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Disney, FOS and Tennessee Smoky Mountains - full review with pics


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cable car above the car park we were in


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A couple of minutes later we had reached the cable car and went in and purchased our tickets. I can't remember how much it cost for this but it wasn't too much


These carts can hold 120 people but I reckon there was maybe 30 in the one we got in.


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Entrance to the cable car


The views going up were spectacular and the girl that worked in our cart was very informative and gave us loads of details about the area and some of the house we went over.


There was a house that was built with Barbie in mind!


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The 'Barbie' house


Although some of these houses were lovely I still prefered our cabin lol


We got off the cable car at the top of the mountain and I was surprised to see that there was quite a lot to do once you get out at the top. It's like a winter adventure park up there and I was gutted we didn't come here earlier in the day.


You could buy a $20 wrist band that got you on everything as often as you like. It was like an all day pass. By the time we got there (about 3.30pm) they had stopped selling the wrist bands and we had to pay for each thing individually that we wanted to go on.


We saw there was some bobsleighs coming down the mountain but instead of it being made of ice it was made of plastic (like a water slide) and you came down in a cart with wheels on the bottom.


To get to the start of this ride you have to take a chair lift up so this is where we headed first.


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It took a few minutes to get to the top and soon we were in our carts coming back down again. It was loads of fun! We all loved it.


Callum and Ramsay come down first and me and Scott followed a couple of minutes later.


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Me and Scott coming down in our carts

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Scott won!


Next the boys wanted to do the maze so we headed off in this area.


We were stood in a platform above the maze looking down on them, they were giggling and having a good time


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There was lots of other things to do up here like crazy golf and they had an ice rink too. We spend a while just having a look around at the shops etc then decided to go back down into Gatlinburg as I wanted a look around at the shops etc.



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It takes around 15 mins in the cable car to go up and down and the scenery is stunning.


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Coming back down again

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There was lots of halloween items all over the town like scare crows and pumkins. It had a really nice feel to the place


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We came across a Moonshine distillery which was really interesting. You could really smell it when you went in. We didn't buy any but maybe will when we return hopefully in a couple of years time


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We had a look in some of the shops then before we knew it we were all feeling hungry again. We decided on Pizza Hut tonight but I didn't really enjoy it. I'm not really keen on Pizza but Ramsay and the boys enjoyed it


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When we came out of Pizza Hut it was dark again. That's the one thing i've noticed about Tennessee, it gets dark very quickly.


We took some photo's on the way back to the car


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On the way back to the cabin we had to cut back through Pigeon Forge and I decided to stop at Krispy Kreme's for some do-nuts. We bought a box of 12 as we figured we could have these for breakfast in the morning before we went to the airport. We also intended on having some when we got back to the cabin too.


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We got home around 9pm and had a quiet night on the balcony drinking tea and eating our do-nuts. There was lots of stars out tonight and Ramsay managed to get a few photo's from our balcony in the dark.


We were in bed by 11am and feeling sad that this was our last night.


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Day 15.......time to go home sad_smile.gif



My alarm went off at 8am this morning. This is the day I was dreading.....I wasn't ready for going home just yet, there was still so much I wanted to do and see plus I wanted to spend more time relaxing in the cabin.


I finished off the packing and at 10am it was time for us to lock the cabin door for the last time and make our way to the airport.


Whilst we were loading the car the maintenance man was coming into the cabin to do something to the air conditioning so we stood and spoke to him for around 20 mins. He was really friendly and was telling us a bit about the area.


Soon we were on our way to the airport. It only took around 45 mins to drive here and we headed for the car rental returns.


We found the Alamo area and someone greeted us and checked the car over.


Soon we were making our way into the terminal and checking in for our 1pm flight to Newark with United Airlines.


We went for something to eat in Ruby Tuesdays then went over towards our gate.


I was really surprised at most of the planes arriving and departing from this airport, they were all small planes. It was a small airport.


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We sat and plane watched for a while then we saw our plane arrive at the gate.


Soon we were getting called to board. We were one of the last to board the plane and we were sat at the back. There was only 18 rows of seats the roof was very low. It was so low that Ramsay and Callum had to walk the their seats crouched down.


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Our flight to Newark


The flight took off on time and before we knew it we were high above the clouds and heading for Newark.


The flight was very bumpy, I was nervous for most of the time but it wasn't long till we were on our way down again. The flight time was only just over an hour


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We had a 5 hour wait in Newark airport for our flight back to Edinburgh. We spent the time wandering around the shops and having something to eat. We managed to pick up wifi so we spent some time on the internet and facebook.


There was no delays for the last leg of our journey and before too long we were leaving the USA for another year and heading back across the Atlantic towards Scotland.


I managed a couple of hours sleep on the flight and we touched down in a very cold Edinburgh at 8am.


We had an amazing holiday but it went by far too fast. I'm now in planning mode for next year's holiday back the Orlando and Disneyworld


We've now been home for 3 weeks and lots of people have asked me what part of the holiday we enjoyed the most. I've had time to think about it all and as much as I loved our cruise I think I liked Tennessee the most. The cabin was out of this world and waking up to that view every day just tipped it for me.


The boys prefered the cruise but they did also love Tennessee too and Ramsay was the same as me, Tennessee for him too

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Really enjoyed your review and photos. We went to Pigeon Forge and Dollywood in 1998; I'm sure it's changed a lot since then. I'd definitely like to go back and rent one of those cabins. They looked amazing!!


Thanks, again, for sharing your vacation with us.

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Yes, Great Review. There are so many different places in the states you would love for the scenery. I have only driven through Tennessee, but one day do want to plan a trip "to" Tennessee instead.


I loved the Freedom review as well. You'll definitely need to try another to another area. Maybe Alaska or NE/Canada some time :)

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I've read many reviews and this is in the top 3. Great job.


I did the same thing as you did. I couldn't find my cabin in them thar hills either. It made life interesting for awhile.


You know one cruise leads to another one so hope to see you doing another one soon.


I am so happy you enjoyed your visit here.

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Great review!!! So loved your review on the Smokies...We own three cabins outside of pigeon forge in Smoky Cove which is 7 minutes from the parkway, the main driving road thru Pigeon Forge.


We love Cades Cove and always make it a point to go ride thru the cove when we visit. We are heading down after thanksgiving to work on our large cabin. I hope you let the rental office know about the mattresses on the sleepers so that they can check them for the cabin owners. Sometimes inbetween our visits to check out our cabins for wear and tear...like going thru and replacing dishes and pots and pans and sometimes furniture! the only way we know something needs replaced or fixed is thru our guests telling our rental company!


Sitting in the hot tub at night in the Smokies is so so awesome...glad you enjoyed. We haven't been to Dollywood in a few years and plan on going to see Winterfest with all the Christmas lights this trip.


Thank you so so much for sharing your adventure with us. Love seeing the pictures of the Freedom. We have been on the Liberty of the Seas which is her sister ship. It was great hearing about your arrival into Cape Canaveral.


Take care and have a great holiday. Can't wait to enjoy your next review.

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HELLO Tinkers 70! Had looked forward to this review for months and don't know how I missed it, but found it just today.


What a wonderful trip your family had. Sounded like your first cruise was a hit and your "cabin in the sky" in the Smoky's just blew me away.


Thank you so much for all of your beautiful pictures and taking the time to post so many details of your trip. LOVED IT!!

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Loved your review. We have sailed Freedom 3 times now and just love that classs of ship. Just for grins I plugged in the address of Sugar Maple Cabins into my GPS and it took me right there. I know this because the Google Earth picture of the place is the same as yours.

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Thank you for sharing this fantastic trip with us! I'm happy you loved your stay in TN. We love Pigeon Forge/Sevierville/Gatlinburg.


Next time you go, be sure to visit the Comedy Barn in Pigeon Forge. It's clean family fun, and the first time we went I laughed harder than I've ever laughed in my life! Big belly laughs the 2nd time, too!

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wow, what a beautiful photos and sound it is great place to see.


thank for showing it




Hiya *waves*....i'm Marion here (TrueBlue from the Dibb) :) xxx


We also went to Tennesee last Oct., and for Christmas the year before and loved it. And the year before that we did Freedom and Disney. Thanks for the trip down memory lane ,loved your review. Next up Oasis eastern.:rolleyes:


Thank you, so jealous....would love to d Oasis on day! Might plan that ship for our next cruise:)

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Thank you again for sharing your vacation with us. I enjoyed your travel log and pictures immensely. Your pictures were amazing.





Thank you Cathy, so pleased you enjoyed reading about our trip :)


Fabulous review! I love the pictures of the mountains and the changing leaves. I would love to visit there someday! Thanks for sharing!


I would highly recommend the Smokies and also Sugar Maple Cabins. I knew before we went that I was going to love this area and the cabin but was surprised at just how much I fell in love with the place :)

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Great job! We were on the Freedom in October as well. Your pictures are lovely.


Where you on our sailing?? Hope you had as fab a time as we did :)


Really enjoyed your review and photos. We went to Pigeon Forge and Dollywood in 1998; I'm sure it's changed a lot since then. I'd definitely like to go back and rent one of those cabins. They looked amazing!!


Thanks, again, for sharing your vacation with us.


Awww your welcome. I'm so pleased i've had great feedback about my review. Can highly recommend the cabin and the rental company too :)

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Yes, Great Review. There are so many different places in the states you would love for the scenery. I have only driven through Tennessee, but one day do want to plan a trip "to" Tennessee instead.


I loved the Freedom review as well. You'll definitely need to try another to another area. Maybe Alaska or NE/Canada some time :)


I have Canada on my planning radar! Would love to visit here, it looks amazing!


I have always been fascinated by the States and first visited over 20 years ago when I spent a week in LA and a week in Vegas. My son is going to Denver in March next year with his school for a skiing trip and we have booked Florida again for October next year


We are at the early planning stages of a large west coast tour in 2014, hoping to build a cruise into this at some point too :D


Already looking forward to next year's adventure!! Fabulous review, pictures outstanding. You have a lovely family. Until next time....


Awww thank you for your kind words and thank you for reading :)

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