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Caribbean Princess 6/4-11/05 Journal


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I think it's the ships webserver that is blocking the picture upload because I am on a mac and the error message pasted below is windows based. I'll post the pix when I get home if I can't do it before.


Warning: filesize(): Stat failed for C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\phpFC.tmp (errno=2 - No such file or directory) in \includes\functions_file.php on line 286

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Pamwin... a suggestion for skin "cracks" is a product called "bag balm." You'll find it in the Vermont County Store catalog (www.vermontcountrystore.) It's a natural product that folks in northern New England swear by.


Oh I have missed that product for years....used to use it when I lived in MA but can't find it around here....Thanks for the website...I will be sure to get some..it works wonders on chapped hands and dry feet:)


Pamwinn..we will be on the CB in October...absoulutely love the posts so keep them coming please.... Em

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I am not a teacher but live in a family full of educators including my DH. You must be a joy in the classroom, not to mention the teacher's lounge! :) Love your journal - it would make a hillarious flick. I Especially loved the part about your cabin neighbors doing the "wild thing" on their balcony and also your on-board siteseeing (the six-pack guy). I was in stitches! :D When I'm on the CB in August, I will be seeing the ship for the first time from a whole different perspective!

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Hubby and I had a balcony last year and things got a little frisky. Think the neighbors were watching?:o


Oh well, keep the posts coming. We are having a blast reading this. I keep everyone at work entertained each day with the.......


"Cruising the Carribean with Rex and Pam" :D



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Really enjoying your journal. I wanted you to know I am a retired Business Teacher that also used the MicroType Pro program to teach keyboarding and agree it was a program that encouraged the students. You sound like you were a crackerjack in the classroom and your writing makes me believe I would have been happy working with you.


My husband and I will be on the 10/29/05 Caribbean Princess Eastern sailing. I hope we have as nice a time as Rex and you are having.


Enjoy your last days on this cruise.

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I signed on hoping to catch the next installment from Pam and :( no posts..I know...... She and Rex are busy on the balcony doing the "wild thing"...that is after putting up towels and bathrobes and whatever else blocks the veiw:rolleyes: :D ..Will check in later to see how "the crack is" and what has happend since your last post...can't wait

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We got the canapés this time! They were cute but Rex says, “Where’s the lobster?” I bought a new wireless card to continue posting the journal and quickly scanned the loose gems for sale in the Atrium. The sign says starting at 10 dollars per carat but I couldn’t find those. There is a lot a sparkle going on down there and I might just be forced to take some of it home with me.


It’s time to shower and dress for dinner. I think we are going to pass on MUTS. The weather just isn’t going to cooperate. It’s so wet outside I won’t be able to wind dry my hair.


Did I mention that I detest bras and the man who invented them? I forgot to bring the one bra I own that doesn’t turn me into a twitching, pulling, snapping, popping, raving lunatic. I must have left it in the laundry room. Couldn’t have been in the bedroom because we packed everything in our closets and drawers. I didn’t want to wear one of the miserable ones today in Grand Cayman but don’t like to be in public without one. So I came up with a plan. First I put on what my muscle bound nephew refers to as a wife beater T-shirt. Those I own are about 3 sizes too small, just like the teen girls wear (As opposed to the teen boys whose clothes are 3 sizes too big). I don’t call them wife beaters though; I refer to them as jiggle inhibitors. Over the jiggle inhibitor, I put on a heavy cotton blouse that has a built in T-shirt. It was raining after all and I didn’t want my secret exposed should I get drenched. When I informed Rex of my reasoning he said “if you get wet, they’ll cancel the submarine trip and have a wet t-shirt contest on the spot.” I guess he still sees what used to be instead of what is. Love is blind…thank goodness!


MUTS was impossible. It is windy and rainy. I guess if we want to see the Faukers we’ll have to be content with the reflection in the glass.


The Café Caribe was packed tonight. There are many people choosing to forego formal night. Speaking of people, I was in the line serving myself a couple of pieces of fried shrimp. I would have been finished in 3 seconds because it truly was just a couple of pieces. A woman stepped in front of me and said, “I had some of those earlier and they were so good.” She then proceeded to reach into the pan with her hand and pick up shrimp. This was hot fried shrimp so she picked it up, quickly dropping it on her plate, licked her fingers and repeated this 3 more times while I watched totally flabbergasted. Her nickname is Bessie, after the cow. My apologies to the cow.


I didn’t push for staying out late. I wanted Rex to get plenty of rest with hopes that he will feel better tomorrow.


06/09/05 Cozumel


Time is flying by. I wish I could slow it down a little. It’s 6AM and we are still at sea. Rex says he feels better. He says it’s the lobster and king crab. He was suffering withdrawal and got his fix last night. It’s going to be hard on him when we get home and I join weight watchers. That zero point soup is pretty hard to handle.


My favorite part of cruising is when the ship is in motion. I love sitting on the balcony watching the neighbors and the ocean.


There is a new policy at least I haven’t seen it before. Each morning we order a carafe of hot water (Rex likes to heat his cup) some cream, 2 cups and some lemon (for the Bloody Mary’s). On the back of the ticket, as well as on the back of the breakfast room service tickets left on your pillow, is a few lines for the passengers to fill out. One of these is gratuity. I am not sure if you tip the people and then write that amount on the ticket, if you room will be billed for that resulting in a double tip, or if it is simply an attempt to prevent the employees from pocketing rather than pooling the tips. I asked the guy this morning if I left it blank would he be able to keep it. He smiled and said, “Oh, yes mam.” I’m not sure he really understood my question.


We are on the approach to the dock. So far, the Imagination, Inspiration, and Explorer of the Seas are with us. Ms Fauker, is having a sneeze attack. I guess she caught a cold. We all know how that happened. We are going to share a pier with the Inspiration. This works perfectly as the Caribbean Princess is so much longer and we are aft, that we are beyond the aft of the inspiration affording a great view and fantastic breeze.


Rex is well as evidenced by the carafe of Bloody Mary’s he prepared while I took my shower. We polished off the bottle of Grey Goose and ordered a bottle of Stolies from room service. This is the life!


I know this is a running joke on the Cruise Critic boards but there is an officer, and a couple of other crew members fishing off the back of the Inspiration. I have pictures to prove it. He smiled for the camera when he noticed me. He later posed for Rex, arms outstretched, illustrating the size of the one that got away.


It’s about 11:30 AM and raining horizontally in Cozumel. Don’t bother with the umbrella, as it will be ineffective in this sort of rain. We are on our way off the ship. Sometimes wild hair like mine is nice to have because the rain doesn’t bother it and when it dries, you never know the difference.


We spent the afternoon in Cozumel. We are back on the ship and have about an hour before sail away. A torrential rain shower drifted in from sea and paid a visit for about 3 hours. There was nothing to do but wait it out in Fat Tuesdays drinking margaritas. What a shame. We listened to Jimmy Buffet, Bob Marley and Meatloaf (Paradise by the Dashboard Lights). Of Course, this made us think of our friends, Diane and Keith and Susan and Mike (who later became Susan and Mark). We’ve had some good times with Meatloaf. Keith and Diane flew to Seattle today for their first Alaska Cruise. I wish we could squeeze an Alaska cruise in this summer but Rex is going to Grad school and this was the only free time we will have for the summer. Of course, last summer I skipped a class to cruise Alaska but I didn’t have the “Professors from Hell” who will drop your grade by a letter for missing a class.


The rain finally eased off leaving the air clean and cool and we wandered the streets and shops for a few hours before returning to the ship. We had planned to catch a cab to Chankaanab but the weather said do something else so we did. My only regret was returning to the ship with the knowledge that we won’t be getting back on until our next cruise. But tomorrow is a sea day and that is the silver lining.


The prices here on everything seem to have caught up with US prices. My ankle is heavy with the 3 ankle bracelets I purchased, one in each port. You can purchase these beads for less at any mall in the US but it isn’t as fun. In fact, I almost never go in those stores at home unless I am with my sister-in-law who loves them. I don’t have many wants aside from trinkets and my next cruise so Rex doesn’t have to concern himself with my walking into Diamonds International and out with a $2,500 tennis bracelet. I know Rex wouldn’t flinch if I bought one but where would I wear something like that anyway, my high school classroom?


Tonight is the Tropical Deck Party (ie Island Night) so if you are looking for us, you can find us there.


There is a wee bit more to come…..

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So glad to see you survived the weather. We have all been somewhat concerned about you and Rex. Also glad to know Rex is feeling better. I don't think I am ever heard of the Lobster prescription, but I am going to speak to my doctor. Maybe I can get that instead of the blood pressure meds..it is worth a try!;)


I know what you mean about the jiggle inhibitors, they are great for anytime. And Rex sounds just like my husband. It is so wonderful when their eyesight starts failing, we always look so good!:D


Have a great time and a safe trip home.



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Meatloaf! I memorized every line from every song on Bat Out of Hell in the 70s. Saw him in the 80s in Clearwater, Florida when I was in my early 30s and acted like a teenager, singing along very loudly and badly. Goofy I know but I just loved those ridiculous over-the-top soulful lyrics (still do). From one southerner to another (I'm from New Orleans), I've totally enjoyed your posts. Thanks for allowing us to share your cruise. You've made me laugh out loud so often! People from the office wander in asking what's so funny, but by then of course I'm back in Word preparing another tedious legal document, looking properly intense.


Pam ole girl, you just crack me up. :)

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We are back in the cabin having enjoyed our tee martwonies at Crooners. A few passengers delayed departure a little. The captain just announced a tropical depression Arlene directly in our path. We will therefore be sailing south and waiting it out. Rex and I simultaneously looked at each other and yelled….”SNOW DAY”! You teachers understand.


The Captain says we will be experiencing rougher than normal seas (Yes!) and he predicts we will arrive as scheduled in FLL…but there is always that outside chance and I will hold out hope. I’d much prefer spending Saturday night on this lovely ship than at the (delightful-delovely) Renaissance.


The deck party is now being held in Explorers Lounge. We are both looking forward to it.


We stayed on the balcony until nightfall. If Carnival had a vacation photo contest for a free cruise, we would win. The black sky, broken by colors of turquoise blue, with the most vibrant rainbow I have ever seen, the entire spectrum visible, ending right on top of the Inspiration as she sailed away. Awesome beauty.


To my fellow Cruise Critics, the ship is starting to rock a little. I love it. If you hear any news regarding the status of the storm or this ship, please post it on this thread. You know we are limited in our sources of information while on the ship.


PS Spell check thinks martwonies is supposed to be marrowbones.

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Pam - I too have loved reading your posts and I hope Tropical Storm Arlene allows you some extra time on board so you can post some more! Did you mention in an earlier post regarding margaritas that you're from Texas? We are too, in the Austin area. We'll be on the CB in October (for our 20th anniversary). Where are you from? Bon voyage for one more night - can you post the tropical storm-sunset-rainbow picture? Otherwise, we might all think you just made that up! (hee hee) Kellie in Texas

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According to the latest update on the storm.... she is about 10 miles off the western tip of Cuba at 7am DST Friday morning. Winds are about 45 MPH and it is expected to be into the Gulf by tonight or tomorrow morning. The eastern side of the storm is worse than the western...more rain/thunderstorms. Right now it looks like southern Florida is getting soaked to the bone...should be gone by the time you get back to port. Be safe and enjoy the rest of your cruise.

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Pamwinn...please let me know if your are going to be in on time??? I know you would love an extra night, but if you are not in...we lose a night. :(


I think it would be nice to spend and extra night so I do not begrudge you that luxury. But...we are very excited and want to leave! LOL


I too am a teacher....:)


I enjoy your posts very much. Kim

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I'm all for pitching in and keeping Rex and Pam onboard for another week just so she can post her review...they are awesome....


Pam you made me laugh with the Snow Day comment...our middle child is a teacher (junior high special ed) and I have heard her yell that on occasion:D ..Hope you have a safe trip back and the seas are not too rough...I would also love to see a pic of the sky you have painted so eloquently...

Kellie in Texas - When do you sail in Oct.? We will be on the CB 10/8 also celebrating our anniversary (39 for us)..join our roll call if this is your week to sail, we have a great group going...

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Pamwinn, you have made my day. Yesterday I booked a cruise on the CP for Feb.25,2006 for the eastern caribbean so I thought I'd read some reviews of the ship and the boards. I never expected to have such a good laugh. You made light of what could be complaints from other passengers and it was refreshing. Great attitude! Thanks so much.

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Hi Pam,


Saw this while surfing in the internet cafe. Sorry we missed you both. Lauren and I went back to the meeting spot twice and only found SuzyQ. We were back there just after the muster drill.

The cruise has been nice--sorry I haven't read your whole log (with internet cafe costs!!)

We just rescheduled to be the last group off the ship--so it will be easy for us to take that short ride over to the Zuiderdam. Hope you are having a wonderful cruise! The captain is doing a great job of keeping us in the SUN and south of Arlene. Today, on deck was hot and sunny!!




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Pamwinn we are all loving your posts! Sounds like you are having a great time. By any chance did you notice or could you check on the the price of cigarette cartons on the ship? I will be on the ship in a few months and my DH is a smoker so he was curious what they were charging. Thanks. Additionally, besides the lobsters what foods have you really been enjoying on the ship?

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Once again we enjoyed our Dinner. Rex believes this is the best cruise food he’s ever had. I think most seafood gluttons feel the same. So far, we haven’t made it to the dinning room, which speaks very highly of the food served in the Café Caribe. From the size of the crowds, it looks like everyone on the ship is of like mind. We stayed in the Atrium and listened to music there for a while. It was busy as no one was out on the decks anywhere so we enjoyed the people watching.


06/10/05 Sea Day-The Day of Dread


OH NO! It can’t be the last day. I am not finished having fun. Rex has already agreed to a back-to-back next year. I want to stay on my balcony all day and watch the sea. Being a sea day, I’ll probably be watching the Faukers again too. Rex got a great picture of them yesterday so we can remember them fondling, I mean fondly. Hence forth and forevermore, cabin E730 shall be officially known as “The Fauker Observatory”.



In the minisuites on this ship, there is an extra outlet behind each Television and a place to plug in two additional items above the desk/dressing table. The outlet in the hallway is not one that you can use like it is on some of the other grand class ships. I don’t know what plugs in there, it’s weird and girls don’t know stuff like that. Remember to bring a short extension cord if you have a lot of electronics. It would be a little awkward to plug a transformer into one of the outlets especially the one/s on the desk.


Today is our luncheon with the Captain. I guess that means we will forego the Bloody Mary’s this morning. I wouldn’t want him to think we are sots. We aren’t are we? Not to start a dress code war or anything, but what, pray tell, is elegant casual? That is the dress for today’s luncheon. I am hoping it means, wear your tropical wear but no shorts or T-shirts please.



We know nothing about the storm. According to the bridge report on TV, the sea is classified as rough with waves from 7.5 to 12 feet. It doesn’t really look much different than the calm sea but I can feel the rocking.


When room service brings our cream in the morning, I try to hide so the young man will not see my hair or pj’s. Today, he was persistent and came out on the balcony to wish me a good morning. How embarrassing to be caught sitting there with typhoon hair, dressed in flowered boxer shorts and matching top. Rex is supposed to run interference for me.


Today is my brother’s birthday. His name is Perry. He prefers being called Curt, his grown-up name, but he is Perry. Remember that if you ever meet him. Happy Birthday, Perry.


We did not have to hand over our priority tender tickets. It seems a shame to toss them so I am leaving them under the TV closest to the balcony for any future Cruise Critic to enjoy. Please don’t give me any flack over that. I know there are some who won’t approve. Noel is so thorough, he will probably find them anyway.


Rex and I are very tidy. You may be able to tell that from the photo of the cabin. As I walk down the hallways and peer into open cabins I wonder how people can just leave stuff piled all over the floor for the steward to pick-up. I can’t enjoy myself if things are cluttered or messy. I noticed that Noel, finding little else to do last night, arranged our shoes and then colorized and grouped the clothing in the closet. He must be an AR too.


Rex decided that since this is our last day, we should not break tradition. So we had our Bloody Mary’s followed by several vodka’s with fresh squeezed OJ. We shall attend the luncheon with rosy cheeks.


We just returned from the Captains luncheon. It was absolutely wonderful. There must be a special stash of food on board because this was truly a gastronomic experience. I mean that in a good way. The appetizer was Epicurean Maine Lobster Salad, described as tender artichoke, heart of palm and marinated tomatoes with Florida citrus and champagne dressing. I know that all the food descriptions sound good but this was fantastic. The lobster was so sweet. I could have stopped there, as the appetizer was not small. The main course of Halibut or rack of lamb, and then dessert, which was like the love boat dream taken to new heights, knocked us out.


Of course, as you may have come to realize, we don’t make it through much without some sort of misadventure. Half way through the main course, it hit me. PERFUME ATTACK! This is only slightly less traumatic than a shark attack. I feared it as soon as we sat down but prayed that I could hold it. It was not to be. I had a wild coughing attack and jumped up trying too figure out how to get out of there. Fortunately, the wait staff came to my rescue, or maybe they were rescuing themselves and the others, and both led and followed me to the nearest restroom where I promptly coughed my butt off and then returned to my table pretending that had not just occurred. Thankfully, everyone was polite enough to pretend with me. Rex didn’t know what had happened, as he was too busy swapping lies with our tablemates.


We were then given a working tour of the galley. We almost declined as we have been on galley tours before and our balcony was beckoning, but this was very brief and lunch was in full swing. We enjoyed it. We stopped by the duty free store and made our purchases and as soon as I remove my elegant casual, and slip into something more casual casual, I will post this. It appears we will not get the SNOW DAY we so desperately wish for at this point. If they told us we could stay on another week, we’d whip out the credit card faster than a hyena can laugh.


Our plans for the rest of the day include quality balcony time, atrium people watching, and perhaps the finals of Princess Idol. But who knows what may come our way. I just turned around to point out the latest weather update to Rex, only to discover he is snoozing. Perhaps, I’ll join him.


According to the map we see on CNN and the ship map, we should be in the middle of the storm. The sea is rough but there is no rain at the moment. We are currently west of Havana. It is approximately 3:30 PM EST.


I am sure we will be in FLL on time for those waiting to board.

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I have enjoyed your journal and do not want to end, either. Please stay on board.


You have such a great way to write and describe the scene. Maybe you should turn this into a book. Keep it up, we all love it.

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