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5/23/12 1st time X/cruise, med. engagement, Paris; oh my! Solstice Med. Trip Report


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We miss you! You will have to have a wedding blog so we can see all of the wedding festivities or


preface your honeymoon cruise review with wedding pictures.


From your wonderful review, you and your family seem like close personal friends.

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Post# 25 Last Day in the City of Lights (Part 1 of 5)


Thursday, 6/7/2012




If you will last recall, yesterday was an exciting day! Went to the Louvre, Notre Dame, Pont D’Arts (Lovers Bridge), Laudree, shopping, Sorbonne, HO/HO bus, and of course, I got engaged!


I woke up today as an engaged woman! What a great feeling!


Today is a day we had all dreaded- the last full day of our trip. I had a jam-packed day for us; however, our plan would be slightly derailed.


You may remember a few days ago we received news that our little dog, Killer was ill. We went to my parents room to talk about the day and as soon as I walked in I could feel something was not right. My mom had this look on her face that was not normal. She had to break the news: unfortunately Killer died this morning or late last night. Really hard to believe it. He was a tough little guy, a real fighter. I still remember when we first though about getting him, it started as a joke from our family friend. Our family friend being a goof ball knew I wanted a dog so one day he started driving around jokingly yelling out the car window “here Killer, here Killer,” and that is how Killer got his name! That was a little over 10 years ago.


It is very hard to lose a family pet on vacation. At least we knew he was with our very caring, gentle, and dog-lover Uncle Ray. If he could not be with us in his last days we are glad he could be with my Uncle. This has been very hard on my Uncle as I am sure you can imagine!


Well after some tears and facing reality we moved on to breakfast. The weather was again crummy- rainy, cool. Mom was not really up for a jam-packed day after the news. He was her little baby not that us kids are grown up.


We were suppose to go to Montmarte today but due to the rain we decided not to. Hey, at least I have another item on my Paris-Must-See list to come back for! Instead we opted to take the HO/HO bus again. The HO/HO bus is not really that enjoyable when you have to sit inside. And with the rain it was very stuffy and humid down there, I did get a little car sick.






First thing we did was go to the Eiffel Tower to show mom and dad where Tyler proposed. Dad also suggested we stand next to this tree and every time we come back we will stand next to it again to mark how much we have grown and the tree. Dad also thought I should “Tebow” in front of the Tower- no objection on my part!


This is the view of the Tower from where Tyler proposed










Nest we went to Galleries Lafayette. Man, was it crowded! I guess on a rainy day in Paris what to do but show! I was very impressed by the building but we mostly window-shopped. The Longchamp store here was a ZOO I am glad I went to the Flagship store yesterday. Note to self- next time buy more Longchamp! Such a good price compared to the States!


Galleries Lafayette:


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Post# 25 Last Day in the City of Lights (Part 2 of 5)



Mom and Dad wanted to go back to the hotel and rest. Tyler and I decided to go back to the lovers bridge to take a picture with the ring and the lock. We also miscalculated how long it would be to walk from there to back to our hotel area. We walked a LONNNGGGG way, in the rain, along the Seine. Hey, I would rather be walking in Paris in the rain than Atlanta any day, just saying! Of course due to the rain all the street vendors were closed.








We also were on a crepe mission today. Believe it or not, we had a hard time finding crepes! I remember from 2004 there being more food vendors all over the place but I did read somewhere they passed a law a few years ago with stricter guidelines? We finally found a crepe stand off Champs Elysees. We huddled under the little roof and ate our crepes before walking back towards the hotel.




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Post# 25 Last Day in the City of Lights (Part 3 of 5)


We went back to the hotel to change out of our wet clothes and re-group. After a little rest we hit up the Monoprix one last time. This “Target” type store was instantly a hit in our book. I was able to pick up some gifts for people back home and we bought some French snacks to bring back with us. We went to Laduree again. I cannot get enough of this place! Good thing I didn’t go earlier in the trip or else I would have spent all my money on macarons!












Side note: Since our return I have attempted to make my own macarons, I will have a blog post for that! here ya go:




We did some window shopping along Champs-Elysees. Tyler suggested we go to the Swatch store. I have always like watches. I was surprised that the prices were not has high as I though they would be. Tyler suggested I get one as a good memory from the trip. We picked out a watch and I set the time. I actually have kept the time on “Paris Time” so if you ever are curious to what time it is in Paris, just ask! I am not accustomed to taking 6 hours away now, ha! (another side note- Tyler thinks I should get a watch from every major trip and always keep the time to that location).


It was nearing dinner time now and I had something special planned for tonight. I wanted to do something that would really re-cap our time in Paris and allow us to relax and reflect before the flight tomorrow. Tonight is the night for us to do a river cruise. I suggest you do this the first night or the last night. Personally I like the last night because you have already seen everything in person and now you can enjoy the sights in a different view- at night from the magical Seine.


Tour Guide Ashley:



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Post# 25 Last Day in the City of Lights (Part 4 of 5)


We decided to eat dinner at Relais de l’Entrecote again. This is the place that only serves steak-frites. We went there on the first night as well. We HIGHLY recommend this place, it is 25 Euros and amazing! Warning: a line does form at the door so be prepared to wait some. We loved this place so much we now refer to it as “RNC.” Not sure exactly how we got those letter out of the name but we have a hard time pronouncing the real name so we just call it RNC. RNC comes up in conversation at least once every 2 weeks- still to this day. Actually I think we discuss the trip almost everyday at some point- truly the trip of a lifetime! Ok I am off topic now.









Dad, Tyler, and I walked to RNC from the hotel. Mom will meet us later for the boat ride. Brandon is being, well, a 20 year old boy and wants to stay in. Think he is ready to go home now. The news of Killer really hit all of us hard.


After stuffing our faces with amazing bread, salad, steak, and the mysterious but amazing “green sauce” we made our way to the docks. We met up with mom and decided to wait for the next cruise so we could get good seats. The sun sets very late in Paris in the summertime and we wanted to be on the cruise for sunset. We picked the 9:40 PM cruise. Oh I forgot to say, we used Bateaux-Mouches.








The ride was very enjoyable, the rain had stopped; a little cooler than we would like. It is truly marvelous to watch the city come to life as the sun sets and the moon rises.


Lovers bridge from the river:






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Post# 25 Last Day in the City of Lights (Part 5 of 5)


Towards the end we did move to the inside because of the cold wind. On our way back walking to the hotel we were able to catch the 11pm tower light show from the Pont de l’Alma bridge. This was the same showing Tyler proposed to me the previous night.


The tower is so magical:






everyone hiding from the cold wind to watch the tower light show:




We slowly made our way back to the hotel knowing this was the last time we would see Paris at night. Paris really is very romantic at night. It is so beautiful how the buildings glow and seeing the tower pop up around corners. It is so lovely to just stroll. We knew the streets by now back to the hotel and gave them all nicknames: to get home we “go up the George 5 (V) and Pierre Cher!”


Tyler and I ate the rest of our macarons and begrudgingly packed our bags. I don’t know if I should call it “packed” since I pretty much to threw my belongings in but oh-so-carefully packed my precious souvenirs. Just a note, Laduree was 15.50 Euros for a 6 pack of macarons. We have a 5:15 AM flight to catch; early wake up call. here is my blog post: http://dessertationblog.blogspot.com/


Being silly with macarons, Tyler loved them needless to say




The last words I wrote in my journal were:



“Goodbye trip and journal,


the trip of a lifetime,


ciao, ciao, outttttt”


and as if on cue, tears stream from my face again….

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I want to add my best wishes to those of others. My dear Cyndee and I will be celebrating our 46th anniversary next Monday. Always remember how you feel about each other today. Every marriage has a rough spot now and then. If and when you have one you can always look at this tread as a reminder of how special you are to each other.

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I want to add my best wishes to those of others. My dear Cyndee and I will be celebrating our 46th anniversary next Monday. Always remember how you feel about each other today. Every marriage has a rough spot now and then. If and when you have one you can always look at this tread as a reminder of how special you are to each other.


Thank you so much and that is wonderful to hear for you! Congrats to you both! I only look forward to us celebrating for many years.


We miss you! You will have to have a wedding blog so we can see all of the wedding festivities or


preface your honeymoon cruise review with wedding pictures.


From your wonderful review, you and your family seem like close personal friends.


Aw thank you for the kind words :o I do have a blog I started (it doesn't have much yet) you can find it here: http://dessertationblog.blogspot.com/


I will be sure to include some wedding pics! Hopefully we will be able to go on our dream cruise honeymoon so I can come back and report on it :D


I feel like CC is my second family! So many people wanting to share stories, help other, be there for advice, etc. it is such a nice place here :D

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thank you, thank you, thank you! I don't know how you find the time while you are studing but thank you. Your blog will be awesome. I have never followed a blog from its infancy! Yours will be the first and it's so exciting!:):):)


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thank you, thank you, thank you! I don't know how you find the time while you are studing but thank you. Your blog will be awesome. I have never followed a blog from its infancy! Yours will be the first and it's so exciting!:):):)



Aww that is so nice to say Mo. Thank you for taking the time to read this never-ending report! I just found out I was offered a new teaching job (full-time) on Tuesday so now my time is going to be even more precious! :eek: And I am excited for the blog! I will be posting this trip on there so my family can read it so you might see some duplicate posts, sorry :o

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Thank you lovestx :D Did you finish your report? I need to go find it!


And yes, what a relief to get my new job! Now we will be able to afford our dream cruise honeymoon!


Not yet....but will in the coming days. Maybe you should do an Eastern Med cruise for your honeymoon...start in Rome, do a couple of days on the Amalfi Coast and then off on the cruise. Just an idea :)

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Post# 26: Back to the U.S. of A. (Part 1 of 2)


Paris: 5am sure came quick! The sun is up as we slowly load our belongings into the taxi.







Paris is calm and peaceful at this hour, seems we are the only ones up.


Remember how I am a sentimental junkie? Well on my first trip to Europe I wore my “Ciao Bella” shirt on the plane ride home… so of course on this trip I had to wear my new “Ciao Bella” shirt home. (not looking forward to leaving, or the flight)




The French flag now hangs from the Arc in preparation for an event with the President. The ride to the airport is somber. I am doing everything in my power not to cry. I am sure if I were not on my flying anxiety meds I probably would be crying.





look how quiet it is!



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Post# 26: Back to the U.S. of A. (Part 2 of 2)


Flights were fine not much to report on.







Our friend picked us up at the airport in Atlanta and we went to eat at Chilis. We wanted something super American so we picked Chilis. Wow, eating at Chilis after Europe was depressing! I have not been back to Chilis since!


The vase made it home in one piece! That ironing board was "command central" only a few weeks ago, now it is souvenir central. We hand carried on the plane in bubble wrap. (also the cross necklace I am wearing I got in Florence on my first trip in 2004)





This will be the last entry.


I would like to end on saying I am very thankful for my amazing parents who graciously took us on this trip of a lifetime. I do not know how I could ever repay them for this!


And thank you all for your patience with me as I work on my PhD, work, and plan a wedding while writing this report. Your kind words have kept me going! This report is now at 99 single-spaced pages on Word. I am so grateful for Cruise Critic and the knowledgeable and kind, thoughtful members. I hope to read more trip reports from you all to help with my post-trip blues. Even though our trip is now 6 months past us, I am still so sad it is over.


What is next for us? Well Tyler and I are getting married in November in St. Petersburg, FL. I have started a blog (http://dessertationblog.blogspot.com/) to talk about trips, wedding planning, baking and Europe. We hope to go on our honeymoon to Europe (Celebrity cruise of course!). I am thinking of becoming a travel writer on the side once I am done with school. Or I would love to somehow give tours to young people (like the tour I went on in 2004) so I can experience the joy people feel the first time they visit Europe. You can NEVER recreate that feeling of the first time in Europe, or Paris.


And the last bit of future news, Tyler and I have dreams of moving to Europe in the next few years. We have a tentative plan- just have to figure out the logistics (i.e. what would we do? Ha! Kind of a big thing to figure out!). I could teach but we are not sure what Tyler could do yet. But our dream is to move to Europe, one way or another we will make it happen!



One last time…


Ciao ciao,







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Dear Ashley,


We all owe you a tremendous debt of gratitude for allowing us to live vicariously through your lovely trip report. It has been such a lovely journey with you and for many of us you have renewed our faith in 'the younger generation' thanks to your kindness and appreciative spirit. I try to live by the motto "You get what you give."....in your case, you will receive much as you give your heart and soul so willingly to all.


Best wishes on your upcoming marriage! Maybe you could find a transatlantic that would work with your wedding timing. Some time in Europe first and then off for two weeks of relaxation :)


I wish you all the best,


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Ooohhhh Ashley, it was so neat to find this today and that I have not missed the end of your review. It just has been fabulous and have so enjoyed your style of writing and especially your photographs.


All my Best Wishes for your upcoming wedding and studies. And it is great that you are planning to go to Europe again. Hope your honeymoon is even more romantic then this trip has been.


As you can see in my signature I'm going with my DH to the Med in September. He is a Kiwi and this will be his first cruise and his first time to the Med. Here is hoping that he loves it as much as you. He thinks that he will only ever cruise once.

Moi, ofcourse would like to change that idea! Ne'st pas?

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Dear Ashley,


Thank you so much for sharing not only your trip with us, but your engagement too. You are an exceptional writer. It has been such a pleasure to read about your adventures.. pleale continue to write. We also would like to wish you and Tyler much happened and a long lie together with lots of joy.


All the best to you and I hope all your dreams come true.


Allie and Rene

Edited by alliebrandy
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Dear Ashley,


We all owe you a tremendous debt of gratitude for allowing us to live vicariously through your lovely trip report. It has been such a lovely journey with you and for many of us you have renewed our faith in 'the younger generation' thanks to your kindness and appreciative spirit. I try to live by the motto "You get what you give."....in your case, you will receive much as you give your heart and soul so willingly to all.


Best wishes on your upcoming marriage! Maybe you could find a transatlantic that would work with your wedding timing. Some time in Europe first and then off for two weeks of relaxation :)


I wish you all the best,



Carol that was so nice of you to say, thank you. Your children seem lovely, kind, and appreciative! And that sounds like a pretty good plan to me ;)


Ooohhhh Ashley, it was so neat to find this today and that I have not missed the end of your review. It just has been fabulous and have so enjoyed your style of writing and especially your photographs.


All my Best Wishes for your upcoming wedding and studies. And it is great that you are planning to go to Europe again. Hope your honeymoon is even more romantic then this trip has been.


As you can see in my signature I'm going with my DH to the Med in September. He is a Kiwi and this will be his first cruise and his first time to the Med. Here is hoping that he loves it as much as you. He thinks that he will only ever cruise once.

Moi, ofcourse would like to change that idea! Ne'st pas?


Thank you so much! I can't wait to hear about your trip!! He has a lot of "firsts" too! I bet you might be able to change his mind, ha! :D

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Dear Ashley,


Thank you so much for sharing not only your trip with us, but your engagement too. You are an exceptional writer. It has been such a pleasure to read about your adventures.. pleale continue to write. We also would like to wish you and Tyler much happened and a long lie together with lots of joy.


All the best to you and I hope all your dreams come true.


Allie and Rene


Thank Allie and Rene, I appreciate the kind words. I will definitely be doing a write up on our honeymoon cruise! I have learned to enjoy writing now that I do it for school everyday. When I finish my degree I do plan on writing but for now I have to focus on my dissertation :(


Thanks for sharing your experiences with us. Best wishes for your wedding, finishing your degree, and all your hopes for the future!


Thank you :D

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