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Awkward Solo Moments


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You know Lois, I put it all off on the fact that these women were all over 80, one approaching 90. Sometimes the older generations just say whatever, and they think its ok. Not that their age absolves them from rude, but sometimes certain generations and/or people don't understand. They live in a myopic world where things are black and white. I remember in some countries I traveled to, like Nepal, Myanmar and Sri Lanka, they really don't "get" single women, especially independent single women. And they certainly don't get divorced, so I hardly think they'd understand a cradle robbing ex--lol.


So in those countries, when they asked if you were married and you said "I used to be" and then they asked if your husband had died, did you say "If only!"?? I'm just waiting to be able to use that line myself. :)

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My mum is a widow and she has found some of these issues with married couples. The wife always seems to be threatened by solo women (for whatever reason) and either makes snarky remarks (divorced or unmarried solos or women not travelling with partners) or in the case of widows, avoidance.


Not everyone is like that. On a cruise I was travelling with my mum, on our table we had an older couple who hadn't married (engaged though), me with mum, a solo divorced American female and a gay guy. We were an odd bunch but we had the BEST time and made so much noise laughing and often the last to leave our sitting.



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Oh those are always the best tables, the ones where the staff must ask you all to please leave. I always envy the table that laughs the most. There is also the table where few talk except to complain about the food.

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I just got off my first Solo and there was really only one uncomfortable moment. I was eating lunch at the buffet and took a table (booth) because all the two tops were all taken. A lady walked by and looked at me and said that the solo cruisers are taking up all the booths and they should not be allowed to do that. I had to respond and just said "Yeah, I can't believe all those couples are sitting at tables for two... just does not make any sense huh? Funny thing is, I normally sat at the back of the boat at a 4 or 6 top because no one sat there, and I found that to be the most relaxing place.

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I just got off my first Solo and there was really only one uncomfortable moment. I was eating lunch at the buffet and took a table (booth) because all the two tops were all taken. A lady walked by and looked at me and said that the solo cruisers are taking up all the booths and they should not be allowed to do that. I had to respond and just said "Yeah, I can't believe all those couples are sitting at tables for two... just does not make any sense huh? Funny thing is, I normally sat at the back of the boat at a 4 or 6 top because no one sat there, and I found that to be the most relaxing place.



Yes, all these solo cruisers are taking over all the cruise ships. Soon couples are going to be the minority. LOL :)



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Yes, all these solo cruisers are taking over all the cruise ships. Soon couples are going to be the minority. LOL :)


It's the end of society as we know it! <runs away screaming in horror>

Oh, no, wait, my marital status (or even holiday status) doesn't impact anyone else. As you were.

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The maitre'd was a phenomenal actor...he immediately took my arm, and escorted me very close to the aforementioned Table of Ultimate Rudeness. As we were passing by, he slowed wayyyyyyy down, and paused in front of them...then he said loud enough for them to hear, "I am so very sorry Madamoiselle.....I did not recognize you...and of course, Reza (the waiter) is not familiar with all your films....you look so much more beautiful than you are in your films...the Captain has requested that you dine with him this evening, and I regret that Franco (the Maitre'd Hotel) did not get your invitation to your cabin on time. It will not happen again...I shall send a waiter for your champagne immediately."



That is just an absolutely brilliant story, and a brilliant maitre-d' and waiter!


I prefer travelling solo, unless I can travel with my BFF. But that doesn't happen often. I went on a military historical tour to Midway Island several years ago and was the only solo on the trip, and got a lot of questions, mostly about whether I had had a grandfather at Midway and was that why I was going there. But I didn't mind, the people were very polite.


I prefer to eat in the buffet, not because I'm particularly introverted, but because I don't like to take such a long time to eat. I take my tray to an outdoor table if available and have never had a problem with its being cleared too early if I go back for more food. There's hardly ever anyone out there at dinner time.


As for the tiny glasses...I bring along a big insulated mug with a handle and use that. I don't fill it directly from the drinks dispenser, for sanitary reasons. Rather, I fill it from the glasses themselves, and then put the glasses on the dirty dishes tray. This also comes in handy for taking my iced tea to the promenade deck and my deck chair in the shade.

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"Well, I think you'd have to ask your husband about that <wink>"


Then see how well they enjoy the rest of their trip.


(Yes, I'm a bad person).


Love your thinking

so wicked it's nice


I actually get that a bit myself

worst is trying to get a place in windjammer as if you get up for anything, your seat is taken nearly instantly - even leaving food, the waiter will come and take it, and that is all so they say



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I've only had one "questionable" experience on a solo cruise, back when I was in my early 40's---it was part of a world cruise. I was sitting in the Palm Court, next to a group of much older women, all widows, also traveling solo, and one asked me to join their trivia group. After about 5 minutes with this group, one of the women asked me what it was like traveling as a lesbian, and if I had any problems being "like that" when traveling to more conservative countries. I was totally aghast. Now, what would make these women think I was a lesbian? I don't think any of them knew what "gaydar" was. I very politely told them that I was married to a jerk who ran off with his 22 year old nurse, and I was divorced (true story), and definitely not a lesbian, not that anything is wrong with that. But, I just can't imagine why anyone would ask a perfect stranger such a question.


But I think the biggest thing that hacks me off are the ones who look at solo cruisers as somehow pathetic losers. Hey, I've cruised all over the world, I've seen things that most people never have, and I live a very wonderful, active life as a divorced person. I don't need anyone with me to enjoy life, but you just can't seem to get some people, usually married couples, to understand that.


As a bloke, and one who dances, I regularly get this said about me, mostly behind my back and sometimes to my face.


If you are alone, and not trying to pick up, you then must be Gay - more so if you dance


Sometimes I play on it and really camp it up just to confuse them more. Then next night walk with a lady I know and be sweet and loving to them


confusing their little brains is half the fun


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As a bloke, and one who dances, I regularly get this said about me, mostly behind my back and sometimes to my face.


If you are alone, and not trying to pick up, you then must be Gay - more so if you dance


Sometimes I play on it and really camp it up just to confuse them more. Then next night walk with a lady I know and be sweet and loving to them


confusing their little brains is half the fun


OH NO! :eek: I too am a bloke, travel alone, love to dance, and am not looking for a pick-up.

No wonder women will not talk to me at the single meet & greet. :D

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OH NO! :eek: I too am a bloke, travel alone, love to dance, and am not looking for a pick-up.


No wonder women will not talk to me at the single meet & greet. :D



Sorry but can't stop laughing at you realizing your predicament


It isn't just the ladies that can have issues


Tell me you do on your next cruise







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I'm a single straight dude who loves to dance also and I know same thing is said behind my back, I never travel looking for the hookup, but it happens so much the better. I keep getting asked by table mates how can such a eligible single guy be stile be single ( there is a certain undertone to these questions) my replay is why do you know anyone....daughter, sister, mother...ect. Usually ends the conversation and that line of questioning. Or I say I just have not met the right woman yet...but at least I have no exes s, alimony or child support payments...that will end questioning quick because most people these days or on their 2nd or 3rd marriage.

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I'm a single straight dude who loves to dance also and I know same thing is said behind my back, I never travel looking for the hookup, but it happens so much the better. I keep getting asked by table mates how can such a eligible single guy be stile be single ( there is a certain undertone to these questions) my replay is why do you know anyone....daughter, sister, mother...ect. Usually ends the conversation and that line of questioning. Or I say I just have not met the right woman yet...but at least I have no exes s, alimony or child support payments...that will end questioning quick because most people these days or on their 2nd or 3rd marriage.


I am a happily married man who loves cruising and have often cruised by myself because my wife's disability (she uses a wheelchair) I love to dance and although I love her dearly my wife is a terrible dancer. So when cruising solo I ask the ladies who are also cruising solo and sometimes get strange looks when she spots the wedding ring. I explain that it's just a dance. Nothing more. Some women are relieved and put at ease. A couple of times there has been disappointment (how flattering!!)



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I requested and was assigned a table by the window in the MDR on my upcoming Allure sailing. It is a table for eight. I also stated that I'd like seating with other solos if possible. I hope it works out! I also anticipate attending the singles mingle when offered. I looked at my Roll Call and noticed that I am the only solo listed. Doesn't matter, I am looking forward to having a good time!:D

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I requested and was assigned a table by the window in the MDR on my upcoming Allure sailing. It is a table for eight. I also stated that I'd like seating with other solos if possible. I hope it works out! I also anticipate attending the singles mingle when offered. I looked at my Roll Call and noticed that I am the only solo listed. Doesn't matter, I am looking forward to having a good time!:D

That is part of my strategy as well. Large table, preferably other solos, attending single/solo "party", and checking roll calls.

Then once on-board I play the total extrovert and play ever game possible. That way hopefully people will know me, recognize me, and speak to me. If i did not play all these cards I might just be another face in the crowd which would be emotionally difficult being a solo mixed in with 3000 others :(

Edited by Thoth
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Sorry but can't stop laughing at you realizing your predicament


It isn't just the ladies that can have issues


Tell me you do on your next cruise







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Hi Greg ...My next cruise is in September and I'm meeting up with friends from my last cruise. Which is cool. They should know me by now, so I'm safe.

I'm a big burly guy who looks straight enough. however I do like the Olympic skating and musical theater, so people wonder about me no doubt. :D

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I'm a single straight dude who loves to dance also and I know same thing is said behind my back, I never travel looking for the hookup, but it happens so much the better. I keep getting asked by table mates how can such a eligible single guy be stile be single ( there is a certain undertone to these questions) my replay is why do you know anyone....daughter, sister, mother...ect. Usually ends the conversation and that line of questioning. Or I say I just have not met the right woman yet...but at least I have no exes s, alimony or child support payments...that will end questioning quick because most people these days or on their 2nd or 3rd marriage.

I think many married people envy single people who can do as they please. On cruises I do as I please and remind anyone who ask. After a cruise people will tell me..."I would love a cruise but my husband/wife just will not agree" .

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I am a happily married man who loves cruising and have often cruised by myself because my wife's disability (she uses a wheelchair) I love to dance and although I love her dearly my wife is a terrible dancer. So when cruising solo I ask the ladies who are also cruising solo and sometimes get strange looks when she spots the wedding ring. I explain that it's just a dance. Nothing more. Some women are relieved and put at ease. A couple of times there has been disappointment (how flattering!!)



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you wife cannot be any worse dancer than me :D

That is why I love the disco where everyone is doing their own thing and in the dark where few can see them.

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Hi Greg ...My next cruise is in September and I'm meeting up with friends from my last cruise. Which is cool. They should know me by now, so I'm safe.


I'm a big burly guy who looks straight enough. however I do like the Olympic skating and musical theater, so people wonder about me no doubt. :D



I know also what you mean as I have lots who know me also. It is usually table mates and just ransoms with their thoughts


Plus the dancing makes you stand out more


The one thing dancing taught me is to not worry what others think


Enjoy cruising





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That is part of my strategy as well. Large table, preferably other solos, attending single/solo "party", and checking roll calls.

Then once on-board I play the total extrovert and play ever game possible. That way hopefully people will know me, recognize me, and speak to me. If i did not play all these cards I might just be another face in the crowd which would be emotionally difficult being a solo mixed in with 3000 others :(


I'll keep that in mind - play every game possible!

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Here's another game I have played:


When people keep remarking how "sad" they are for me that I am alone, I start making up stories about why. Here's my personal favorite and I give all the ladies permission to use it as you see fit. :p


"Well, you see it all started in Rome. I had wanted to join a convent there but they wouldn't take me because well....I was divorced and had a love-child by one of the local politicians there. I can't tell you who, because then my life would be in danger. So, I had to go to Russia for awhile, and I met a man there who was very wealthy. But he too was a bit dangerous and so I left in the middle of the night, and ended up on a flight to Malta. The only affordable way off the island was by ship, and I've been cruising ever since, trying to avoid the father of my child. It's been 20 years and I know he is still looking for me. I was offered the Witness Protection Program (because of what I know about his "associates") but it would have required me to live in Peoria. I felt that my safety was better assured by just continuing to cruise, so here I am."



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here's another game i have played:


When people keep remarking how "sad" they are for me that i am alone, i start making up stories about why. Here's my personal favorite and i give all the ladies permission to use it as you see fit. :p


"well, you see it all started in rome. I had wanted to join a convent there but they wouldn't take me because well....i was divorced and had a love-child by one of the local politicians there. I can't tell you who, because then my life would be in danger. So, i had to go to russia for awhile, and i met a man there who was very wealthy. But he too was a bit dangerous and so i left in the middle of the night, and ended up on a flight to malta. The only affordable way off the island was by ship, and i've been cruising ever since, trying to avoid the father of my child. It's been 20 years and i know he is still looking for me. I was offered the witness protection program (because of what i know about his "associates") but it would have required me to live in peoria. I felt that my safety was better assured by just continuing to cruise, so here i am."






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here's another game i have played:


When people keep remarking how "sad" they are for me that i am alone, i start making up stories about why. Here's my personal favorite and i give all the ladies permission to use it as you see fit. :p


"well, you see it all started in rome. I had wanted to join a convent there but they wouldn't take me because well....i was divorced and had a love-child by one of the local politicians there. I can't tell you who, because then my life would be in danger. So, i had to go to russia for awhile, and i met a man there who was very wealthy. But he too was a bit dangerous and so i left in the middle of the night, and ended up on a flight to malta. The only affordable way off the island was by ship, and i've been cruising ever since, trying to avoid the father of my child. It's been 20 years and i know he is still looking for me. I was offered the witness protection program (because of what i know about his "associates") but it would have required me to live in peoria. I felt that my safety was better assured by just continuing to cruise, so here i am."





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Here's another game I have played:


When people keep remarking how "sad" they are for me that I am alone, I start making up stories about why. Here's my personal favorite and I give all the ladies permission to use it as you see fit. :p


"Well, you see it all started in Rome. I had wanted to join a convent there but they wouldn't take me because well....I was divorced and had a love-child by one of the local politicians there. I can't tell you who, because then my life would be in danger. So, I had to go to Russia for awhile, and I met a man there who was very wealthy. But he too was a bit dangerous and so I left in the middle of the night, and ended up on a flight to Malta. The only affordable way off the island was by ship, and I've been cruising ever since, trying to avoid the father of my child. It's been 20 years and I know he is still looking for me. I was offered the Witness Protection Program (because of what I know about his "associates") but it would have required me to live in Peoria. I felt that my safety was better assured by just continuing to cruise, so here I am."





That is fantastic

What a pearler


Do they push for any other information after that description - hints and such







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That is fantastic

What a pearler


Do they push for any other information after that description - hints and such







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Usually, by the time I get to Peoria, their eyes sort of glaze over and they lose that superior twinkle....and then, usually, they sort of harumph and stomp off.....Sometimes, just for fun, to see if they will "catch it", I will mix up the geography and say that I ended up on a cruise to "the Highlands of Scotland" or "Las Vegas". I have never had anyone correct my geography. LOL


I say, "embellish as needed and have another drink to celebrate the end of another painful acquaintance." :D


There was a travelling priest once, but I spared him that story...He was just too nice and so genuinely concerned about me...so I told him this instead which is a lot closer to the truth:


"You see, Fr. X, I have led a very difficult life. It hasn't been easy for me. I hope you will pray for me. Being an introverted artist is sometimes lonely, but it's also very rewarding. I get to sit back, observe people how they really are...a lot like YOU, Fr...in a way, I'm more blessed than most people, because I have a lot more time to reflect on the meaning of life, and I'm not distracted by all the drama that goes with being in a relationship. It also gives me a lot of leeway for behaviour."


I am still friends with Fr. X to this day and that was almost 15 years ago...which is how I know for sure that a lot of the priests on HAL, are not approved by the Vatican, but that's a different story. :eek:



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Usually, by the time I get to Peoria, their eyes sort of glaze over and they lose that superior twinkle....and then, usually, they sort of harumph and stomp off.....




I say, "embellish as needed and have another drink to celebrate the end of another painful acquaintance." :D




There was a travelling priest once, but I spared him that story...He was just too nice and so genuinely concerned about me...so I told him this instead which is a lot closer to the truth:




"You see, Fr. X, I have led a very difficult life. It hasn't been easy for me. I hope you will pray for me. Being an introverted artist is sometimes lonely, but it's also very rewarding. I get to sit back, observe people how they really are...a lot like YOU, Fr...in a way, I'm more blessed than most people, because I have a lot more time to reflect on the meaning of life, and I'm not distracted by all the drama that goes with being in a relationship. It also gives me a lot of leeway for behaviour."




I am still friends with Fr. X to this day and that was almost 15 years ago...which is how I know for sure that a lot of the priests on HAL, are not approved by the Vatican, but that's a different story. :eek:







You should write a book

Dinner tables can make or break a cruise


Thanks for sharing






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