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Rape on Carnival


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The problem is that the "good kids".....the responsible kids....the kids who know better than to go into a room with a stranger....the kids who don't give in to peer pressure and break the rules because their "new best friends" are doing something.....end up losing.


But...in thinking it over....those "good kids" would be back in their cabins at a decent time anyway.


So...although rape can happen at any time of day/night...bad things are more likely to happen when less people are around, which translates into the wee hours.


Therefore....there should be some kind of curfew. If that puts a damper on "your perfect angel's" vacation, or your vacation....then go somewhere else. And this should be in the contract, with the penalty of being put off at the next port, or confined to the cabin if it's violated.


Seriously....is there any real reason a 14 year old needs to be roaming around at 3 AM?


So responsible parents should go somewhere else to vacation because of irresponsible parents? That's a good view. Why should anybody be roaming around at 3am?

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The problem is that the "good kids".....the responsible kids....the kids who know better than to go into a room with a stranger....the kids who don't give in to peer pressure and break the rules because their "new best friends" are doing something.....end up losing.


But...in thinking it over....those "good kids" would be back in their cabins at a decent time anyway.


So...although rape can happen at any time of day/night...bad things are more likely to happen when less people are around, which translates into the wee hours.


Therefore....there should be some kind of curfew. If that puts a damper on "your perfect angel's" vacation, or your vacation....then go somewhere else. And this should be in the contract, with the penalty of being put off at the next port, or confined to the cabin if it's violated.


Seriously....is there any real reason a 14 year old needs to be roaming around at 3 AM?


So responsible parents should go somewhere else to vacation because of irresponsible parents? That's a good view. If you can't control your kids, YOU go somewhere else.

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always cringe when i read parents let their kids freely roam the ships.



Agree.............As a single female who travels the world, usually alone, ALOT, I know it takes being on my toes constantly to stay safe. I don't think children or teenagers are that aware of all the kind of dangers one can encounter.......even on a cruiseship. I did not take my children on a ship but I don't think I would have allowed them free reign....but again who knows. I know, if I knew then what I know now, I would not allow it.


I think there should definitely be a curfew for those under 18, and Carnival should appoint someone in security to walk around as a kind of Truant Officer. If he or she catches one out, they should be marched directly to their parents' cabin OR taken to an office and the parent called to come get them.

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So responsible parents should go somewhere else to vacation because of irresponsible parents? That's a good view. If you can't control your kids, YOU go somewhere else.


Not what I said.....


I said that there should be a curfew, because generally "the bad kids" have irresponsible parents. If a parent is NOT ok with a curfew...they should go elsewhere.


The "good kids", and those with responsible parents would be in for the night at a decent hour anyway.

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Agree.............As a single female who travels the world, usually alone, ALOT, I know it takes being on my toes constantly to stay safe. I don't think children or teenagers are that aware of all the kind of dangers one can encounter.......even on a cruiseship. I did not take my children on a ship but I don't think I would have allowed them free reign....but again who knows. I know, if I knew then what I know now, I would not allow it.


I think there should definitely be a curfew for those under 18, and Carnival should appoint someone in security to walk around as a kind of Truant Officer. If he or she catches one out, they should be marched directly to their parents' cabin OR taken to an office and the parent called to come get them.


The thing is that I don't think the parent would care. Otherwise, the parent would have given the child a curfew. In many cases the parent is happy that the child is out (in order for them to have their own party!).


This is why I feel that the punishment should be harsher. There are rules where you can be put off at the next port...this should be added to that list and put in the contract.

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Originally I was against the idea of a curfew but the more I think about it, I would be okay with it. i dont think it would infringe on the vacation of the "good Parents" as they probably will already have their kids in the room anyway. But it would force the "bad" parents to take responsibility and, while not fool proof, it would help secure the ship.


We dont always cruise with our kids, (most times they go with us) but when we do, the cruise is all about them and they are never out of our sight (unless they are in Camp Carnival which isnt often) My DW and I generally do a short cruise just for us occasionally so we can enjoy ourselves.

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I'll go along with your 2nd and 3rd sentences but strongly disagree with your first statement because it gives the appearance of laying some blame on the poor 15 year old. Nothing she said or did gives cause for the viscious assault she received.


You're right, no one should ever be assaulted like this no matter what they do, but this was a 15 year old young woman. She should have known better than to go into the cabin of a stranger...and especially along with 4 or 5 males. Unless she and her friend are special needs individuals they should have known the dangers of going into the room with all those guys. That does not condone the rape but she willing went into the cabin to party and drink with those strangers. I didn't read anywhere where the females were forced to go into the room. I feel sorry for them both and hope they will be able to recover.

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What happened to this poor girl is so very sad, but this thread has turned into bashing parents thread? Anyone, regardless of age, can have this happen to them, just this one instance, she was 15 yrs old.


Would there be so much of a reaction if it was a 35 yr old mom? Who, say was forced into a cabin? No.


I read this happened at 4:30 am, but how do we really know? I have not seen this in any of the news reports I have read. It could have happened at 4:30 pm.


It's just all around sad what happened to her.


Let's get back to the subject at hand!

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Oh course it's sad.


And it's sad that girls cannot walk around together, or go places alone, or wear certain clothing. Yet the mindset of "boys will be boys" continues.


You cannot separate the parenting from the horrible behavior here.


This attitude that because we're on a ship on vacation, we're just one, big happy family is just stupd, imo.


Yes, it sure would be nice to be able to trust others. It sure would be nice to allow your teens to go have fun and not have to worry about what trouble they're getting into. It sure would be nice if adults wouldn't provide a means for this sort of thing to happen.


But nothing will ever change as long as boys and men aren't severely punished for rape.


Alcohol is no excuse. Raging hormones is NO excuse. Rape isn't about sex. It's about violence and abuse of females.

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I find this story horrific at best. This guy is a predator. He knew exactly what he was doing, and got caught. :mad:


My only wish is that he'd be stuck in a foreign port with zero tolerance.


To the poor girl, I simply feel sad for her. Do not one of you judge her. SHE is a victim. :(

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Oh course it's sad.


And it's sad that girls cannot walk around together, or go places alone, or wear certain clothing. Yet the mindset of "boys will be boys" continues.


You cannot separate the parenting from the horrible behavior here.


This attitude that because we're on a ship on vacation, we're just one, big happy family is just stupd, imo.


Yes, it sure would be nice to be able to trust others. It sure would be nice to allow your teens to go have fun and not have to worry about what trouble they're getting into. It sure would be nice if adults wouldn't provide a means for this sort of thing to happen.


But nothing will ever change as long as boys and men aren't severely punished for rape.


Alcohol is no excuse. Raging hormones is NO excuse. Rape isn't about sex. It's about violence and abuse of females.


This is not a "boys will be boys" action It is far from it, this is a criminals will be criminals action. Not all boys go out to rape girls

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I find this story horrific at best. This guy is a predator. He knew exactly what he was doing, and got caught. :mad:


My only wish is that he'd be stuck in a foreign port with zero tolerance.


To the poor girl, I simply feel sad for her. Do not one of you judge her. SHE is a victim. :(


I wish there was a like button. Well said.

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I find this story horrific at best. This guy is a predator. He knew exactly what he was doing, and got caught. :mad:


My only wish is that he'd be stuck in a foreign port with zero tolerance.


To the poor girl, I simply feel sad for her. Do not one of you judge her. SHE is a victim. :(


I don't believe anyone has judged her, have they ?

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The thing is that I don't think the parent would care. Otherwise, the parent would have given the child a curfew. In many cases the parent is happy that the child is out (in order for them to have their own party!).


This is why I feel that the punishment should be harsher. There are rules where you can be put off at the next port...this should be added to that list and put in the contract.


I am so sorry for this young girl and her family.



I recently contributed to a thread on here about parents controlling their teens, in which I suggested a curfew imposed by Carnival, and asked why the teen activities finish so late, and why they serve teen's favourite food - pizza and ice cream all through the night. I was 'flamed' by other posters who accused me of being a bad parent for wanting the cruise line to parent my kids.


I recently returned from our 1st cruise on the Breeze with my DH and 2 teen DDs. Despite laying out the rules with my DD 14, which required her to return to her cabin 15 mins after the end of the teen activities, on several ocassions I had to go out looking for her in the early hours as she thought she would see how far she could push Mum and Dad as 'everyone' went for pizza after circle c and she didn't see why she should be 'the only one' who had to go to bed.


I thought I was being a good parent by giving her rules, and by walking the decks looking for her in the early hours when she broke them. It is not just 'bad' parents who's kids are out late. Sometimes it's frustrated parents with willfull kids who think rules are only there to ruin their holiday. More parents than will admit it don't have perfect kids!


If O2 and Circle C finished at midnight, bars and lounges went ' adult only' at midnight, late night snacks were only available from room service, and roaming teens were challenged by staff or security, it would force the 'bad' parents to enforce rules, and greatly assist the 'frustrated' parents to insist their kids are not out late.


My teen was not out late because we let her, or because we were too busy drinking or gambling to care where she was, we were in the cabin waiting for her to come back, and when she didn't I was out looking for her. (And yes, there were consequences for her disobedience)


I for one would welcome Carnival introducing some rules around teen curfews, and not making the ship so attractive to hang around in the small hours for everyone's peace and safety.

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You're right, no one should ever be assaulted like this no matter what they do, but this was a 15 year old young woman. She should have known better than to go into the cabin of a stranger...and especially along with 4 or 5 males. Unless she and her friend are special needs individuals they should have known the dangers of going into the room with all those guys. That does not condone the rape but she willing went into the cabin to party and drink with those strangers. I didn't read anywhere where the females were forced to go into the room. I feel sorry for them both and hope they will be able to recover.


My heart breaks for the girl who in no way deserved such brutal treatment, but I agree with this. The situation could have been avoided.


That being said, I hope that the perpetrators get prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and that the girl is somehow made as whole as possible after this tragic event.

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Anyone, regardless of age, can have this happen to them, just this one instance, she was 15 yrs old.


Would there be so much of a reaction if it was a 35 yr old mom? Who, say was forced into a cabin? No.


I read this happened at 4:30 am, but how do we really know? I have not seen this in any of the news reports I have read. It could have happened at 4:30 pm.


The article does not say that the girls were forced into the cabin, in fact, it seems, they may have gone to the cabin willingly(of course, not ever thinking they'd be attacked). While it is true that this could happen to anyone regardless of their age, I doubt that many 35-yr-old women would go the cabin of a 31-yr-old male along with 4 teenaged boys (or to any cabin with 5 males of any age!) at 4:30AM or at anytime of the day or night, even if she'd been drinking. Her intuition would tell her that her safety might not be top of the list on their agenda. But 15-yr-old girls who are immature and inexperienced (and dinking) are likely not thinking to the same depth as the 35-yr-old woman. If they are thinking about the potential danger at all. Being out that late (with very few others around), being outnumbered (5 males to 2 females), and being under the influence of alcohol greatly made them vulnerable. We women need to always think of our own personal safety first. Young girls should be taught how to avoid risky situations. They should have a healthy fear of what could happen if they put themselves in certain situations. I am not blaming the victims, but the fact of the matter is the rapists aren't likely to alter their behavior. So we women (and girls) need to take steps to lessen our risk. Parents can play a huge role here.

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I am so sorry for this young girl and her family.



I recently contributed to a thread on here about parents controlling their teens, in which I suggested a curfew imposed by Carnival, and asked why the teen activities finish so late, and why they serve teen's favourite food - pizza and ice cream all through the night. I was 'flamed' by other posters who accused me of being a bad parent for wanting the cruise line to parent my kids.


I recently returned from our 1st cruise on the Breeze with my DH and 2 teen DDs. Despite laying out the rules with my DD 14, which required her to return to her cabin 15 mins after the end of the teen activities, on several ocassions I had to go out looking for her in the early hours as she thought she would see how far she could push Mum and Dad as 'everyone' went for pizza after circle c and she didn't see why she should be 'the only one' who had to go to bed.


I thought I was being a good parent by giving her rules, and by walking the decks looking for her in the early hours when she broke them. It is not just 'bad' parents who's kids are out late. Sometimes it's frustrated parents with willfull kids who think rules are only there to ruin their holiday. More parents than will admit it don't have perfect kids!


If O2 and Circle C finished at midnight, bars and lounges went ' adult only' at midnight, late night snacks were only available from room service, and roaming teens were challenged by staff or security, it would force the 'bad' parents to enforce rules, and greatly assist the 'frustrated' parents to insist their kids are not out late.


My teen was not out late because we let her, or because we were too busy drinking or gambling to care where she was, we were in the cabin waiting for her to come back, and when she didn't I was out looking for her. (And yes, there were consequences for her disobedience)


I for one would welcome Carnival introducing some rules around teen curfews, and not making the ship so attractive to hang around in the small hours for everyone's peace and safety.


No it's not always bad parents who have defiant kids. But what caught my attention in your post is that you had to go looking for your DD on "several occasions". In my opinion, the first one was on her, the rest were on you. You should have looked once, no more than twice. After she disobeyed you the first night, she shouldn't have been allowed to go to the teen club the second night. If you thought she learned her lesson then let her go back on the third night. If she disobeys you again, then she never goes back.

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Oh course it's sad.


And it's sad that girls cannot walk around together, or go places alone, or wear certain clothing. .




But nothing will ever change as long as boys and men aren't severely punished for rape.


Alcohol is no excuse. Raging hormones is NO excuse. Rape isn't about sex. It's about violence and abuse of females.



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You're right, no one should ever be assaulted like this no matter what they do, but this was a 15 year old young woman. She should have known better than to go into the cabin of a stranger


In one word...nonsense. With those words you shift some of the blame on the victim. It's a sad state of affairs when folks allow even a fraction of responsibility on a child victim of sexual assault.


I don't care that she went into the room willingly. I'll be plain...she has zero blame for the rape, morally and at that age in any state, legally. The rapists own 100% of this.

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I agree! These teen boys are NOT innocent! They are just making excuses!!! They should be tried as adults!



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk ~ sign the awesome Gailerina!


There is so much talk about rape on TV and in the news, and in schools, there is NO WAY the boys are innocent! They knew what they did and knew it was wrong. Why else did they keep the second girl in the bathroom, and why did they have to hold her down. The one boy's comment about her being so drunk she couldn't fight back sounds like he thought that made it OK for them to rape her. The illogical thinking of some people these days just slays me!

Lock up all the males involved!

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I am so sorry for this young girl and her family.



I recently contributed to a thread on here about parents controlling their teens, in which I suggested a curfew imposed by Carnival, and asked why the teen activities finish so late, and why they serve teen's favourite food - pizza and ice cream all through the night. I was 'flamed' by other posters who accused me of being a bad parent for wanting the cruise line to parent my kids.


I recently returned from our 1st cruise on the Breeze with my DH and 2 teen DDs. Despite laying out the rules with my DD 14, which required her to return to her cabin 15 mins after the end of the teen activities, on several ocassions I had to go out looking for her in the early hoursas she thought she would see how far she could push Mum and Dad as 'everyone' went for pizza after circle c and she didn't see why she should be 'the only one' who had to go to bed.


I thought I was being a good parent by giving her rules, and by walking the decks looking for her in the early hours when she broke them. It is not just 'bad' parents who's kids are out late. Sometimes it's frustrated parents with willfull kids who think rules are only there to ruin their holiday. More parents than will admit it don't have perfect kids!


If O2 and Circle C finished at midnight, bars and lounges went ' adult only' at midnight, late night snacks were only available from room service, and roaming teens were challenged by staff or security, it would force the 'bad' parents to enforce rules, and greatly assist the 'frustrated' parents to insist their kids are not out late.


My teen was not out late because we let her, or because we were too busy drinking or gambling to care where she was, we were in the cabin waiting for her to come back, and when she didn't I was out looking for her. (And yes, there were consequences for her disobedience)


I for one would welcome Carnival introducing some rules around teen curfews, and not making the ship so attractive to hang around in the small hours for everyone's peace and safety.

On several occasions:eek: you had to go looking for her? After the first time, she should have been done. Clearly she was not mature or obedient enough to have her own cabin, so she would have been sleeping on a mattress on the floor in my cabin, if she'd been my daughter.


You were in your cabin waiting for her? The first time she didn't return on time should have been her last time allowed to the club period (unless escorted to and fro by you or your husband). And then, of course, being made to sleep in your cabin floor.


Kids need to be made to take their parents seriously. Giving her chance after chance and having her still be disobedient, teaches her that mom and dad won't ever lower the boom on her.....i.e.: She can do what she likes with no consequences.

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