from marshhawk and Catmando.:D


I'm gonna miss looking for your response every day too! Thanks for helping me along!


It's funny you say that DS's behaviors remind us of our own when we are tired/cranky/nervous, because the vast majority of his problems stem from the fact that his anxiety and such cause the same problems as in anyone else, but they are amplified until he loses control. Of course, there are other "symptoms" but behaviorally this amplification is where it all goes wrong. We are teaching him (slowly) to "talk himself down" and to find ways to handle life. Really, we all need that at times, I think.


Hugs to you, too!

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I have learned so much from you about your son's condition. He seems to handle himself very well. It takes a special set of parents to be able to handle some of the problems that can arise from having this. The two of you are angels! We have friends (two different sets) who each have sons with this condition. One just graduated from high school. He too is a map reader - anything to do with maps! The second is also in high school but now that my children our out, I do not see him much anymore. You have helped many of us to understand more about this, how to handle a child we might run into who has it, and possibly how to help if one needs help. Thank you for all of that.


Our grown son is ADD and has done very well. He did not outgrow it but is doing well as an adult with a wife, a daughter, and one more on the way. We had our trials and tribulations as well but nothing like what you are dealing with.


God bless you and your family! It was a joy to read about your trip! Makes me want to be on a ship right now! But, alas, I will have to wait until the end of the year. . . .

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summercruisin', I really appreciate your openness in sharing your struggles, thoughts and rewards in dealing with your DS to fellow CC's. Your patience, devotion and love for your family is evident and your son is benefiting from it. It was wonderful that your family could go on this cruise and have such a wonderful time together. Overall, emotionally I think your DS handled this vacation very well and had a fantastic experience as was evident by the numerous photo's that you posted where a genuine smile was seen. Even the fact that your DS ate in the MDR all by himself is a remarkable sign of strength and confidence. I don't think that my DS's would even want to that! They would likely just pick up something from the Lido deck and head back to the cabin! :rolleyes:


Thank you for bringing us into your family and sharing your awesome cruise vacation with us. I wish you all the best and many more happy family times and wonderful memories together!

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I have learned so much from you about your son's condition. He seems to handle himself very well. It takes a special set of parents to be able to handle some of the problems that can arise from having this. The two of you are angels! We have friends (two different sets) who each have sons with this condition. One just graduated from high school. He too is a map reader - anything to do with maps! The second is also in high school but now that my children our out, I do not see him much anymore. You have helped many of us to understand more about this, how to handle a child we might run into who has it, and possibly how to help if one needs help. Thank you for all of that.


Our grown son is ADD and has done very well. He did not outgrow it but is doing well as an adult with a wife, a daughter, and one more on the way. We had our trials and tribulations as well but nothing like what you are dealing with.


God bless you and your family! It was a joy to read about your trip! Makes me want to be on a ship right now! But, alas, I will have to wait until the end of the year. . . .


Hi Leslie...


I had to do a lot of detective work to "find" you. It's a good thing you love bells so much!


This is Renee from the Coral Princess Panama Canal cruise in February.


How have you been? Looks like you were on another cruise.


I am trying to reach you to get the list of email addresses. I am so angry with ShipMate and their constant upgrades. Each time...they lose my contacts. They said that I had to register and I did. I was able to retrieve my canal itinerary but not my contacts.


Letme know how I can reach you...


Linda and I are planning a Hawaii cruise in the spring of 2013. It would be a hoot if I could announce it to our group.


Renee (displace local girl)

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What a wonderful review...one of the best I have read on these boards! I'm sure your candor educated a lot of people about dealing with a child on the autism spectrum and I can fully appreciate your feelings about your children after experiencing miscarriages (and threat of miscarriage with DD). I too, had 3 miscarriages before finally giving birth to my "miracle" twins! I was on bed rest the entire pregnancy because my twins threatened to miscarry for the first 20 weeks! Now, they are entering their senior year of high school (DD's first day is today!), so it seems like a long time ago, but I do remember the anguish of losing those pregnancies and the fear that went along with the twins' pregnancy!


You are doing a great thing by traveling with your kids...I think travel is a wonderful education! We did that with ours as well, and even lived overseas for 4 years.


I would love to see your facebook photos. I hope you do share your contact information!


Thanks again for a lovely review! I hope you don't mind, but I posted a link to it on the "best of" thread...http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=1663308

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