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Sexy, beautiful, voluptuous what ever we weigh !!!!!!


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I have read a few post, but a lot of people need to lose a lot less than me, I know I won't lose every thing I need to lose in 7 months (Jan 2006) but I want to enjoy my cruise, what ever I weigh. What if I only lose 20, 30 lbs etc. lets talk about, voluptuous fashion, what to wear? What about bathing suits, will we diet on cruise? etc !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lets face it we won't lose all we need to by cruise date so lets come up with some sexy, beautiful ideas we can all use to enjoy our vacation




Is there a medical term for thinking you are thinner than you are?


Not anorexia!!!


Maybe denial? LOL



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I had hoped to lose 50-80 pounds before my last cruise. Well I ended up losing 30 and still had a fabulous time! I walked around in shorts and tank tops, wore a swimsuit at the beach and didn't try to hide myself... I've since lost another 12 pounds and am about 1/2 way to my goal weight. We have another cruise booked for Feb. 06 and I'm hoping by then I will be at goal, or at least close. But you know, if I'm not, I will still have a fabulous time!


I used to envy those heavier women who could walk around in their summer clothes and swimsuits w/o caring what other people thougt (while I was covering myself up and having a miserable time). I've gotten over and decided that I was missing out on too many fun things by worrying about what someone else was thinking.


I don't know about a medical term for thinking you are thinner than you actually are, but just enjoy being you and have a wonderful time at whatever you are doing! You sound like a happy person. :)


Just make sure to wear clothes that "fit" correctly. Clingy, too tight clothing is not attractive on any size.


It's all in the attitude! If you have a great attitude towards your body image, that will shine! Have fun regardless of weight. Life here in earth is too short.


Have a wonderful day!


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No matter what size we are!

We are beautiful inside and out!


Always be happy with whatever we lose before a cruise.

It's less than we were. Main thing is we're getting



But no matter what weight we are...WE go and enjoy ourselves

on our cruises! Wear what fits you, what you like!

No one is really looking at what your wearing or how you

look in the bathing suit...(alright there's always a few but

who cares)? There the ones who have there own issuses.


Most people are just like us..they want to have fun on the cruises,

meet new people..they don't care what size you are..what your wearing.

If they do that's there problem!


So everyone..lose what you can...don't be unhappy if not as much

as you wanted by your cruise...just go and ENJOY!


Just to keep getting healthier just come back from your cruise,

start your diet/woe and exercise until the next one! BON VOYAGE!

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Great topic!!


When I first started dieting...or changing my WOE back in 2001, I needed to lose around 75 lbs. It has taken my all of this time to lose 55. I've cruise 2 times and my 3rd is coming up in a little over a week. I'm a size 12 and I'm not ashamed of walking around the ship in my swimsuit, etc. I am comfortable because I've gone from a size 18-20W to a size 12. I definitely have more weight to lose and a lot of toning up to do, but I'm trying for a healthy body, not just to look good. I'll never look like a swimsuit model, but that's okay. You really just have to be comfortable in your own skin...no matter what your size. :D

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You know.....my thought is this: There are enough people in the world ready and waiting to knock us down....so why should we do it to ourselves? All women are beautiful regardless of their shape or size. My mom taught me at a very early age that beauty comes from inside....it is who you are that truly matters.

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You know.....my thought is this: There are enough people in the world ready and waiting to knock us down....so why should we do it to ourselves? All women are beautiful regardless of their shape or size. My mom taught me at a very early age that beauty comes from inside....it is who you are that truly matters.

Amen sister!!!

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I hear ya! I need to lose 100+ pounds to get myself into my truly heathy, fit weight. As a previous "athlete", I gained a lot of weight post-injury. Since then, I have been a disaster. I joined Belle's group and set a reasonable 20 pound goal by the first day of summer. I am half-way to that goal! I originally booked my cruise in February and since that time my total weight loss is at 18 pounds. This is the first time I have really stuck to it.


Granted, I won't be confused with a rail on the ship, but I will know what I have accomplished by then! I also know that I will be in better shape to get through some very active, busy days in Alaskan ports. This is what matters.

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I hear ya! I need to lose 100+ pounds to get myself into my truly heathy, fit weight. As a previous "athlete", I gained a lot of weight post-injury. Since then, I have been a disaster. I joined Belle's group and set a reasonable 20 pound goal by the first day of summer. I am half-way to that goal! I originally booked my cruise in February and since that time my total weight loss is at 18 pounds. This is the first time I have really stuck to it.


Granted, I won't be confused with a rail on the ship, but I will know what I have accomplished by then! I also know that I will be in better shape to get through some very active, busy days in Alaskan ports. This is what matters.


Congrats on your weight loss, you should be very proud. I've done the fast weight loss thing and I can tell you....it doesn't STAY off! Slow is the way to go. It may take a bit longer.....but hey, it's worth the wait isn't it?

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Excellent thread!!


Not every woman can look like they came out of a Victoria's Secret catalog. Don't beat yourselves up by thinking that! I think if someone looks healthy, is active and looks fit, they are much more sexy than someone who is looking like a poster child for starving nations.


The best gift you can give to yourselves and your loved ones is living a healthy lifestyle, eating right, getting daily exercise and keeping a positive attitude.



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thank you for all your encouraging thoughts, I will keep making healthy choices , I will employ mind over mattress to get up and walk in the morning, LOL

I will think I am hot, sexy, beautiful and wonderful no matter what I lose and I am determined to enjoy my cruise for my sake and my loved ones

let do it !!!



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  • 3 weeks later...

I just read this thread and what wonderful words there are here! I went to the doctor and she said I needed to lose 20 lbs when I got my head straight to do it. I told her my "head" just hasn't been into it BUT I did make a bargain to walk 20-30 minutes a day and make NO other changes just yet. I asked her if that was a fair deal and she smiled and I said "I will ask you about it I think that is an exceptional plan! As I have met very few people who have agreed to make ONE change without making other healthy changes since you feel so much better."


I did walk the 20 minutes tonight and to think this time last year I was walking over two miles a night and not breaking much of a sweat. I am SO out of shape. My goal is to lose that 20 lbs by the time I cruise in December BUT I want to lose 5 lbs before my next doctor's appointment on July 20th. (And I stared a gator eye to eye and called the management to see if we can get him out of the area!! gotta love living in Florida -- my first gator since I moved here in 1986)


Why is it so hard to get our "heads" right to lose excess weight? I think for the first time I see the strong mind/body connection. IF the mind isn't right, the body isn't either.


Thanks again!

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Hi All


I really LOVE this thread! I think everyone can look & feel great about themselves & enjoy their cruise no matter what size they are!


I haven't seen this mentioned yet, but one thing that strikes me when I am out & about and notice "heavier" people (and I don't mean heavier than me, I mean anyone heavier than they [we] should be!) the ones that look worse are the ones not wearing the right size clothes - they are either too tight or too baggy. Not flattering at all.


One thing I did before my last cruise was make sure ALL my cruise clothes fit right -- including underwear!!!!!! (It's amazing how much better you look all over with the rigfht size bra!)


Because I am in between sizes as I continue to lose weight, I tried on EVERYTHING I was planning to pack. I "tossed out" some stuff that was too big (hooray!) & even found some stuff I hadn't been able to fit into for a while. Then I went out & bought a few new pieces to replace what didn't fit. It felt great & I looked the best I had in along time!


When I look at my cruise pictures, it really gives me a boost of confidence to lose even more weight!


I know we don't like to spend lots of money on clothes that we hope to only wear for a little while as we continue to lose wieght, but a few key pieces (like a new bathing suit!) can make all the difference in how you feel & how you look! It worked for me!

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What a great support group you all are. Inspiring is what I think. All of what I have read on this board has really helped to me to stay on plan. I look forward to reading more, losing more and have fun on this site.



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  • 1 month later...

My two daughter and I pick three things we need to follow to change our bad habits,


Like mine is


Exercise 4Xs a week

No white flour

No sugar

(One treat on weekends) OK


if we don't stick to our goals it cost $5 I can't tell you how many times I have looked at candy and said "is that bite worth $5," or was watching TV and remembered I need to exercise ,so pulled out my weights and worked out. It has really helped, when we blow it, we keep track and put it in piggy bank, and one of us is going to get the stash


Just a little idea that has helped me



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My two daughter and I pick three things we need to follow to change our bad habits,


Like mine is


Exercise 4Xs a week

No white flour

No sugar

(One treat on weekends) OK


if we don't stick to our goals it cost $5 I can't tell you how many times I have looked at candy and said "is that bite worth $5," or was watching TV and remembered I need to exercise ,so pulled out my weights and worked out. It has really helped, when we blow it, we keep track and put it in piggy bank, and one of us is going to get the stash


Just a little idea that has helped me




Hi Plumeria!


I'm glad that works for you! I would bet $5 tho, that it's more that you have your daughter as a partner that is even more helpful - choosing to be accountable to another person besides yourself. That's why it's so good for people to have a buddy when they are dieting or exercising.


I don't have an exercise buddy myself, but one of the guys here at work knows I go to the gym after work every day, so every day he asks & make sure I'm going - If I'm not going, he makes sure I have a good reason! It really is helpful to me, because sometimes those lame excuses you tell yourself in your head for not exercising, sound even lamer out loud! :p


Keep up the good work, both of you!

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I have read a few post, but a lot of people need to lose a lot less than me, I know I won't lose every thing I need to lose in 7 months (Jan 2006) but I want to enjoy my cruise, what ever I weigh. What if I only lose 20, 30 lbs etc. lets talk about, voluptuous fashion, what to wear? What about bathing suits, will we diet on cruise? etc !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lets face it we won't lose all we need to by cruise date so lets come up with some sexy, beautiful ideas we can all use to enjoy our vacation




Is there a medical term for thinking you are thinner than you are?


Not anorexia!!!


Maybe denial? LOL






I am definately in denial! I never had a weight problem growing up and could wear anything. Well, two kids later and a slower metabolism has changed the shape of my body! I have about 25 pounds to lose, but I am focused more on eating healthy and watching my portion sizes.


I do not own a scale as I do not want to be a slave to a number. Instead, I rely on measuring inches and going by how I feel about myself.


So, basically, I have kicked chocolate out of our house, eat more vegies and fruit and are eating less white flour. I also do cardio and strength train 5 times a week.


DH and I leave for our cruise next week and I have not lost all of the weight that I had planned... oh, well. I am still wearing a bathing suit... I just have to remember to hold my head up high and project my inner beauty, and then maybe others won't notice my jiggly arms!!:D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I keep coming back & rereading this thread - I just LOVE the title!


I have been with my BF for 15 years & when he met me, I was at one of my all time low weights. Through many ups & downs since, I was about 70lb heavier last September - my all time high. And he has always loved me - through "thick & thin"! No matter how fat or icky I felt I looked, he was (is) always there for me!


As of my last weigh in, I am more than halfway back to that low weight of 15 yrs ago. And he still loves me. (It must be tough having a dieter in the house when you can eat everything! Well, actually he could lose a few, but I'll wait until we both have the same amount to lose before I make him my next project. And that could be a while!:rolleyes: )



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Thanks everyone for the encouragement! I too love this thread! You all make me feel like I am not the only one, and that I can reach my goals. (even if I fail every now and then:o ) I need to lose by next April. I have just started to try to lose weight. I have made a diet change and have started walking.

Thanks again!


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I've been married to the same woman for almost 28 years.

We've knew each other 5 years before getting married. We married when she was 23 and I was 25.

We waited to have children, we have a 13 and 16 year old.


In those years my wife has gained some weight. At one point of life it bothered me. As we have gotten older it really doesn't matter. I love her as much as I did when I met her. We have a very nice life together (I hope she thinks so too).


You know what, i think the stress caused by dieting and worrying about the weight can cause a great deal of health problems too. Not that you shouldn't try and eat healthy and do what you can do. Enjoy yourself! I myself am 6'1 and around 200lbs (not that overweight) but I'd rather eat the things that make me happy than worry about what others might think.


Please don't take this as me saying that losing some weight would be a healthy thing to do. But at some point realize you need to be happy with the person you are. I think that's what I realized with my wife. She is the same person I met 33 years ago and I love her for that.


Someone else said this "Life is too short"


Good luck with whatever you do or decide.;)

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