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Cruising Feb 2014 - losing 100 pounds in the next 13 months!!


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You are really doing great!

I am down 2.4 and today is day 3. The food...not so much but it looks like the future food will be better. I hate the spicy carrot soup and the flax granola is not too great. In a couple days I will try the blueberry pair compote for breakfast. It sounds pretty good. I will be trying the cream of broccoli soup today and have my first chicken. Fortunately I had no reaction from the raw almonds. I think once I can add small amounts of sea salt it will help with the flavor.

Are you going to her fb page and web site? She changes and adjust things frequently. I am following the thyroid menu. If you haven't already, you should check out the below site of hers. She has different cookbooks and menus and other tips.



There is also a fb page someone started that is very helpful. I just end up reading so much that is consumes my day.


I have my chocolate and wine purchased and am anticipating the day. It is not long now. I can have the wine and coffee on day 4 but the chocolate has to wait until day 5.


I definitely plan on going through the whole 20 days even if it takes 40.


Hi. I don't want to intrude upon this thread in any way, but I did check out the information on the thyroid menu. I did that because I'm always looking for thyroid information because I had surgery on my thyroid and I have to take medication. I'm always looking to become better informed.


If you are doing this author's thyroid menu AND you actually have a thyroid problem, please do more research. That menu plan has you eating flaxseed and raw broccoli... these are to be avoided for people dealing with a thyroid situation. As I said, please do more research about this.


Whether right or wrong... I do hold an opinion that your body can give you information if you "listen" or "pay attention" to it; in your situation, perhaps your body is telling you that the ingredients in the recipes are not good for it because you're not enjoying your food. In any event, please pay attention to the way that you're feeling... if you're experiencing any type of "brain fog" or extreme tiredness... then those phytoestrogens could be causing you some problems.


Just speaking from years of experience in dealing with my thyroid symptoms.

I feel comfortable talking here because nyfarmgirl seems to be very open-minded. I hope that my interruption is taken as only trying to be helpful and not negative. :)

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Hi. I don't want to intrude upon this thread in any way, but I did check out the information on the thyroid menu. I did that because I'm always looking for thyroid information because I had surgery on my thyroid and I have to take medication. I'm always looking to become better informed.


If you are doing this author's thyroid menu AND you actually have a thyroid problem, please do more research. That menu plan has you eating flaxseed and raw broccoli... these are to be avoided for people dealing with a thyroid situation. As I said, please do more research about this.


Whether right or wrong... I do hold an opinion that your body can give you information if you "listen" or "pay attention" to it; in your situation, perhaps your body is telling you that the ingredients in the recipes are not good for it because you're not enjoying your food. In any event, please pay attention to the way that you're feeling... if you're experiencing any type of "brain fog" or extreme tiredness... then those phytoestrogens could be causing you some problems.


Just speaking from years of experience in dealing with my thyroid symptoms.

I feel comfortable talking here because nyfarmgirl seems to be very open-minded. I hope that my interruption is taken as only trying to be helpful and not negative. :)


I appreciate your concerns, but actually in the thyroid menu the broccoli is cooked only.

The flax seeds are left whole and baked in the oven until toasty. It is my understanding that left whole and baked they are not the threat. With that said, she suggests after one week to switch to something else for breakfast and only have the flax seed up to twice a week. I don't know if it says all that on the tips page, but I am pretty sure it is in the book. I will likely not have the flax seed after the first week because I just don't care for it.

I have been having no brain fog at all and actually feeling very energetic and better than usual. Honestly though, my neurologist has me on B12 shots so maybe I am feeling much better from that. I am also on synthroid for hypothryoidism.

Member123 no worries, I welcome any information :)

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I appreciate your concerns, but actually in the thyroid menu the broccoli is cooked only.

The flax seeds are left whole and baked in the oven until toasty. It is my understanding that left whole and baked they are not the threat. With that said, she suggests after one week to switch to something else for breakfast and only have the flax seed up to twice a week. I don't know if it says all that on the tips page, but I am pretty sure it is in the book. I will likely not have the flax seed after the first week because I just don't care for it.

I have been having no brain fog at all and actually feeling very energetic and better than usual. Honestly though, my neurologist has me on B12 shots so maybe I am feeling much better from that. I am also on synthroid for hypothryoidism.

Member123 no worries, I welcome any information :)


Fantastic! I just looked on the link you posted and saw the menu items and thought... whoa, nelly... you know? A little knowledge being dangerous and all that good stuff. Obviously, I haven't read the book. So, I'm so glad that those extra precautions are being taken by the author. It's really odd that something in raw form can be bad but in cooked form can be good, isn't it? I realize that it's the heat that alters the food.. but doesn't it seem sometimes that we have to spend an incredible amount of time just researching and researching and fact checking... whew.. exhausting sometimes.


In any event, thank you for responding to me as I truly just had a moment of concern and just want the best possible result for you from all your efforts. I think thyroid management is very interesting and also very frustrating at times. :confused:

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Fantastic! I just looked on the link you posted and saw the menu items and thought... whoa, nelly... you know? A little knowledge being dangerous and all that good stuff. Obviously, I haven't read the book. So, I'm so glad that those extra precautions are being taken by the author. It's really odd that something in raw form can be bad but in cooked form can be good, isn't it? I realize that it's the heat that alters the food.. but doesn't it seem sometimes that we have to spend an incredible amount of time just researching and researching and fact checking... whew.. exhausting sometimes.


In any event, thank you for responding to me as I truly just had a moment of concern and just want the best possible result for you from all your efforts. I think thyroid management is very interesting and also very frustrating at times. :confused:


I really do appreciate your concerns!! I do try to check things out, but you know sometimes I don't check everything like I should.


I'm pretty in tune with my thyroid. I can always tell when I need an adjustment in medication by the way it feels when I swallow.


What does bother me about this author/book is the enormous amount of adjustments and changes she has on her fb page and on the tips.


I do like the theory of having a cleanse or eating foods that most people don't gain weight on or "react" to and then entering new foods one at a time.


I'll see how this goes.


Oh and BTW, while it says to eat 1 cup of the flax granola, I only eat about 1/4 cup. It sucks!

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You are really doing great!

I am down 2.4 and today is day 3. The food...not so much but it looks like the future food will be better. I hate the spicy carrot soup and the flax granola is not too great. In a couple days I will try the blueberry pair compote for breakfast. It sounds pretty good. I will be trying the cream of broccoli soup today and have my first chicken. Fortunately I had no reaction from the raw almonds. I think once I can add small amounts of sea salt it will help with the flavor.

Are you going to her fb page and web site? She changes and adjust things frequently. I am following the thyroid menu. If you haven't already, you should check out the below site of hers. She has different cookbooks and menus and other tips.



There is also a fb page someone started that is very helpful. I just end up reading so much that is consumes my day.


I have my chocolate and wine purchased and am anticipating the day. It is not long now. I can have the wine and coffee on day 4 but the chocolate has to wait until day 5.


I definitely plan on going through the whole 20 days even if it takes 40.


Congratulations!! You are right the food definitely gets better and kitchen prep time goes down as you progress. Sea salt and basalmic vinegar work wonders for food flavors!! Slight modifications to the recipes works wonders as well. I cut back on the amount of fresh ginger in the carrot ginger soup and increased the cinnamon, much better. The flax granola is much better if you combine golden and reg flaxseeds, I really like it now that it has dried fruits and almonds in it. I also love the chia hemp power pudding. The broccoli soup is my fave so far and DH & DS both love the spicy apricot glaze.



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Hi. I don't want to intrude upon this thread in any way, but I did check out the information on the thyroid menu. I did that because I'm always looking for thyroid information because I had surgery on my thyroid and I have to take medication. I'm always looking to become better informed.


If you are doing this author's thyroid menu AND you actually have a thyroid problem, please do more research. That menu plan has you eating flaxseed and raw broccoli... these are to be avoided for people dealing with a thyroid situation. As I said, please do more research about this.


Whether right or wrong... I do hold an opinion that your body can give you information if you "listen" or "pay attention" to it; in your situation, perhaps your body is telling you that the ingredients in the recipes are not good for it because you're not enjoying your food. In any event, please pay attention to the way that you're feeling... if you're experiencing any type of "brain fog" or extreme tiredness... then those phytoestrogens could be causing you some problems.


Just speaking from years of experience in dealing with my thyroid symptoms.

I feel comfortable talking here because nyfarmgirl seems to be very open-minded. I hope that my interruption is taken as only trying to be helpful and not negative. :)


I am glad that you decided to comment, just because EmmasNana is aware and on top of her thyroid condition does not mean that other readers are as well. This is a good reminder for those that have thyroid or other health issues to consult a physician before starting any new program. The book outlines a basal thermometer test that readers are strongly encouraged to do before beginning the plan so that they will know whether to use thyroid menu or regular. This test is not to take the place of a lab test but for those people like me who have lab tested normal but have family history and still "wonder" about it. I also find a great deal of comfort in knowing how many nutritionists and experts she has on her staff.


Thanks for participating and feel free to chime in anytime.:)

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Happy Valentine's Day!!!


I woke up happy just knowing that I don't have to deprive myself of my favorite chocolates today just because I want to lose weight. It is also amazing how when you know that you can have an ounce of chocolate everyday that you don't feel the need to eat the whole box!


Daily weight loss: -.5

Total weight loss: -11.0


Yesterday's menu



1 cup Flax granola

1/2 cup blueberries

1/2 cup Vanilla Coconut Silk



Cheese bagel



Salad greens w/basalmic vinegar & EVOO

Pork loin w/spicy apricot glaze

Saute'd kale, zucchini, onions & mushrooms

Carrot & beet salad


2 dark chocolate sea salt caramels




114 oz of water, 2 cups of coffee, 1 cup dandelion root tea


I skipped lunch because I was out all afternoon running errands. I took my bagel and a quart of water with me so I wouldn't be tempted to hit a drive thru. By the time I got home it was after 5pm so I just had a little more for dinner.

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Happy Valentines Day!


I was down .8 today for a total of 3.2 down.


I am following the Winter menu, so I think it is a little different than what you are following Carla. I am not supposed to have the chocolate until day 5 on this menu, but I do see in the book it shows for day 4 so I am having it along with the wine. After all it is Valentines Day. This will be my goat cheese test today.


Someone on the fb group I am on said they take a small piece of chocolate, let it melt on her tongue and then have a sip of wine. That is what I am going to do. Yum!!


I really enjoyed the chicken last night and am looking forward to trying the chicken with apple bourbon sauce. I wish it said how many servings it was for. I am guessing it will be enough sauce for DH as well.


So I am going to stay away from citrus. I forgot when I used lemon in my water previously that I had issues from it such as tingling tongue and little blisters on the inside of my mouth. I haven't been putting it in my water, but have been using the orange oil and lemon juice in my salads and veggies.


Have a great day!

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Good job!! All of the recipes are designed for leftovers so I am certain there would be enough for your DH. You are right, there are quite a few differences between the menu in the book and the the ones posted on the website. I started out 1st 5 days using the book only until I discovered the website. So now I use a combo approach.


Sorry to hear about the lemon reaction, I think you should definitely avoid that. I can't believe it doesn't bother you on your salad. The citrus oils are different because the use the zest instead of the juice. Basalmic vinegar w/ EVOO is awesome on salads and the saute'd veggies. You need it today anyway so you can check your tongue tomorrow morning after basalmic, wine & chocolate to make sure you don't have excess yeast.


Enjoy your Valentine's Day w/ your sweetie.

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Daily weight change: 0

Total weight change: -11.0


No change today, not surprising. I think I have a sinus infection, I had a terrible headache and spent a good part of yesterday trying to sleep it off under a warm washcloth and heating pad. I did not eat as much as I should have and I didn't drink half of my water.


Yesterday's menu



1 cup flax granola

1/2 cup blueberries

1/2 cup Vanilla coconut Silk



Cheese bagel




2 rye crackers

2 tbsp almond butter


1 oz dark chocolate



60 oz water, 1 cup dandelion root tea, 2 cups coffee

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Oh, so sorry you are not feeling well. Are you taking the MSM? I am taking it for 6 weeks to see if it rids me of the allergies. My husband it going to wait and see if it helps me before he tries it, although he is the one plagued with them much worse.

Hope you feel better soon!

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Down 1 pound is awesome! Almonds are great as a snack but if you want something spreadable you can also substitute homemade hummus for the almond butter.


I have a dr's appt today to see about the sinus infection, so hopefully some antibiotics will make it all better.I started taking the MSM 1000 a week before I went on the plan, and although it has not made a noticeable difference in my allergies yet (only about 30 days), I was amazed at what it did for my ankle. I stepped in a hole and twisted my ankle really badly at the end of May 2012. After xrays and doctor visits could not find anything other than "it must just be a sprain", I had come to the conclusion that it was just going to hurt forever. The first few steps when I got out of bed in the morning would almost send me tumbling to the floor, the pain was unbelievable. I would have nearly the same reaction if I was sitting for long periods. About 2 weeks after I started taking it, I was on my way to the bathroom one morning when I realized that it hadn't hurt in several days. It was a great moment!

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I actually forgot to eat the chocolate and when I went to get some wine there was only a couple swallows. Someone who lives with me must have had it.


I did the test of the three items before beginning the plan and my tongue was fine.


I can't have the hummus yet because I haven't tested for chick peas, but I have a can waiting for me. I love hummus.


I might try to make the almond butter in my food processor. I don't know if it will work or not. I need to go online and check that out.


That is great about the MSM on your ankle.


My hair and nails have gotten real shiny, have yours? For several years I bruised very easily and it takes forever for them to go away and some never did totally. It is probably the B12 shots, but now they go away quickly and I don't feel as clumsy as I had been. I just wish I knew why I hadn't been absorbing B12.

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I actually forgot to eat the chocolate and when I went to get some wine there was only a couple swallows. Someone who lives with me must have had it.


I did the test of the three items before beginning the plan and my tongue was fine.


I can't have the hummus yet because I haven't tested for chick peas, but I have a can waiting for me. I love hummus.


I might try to make the almond butter in my food processor. I don't know if it will work or not. I need to go online and check that out.


That is great about the MSM on your ankle.


My hair and nails have gotten real shiny, have yours? For several years I bruised very easily and it takes forever for them to go away and some never did totally. It is probably the B12 shots, but now they go away quickly and I don't feel as clumsy as I had been. I just wish I knew why I hadn't been absorbing B12.


Funny how good stuff always seems to vanish when you aren't around.


You might be able to do almond butter in your food processor if it is a really powerful one. I know some of the really expensive blender/food processors have the power to do nut butters but apparently it can bog the motor down.


I love the MSM and got my DH to start taking it. He is an over the road truck driver and is always complaining about his joints hurting. I am very hopeful that it will help him as much as it helped my ankle. I haven't noticed extra shiny hair or nails so it must be the B12 giving you that little bonus.

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I had the goat cheese yesterday and am up .2 today. I will retest it in 2 or 3 weeks. I had three grandkids yesterday from 4 until 9, so I got distracted and am not sure how much water I drank. I fill a pitcher with my water amount everyday and someone used it.:eek:


I also didn't get my broccoli because they ate it all. Who would think kids would love broccoli! I love love the spicy apricot sauce on chicken!


I hope you are feeling better.

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Daily weight change: + .5

Total weight change: -10.5


Up today, darned sinus infection. I don't know which is worse, headaches from the past 2 days or the nausea today. It's all yuk. I don't feel like eating, I don't feel like drinking and I don't want to cook either :( Hopefully antibiotics will kick in and improve things soon.


Yesterdays menu:



Cheese bagel



1 slice homemade white garlic pizza

Mixed greens w/cucumbers & mushrooms, basalmic vinegar & EVOO




1 slice homemade white garlic pizza

Steamed broccoli

1 oz dark chocolate


I know I had way too many carbs yesterday and too much cheese but my DS made the pizza for me because he knew I was sick and it was really yummy.

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I had the goat cheese yesterday and am up .2 today. I will retest it in 2 or 3 weeks. I had three grandkids yesterday from 4 until 9, so I got distracted and am not sure how much water I drank. I fill a pitcher with my water amount everyday and someone used it.:eek:


I also didn't get my broccoli because they ate it all. Who would think kids would love broccoli! I love love the spicy apricot sauce on chicken!


I hope you are feeling better.


Funny how just a slight variation from your routine will mess you up. I know what you mean about the spicy apricot sauce, my DH even said next time he wants extra for dipping! I just discovered that my little rat terrier, Cricket, loves cooked broccoli and kale. She won't touch them if they are raw but adores them cooked (even the tough kale stems).

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That was really sweet of your son to make the pizza...it sounds awesome! Pizza sounds really good.


Well, I am up another .2 today. I tested the rye cracker which I thought was horrible tasting. Maybe I shouldn't have tested the rye since I was up .2 the day before. I guess I will not test anything new today.


I am having trouble eating much of the food as I just don't care for it. The soups don't have a very good texture. I wish I hand't sold my vitamix.

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I use an immersion blender ($30 at Walmart) and I like all of the soups much better after blending. You could wait until they cool and put them in a reg blender or food processor.


I don't like the rye crackers plain but will eat them with peanut butter, nutella or hummus just fine. Any time you are up in weight you should give your body a day to rest. I also try to drink at least 1 extra cup of dandelion root tea when I am up.

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Daily weight change:

Total weight change: -10.5


I am sure I stayed the same because my body thought I was trying to starve it yesterday. I have been suffering from a sinus infection and the antibiotics made me really nauseated yesterday. I am feeling much better today and am hoping things will go better for tomorrow.


Yesterdays menu:


Dandelion root tea, ginger ale, carrot ginger soup, saltine crackers more ginger ale & chicken broth.


Yuk!! What a day!

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