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Middle Aged Drama Queen Goes BIG: Solo & Last Minute on the ALLURE!!!


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You can chalk that up to how much technology has improved, expanded, and taken over our lives in the two years between the Oasis and Allure.


The kicker: I had an iPhone 5 and of course the port isn't that up to date. I blame Apple for that! Stupid design change. (I did have an adapter -that cost $40- but still...)


Not to highjack....a mere interjection :D. that is why I try to avoid Apple at any cost. aaaaand back to our regularly scheduled programming!

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On the Vanity/Desk area, there's a cool iPod/iPhone docking system - for not one, but TWO devices. I could charge my iPhone while charging my iPod at the same time...and I could play music in my cabin through the speakers. I LOVED this.





We had nothing like that on the Oasis, there are some amazing differences between the two ships. :confused::confused:


What category stateroom was it?



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Wow. After feeling like a truck ran over me a few days ago, I am happy to say I’m finally getting some relief. The ENT doctor I saw on Tuesday has scheduled me for sinus surgery in April, and until then – I’m to take it easy. Which means I have NO EXCUSE to not finish this review…before I’m down to perhaps one loyal reader left. Ack. So…without further ado…here we go!


We left off the last time with a review/synopsis of our first day onboard…we’ll start today with Day #2, Nassau.


Day 2 Monday




Today is now Monday, January 21…and the ship is set to arrive early in Nassau, Bahamas. Thank goodness for those elevator signs that tell you what day it is... I love nothing more than hanging out in the elevators to watch people's reactions when they notice them for the first time...the pure amazement is priceless to watch! Okay. Wait. That makes me sound rather creepy-stalkerish... hanging out in elevators and all. I didn't mean that the way it sounded. But - all you RCI veterans know what I'm talking about...you've all seen it yourselves. Too funny, sometimes.


Okay. Back to our program. We're arriving early in Nassau.


When I say early, I’m talking 7:00 am. Being that I wake up at 4:00 am – not by choice – I had plenty of time to accomplish great things before disembarking. Why did I wake up at 4:00 am? Because…there was a gawd-awful noise that came out of nowhere…a deep rumbling, bone-chilling, terror-inducing noise coming from the bowels of the ship. It felt like an earthquake – complete with tremors and vibrations – but that’s ridiculous. We weren’t on any “earth.” We’re on the water. What the heck is this NOISE??? And PLEASE MAKE IT STOP!!!!!


Well. I learned this is the noise and vibration from the thrusters used when docking…apparently, some cruisers LIKE this, as it’s sort of an alarm clock – telling you it’s time to get up and get ready to disembark.


I hated it.


It was too early. And it scared me. I wish someone had WARNED me of this. Which is why I'm doing a service to everyone and warning YOU of potential terrifying noises while you're all snuggled in bed.


Anyway, we were scheduled to be in Nassau from 7:00 am to 2:00 pm, although everyone needed to be back onboard at 1:30 pm. This doesn’t give you a whole lot of time in Nassau – especially when most shops don’t open until much later. Having no desire to visit Atlantis – since I figured about 5,000+ OTHER passengers all had that desire - not to mention the passengers on the several other cruise ships sharing the port with us that day – I decided to stay onboard the whole time and enjoy the ship. My hope was that everyone else would leave the ship, and I would have it ALL TO MYSELF.


Yeah, right.



A view of Atlantis from the ship that morning...


A (FREE!) Stretch Class was being held in the gym at 7:00 am – and I’d made arrangements to meet Amy there. I’ve done these Stretch Classes before on numerous RCI ships; I like that they’re low impact, and they’re a good way to get the blood flowing a bit – and it’s a great way to slowly wake up and face the day. Today was no exception – the class was full, and it was good. While waiting for the instructor, I spent a few minutes, chatting with my fellow stretchers. This chat would benefit me in the future - but who knew at the time?



After class, Amy and I decided to utilize the unique walking/jogging track on Deck 5. It was slow going, as I’m still hobbling a bit with my broken foot…but it was an absolutely gorgeous morning, and the few times we managed to get a glimpse off the ship, we were well rewarded. We managed to do three laps – not bad for our first morning onboard. The only frustrating thing about trying to walk - or jog - with a partner is that you can't really do it. You're pretty much forced to either walk - or jog - in single file. Hard to carry on a conversation that way, but we made it work.



After this, we separated; Amy & Steve were heading off the ship, while I was heading to breakfast. I decided to head up to the Boardwalk and enjoy breakfast “al fresco” – or outside – at Johnny Rockets. Breakfast is FREE here, and I wanted to see what the food would be like.



There was no wait at Johnny Rockets; I was quickly seated at a table outside, and without any fuss, my food arrived – hot and fresh. Coincidentally, a couple came and was seated at the table next to me – and it was the Retired Austin Fireman from the Comedy Club the night before…the guy who couldn’t get over the fact that I was cruising solo. That was weird. Not even 24 hours into the cruise, and I've ran into the same guy twice in less than 12 hours.


My breakfast consisted of the basic eggs and bacon, with a plentiful glass of orange juice:



Pretty presentation...



This was delicious!


Would this breakfast win any culinary awards? Nope. But it was hot. It was served quickly. And it was FREE. And it met my needs. I was happy.



After breakfast, the sun was shining, and I decided to indulge in one of my favorite cruise activities – Pool Slothing. Today would be a PERFECT day to sloth at the pool; it should be relatively empty, since everyone else had intentions of going into Nassau for the morning. After scoping out all of the pools, I quickly decided that the Beach Pool was my favorite habitat, and before too long, I was ensconced in a lounger, my soda cup filled with cold, delicious Diet Coke (with Orange!), and my Kindle turned to a juicy romance.


Life was good.



However. As much as I tried to tell myself that I was happy where I was, there was this little niggling voice inside my head that kept saying, “Oh, Drama Queen…you’ve never even BEEN to Nassau before…and you’re not even going to step foot on the island?? Really?? You won’t be able to say you’ve been there if you don’t even get off the ship!”



I’m not sure whose rule that is – that you can’t say you’ve been somewhere if you don’t get off the ship – or if it IS even a rule – but that little voice wouldn’t shut up. It sounded suspiciously like my Mom’s voice, and I’ve learned, over the course of 50 years, that there’s no shutting my mom up when she thinks there’s a rule that I’m breaking. There was nothing to do but to get up from my little cozy corner at the Beach Pool and head off the ship. Sigh.



So…half-heartedly, I went back to my cabin; changed; grabbed my Seapass & credit card (because, hey…you just never know what you may find off the ship…I didn’t want to find the SOUVENIR OF A LIFETIME and not have my credit card) – and headed off the ship.



Here’s where it’s cool. When I got on the elevator, there’s a button that was marked, “Gangway.” No more trying to remember which deck to get off of. That’s a good thing for those of us who are getting…um…more mature…and our memories are kinda’ going south.



See it? At the bottom? That is SOOO cool!



Being that it’s 11:00 am, there was no line to get off the ship…but there was definitely a line developing to get back ON the ship. I walked a bit down the pier so that I could get some photos of the Allure while docked, and accidentally ran into Steve and Amy, who were about to get into line to get back onboard. Amy was a bit concerned; seemed they had briefly separated from her parents – and they lost each other. Amy was worried that her folks may miss the ship – even though there was a good 2.5 hours before they had to be back onboard. I reassured her that I’m sure they would be fine; Nassau isn’t that big of an island, and the World’s Largest Cruise ship is sorta’ hard to lose. I kinda' figured Pat & Jerry would figure out how to get back to the port. But if it were my parents, I'd be worried, too, so I couldn't blame her.



I walked a bit further, to some of the shops on the pier…and here’s where I ran into TONS of people waiting. Some were shopping; others were in lines waiting to show their photo ID and their Seapass card so they could begin the long walk back on the pier. Trying to make my way through the mob, I was surprised when I looked up – and saw Pat & Jerry. Wow – over 5,000 passengers, and I manage to always find the only ones that I KNOW. I was relieved to see them and know they weren’t lost – and here they aren’t even MY parents!



I pretty much at this point turned around and began making my way back to the ship. I had satisfied that little niggling voice that demanded I actually step foot on the island, and I’d seen everything I needed to see.



There. Proof. I got off the ship. I know, I know - you don't see ME by the sign - but trust me. I got off the ship.



When I got back to board the gangway, the Allure had TWO gangways set up…one at the very front of the ship, and one at the very back. They would direct you to one or the other based on your Muster Station on your Seapass…which is fine, I guess, except that I really didn’t want to go to the front of the ship. I wanted to go to the Windjammer for lunch, which is at the back, but they wouldn’t let me board there. Argh.


I think they need to rethink that method...let the people choose where they want to enter. But that's just me. And they didn't ask me.


Anyway. I walked to the FRONT of the ship to make the Gangway people happy, and decided to head up to the Solarium Bistro for a bite to eat. It's in the front. It would work.



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Before I talk about my afternoon, I want to put a few more photos here:




You don’t really get a sense of just how BIG the Allure is until you see another ship docked next to it. Here, we’re docked next to the Carnival Miracle…so named because it’s a miracle that it’s one of the few Carnival ships left that hasn’t had any engine or electrical issues in the last few months.





Another view of the Allure…it’s almost hard to wrap your mind around how large it is.




I took this shot of the “aft” of the Allure:




You can see some of the private decks…as well as the public “Secret Decks”…that’s where I was headed, after a ho-hum lunch at the Solarium Bistro.



After arriving at the Secret Deck, I watched the 1:15 pm Dreamworks Sailaway Party down below in the Aqua Theater.





The performers (above) had been practicing their routine on the Starboard side…by the Rock-Climbing Wall…about 20 minutes before show time. I had a perfect view to watch them during their practice – and it was almost humorous, as they were doing a very condensed, very quick rehearsal…almost in triple speed motion. When one of them would mess up during practice, they’d hit the deck and start laughing; it was fun to watch them having so much fun when they didn’t know they were being watched. (Wow – again with my creepy watching!!! I’m going to develop a reputation!!!)


Eventually, Steve and Amy joined me and we watched as we left Nassau behind us….



Goodbye, Nassau…


I can only imagine that these other ships – still left in Nassau – were THRILLED to see us leave. The island of Nassau probably bounced back up 3 feet in the water after the weight of 5,000+ passengers left!





Well. Enough of this. I had things to do – places to go…I had a couple of VERY important missions for the rest of the day…that included some sugar…some seaweed…and some serious noshing.


More to come!


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Before I talk about my afternoon, I want to put a few more photos here:




You don’t really get a sense of just how BIG the Allure is until you see another ship docked next to it. Here, we’re docked next to the Carnival Miracle…so named because it’s a miracle that it’s one of the few Carnival ships left that hasn’t had any engine or electrical issues in the last few months.






Hahaha... Actually, the Miracle WAS having propulsion issues in 2008 when we sailed on her from New York for our honeymoon. We had to change ports from Tortola to Grand Turk.


It still was a great ship and a great cruise. Fantastic food on that ship btw.

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Well. All that slothing at the pool…and that strenuous (not really) walk into Nassau…and that creeping on the Dreamworks performers…had left me with an incredible appetite. There was only one thing that would cure this – and that was a cupcake. From the Cupcake Cupboard.


Oh, so many to choose from…but one in particular – perhaps because it had a somewhat different name – got my attention.



Yup. It's calling my name.


Coca Cola Vanilla, it is.


After swiping my Seapass card to pay for it – and getting my Frequent Flyer Cupcake Card stamped (Buy 6 - get the 7th free!), I walked away with my little treasure of sweetness balanced precariously on a little plate. I needed to find someplace in the Promenade where I could sit down and dive into this little morsel of yumminess…and before I could find a table, disaster struck.



I saw a table out of the corner of my eye, and I turned quickly to claim it. Too quickly. My little cupcake couldn’t turn quite that fast – and before I even knew what had happened – my cupcake rolled to the right and tumbled off the plate and hit the floor. Splat.




Well. That was sad. Can you imagine the look of horror as I saw chocolate sprinkles sprawled all over the Promenade floor??!! Luckily, the Cupcake Cupboard girl saw my mishap, and she quickly replaced my cupcake…before I started crying over spilt sprinkles.



Anyway. Back to the cupcake. It had a surprisingly good flavor – and I say “surprising” – because I really didn’t know what to expect with “Coca Cola Vanilla.” The cake itself was a bit cold for my taste – but the frosting was not overly sweet. The chocolate icing was a good balance for the mellow flavor of the cake. My verdict? I’d buy it again. I'm easy like that.



I had a 3:00 pm reservation at the spa for a Seawood Wrap…and after licking my fingers clean of chocolate icing, I skipped (I was on a sugar high) up to the spa on Deck 6 and quickly checked in. After waiting a bit in the Relaxation Room, which is absolutely gorgeous, by the way, I was taken to a room for my treatment.



This is NOT the Relaxation Room…because there were other ladies in there in robes, I didn’t take a photo. But I still like the check-in area, which is what THIS is.


I wish I could describe a Seaweed Wrap in detail…but let’s just say that after being rubbed all over with liquid seaweed - which isn't as gross as it may sound, honestly…then wrapped in aluminum foil…and relaxing on a heated bed…this was an AMAZING experience. My masseuse had a background in physical therapy – and I have to say, without a doubt, she gave me the MOST thorough massage that I have ever had. And I’ve had a lot.



There was not an area of my body that she missed...well...a few parts, thank goodness. She began by massaging my feet...then my legs...then my hands...and then my arms....


She then put hot stones on my back, which felt heavenly....


She then asked if she could use hot oil on my scalp, and without thinking it through, I said "Sure." I was so relaxed at this point, I would have agreed to about anything. She could have asked, "Can I stick hot, burning pins laced with arsenic into your body like a VooDoo doll?" and I would have been like, "MMMM, sure. Anything you want."


So the oil goes onto my scalp, and she works her glorious fingers through my hair, massaging away all the tension and stress that I've carried around for 50 years. I HAD DIED AND GONE TO HEAVEN.


Soon, it was time to take the aluminum foil off - bleh - and she unwrapped me like I was an overcooked baked potato. There was a shower in my treatment room, and I quickly washed the seaweed off – but try as I might, I couldn’t get the oil out of my hair. Hmmmm.....Oh well. I’ll go back to my own cabin and use my own shampoo and get the oil out. That was the plan, anyway.



After leaving the spa, I was shocked – SHOCKED – to see that it was after 6:00 pm. And I had 7:00 pm reservations at 150 Central Park for dinner! And it was Formal Night! Gah! I couldn't believe I'd been there for THREE hours!!!



Egads…I had to run. After getting to my cabin, I jumped in the shower and attempted to get the oil out of my hair. Again. And again. And again. With no luck. I eventually had to give up – as time was a’wastin’ – and I needed to dress for my dinner. Why did I EVER say yes to the oil???!! Not a good thing when you have thin hair like I do. Oh well.



Sporting a very slicked-back greasy hair look – UGH – I arrived at 150 Central Park right at 7:00 pm and was quickly taken to my table, which looked out a window over Central Park. The tables by the windows have “regular” chairs – NOT the Clam Chairs.



My table was on the right...by the window...



At first, I was bummed that I wasn’t seated at one of the Clam Chairs – but after thinking about it, I realized I was at the perfect table. Dining alone, this gave me a good opportunity to people watch out the window while I dined. My reputation of people creeping – I mean, people WATCHING – had evidently preceded me, and the management at the restaurant knew the PERFECT place to put me.



The ambiance was very nice…beautiful, relaxing “spa” music playing not too obtrusively over the speakers…the lighting low enough to make us ladies look beautiful, but not too low so that we’re in the dark…I think the perfect time to visit this restaurant is after sunset, so you can enjoy the view out the windows of the beautiful park and its unique lighting in the evening….



My waitress for the evening, Natalya (from Ukraine), came over to introduce herself and explain how the evening would progress. She offered me a glass of wine, but I told her of my wine allergy. Her response proved delightful. She immediately said, “Vodka, then!” with a, “That’s settled!” look – and I had to agree. Vodka.



I ordered the famous Cucumber Basil Martini, and it lived up to it’s fabulous reputation.



The fork is there so you can get an idea of how big it is. It is very refreshing. It is very tasty. It is very good. Yum.



Natalya brings me my menu for the evening – which is not only mine to keep, but also has my name on it. I knew to keep this menu close, because that way, if I indulged in too much Vodka, I'd have a reference as to what my name was. That's important.



The menu…note that the restaurant will use ONE menu for the first three-four days of the cruise…and then change to a different menu for the remainder of the cruise….



She then asks for my choice of entrée: I could choose between “Modern Shepherd’s Pie” – made with lamb shank pave, or I could have the “Harris Ranch Beef Tenderloin ‘Reuben’” – a filet. Everything else was pre-fix, or already chosen by the chef. I decided to choose the beef, and Natalya quickly disappeared to put my order in.



I used the time to watch people, make notes in my little notebook, and sip on my Martini. Speaking of my little notebook...it's a tiny little memo book, and it comes in handy to make notes while traveling. It actually brought about an amusing exchange with another 150 Central Park waiter...he would see me scribbling in my notebook, and he finally approached me.


Waiter Guy: "I see you writing...are you a critic?"


Me: (thinking of the EPIC review I'd be writing later on CruiseCritic) "Why, yes. Yes, I am." I wasn't lying...I AM a critic. Right?


Waiter Guy: "Oh, I would LOVE to talk with you later. It is my dream to be a famous Food & Wine Critic in New York."


Me: "Uh....sure."


Oops. Perhaps I'd better not misrepresent myself in the future. Hee hee.


Life was good…and it was about to get better….


And just an FYI…if you’re not into food porn…you may want to skip the next entry…or two…or three…because that’s what’s coming next. Delicious, delectable culinary delights….


Edited by KansCocoa
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Welcome back Sherri, So glad your back my days were getting very boring checking and rechecking to see if you were back to your review. Sorry to hear you need an operation, I'm currently on rest too due to an injury to my shoulder and neck and I'm looking at injections and a small operation the only problem being I'm 71 days off my next cruise so throwing myself big time into physio in the hope it'll start coming right as nothing will stop be getting on Liberty in June not that I'm counting down or anything. Your review has been giving me great laughs. Keep it up. Sinead

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Welcome back Sherri, So glad your back my days were getting very boring checking and rechecking to see if you were back to your review. Sorry to hear you need an operation, I'm currently on rest too due to an injury to my shoulder and neck and I'm looking at injections and a small operation the only problem being I'm 71 days off my next cruise so throwing myself big time into physio in the hope it'll start coming right as nothing will stop be getting on Liberty in June not that I'm counting down or anything. Your review has been giving me great laughs. Keep it up. Sinead


Sinead, I'm glad my review has been helping with your own recovery...they say laughter is the best medicine, but I guess we all need medical intervention every now and then! Just be CAREFUL with neck and shoulder injuries - you don't want to make things worse!


In the meantime, I'll be saying a prayer that everything turns out great...I know you'll have a fabulous time on the Liberty! :) (Not that you're counting down the days or anything...hee hee...!)


The doctor wanted to do my surgery on April 3...but I'm boarding the Celebrity Constellation on April 11 for a Top Chef cruise. NO WAY was I going on a CULINARY cruise 7 days after sinus surgery! I told the doctor I'd do the surgery when I get back - hence the 17th. I'd much rather do surgery AFTER a cruise than before a cruise - yikes!

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Before I talk about my afternoon, I want to put a few more photos here:




You don’t really get a sense of just how BIG the Allure is until you see another ship docked next to it. Here, we’re docked next to the Carnival Miracle…so named because it’s a miracle that it’s one of the few Carnival ships left that hasn’t had any engine or electrical issues in the last few months.


This is the first time I have seen a picture of Allure in Nassau where Disney (Magic I think it is) isn't the ship parked next to Allure. I sure hope Allure didn't catch anything :D. It was cool being parked next to that Disney ship as Allure/Oasis are the only ship that can look down on it from the pool deck. It was interesting to look at up close.

Edited by BillOh
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Sinead, I'm glad my review has been helping with your own recovery...they say laughter is the best medicine, but I guess we all need medical intervention every now and then! Just be CAREFUL with neck and shoulder injuries - you don't want to make things worse!


In the meantime, I'll be saying a prayer that everything turns out great...I know you'll have a fabulous time on the Liberty! :) (Not that you're counting down the days or anything...hee hee...!)


The doctor wanted to do my surgery on April 3...but I'm boarding the Celebrity Constellation on April 11 for a Top Chef cruise. NO WAY was I going on a CULINARY cruise 7 days after sinus surgery! I told the doctor I'd do the surgery when I get back - hence the 17th. I'd much rather do surgery AFTER a cruise than before a cruise - yikes!

I'm with you defo do the operation afterwards. I'm not back with the consultant until 18th of April so I'll know more then (keeping everything crossed until then). The physio is all well planned out from consultant so I'm happy with it, well not the slow progress of it but baby steps and all that. As hubbie keeps telling people it'll take alot more than an injury to keep her from the cruise.

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Natalya brings over a platter of bread, and my first thought is, “Holy BREADMAN, Batman…I can’t eat all this bread!” And I then think, “I don’t like bread much anyway – so this will be a good thing that I won’t touch the bread. More room for other food.” Yeah, I'm a snob like that, sometimes.



THAT, my friends, is a lot of bread.




What I didn't count on was a little hidden bowl that had been sitting on my table all along, and I had missed, until Natalya kindly points it out at this point:




The SALTS! I’ve read about the famous 150 Central Park salts! Oh, I can’t WAIT to try the salts! Which means, of course, that I WILL be noshing on that bread after all. Drat. So much for being a bread snob.


I quickly came up with Plan B.


My hope was that the salts would be SO awful, that I’d take one bite and turn my nose up at any future bread munching. Yes. This would work.


It didn't work.



The salts were FABULOUS!!!



And because I’m dining under the guise of a famous New York Food & Wine Critic (not really – but why disillusion the Other Waiter Guy?), Natalya brings me a Salt Reference Guide that is mine to keep – and that I can use for my notes. Oh, I'm a happy girl.



My OWN reference guide! Be sure to ask for one if you're a Food & Wine Critic, like me!


After carefully buttering each little piece of bread, and sprinkling the appropriate amount of salt on each bite, I deduced that my favorite was the Kala Namak salt from India. And here’s what’s weird. “Kala Namak” literally means “Black Salt” – but the salt is actually salmon-colored, due to a strong sulfur content. A pink-colored salt that is called “black”...???!! Anyway – the “rotten eggs” taste that some people get from sulfur didn’t affect me at all – it was definitely my favorite. Strong. Punchy. I LOVED it.


My second favorite was the Alaea, from Hawaii. It had a strong, distinctive flavor, as well.


Actually, ALL the salts were fabulous. Natalya and I both agreed that the RCI Gift Shop could make a small fortune if they would bottle these salts up and sell them in Sample-Sized gift packages...GET ON THAT, RCI MARKETING!!!


I was quickly making a meal off the bread and salt – and Natalya quickly came to my rescue, by bringing me Course #1: the Autumn Salad:



Fall-berry granola crusted duck confit, red-eye aioli, bitter green salad, duck prosciutto mocha swirl brioche, and huckleberry aigre-doux


It was all very good…the sweetness of the brioche, covered with the saltiness of the duck pate, was a perfect combination…it melted in my mouth:




The “salad” on the sides had good flavor mixtures…while the granola-crusted duck crumpet (in the middle of the photo) was similar to a duck hushpuppy – good flavor and good texture.


I was very pleased with my first course…and my clean plate when I was done attested to that. This surprised me, as I am not normally a "duck" person. The only "duck" I usually care for is "Duck Dynasty" on TV - but I really, really liked the flavors of everything in my salad course.


Natalya whisked my plate away and told me what was coming next….Course #2…my soup course…I couldn't wait.


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Course #2 was the soup…and for tonight, the chef had prepared a delicacy called, “Roasted Chestnut Veloute”.



Gingerbread croutons, quince chutney, whipped cider-mascarpone, and shaved celery



Natalya describes the ingredients, and how in French, this soup would be described as “rich and creamy.” And that it is – very rich, and very creamy – and very flavorful. The bits of celery provide just the right amount of “crunch” needed to offset some of the richness. I have slowed down while sipping on the soup – as I have realized I’m in a marathon tonight, not a sprint…at one point, Natalya walks up and still seeing a bit of soup in my bowl, she sternly says, “We do not accept leftovers. Your plate must be cleaned.”


Gulp. Once I realize, though, that she’s kidding me, I relax…and do, indeed, clean my plate. Yum.


Natalya whisks my plate away, and then comes back to tell me about Course #3…the fish course. For tonight, we will be having “Clams Oreganata”…and I stifle a groan. I am so NOT a clam person…but I am game. I will try it. For the sake of the EPIC review, you know.



House-made wakame fusilli, steamed littleneck clams, oregano breadcrumb “sand” salsify variations, sea beans, and American paddlefish caviar


Hmmm…at first glance, my plate looks like a mess. Just my opinion. And after reading some of the ingredients – clams, “sand”, and caviar – I am even more skeptical of this dish. Reluctant to even try it, I finally manage to take a bite.


What did I think? Was my skepticism well-founded??


Here’s the exact words from my notebook:


“Clam course – EXQUISITE!”


Yes. I LOVED this dish. And the caviar?? I thought it is what brought the dish from a good dish – to a dish of exquisiteness. It popped the flavors like nothing else.


I was a fan. And I cleaned my plate. With relish.



While waiting for Course #4, I look around the quickly-filling up restaurant. Close to me is seated a couple that is chatting with the table next to them…and I can’t help but be brought into their conversation, due to the closeness of the tables. This couple, Norm & Carol, were celebrating their 52nd Wedding Anniversary…as Norm explained, “We were married the day after (then) President Kennedy was inaugurated.” They were an extremely nice couple, and Norm was quite the storyteller. If you are old enough to remember an American sitcom many years ago, “Benson” – well, Norm looked JUST like the main character:



Just like this…but with a little more “salt” in his hair!


Norm and Carol had led a very interesting life – he in the military, working at the Pentagon for many, many years – and we were all drawn into his stories. I would run into them the rest of the cruise, and Norm was always the gentleman, and always polite. I loved him!


Soon, Course #4 arrived…and as Natalya explained, this was 150 Central Park’s version of “Surf and Turf.” It was a Seared Scallop with Miso-Braised Berkshire Pork Belly:



Kabocha squash puree, spicy-soy caramel, pickled plum pudding, Swank Farms pac choi, and bacon sabayon


I love scallops…and I thought the presentation was beautiful…so I eagerly anticipated this. However…this turned into my least favorite – so far – course of the night. I’m not sure if it was because I had been so blown away by Course #3 – or if it’s because I’m not a big fan of pork belly – but I didn’t care for this as much. My notes say, “It’s good – just not great.” I am sad to say that my streak of cleaning my plate ended here…I had leftovers.


Natalya tells me of Course #5 – the Main Course – that I had chosen. It was the filet:



Spice-rubbed pan-seared filet, rye bread puree, roasted Brussels sprouts, pickled tomato puree gryere potato daughinoise, thousand island hollandaise


Hmmm…the beef had good flavor…and was tender. The potatoes (hiding under the beef) are good. What I DIDN’T like was the “pickled tomato puree” – basically, ketchup. Here’s a different view so you can see it:




If I avoided it, I enjoyed the potatoes better. And I didn’t much care for the Thousand Island salad dressing on top of the filet. But to each their own. My notes indicate that the dish tasted better as I went along – perhaps I was learning to avoid the things I didn’t like – or perhaps the Cucumber Martini was finally having its effect – but whatever the case…I didn’t clean my plate.


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It was now 8:30 pm…I’d been there 90-minutes…and it was time for dessert. Yay! Dessert was a “Toasted Pistachio Genoise”:



Orange blossom-crème fraiche ice cream, honey poached cranberries, sweet pistachio cream crispy orange meringue, and whipped cranberry syrup



Did I like the dessert?


I’ll let this photo tell the story:





It was awesome.


All in all, I REALLY enjoyed my experience at 150 Central Park. I found Natalya delightful – enough that I booked a reservation for later in the week (for the 2nd menu), and requested that she be my waitress again.



Natalya and I…she's my new BFF from Ukraine...



I thought the food stretched my palate in a good way – by mixing and combining textures, flavors and tastes that I wouldn’t be able to do on my own. The ambiance was relaxing, and romantic – but I didn’t feel “funny” being there solo.


I left the restaurant feeling very full…and very satisfied. It had been my intentions to take in the 10:30 pm showing of “Chicago: The Musical” in the Amber Theater, but I was honestly too tired. Between the 3-hour spa experience, and my almost 2-hour dinner, I was wiped out…so…I headed off to the cabin.


There, though, I found I wasn’t alone…Nope, I had a roommate now…but good for him, he didn’t take up TOO much of the bed:




Once I got my roommate settled, I washed my hair. Two more times, in fact. And I went to bed…blissful.

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I'm loving your review, and so glad you're back. In fact it's kind of nice to have had your review stretched out a bit!


I am sailing on Oasis in 3 weeks, so I can't get enough Oasis or Allure reviews right now. But I have to say you are so funny at the same time as informative which makes it all the better!


Thanks so much! Great job!

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Sherri-who was the comedian?


What did you get at Giovanni’s?






Laura! I found another Word document on my laptop - and it had my notes from my Giovanni's Table dinner that night....although I'm mad at myself for forgetting that I even HAD this document, I'm happy knowing that I'm not losing my mind after all...!


Anyway, here's my notes:



*Antipasti per Due: two kinds of Italian salami, prosciutto, marinated anchovies, grilled artichokes, roasted peppers, zucchini, olives and Gambonzola cheese.

*Insalata Caprese per Due – a salad of vine ripe tomatoes and bocconicini mozzarella for two

*Melanzane alla Parmigiana : baked eggplant parmigiana Italian style


*Ravioli di Polpa di Granchio: Maryland crab ravioli with sweet corn and crab meat sauce



Gamberoni al Forno, Patate Agliate, Asparagi e Zucchine: baked jumbo shrimp, garlic tossed potatoes, baby zucchini and asparagus


Dessert: Mini Cannoli alla Giovanni: ricotta and marsala filled cannoli



So...I DID have the shrimp. I thought I did. I mean, that's what I would pick again if presented with the menu tonight...cuz I love shrimp. It was really good!

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I'm loving your review, and so glad you're back. In fact it's kind of nice to have had your review stretched out a bit!


I am sailing on Oasis in 3 weeks, so I can't get enough Oasis or Allure reviews right now. But I have to say you are so funny at the same time as informative which makes it all the better!


Thanks so much! Great job!


Well, I'm glad SOMEONE is happy that I'm stretching it out!!! ;)


I hope some of my tips - and humor - have helped you in your own planning... and I can't wait to read YOUR review when you return...! Bon voyage in 3 weeks!

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Welcome back young lady. Hope you get well soon. Thanks for pointing out the roast beef sandwiches are there all cruise so we decided to skip Park Cafe and have a noon reservation for Giovanni's Table the first day. :)




Glad I could help, my friend! And I'm getting better each day...it's definitely better recuperating in sunny Florida than snowy Kansas City. ;)

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Your timing could not have been better! Between finalizing everything for out upcoming cruise and taking care of work and family, I finally finish up GAMBEE's awsome review yesterday morning! Between the two of you, I could not be more excited to be heading out next month. I am sooooooo glad that you returned and are providing me more interesting reading between now and sail.


Sorry to hear about the ear/sinus' still. Living in Dayton, Ohio, or as we call it Sinus Valley, I truly understand. I wish I could help with a remedy or solution, but only time seems to work for me - netti pots do seem to help. I double up on the packets of solution to start.


Take care and I hope you feel better soon. Again, WELCOME BACK! You were truly missed!!!!


Thank you! That makes me feel better, just reading that! ;) Hubby is a BIG fan of the netti pots - I have never been able to mentally wrap my mind around the concept of them, so I've never done one. Hopefully, the sinus surgery will help - but if the doctor suggests post-surgery that I have to do the netti pot, I'm hosed. Hee hee.


Welcome back Sherri. Sorry about your ear/sinus problems. Hopefully it will be fine in no time at all.


You were certainly missed here. I kept up with your blog, which I absolutely love.


Did you see any ships sailing out of the NY harbor while you were there? They sail out of New York and Bayonne, NJ. We sailed out of Bayonne on March 5th. It was nice to have a cruise to keep us busy until your return. Now, no scheduled cruises until November.:(


Loving your review, as I did all the other ones too. Keep up the good work, but take care of yourself and hopefully you will get home soon.


Gwen :)


Aw, thank you, Gwen - I love my loyal readers - and especially my blog readers! The warehouse that I worked in was RIGHT AT the port in Bayonne...but at this time of the year, the port was pretty quiet. No cruise ships, anyway - but a lot of container ships. I kept hoping a big cruise ship would come in, but then I thought..."Wait. That would mean a ton of passengers...which would mean a ton of traffic. Right where I need to go to work each morning." So maybe it was a good thing I didn't see any cruise ships!


But...if you sailed on March 5...that would mean that you WERE, INDEED, there at the same time I was...so how did I miss this??? I didn't leave there until March 9th...huh. Bayonne is certainly a quaint little town...we'd hit up the Dunkin' Donuts every morning for breakfast. I loved those Brownie Bite donuts...yum!

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Oh I love this picture - I just set it as my desktop background at work. Hope ya don't mind the thievery! ;)


I NEVER mind...! Always help yourself to anything I post! It's flattery! ;)


YAY - missed you, Sherri!!! Hope you get better real soon, so you can finally be with your family!!! :)




Thanks, Barb! That's what is tough...I'm isolated from my family now for a month...I won't get to see my daughter until after my surgery and recovery, which will be the end of April. Sigh. We're skyping, now...the wonders of technology.

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Hello, everyone!


My deployment to NY/NJ finally ended - longer than I expected, but it was all good. I met an amazing amount of people, and I saw some AMAZING sights in the big city...thanks to all of you and your suggestions, I went to not one, but TWO Broadway shows: "Wicked", which was phenomenal, as well as "Once" - which was poignant and resonating. And I got be on a Broadway stage. Hee.


So...spent a week here in Florida for Spring Break; they've all gone back to KC, but here I sit...grounded, still, due to sinus/ear issues, but hopeful, as I see an ENT tomorrow and hope to get some final answers on why I can't seem to regulate the pressure/fluid in my left ear.


While I'm here...and I have peace and quiet and no children and no work...I thought I would finally - FINALLY - get caught back up on my EPIC review.


Thank you for being so patient! I will post a few posts and then try to go back and make sure all questions, comments, etc were addressed. Thanks to everyone who covered this thread in my absence and helped others with their questions - you all ROCK!


So...without further ado...let's get back to it!!!


So Glad you loved Wicked! It's my all-time favorite show. <3 LOVE Elphaba <3

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