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Fire on Carnival Triumph. No engines, running on emergency generators.


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I'm afraid your'e wrong on this one. During the fire they had all passengers report to their muster stations. Once the fire was contained, passengers were asked to return to their rooms, to pack their belonging,to place their suitcases outside their doors,and then to return to public areas. The reason this was done is because, at the time, they "people in charge" were not aware of the severity of the damage, believed the ship would be able to navigate back to Galveston where a few repairs could be made and the next sailing would only be delayed by a small amount of time. The "people in charge" assumed that worst case scenario the passengers would be stranded in public areas for several hours, but then they would be able to disembark the ship in Galveston. In order to prevent passengers from having to go back to their rooms once in port they had them pack their bags, and the crew moved them to wherever they take them prior to debarkation. this was done to "benefit" customers on board, and (as far as i am concerened) to prevent the next cruise from having to leave any later.

Source: mother is on board. Called the number, was asked what her name was, what my relation was to her, and if i knew her address. They then proceeded to answer and question that I had, as they should to cover their ass legally.


I'm not sure that the people manning the 800 line have that level of knowledge. I suspect that in some cases they are making it up as they go along.

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The chicken littles assigning blame are really quite unbelievable.


There was an accident on one ship in which no one was injured and everyone is getting refunded plus a free future cruise and free transport home as soon as logistically possible.


Meanwhile here in the Northeast thousands of cars had accidents in the recent snowstorm...not to mention thousandsmore every week in dry sunny conditions


Shame on Automakers!!!! Prosecute Ford GM and Toyota!!!!!

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I live in a 111 year old house.


It is in excellent condition.




Maintenance, maintenance, maintence.

OHHH can you post a picture please. I am imagining a two-story house with steps leading up to a big wrap around porch with swings and rockers. Am I right?

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this thread has been an interesting read this morning. i think i will call it historical fiction for the most part. what i know for fact is that the carnival triumph had a fire in their engine room which was distinguished and the ship is without propulsion. it is operating on emergency power, is drifting, is in contact with authorities, will meet up with a tug today, will be towed to Progresso, and passengers will be flown to houston on Wednesday. anything else is pure speculation, comments about phone calls or communication from unsubstantiated sources, and a whole lot of what ifs and what nows.


the cruise was a 4 dayer on day three. the ship has a passenger capacity (based on state room occupancy of 2 people each) of 2758 with a reported 3100 passengers on board. Indicates, to me, that not a lot of children on board (especially since it isn't a holiday weekend). I would also hazard a guess that this being a weekend cruise that there aren't a lot of much older passengers. I am also of the opinion that there aren't a lot of people on board with major medical issues, these type of cruises don't usually cater to that subset.


i have no way of knowing what will happen once on land but, through logic, i believe that carnival is chartering several planes to fly everyone to houston (a one and a half hour flight) from there they will be flown home or transported to galveston to pick up their vehicles. passengers will be bused from the dock to the airport in Progresso, they will not be visiting the town or going on scheduled flights necessitating a need for a passport.


i am sure there is a team working on flights for all out of town passengers and buses have been lined up. also, since this cruise is a 4 dayer i would hazard a guess that a good portion of the passengers drove to galveston.


i also suspect that carnival will have all passengers fill out a cost analysis sheet that will list their expenses such as unrecoupable work time, child and animal care for the extra days. i think we would be surprised at how fair the cruise line will be.


i am sure that many of the passengers will be miserable the next couple of days and that many will be, rightfully, upset with the circumstances, but just like those interviewed after the Splendor incident they will enjoy telling the story after the fact and will look back on this as a most interesting experience. humans are, if anything, pretty adaptable.

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That makes more sense. Anyone requiring medication should have left it out then. Hopefully they will be able to access clothing considering the lengthy delay.


I suspect that if they don't make arrangements they will have far worse problems than they have now. I can see the passengers rioting after a couple days of no showers, filthy bathrooms, no clean clothes, etc. They'll need more than a single USCG cutter to regain control.


As far as leaving medications out, it's not clear if people were told to prepare for an extra three plus days at sea. Some people dont' carry that much extra medication.


On a side note, those with children in diapers will run out before they get to shore. I'm not sure how that will be handled.

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While we are all commenting on Carnival's bad news, we should keep in mind that this type of thing could happen to any line, even our beloved RCCL ships. I don't honestly do tons of research on the engine status of the ship we will sail on unless there has been an issue that would cause us concern, This being said, we have been on the Explorer when there were propulsion problems, divers underwater in Bayonne causing us to leave 6-7 hrs late. Horrid smells reported on the Grandeur, and the list goes on... We feel extremely sorry for all passengers on the Carnival ship, those on board now and for the cruises that had been planned that may not happen. Yes, this is a competition ship but we are all part of a huge family of cruisers that should be thankful that no one on this ship has been injured or killed.My heart goes out to all and we are hoping that our cruise leaving in March on the Vision will be trouble free. Always keep in mind that our ships could have similar problems and send a little prayer out for these people's safety.

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A couple of notes...


...A few people on board may be able to 'make an adventure out of it', but the rest will be generally miserable.


Thank you for such a thorough and well thought out post. You seem very knowledgable and I enjoyed your comments.

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Good point, Berry. I might pack an extra day, but I don't normally have 3 or 4 extra days of meds.


I usually bring three extra days. I can skip a couple of days after that without serious problems. I always bring an extra inhaler and two Epi-Pens--which are the life or death medications.

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this thread has been an interesting read this morning. i think i will call it historical fiction for the most part. what i know for fact is that the carnival triumph had a fire in their engine room which was distinguished and the ship is without propulsion. it is operating on emergency power, is drifting, is in contact with authorities, will meet up with a tug today, will be towed to Progresso, and passengers will be flown to houston on Wednesday. anything else is pure speculation, comments about phone calls or communication from unsubstantiated sources, and a whole lot of what ifs and what nows.


the cruise was a 4 dayer on day three. the ship has a passenger capacity (based on state room occupancy of 2 people each) of 2758 with a reported 3100 passengers on board. Indicates, to me, that not a lot of children on board (especially since it isn't a holiday weekend). I would also hazard a guess that this being a weekend cruise that there aren't a lot of much older passengers. I am also of the opinion that there aren't a lot of people on board with major medical issues, these type of cruises don't usually cater to that subset.


i have no way of knowing what will happen once on land but, through logic, i believe that carnival is chartering several planes to fly everyone to houston (a one and a half hour flight) from there they will be flown home or transported to galveston to pick up their vehicles. passengers will be bused from the dock to the airport in Progresso, they will not be visiting the town or going on scheduled flights necessitating a need for a passport.


i am sure there is a team working on flights for all out of town passengers and buses have been lined up. also, since this cruise is a 4 dayer i would hazard a guess that a good portion of the passengers drove to galveston.


i also suspect that carnival will have all passengers fill out a cost analysis sheet that will list their expenses such as unrecoupable work time, child and animal care for the extra days. i think we would be surprised at how fair the cruise line will be.


i am sure that many of the passengers will be miserable the next couple of days and that many will be, rightfully, upset with the circumstances, but just like those interviewed after the Splendor incident they will enjoy telling the story after the fact and will look back on this as a most interesting experience. humans are, if anything, pretty adaptable.


Excellent post!! Let reason prevail instead of speculation.



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The only response I can have to this is everytime you get you're oil changed in your car, do you rebuild the engine first?


Just not possible, dry-docks are get in and get out thing. Do the necessary work and get the ship back to cruising. They make no money in a dry-dock, costs them hundred's of thousands to lift the ship out, then much more to make an mods/repairs etc. All the time usually still paying the crew, who isn't working, or working full time.




Dry dock (and the lost revenue it causes) should be built into long term reserves which should be part of an annual operating budget. The only reason to completely rush in and out of dry dock is greed. Other cruise lines seem to take up to a month or more in dry dock--I know the Disney Magic is scheduled for six weeks this year.

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To those that seem to have so much detailed information of what the passengers are experiencing aboard Triumph: I really would like to know how you have obtained this information. If there is a link, that would be nice.


They're pulling it out from the part of the body where the sun doesn't shine.:cool:

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I agree that Carnival will reimburse for certain items, like extra airfare charges, etc. but really, do you really think they should pay for lost pay??????? When was the last time an airline reimbursed anyone for lost pay, due to a plane cancelled due to mechanical failure. Never, that I have ever heard......let's get real here....

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I'm thinking the no going to your stateroom is out of safety more than anything else... Who wants to walk through dark halways with no windows trying to get to your room.... who else is walking... What might happen to someone in a place with little lights... Remember the horrors of the stadium in New Orleans. I would not want my fiance walking down to our room if it was dark.


There should be battery operated emergency lighting in the corridors that would allow people to get to their staterooms. During daylight hours, anyone with a balcony or window cabin should have plenty of light to move around safely.


Using the toilet in your stateroom would certainly be more sanitary then an overflowing public toilet.


PS--Situations like these are one of the many reasons my husband and I each travel with a small but powerful LED flashlight.

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this thread has been an interesting read this morning. i think i will call it historical fiction for the most part. what i know for fact is that the carnival triumph had a fire in their engine room which was distinguished and the ship is without propulsion. it is operating on emergency power, is drifting, is in contact with authorities, will meet up with a tug today, will be towed to Progresso, and passengers will be flown to houston on Wednesday. anything else is pure speculation, comments about phone calls or communication from unsubstantiated sources, and a whole lot of what ifs and what nows.


the cruise was a 4 dayer on day three. the ship has a passenger capacity (based on state room occupancy of 2 people each) of 2758 with a reported 3100 passengers on board. Indicates, to me, that not a lot of children on board (especially since it isn't a holiday weekend). I would also hazard a guess that this being a weekend cruise that there aren't a lot of much older passengers. I am also of the opinion that there aren't a lot of people on board with major medical issues, these type of cruises don't usually cater to that subset.


i have no way of knowing what will happen once on land but, through logic, i believe that carnival is chartering several planes to fly everyone to houston (a one and a half hour flight) from there they will be flown home or transported to galveston to pick up their vehicles. passengers will be bused from the dock to the airport in Progresso, they will not be visiting the town or going on scheduled flights necessitating a need for a passport.


i am sure there is a team working on flights for all out of town passengers and buses have been lined up. also, since this cruise is a 4 dayer i would hazard a guess that a good portion of the passengers drove to galveston.


i also suspect that carnival will have all passengers fill out a cost analysis sheet that will list their expenses such as unrecoupable work time, child and animal care for the extra days. i think we would be surprised at how fair the cruise line will be.


i am sure that many of the passengers will be miserable the next couple of days and that many will be, rightfully, upset with the circumstances, but just like those interviewed after the Splendor incident they will enjoy telling the story after the fact and will look back on this as a most interesting experience. humans are, if anything, pretty adaptable.


Very good post.

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The chicken littles assigning blame are really quite unbelievable.


There was an accident on one ship in which no one was injured and everyone is getting refunded plus a free future cruise and free transport home as soon as logistically possible.


Meanwhile here in the Northeast thousands of cars had accidents in the recent snowstorm...not to mention thousandsmore every week in dry sunny conditions


Shame on Automakers!!!! Prosecute Ford GM and Toyota!!!!!


I agree, the automakers should have to refund the cost of the car that crashed, and give them a new car for free, plus a 25% off of the next car they want, plus all the costs and expenses involved with anything else in life, plus replace the pay they might have lost on Friday, today, and any day in the future.


Oh yea and pay for all of there kids and grand kids kids college, just to be fair.


And throw in one free cruise on Carnivals newest ship "FlameThrower"

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Interesting read.


I know four people on this cruise. One of which is my wife. I have been in contact with her and the others.


The cruise line says they are running on emergency generators. That might be true but there are no lights or running water on the ship only power is to necessary items. Cabins have no power. They have to use bags and or the shower to go to the bathroom. It is hot with no air moving below deck. Not very comfortable being below deck for long. They want everyone to stay in the public or open areas of the ship. The ship is adrift and has been since the fire. One or two tug boats are suppose to be in route to tow the ship back to the closest port.



Carnival is refunding the money for the trip and any charges on board the ship. My wife will not be going on Carnival again.

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This is a pretty crappy situation for those onboard and others that have a cruise planned in this ship for the future. Hopefully everything works out for the best. I will be looking for statements from people that were actually in the ship.



Safe travels everyone.

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I would hope that the ship's clinic would have some insulin in stock. It's a fairly commonly-used medication and if a passenger were to break/lose his own insulin vial, or go into a diabetic coma, or not have enough insulin for the extended "cruise", it would be good if the clinic had its own supply.


At least the ship is close enough to the U.S. and Mexican coasts that if someone were to be taken really ill, a helicopter evacuation could be done.


I feel very sorry for people with mobility issues who can't use stairs.


They must have some emergency lighting in the hallways. What if the ship needed to be evacuated at night and the main power was out? How would people get to the lifeboats? So people ought to be able to find their way back to their cabins on the Triumph, if the emergency lighting is working.


There are different types of insulin. It's not a "one-size fits all" situation.

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