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Why do other loyal CC'rs act as if NCL is economy class?

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I'm sorry but am just off of a family cruise in December on the Ruby and was so sadly disappointed at the attire people were permitted to wear to dinner in the MDR. Princess (and I have been very very loyal.... is no longer what it was)


I am going to try NCL as my expectations are different. I will never wear shorts, regardless of line, to dinner BUT I also know, I don't have to feel compelled to bring a gown either.


I think NCL has solved the "age old" dress code problem by publishing what they are doing and sticking to it. They allow shorts in one dining room and not the other, and I am pretty sure they are enforcing it on all the ships.


The other lines are publishing their outdated dress codes, but in reality are relaxing them nearly to the standards of NCL. That leaves people complaining about what others wear.


I don't see much controversy about NCL as compared with the other lines.

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DUde if you wear shorts for dinner cool

What a man wears is his own choice.

I wont wear shorts in the MDR even on NCL

Maybe it was they way I was raised or my Military background. Each to their own.

Since you have only sailed on NCL you may be on vacation but certain cruiselines dont allow them

Celebrity, Princess besides HAL have dress code that doesnt allow certain clothes in the MDR.


While I commend NCL on its freestyle concept it also started the dumming down of attire on the mass market cruiselines.


BTW I am booked on the Epic again so I guess it doesnt bother me that much


I disagree...IMHO it's not "dumming down" it's "relaxing" the attire so those who choose to have a care free relaxing experience without the pretense of dressing up can do so...and those who prefer the pretense of dress up can do so as well. Freestyle to me is all about the freedom to choose when, where, and how you want to dine. That is why traditionalists have such a hard time with it. They want the structure of when, where, and how (including a stricter dress code.) There are cruiselines that cater to that but IMHO that doesn't make them better, just different, catering to a different cruiser.


IMHO the dress code doesn't make HAL, Celebrity, or Princess any better than NCL, CCL, or RCCL if NCL, CCL, or RCCL offers what you want out of a cruise. Like the OP, so far I have found our cruises to be more a like than different...but that may be because we choose based on what we want out of a vacation and not based on the cruiseline. Choosing what we want usually puts NCL and CLL ships ahead of others because their price, freestyle/anytime, and dress code are usually part of what we want out of our vacation. That makes them the best choice for us...for now.

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I have been on two CCL cruises and you would look out of place if you had shorts on in the main dining room. We did see a couple of people but they were certainly the minority. At least on the two we went on.

Looking forward to my first NCL cruise in June. I know it will be different than CCL but I am looking forward to trying something new. Every cruise lines had things you like and things you don't. Just go with the flow-your on vacation!!

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I too used to feel that NCL was below other cruise lines. This opinion was solely based on reading online comments and the like. But after traveling on the Epic, my family and I decided that we would be traveling on NCL from now on. We've been on Disney, Princess and even RCC's Allure and the one cruise we all continue to reminisce about is the Epic. Simply put, NCL listens to it's passengers and continues to improve. Their staff and entertainment is top notch. And in 3 weeks we're spending our hard earned money on NCL and can't wait!

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We just booked our first cruise this week on NCL. Have been on Carnival, Celebrity HAL, and RCCL and HAL has been our favorite.


I got news for the snobs on CC who think dress codes and food on a cruise is all that is important. I have seen jeans and casual wear in the MDR on even formal nights on HAL and CEL too many times to count. Food quality on HAL and CEL is nothing to brag on and they both have a huge lack of selections of dining options. No cruise line other than maybe the super premium ones really provide 5 star gourmet meals anymore, how can they on less than $15 per day PP food budget. I am sick and tired of having to haul on a cruise all the formal and semi formal clothing for a couple of dinners a week. We like to eat when and where we want not when the ship tells us.


For these reasons we have decided to give NCL a try this year. In fact I have organized a group of 8 cabins booked so far. My DW and I have decided we are no longer cruise foodies so what we want is a cruise that has an interesting itinerary and offers a good selection of dinning options even if we have to pay a little extra. We also no longer want to carry extra luggage with suits, and evening gowns. On vacation we want to be comfortable and have some fun so we think NCL is for us. What makes a cruise exciting IMHO is the itinerary and who you cruise with, not the formality and food quality.

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Even the TA at AAA turned her nose up and said NCL was the discount line of the Mediterranean when I asked about it. Bottom line? I could care less. I am not cruising for the ship, for me it is no more than a floating hotel taking me to the places I want to see. And as to her opinion? Pfft! The Epic looks like one helluva "discount" accommodation to me!!

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Even the TA at AAA turned her nose up and said NCL was the discount line of the Mediterranean when I asked about it. Bottom line? I could care less. I am not cruising for the ship, for me it is no more than a floating hotel taking me to the places I want to see. And as to her opinion? Pfft! The Epic looks like one helluva "discount" accommodation to me!!


TAs say that about NCL (AAA is one of the worst about it) because they don't make as much commission from NCL.


Something to keep in mind when someone else is telling you about cruise lines - always ask them if they've sailed the line they are talking about and when was the last time. Also, are their likes & dislikes lined up with yours? If not, their opinion shouldn't carry any weight with you.

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Even the TA at AAA turned her nose up and said NCL was the discount line of the Mediterranean when I asked about it. Bottom line? I could care less. I am not cruising for the ship, for me it is no more than a floating hotel taking me to the places I want to see. And as to her opinion? Pfft! The Epic looks like one helluva "discount" accommodation to me!!


From what I have read and heard about the Epic, I bet that will be one fantastic "discounted" cruise in the Mediterranean. My DW and I are considering the Epic for the same cruise in 2014.

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I go to AAA to get brochures and occasionally ask for advice. They are always negative on NCL and rarely have NCL brochures. I read somewhere that TA's don't get the same personal comps as they do with other cruise lines so they bad mouth NCL. I have about 6 cruises under my belt and was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much more knowledgable about cruising, European travel, Alaska, etc. than the expert at AAA who traveled very little herself. I'm surprised that they get hired to spit out what they read in travel literature. BTW- my info is largely based on what I have learned on CC. Thanks.

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Between the Allure and the Epic, I'd say Epic wins hands down. Although I prefer the ship set up of the Allure, Epic excelled in all of the other areas. Now that NCL has the Breakaway and another ship coming out designed differently than the Epic, they'll be even better. And no I do not work for NCL, just love to cruise. This new ship design is a prime example of how NCL listens to it's customers.

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I found/chose NCL 10 years ago for my first cruise. I guess that I am of the generation who does not like to dress up for dinner (unless I ablsolutely have to) esp while on vacation :). We looked at several different lines and chose NCL for the freestyle concept. We then went back to our TA and he agreed that NCL would be a good fit for us - we have been loyal ever since.


As for NCL - 10 years ago they were the fish swimming backwards against the trend - perhaps it was because they saw some of the trends towards extending some of the pool deck atmosphere into the dining room. They also realized that when people vacationed on land they liked to try out different dining venues - so why not have them at sea as well.


The fact that most of the other cruiselines have tried to imitate NCL for the past 10 yrs must say that they have something going for them.

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We have sailed mostly on NCL Both East and West coast but we do not like freestyle dinning; So every chance we get for a 10-14 day cruise we choose Hal: This year we are thinking back to NCL on the Breakaway just to try a huge ship: but again we are looking at NCL Sun (11 days) just because we haven't been to Curacao: We are an older couple and noisey party life can be a bit overwelming. I guess I think of Carnival as 'Walmart" NCL as "Sears" Celebrity as JC Penny and HAL as MACYS: aNYTHING ABOVE THAT IS ABOVE OUR PRICE RANGE: But... any cruise especially getting us out of Maine in cold weather months is better than no cruise and we do love a cruising vacation;) Just my opinion:khc

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I think some people mistake subdued as class. If one considers a subdued, quiet and definitely more 'stuffy' cruise (from my experience and perspective) as more upscale then Celebrity would be more upscale.

I guess that means I don't enjoy upscale all that much because I did it once and hesitate to do it again. Maybe one day I'll desire that kind of cruise but right now, not so much. I feel NCL has a bit more fun going on and right now that's what I like. It's just a matter of tatse, certainly not class.

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We sailed on NCL a few times and then decided to try Princess because I was reading so many positive reviews of Princess and so many people were down crying NCL. We were so disappointed with Princess - the service, the food, the entertainment-and yet we paid so much more for the cruise than had we gone with NCL on the same route. Since then we have never left NCL and we've now been on 10 NCL cruises. I don't understand people's negative comments either. NCL are wonderful. On this last cruise I happened to mention to the Restaurant manager of the Versailles Restaurant that I hoped they were serving their Chocolate Souffles on this cruise because I loved them so much. When they told me that they regretted that Vanilla souffles were now on the menu instead, and I said I was disappointed, they cooked them especially for us on the night of our choice!!! What better service can you get than that? It made us really feel that they cared about their passengers.

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Im sorry any cruisline that allows people to wear shorts in the MDR is a below Celebrity and Princess


Ncl is on par with CCL but I still think it is a step below Rccl as well


We were on the Jewel Feb 2012 and we saw them turn someone away as they had shorts on. I am a big fan of RCCL, but after going on NCL,, i am beginning to think I need to buy some shares.


I am going on the Gem in March and the Breakaway in October. There are so many things I like. Their food, entertainment, thermal ceramic chairs n people are just to name a few

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I don't think any of the mainstream cruise lines are better or worse than any other. They all do things a little differently, but overall, they are all scrambling for market share.


NCL has made innovations in the market that most of the others are copying, and that is what triggers a lot of the "cut-down" type remarks from some who need to do that to try to make their favorite line sound better.


They all provide a good vacation for a good price, and most do things the same with minor differences.

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I don't think any of the mainstream cruise lines are better or worse than any other. They all do things a little differently, but overall, they are all scrambling for market share.


NCL has made innovations in the market that most of the others are copying, and that is what triggers a lot of the "cut-down" type remarks from some who need to do that to try to make their favorite line sound better.


They all provide a good vacation for a good price, and most do things the same with minor differences.


I would have to agree with your comments. All the mass market cruise lines pretty much go to the same ports, have the same shore tours and offer a good product for the money spent. So why spend 20-30% more for the same product? NCL started the freestyle cruise with no set time dining and casual resort dress. Now most of the others are offering open seating dining options and have made dress codes more casual. You should have seen the HAL boards when they started open seating dining 4 years ago, the old traditionalist CC members threatened to take their business elsewhere and predicted the demise of HAL. We are veteran HAL customers and loved HAL until the last cruise. The open open dinning was fantastic but the food and HAL service had degraded so much and the lack of more than 2 upgraded dining venues on the new HAL ships were so disappointing. We are taking our first NCL cruise this year because of their innovations and all of the dining options and great entertainment reputation.. I do not expect great 5 star gourmet food but I know it will be good but that is not why we like cruising anymore, we want a vacation that is fun and affordable with lots of fun passengers.

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Wow Good for you

But honestly, after you have done your Celebrity and RCCL cruise your answer may change.

Not necessarily. I cruised both those lines...ONCE

I am not saying that I would never try them again but they weren't right for us. NCL fits us better.

I will say I'd sail RCI over Celebrity at this point, given those two choices. Celebrity was just too 'formal`uppity`stuffy' for us. However, that was back in 2006 and I have heard much on X has changes since then; some of it not for the better.

I like the crew on ships I sail to be laid back. Some see that as lower class (???REALLY??? Someone with class doesn't like to relax and loosen up on vacation??)

On my Celebrity cruise, at 2:00 every afternoon they marched on the pool deck, complete in tuxes and white gloves; towels tossed over the arm with trays of sorbet.

A sorbet parade every day


Yes, some people like this formality...good for you. Not so much for me.

Service was impeccable...but stuffy, and a good many passengers were as well. SO, because of that we have yet to go back.

Maybe one day I'll be in the mood to experience that again. Just not at this point in time.

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TAs say that about NCL (AAA is one of the worst about it) because they don't make as much commission from NCL.


Something to keep in mind when someone else is telling you about cruise lines - always ask them if they've sailed the line they are talking about and when was the last time. Also, are their likes & dislikes lined up with yours? If not, their opinion shouldn't carry any weight with you.


This was the first, and last, time I will ever use a TA. I thought it might be useful since it was my first trip to Europe but to be honest, I have found everything on my own and the TA has been nothing more than an annoyance.


The only useful thing about having the TA was getting all of the different books from each of the different lines, and I can certainly do that on my own.


TA told me NCL was a bargain basement line pfffft! Booked them.


TA told me $1200 was a good airfare....pfffft! Found it for 800.


TA told me to book airport hotel.....pfffft! Found a one bedroom aparthotel in a fantastic district for the same price and can walk to attractions, restaurants, shopping.


Ha! TA....N E V E R A G A I N!


And I cannot WAIT to sail the Epic, my only regret is that we will have only one sea day to truly enjoy her!


To the poster who is considering this same itinerary in 2014 - I plan to do a long, detailed blog of our experiences!

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I would have to agree with your comments. All the mass market cruise lines pretty much go to the same ports, have the same shore tours and offer a good product for the money spent. So why spend 20-30% more for the same product? NCL started the freestyle cruise with no set time dining and casual resort dress. Now most of the others are offering open seating dining options and have made dress codes more casual. You should have seen the HAL boards when they started open seating dining 4 years ago, the old traditionalist CC members threatened to take their business elsewhere and predicted the demise of HAL. We are veteran HAL customers and loved HAL until the last cruise. The open open dinning was fantastic but the food and HAL service had degraded so much and the lack of more than 2 upgraded dining venues on the new HAL ships were so disappointing. We are taking our first NCL cruise this year because of their innovations and all of the dining options and great entertainment reputation.. I do not expect great 5 star gourmet food but I know it will be good but that is not why we like cruising anymore, we want a vacation that is fun and affordable with lots of fun passengers.



BTW, I forgot to add my TA told me that NCL was a good cruise line, above CCL and equal to RCCL and Princess in ship quality, service and on board experience. She had no problems booking for me and my DW. Our simple cruise has now become a group as we have booked 10 cabins for an online cancer support group I belong to, and I am sure she will enjoy the booking fess she is making.:D

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I think for some people ignorance is bliss. I am Diamond with RCCL and have sailed Princess 4x, Celebrity 2x, Carnival 3x. I will be sailing my 33rd cruise on Feb. 6th (and I just turned 50 this year so hopefully many more to come)! NCL is definitely my preferred cruise line. I do think that for people who enjoy a more formal experience that NCL might not be the best choice. The reason I go on vacation is to relax, get away from deadlines and the freestyle cruising concept for me was a huge breakthrough.


I have found NCL to be the most innovative line which the others continue to mimic. They were the first to offer dining with who you wanted when you wanted. Most lines offer that now. They were the first to offer several specialty restaurants to choose from. Most lines offer that now. The Epic was a major breakthrough in entertainment with the Blue Man Group and the other entertainment venues. This is also a trend the other lines are now following. I LOVE the entertainment on the Epic.


It took me a lot of convincing to get my parents who are Diamond Plus with RCCL to start considering NCL, but they will be sailing again with us in less than two weeks on the Sun (and they will reach Platinum with NCL after this cruise). My Mom actually prefers NCL now herself. There are little things - like the coffee maker in cabin and the embarkation day lunch in the dining room along with many other things from the friendliness of the crew to the good entertainment that keep us coming back. I already have my fall 2013 cruise and my Feb. 2014 booked with NCL. The only reason I would consider another line at this point would be for itinerary, so I am hoping they will do more Northern Europe itineraries soon. I also really enjoy the Platinum perks. :)

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There are little things - like the coffee maker in cabin and the embarkation day lunch in the dining room along with many other things from the friendliness of the crew to the good entertainment that keep us coming back. I already have my fall 2013 cruise and my Feb. 2014 booked with NCL. The only reason I would consider another line at this point would be for itinerary, so I am hoping they will do more Northern Europe itineraries soon. I also really enjoy the Platinum perks. :)


I think I will really like the coffee pot in the cabin something not available on CEL or HAL. I also like haveing the MDR open for embarkation lunch to ALL. After 3 cruises on HAL I was denied embarkation lunch in MDR on our last cruise which is supposed to be a perk for Mariner members, the MDR was full do to a large group reserving it and Mariners members were admitted only by seniority. This left a foul taste for me starting out the cruise. We had no choice but to eat in the buffet which was crowded with no place to sit.:eek:

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We just booked our first cruise this week on NCL. Have been on Carnival, Celebrity HAL, and RCCL and HAL has been our favorite.


I got news for the snobs on CC who think dress codes and food on a cruise is all that is important. I have seen jeans and casual wear in the MDR on even formal nights on HAL and CEL too many times to count. Food quality on HAL and CEL is nothing to brag on and they both have a huge lack of selections of dining options. No cruise line other than maybe the super premium ones really provide 5 star gourmet meals anymore, how can they on less than $15 per day PP food budget. I am sick and tired of having to haul on a cruise all the formal and semi formal clothing for a couple of dinners a week. We like to eat when and where we want not when the ship tells us.


For these reasons we have decided to give NCL a try this year. In fact I have organized a group of 8 cabins booked so far. My DW and I have decided we are no longer cruise foodies so what we want is a cruise that has an interesting itinerary and offers a good selection of dinning options even if we have to pay a little extra. We also no longer want to carry extra luggage with suits, and evening gowns. On vacation we want to be comfortable and have some fun so we think NCL is for us. What makes a cruise exciting IMHO is the itinerary and who you cruise with, not the formality and food quality.

Our first cruise was on Carnival in 1988. I did not like having to dress up for dinner every night as well as being to when and with whom to eat. I am not a formal person, especially when on vacation. It turned me off to cruising. In 2005, we decided to try again with NCL. I am hooked!!! Love NCL and just finished our 5th cruise with them 2 weeks ago. I love dressing how I want at dinner (and no, I don't wear shorts to dinner but like that I can if I want to in the smaller main dining room), eating with just my family, and eating when I decide I'm hungry (not having to drop what I'm doing to get to dinner at a set time). I am sure you will love NCL. I see you are supporting prostate cancer. I am an oncology nurse and have unfortunately lost several great patients to prostate cancer. I am all for any new treatments that come out for prostate cancer (as well as any other type of cancer). Let us know how you like NCL.

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