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5/23/12 1st time X/cruise, med. engagement, Paris; oh my! Solstice Med. Trip Report


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Ashley, I just found your thread yesterday. Spent all day yesterday and today reading your posts. Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful travels and engagement. Best of luck on your wedding and future travels. We have THOROUGHLY enjoyed it. Looking forward to reading your blog!

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Thank you, Ashley, for the fabulous journal! I LOVED reading about your amazing travel adventures with your wonderful family! Best of luck with everything! BTW, I'm also a cruising Gator girl too, with a degree in elementary education, class of '81. I live just outside of Gainesville and love my Gators and Celebrity! Hope to see wedding and honeymoon photos someday!

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First of all congrats on the engagement I am sure the wedding planning book is filling up quickly for you!

My fiancé and I are taking this same cruise (except on the Equinox) in roughly 98 days! We are in full wedding mode and it was amazing to take a quick break and switch to HONEYMOON mode. I stumbled across your post on Saturday and I couldn't stop reading it. Nicole read it quicker than me and whenever I disappeared over the weekend with my IPad she just laughed when I said I am waiting for the proposal! LOL I asked her to marry me on a cruise last year as we were sailing out of Ft Lauderdale and had pictures and video taken without here knowing so trust me those pictures you have are priceless!


I have actually copied many of your comments to use in my honeymoon document ( not quite the book you had but nonetheless a document) We are cruise veterans but new to X and we can't wait. Getting married on 4/13/13 here in Southern California then flying to London on 4/25 for a day, then to Paris for a day then on to Barcelona for a day before boarding the ship. I know, I know not nearly enough time but work, vacation time and money prohibit longer stays.. And we can sleep when we are dead!


I am so happy I did not find your post till now or I would have been going crazy waiting for the next installment glad to be able to read it all!


Thank you thank you thank you and congrats!!!

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Fantastic trip report! Thank you for taking the time to share your wonderful trip with us!!


We are taking the same cruise on Equinox in October. We haven't been to any of the ports before, with the exception (for me) of Barcelona. I agree with you about Barcelona. I spent 4 days there in 2008 and I wanted to move there too!


I had a couple of questions for you, if you don't mind.


1. Which days were the formal nights? I know one is the second night and the another is the next to last night, but what day is the middle formal night?


2. Your info on Rome in Limo was really helpful. I have seen other good reviews of them and think that is who we want to use. I went to the website - did you start from one of the pre packaged tours for each city, or did you do a custom itinerary?


I'm a planner too and use excel spreadshets for my vacations also, lol.


Thanks again!

Edited by shoelover536
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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi Ashley,

Many thanks for your time & effort into this report.


Now for weddign planning.... there are a heap of us in the same shoes over @ weddingbee.com - come along & you will love!


Thanks again!


Thank you for reading it! I have been over to the wedding bee but haven't made an account yet, just lurk ;)


I've been wondering since I saw you post this picture on the Fashion and Beauty forums months ago.. WHERE is this dress from?! I need it.


I have been searching all over the internet to find it for you! I bought it from a local boutique for about $45 and can't find it anywhere online. The tag only says "Anna Grace" this was the only thing I could find that is kinda like it:





Edited by CruisingGatorGirl
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Thank you, Ashley, for the fabulous journal! I LOVED reading about your amazing travel adventures with your wonderful family! Best of luck with everything! BTW, I'm also a cruising Gator girl too, with a degree in elementary education, class of '81. I live just outside of Gainesville and love my Gators and Celebrity! Hope to see wedding and honeymoon photos someday!


go Gators!! Are you teaching in Gainesville? I have a couple friends from school that still teach there. Since you are in FL... the new teaching job I got is with Florida Virtual School :)


Thank you for the sweet words!!


First of all congrats on the engagement I am sure the wedding planning book is filling up quickly for you!

My fiancé and I are taking this same cruise (except on the Equinox) in roughly 98 days! We are in full wedding mode and it was amazing to take a quick break and switch to HONEYMOON mode. I stumbled across your post on Saturday and I couldn't stop reading it. Nicole read it quicker than me and whenever I disappeared over the weekend with my IPad she just laughed when I said I am waiting for the proposal! LOL I asked her to marry me on a cruise last year as we were sailing out of Ft Lauderdale and had pictures and video taken without here knowing so trust me those pictures you have are priceless!


I have actually copied many of your comments to use in my honeymoon document ( not quite the book you had but nonetheless a document) We are cruise veterans but new to X and we can't wait. Getting married on 4/13/13 here in Southern California then flying to London on 4/25 for a day, then to Paris for a day then on to Barcelona for a day before boarding the ship. I know, I know not nearly enough time but work, vacation time and money prohibit longer stays.. And we can sleep when we are dead!


I am so happy I did not find your post till now or I would have been going crazy waiting for the next installment glad to be able to read it all!


Thank you thank you thank you and congrats!!!


WOW thank you for sharing!!!! And thank you for the kind words! At times it seemed like I was writing the never-ending report so glad somebody enjoyed it! You are so lucky, you must tell us about your trip!!! Sorry it has taken me so long to reply, I have been super busy with school, new job, and wedding planning :D Yes i hear ya, I think for our honeymoon next year we will not be able to go as long due to time-off from work, money etc. but that is my motto too! Sleep when we are dead ;)


Keep us updated and I hope you write a review when you get back! If you have questions let me know!!! Thanks for sharing!!

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Fantastic trip report! Thank you for taking the time to share your wonderful trip with us!!


We are taking the same cruise on Equinox in October. We haven't been to any of the ports before, with the exception (for me) of Barcelona. I agree with you about Barcelona. I spent 4 days there in 2008 and I wanted to move there too!


I had a couple of questions for you, if you don't mind.


1. Which days were the formal nights? I know one is the second night and the another is the next to last night, but what day is the middle formal night?


2. Your info on Rome in Limo was really helpful. I have seen other good reviews of them and think that is who we want to use. I went to the website - did you start from one of the pre packaged tours for each city, or did you do a custom itinerary?


I'm a planner too and use excel spreadshets for my vacations also, lol.


Thanks again!


Sorry for the delay, I have been super busy... just started a new job :D WOOHOO! How lucky you are... I hope you write a report when you get back :) I need to relive my trip! Our formal nights were the second night like you said, and I think the other two were the first sea day (which was after Naples port) and the last one was the sea day after Croatia.


yes, that was how I started. but Jany is SOO good don't stress. I basically said we want to do the "rome in a day" (or whichever one it was) but I wanted to do XYZ and XYZ was not listed? She/he (still not sure if Jany is a she or he lol) said no problem, they tailor the trip to your wants and needs :) No stress and Jany replies back almost instantly, it's crazy!


Hope this helped :) Let me know if you have more questions

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Hi Ashley!


Have you added much to your blog? For some reason I couldn't open it....




Hi! I have not posted anything recently. I started a new teaching job so I have been really busy :D I will try to update it this weekend. I can post here when I do update it so you will know.


Here is the link again:


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Hi, Ashley!


How are you liking FLVS? My oldest daughter is heading to Orlando tonight to go to a group interview in the morning! I have a friend that teaches science for FLVS. My youngest daughter took some classes thru FLVS- great teachers and curriculum. I'm now employed by the Alachua County Library District doing children's programs-all the fun with the children without all the paperwork and parent conferences! :) Mary

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Hi, Ashley!


How are you liking FLVS? My oldest daughter is heading to Orlando tonight to go to a group interview in the morning! I have a friend that teaches science for FLVS. My youngest daughter took some classes thru FLVS- great teachers and curriculum. I'm now employed by the Alachua County Library District doing children's programs-all the fun with the children without all the paperwork and parent conferences! :) Mary




I LOVE it so far! Today marks the end of week one-post training :) So far, so good! But like any new job the beginning is overwhelming. I am working 10-12 hours a day but I can make my own schedule which is amazing! They said after the first couple months I will get a good routine going and will work 8 hours a day :D I L-O-V-E it! I feel like I already know my students better in the one week than I did in the regular, physical school all year!


Tell your daughter to be patient! LOL, seriously! I went to my day long group interview back in September and I did not get hired until 1/28/13! I had about 4ish interviews. 1 phone interview, 2 group one in Orlando (more of a seminar than interview), 3 tiny phone one, 4 come down to Orlando for one-on-one interview. Then about 4 weeks after the last one I got the call :D After the Orlando group thing they will put her in the pipeline.


I wish there was a way to private message you. If she has any questions let me know and I will give you my email.


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I have been searching all over the internet to find it for you! I bought it from a local boutique for about $45 and can't find it anywhere online. The tag only says "Anna Grace" this was the only thing I could find that is kinda like it:






Thanks for looking!

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  • 1 month later...
Post #7: Am I really on the Cote D’Azur?


5/24/2012, Thursday


Pictured below: The quaint, colorful, seaside town of Villefrance along the Cote D'Azur





Solstice, South of France: I jumped out of bed as soon as the alarm went off (we used our cell phones for alarms, on airplane mode)… I wanted to get up super early, I am guessing maybe 5:30-6ish? I peaked my head through the heavy, darkening curtains slowly to try and let Tyler sleep. Ummm, holy cow, we were port side, sailing slowly along the Cote D’Azur approaching our port of Villefranche. Whattt! No Way! No time to be quiet, too excited for soft voices. I ripped those curtains open and turned to tell Tyler to tell him “you have got to see this!” but him and most of the rest of the ship decided to sleep some more. From leaning over the balcony and turning my head side to side and up and down I felt alone. How can everyone be sleeping through this??? Of course I know I was not the only one up, it just felt that way at the time because I was so excited! I just wanted someone to be witnessing this beauty with me! It was a very special moment for me, my first morning on the Solstice, seas as calm as a pool, temps in the high 60’s/low 70’s, looking into the eyes of the French coastline.


Pictured below: What I first saw when I went onto the balcony




I took French for 3 years in high school and after visiting Paris in 2004 I fell in love with France, Europe, the culture everything. I had been waiting for this moment, to see the Cote D’Azur, something I study years ago in person. And we could not have asked for better weather! I was practically ready to jump off the boat and swim to shore!


Today the plan, according to “the book,” was room-service on the balcony, catch the first tender in, take the train to Monaco (complete dad’s dream to see the Grand Prix), take the train back to Eze, and if time permits, see Cannes too since the film festival was going on.


pictured below: Breakfast with a view




Villefrance, France: We made the 2nd tender, no lines/waits nothing, got right on. We easily made our way to the train station. We waited in the short line to buy our train tickets for Monaco. The man selling the tickets did not speak English, “SWEET, I get to use my mad French skills” I thought to myself. Well they are not really mad… you know what I mean. I practiced in my head my numbers and conversations I would need anxiously awaiting my turn to step up and order tickets for my family. I felt like a proud 4 year old! I bought the tickets and we headed to the platform.





At the platform the workers warned us that pick pocketing was bad now, especially with the Grand Prix and Film Festival happening in the same week. We also were told there was a train strike going on. The train came quickly and it was standing room only. I gave everyone strict orders to watch their watches and money. The man next to us, had his wallet taken right our of his pockets while we were standing next to him! But we came out just fine.


The train ride was a short 16 minute ride along the coast line. I loved this brief ride, wish it would have lasted longer!





Monaco: We got off at our stop and immediately the hairs on our arms stood up, we all stopped and looked at each other and grinned… the race cars were roaring and ripping through the streets! We could hear and feel their wrath even in the station! It was going to be a good day! My dad has always dreamt of seeing the Grand Prix of Monaco but since until a year ago, had no desire to go to Europe he never thought this would happen. He specifically picked this cruise because it would be in Monaco during the race.


Pictured below: Vendors line the streets for the Grand Prix of Monaco




We followed the crowd out of the station anxiously awaiting our first sight of the race track, and BAM, we were hit with a mean dose of reality. Fences everywhere! They have the race completely blocked off so those without tickets could not see it. I could feel my dads heart sinking, he did not even have to say a word, I knew it. How were we going to turn this around?


I tried to redirect the attention to the first goal of the day, getting to the top where the royal palace was, I knew that was a great viewing spot, just maybe we could see the race there? We started our way towards the top but due to the race many roads were closed and I was not sure how to get there. I timidly walked up to vendors to ask for help. I suddenly became very self conscious of my French; the vendors hardly spoke English. When I get nervous I have my “little girl voice” as Tyler calls it. It came out. They did not really know what I was trying to say. I just nodded my head and walked along. I got some confidence and asked again. Now we are talking.


continued below...

You were lucky to make it to Monaco for the race. We also cruised during the race and about 3 days before leaving, they changed our port. We got to look down at the track and listen to the cars, from a cliff above the city. That was cool, too.


You're doing a great job on your journal here. Love it. It's also great to relive many places I've been.


See you in Dec. (our first X cruise)

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You were lucky to make it to Monaco for the race. We also cruised during the race and about 3 days before leaving, they changed our port. We got to look down at the track and listen to the cars, from a cliff above the city. That was cool, too.


You're doing a great job on your journal here. Love it. It's also great to relive many places I've been.


See you in Dec. (our first X cruise)


Thank you :) Why did they change the port?

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Thank you :) Why did they change the port?


They weren't permitting your buses or taxis in to pick people up

We would have been stuck on the ship


I only got up to page 6 so far. Did u ever submit your pics to x

I've never seen a review where the reviewer was asked by marketing to apply to contribute

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Congratulations and best wishes on a beautiful life with Tyler! You and your family sound like nice people I enjoyed y.our trip report! And special thanks to Brandon for taking the engagement pictures!

Thanks for the report, certainly enjoyed it.

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I am only up to page three, but I have to say that this is one of the most descriptive and concise Trip Reports I've ever read. We've picked up quite a few tips for our departure tomorrow for Paris/Barcelona/Regent cruise/Italy and have been able to relive our past trips to Europe.


One theme that really stands out in your report is about the importance of travelling and sharing memories with your family. It is so true, yet it can be so hard to do. We took annual vacations to Disney, etc., and we have so many wonderful memories. But, you've made me stop and think about how much more we could have done together and how much time we've lost mostly due to work (retired military and never home). Keep your theme in mind as you go through life and enjoy it. Thanks for reminding an old dog about this powerful message.


Though our schnooks are now 26, 24, and 18 The Boss now thinks that we should be taking them with us to Europe along with our SIL next time. This one I blame on your postings. :-)

Edited by Zqueeze1
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Thanks for the link, Ashley. If guests have half as much fun at the Hot Glass Show as the glassblowers, it's gonna be a good time! Take care and safe travels.


Thank you for the work you do! Will you be on the Equinox this fall?


I am only up to page three, but I have to say that this is one of the most descriptive and concise Trip Reports I've ever read. We've picked up quite a few tips for our departure tomorrow for Paris/Barcelona/Regent cruise/Italy and have been able to relive our past trips to Europe.


One theme that really stands out in your report is about the importance of travelling and sharing memories with your family. It is so true, yet it can be so hard to do. We took annual vacations to Disney, etc., and we have so many wonderful memories. But, you've made me stop and think about how much more we could have done together and how much time we've lost mostly due to work (retired military and never home). Keep your theme in mind as you go through life and enjoy it. Thanks for reminding an old dog about this powerful message.


Though our schnooks are now 26, 24, and 18 The Boss now thinks that we should be taking them with us to Europe along with our SIL next time. This one I blame on your postings. :-)


Wow thank you so much! You are away on your trip right now (I think). Yes family is so important to me! You should take them to Europe ;) and write a report when you come back :D

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