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Fire on Carnival Triumph. No engines, running on emergency generators.


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I keep reversing the interview but I don't hear her say anything about a 45 degree list. Nor do any pix show a 45 degree list.


At the beginning of this saga, it was reported that the ship was listing 4.5%. Later it was listed as of Tuesday, it was only a 2% list, with the wind, which was pushing it northward, was creating the listing.


It appears, that once again the news media has blown something out of proportion, just for the story. Even if a passenger said this, how knowledgeable are they of what a 45% list would feel like. (Think Concordia sinking).


Hopefully, today, as the ship arrives, many facts will come out.


I have followed this thread, certain correct information, and much misinformation has been posted here.


There are a few, with extremely knowledgeable information (aquahound is an example, along with a few others)


My prayers go out to those aboard, both passengers and crew.


For me, patience is a virtue, to wait to hear from some of the sane passengers, of what conditions and the saga they experienced.;)


It won't be long.



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Passengers' stay in Alabama will be limited, Carnival said in a statement late Wednesday. The company said passengers were being given the option of boarding buses directly to Galveston, Texas, or Houston, or spending the night in a hotel in New Orleans, where the company said it booked 1,500 rooms. Those staying in New Orleans will be flown Friday to Houston. Carnival said it will cover all the transportation costs.

Mobile Mayor Sam Jones said late Wednesday that the city has more than enough hotel rooms to accommodate passengers and its two airports are near the cruise terminal.

"We raised the issue that it would be a lot easier to take a five-minute bus ride than a two-hour bus ride" to New Orleans, Jones said, adding that he did not know the company's reasoning. Jones said Carnival employees will be staying in Mobile.



Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/02/14/disabled-carnival-cruise-ship-had-prior-mechanical-trouble-on-january-voyage/?test=latestnews#ixzz2KsNhnBlx


If Mobile has "more than enough" rooms to accomadate these passengers , then it can only be some "corporate" decision ( in other words PROFIT over PEOPLE) that has made Carnival decide that their passengers wellbeing is secondary to Carnival's "bottom line." What is Carnival thinking? Forget basic humanity , this just intensifies their ongoing PR disaster. IfI were on that ship, or had a loved one on that ship...and heard that we could have been accomadated in Mobile, I would be livid. And I would shout it from all media "rooftops."


This is inexcusable.


This is absolutely OBSCENE on so many levels. I hope this is covered widely in the press.


...and breathe!!!

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Do you think people don't have cameras with them? The batteries in my cameras will last for over 1500 photos, even if I leave them turned on for two weeks or longer.

It was reported a day or two ago that there was enough power to charge phones (in one location). I know I bring extra camera batteries, so no doubt others do too.

What are the odds of any pics being posted here? CC is really a small percentage of cruisers.

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I hope we get some decent reports, not just those reporting the worst of the worst. I know conditions are certainly not good, but those reporting are making it worse. Lordy, you'd think they were running ankle deep in waste. I'm sorry, but I do not believe they were serving only bread as one passenger reported. The bag stories will go on forever, but if you think about it, it may be humiliating, but it's the best answer to keep waste out of circulation.

Of course you've got the mom on the dock yesterday(it had to be yesterday because it wasn't dark) waiting for the ship so she's available to pick up her child and be available for interviews by ALL news people. Kind of jumping the gun as the ship is still at sea.

Should the media just keep searching for pax who say it was all just another camping trip..and confirms your beliefs of what is happening on board? Might have to search a long time....

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When I originally joined CC I did it for what I thought would be a reasoned discussion and recommendation site for cruising. Much like trip advisor.com For the most part that expectation has been met. Some comments though go to the extreme bias of a particular cruise line.


This thread is one example. I have not read all 3.000 posts but have skimmed the thread. I have read comments such as, this is an unforeseen accident and people on board should be happy with the compensation being offered by Carnival. To these comments I sort of agree. I personally believe some of the "intolerable" conditions will be disputed by many on Triumph. They will say the AC was not working but all in all it was not all that bad and they will be happy with the compensation Carnival is offering. Which I think is adequate.


But then I read posts from Cheerleaders!. Hey, Carnival has only had two engine room fires that left their ships adrift in the last three years. That does not mean they do not take care of maintenance, it is just "accidents will happen!" These same posters I would guess would say hey, Costa only had one ship sink in the last year, they are a safety conscious line. Their Captains would never deviate course to be near a dangerous coastline.


Or if things got worse, "Hey only 197 fires in the last month on a Carnival ship, what the heck, things happen". It's not a problem with Carnival, it is just an act of God. These ships sail 24/7 and things will break! Carnival is great! Those 80,000 passengers got great compensation. And that Concorida thing, those people all got a free cruise! They should be happy! And the ones who perished, well ship happens! These people are Cheerleaders!


At some point you have to say, enough is enough. I know the sailing contract we all agree to says we exempt the cruise lines from itinerary changes no matter what the reason is, but when the Triumph has problems with propulsion for weeks before the fire and Carnival decides to keep her sailing and in my opinion ripping people off by knowing they will not go to the destinations promised because the line refuses to cancel cruises to fix problems, there is a corporate problem.


This is not unique to Carnival. I follow several cruise lines her on CC because I sail a variety of lines, but you can read the same complaints about the same ships. The AC on ship A does not work in January of 2008. Then another complaint it does not work in June of 2008. Then again January of 2009, and June 2009, January of 2010, June 2010, January 2011, June 2011 and on and on, AT SOME POINT you have to say that ship A should not be on the seas. The line should dry-dock the ship and FIX the problem. But instead, they take the cheap way out and keep selling cabins KNOWING the AC does not work. And of course the Cheerleaders say, things break instead of saying, FIX THE DARNED PROBLEM.

In this case Carnival has had several instances with lost propulsion on various ships. Perhaps it is time for them to fix the problem rather than continue to roll the dice with the comfort of their passengers as their foremost concern rather than the lost revenue from canceling cruises to correctly address the problems.


Another fire on board a Carnival ship, another horror story on the nightly news, another 80 million in lost revenue, immense bad press and huge liability may cause Cahill to rethink his priorities. Profit is good, but you only get that profit if people believe your brand is safe.


I have never been scared about cruising, but when I read CC and hear a ship has had multiple breakdowns, I will not book that ship. There are other lines to cruise on that take more consideration in the comfort of their passengers than Carnival does.


It is time for some people to smell the roses and realize that Carnival, like all corporations, can DO SOME THINGS BETTER! In this case, maintenance on the ships and passenger safety and comfort should be priority number one!


Ready for the flaming I expect.:eek:


No flaming from me. I agree that Carnival Corp has some deep rooted problems within their organization--top down--that need to be addressed. If they aren't willing to do so, the government needs kick them to the curb rather than endangering the lives of those who sail with them.

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Sometimes the AC is really broken.


But othertimes, one person has a balcony door open ("I like to have more fresh air") which causes the AC to not function properly for a bunch of cabins.


And othertimes, the curtains are open during the part of the day that the sun is bearing down on that side of the ship. AC cannot keep up if the curtains are open at those times.


In my opinion, one balcony door affecting the HVAC of an entire group of cabins is a design defect that needs to be remedied.

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Your quote ducklite was making the case for doctors and nurses being "about the same" as EMTs and Paramedics.


I disagree with this as well.


I could have worded it better.


How about this:


EMT's are to paramedics what nurses are to doctors. Happy now? :rolleyes:

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We were hit by very strong winds on our last cruise, and the ship was listing enough that the captain came on to explain the situation and how it would be remedied. I estimate it was probably no more than about 10 degrees, and it made it difficult to walk. Since we had an aft corner balcony we could clearly see the angle formed by the horizon and the balcony railing:



While I'm certain the passengers on the Triumph are miserable, I'm also sure the ship isn't listing at 45 degrees!

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I don't know the source of the propulsion problem, but a couple years back Celebrity Century had a mediterranean sailing that became disabled very early in the cruise. Passengers were offloaded to a different port than the cruise was to end, many passengers elderly and cruising for the sheltered environment. According to passenger accounts, they were given either no assistance by Celebrity in making transportation arrangements, or promises of assistance that did not materialize.


They were put off the ship in France, in the midst of a transportation strike. While I am sure there were eventually reimbursed for their travel home or hotel expenses, they were not informed in advance that they would be reimbursed. So many passengers sweated finding and booking airfare that was not out of this world expensive.


I followed the thread closely, here is a link: http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=1292056&highlight=celebrity+century+stranded+in+mediterranean


Also, I am not providing this info to bag on Celebrity or the Century. It is a lovely ship but I recall reports of propulsion issues in the cruises before the one of issue. I am simply making the point that things go wrong on other cruise lines as well, and not all have stepped up to care for their passengers and assist them as well as Carnival.


I remember that. I don't think it's the same thing. I'm not saying what X did was right (it was really, really wrong!) but being put ashore in Europe where you've got a number of options, even with a transportation strike, is different than being held captive on a floating cesspool.


PS--Had they had travel insurance, they wouldn't have had to worry about the cost of the airfare.

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When I originally joined CC I did it for what I thought would be a reasoned discussion and recommendation site for cruising. Much like trip advisor.com For the most part that expectation has been met. Some comments though go to the extreme bias of a particular cruise line.


This thread is one example. I have not read all 3.000 posts but have skimmed the thread. I have read comments such as, this is an unforeseen accident and people on board should be happy with the compensation being offered by Carnival. To these comments I sort of agree. I personally believe some of the "intolerable" conditions will be disputed by many on Triumph. They will say the AC was not working but all in all it was not all that bad and they will be happy with the compensation Carnival is offering. Which I think is adequate.


But then I read posts from Cheerleaders!. Hey, Carnival has only had two engine room fires that left their ships adrift in the last three years. That does not mean they do not take care of maintenance, it is just "accidents will happen!" These same posters I would guess would say hey, Costa only had one ship sink in the last year, they are a safety conscious line. Their Captains would never deviate course to be near a dangerous coastline.


Or if things got worse, "Hey only 197 fires in the last month on a Carnival ship, what the heck, things happen". It's not a problem with Carnival, it is just an act of God. These ships sail 24/7 and things will break! Carnival is great! Those 80,000 passengers got great compensation. And that Concorida thing, those people all got a free cruise! They should be happy! And the ones who perished, well ship happens! These people are Cheerleaders!


At some point you have to say, enough is enough. I know the sailing contract we all agree to says we exempt the cruise lines from itinerary changes no matter what the reason is, but when the Triumph has problems with propulsion for weeks before the fire and Carnival decides to keep her sailing and in my opinion ripping people off by knowing they will not go to the destinations promised because the line refuses to cancel cruises to fix problems, there is a corporate problem.


This is not unique to Carnival. I follow several cruise lines her on CC because I sail a variety of lines, but you can read the same complaints about the same ships. The AC on ship A does not work in January of 2008. Then another complaint it does not work in June of 2008. Then again January of 2009, and June 2009, January of 2010, June 2010, January 2011, June 2011 and on and on, AT SOME POINT you have to say that ship A should not be on the seas. The line should dry-dock the ship and FIX the problem. But instead, they take the cheap way out and keep selling cabins KNOWING the AC does not work. And of course the Cheerleaders say, things break instead of saying, FIX THE DARNED PROBLEM.

In this case Carnival has had several instances with lost propulsion on various ships. Perhaps it is time for them to fix the problem rather than continue to roll the dice with the comfort of their passengers as their foremost concern rather than the lost revenue from canceling cruises to correctly address the problems.


Another fire on board a Carnival ship, another horror story on the nightly news, another 80 million in lost revenue, immense bad press and huge liability may cause Cahill to rethink his priorities. Profit is good, but you only get that profit if people believe your brand is safe.


I have never been scared about cruising, but when I read CC and hear a ship has had multiple breakdowns, I will not book that ship. There are other lines to cruise on that take more consideration in the comfort of their passengers than Carnival does.


It is time for some people to smell the roses and realize that Carnival, like all corporations, can DO SOME THINGS BETTER! In this case, maintenance on the ships and passenger safety and comfort should be priority number one!


Ready for the flaming I expect.:eek:


My stomach here turned the day someone posted, after the Concordia disaster, that "only 32 died".




Worse than that was hearing "only 3000 people died, when they thought it was going to be more like 50,000.


Some of my fellow terra nova passengers have lost sight of the value of even one human life.

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Surprising that you say this. My husband is an ER doctor and I'm a cardiac intensive care RN. If I'd known we were the same as EMT's and paramedics I'd not have helped pay my husbands way through med school and residency :)

I've worked with some very competent, and dedicated knowledgeable EMT's and paramedics, and respect most highly. But they do not have the education and training as physicians and registered nurses, and are not interchangeable.

Best to you :)


I've clarified myself twice, not going to do it again.

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No flaming from me. I agree that Carnival Corp has some deep rooted problems within their organization--top down--that need to be addressed. If they aren't willing to do so, the government needs kick them to the curb rather than endangering the lives of those who sail with them.


The problem is that Carnival is giving the entire cruise industry a black eye. The penny pinching and cutbacks are one thing but safety and well being of people is quite another.

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Here we go again....who said they weren't thankful to be alive? Here's the key...these people paid for a cruise vacation! If they had wanted an experience where they didn't have a bed to sleep on, or hot food to eat, or a place to go to the bathroom, then they surely would have booked a different vacation. To dismiss this as "just some emotional and mental trauma" is a direct insult to every passenger and crew member who has been living this for the past 4 days, not to mention the families who are still anxiously waiting to hear from their loved ones.


I'd add in that it's obnoxious as well.

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things i've learned from this thread:


even though carnival is offering a complete refund plus some nice incentives people are so money hungry they should sue anyway. personally a bird in this hand would be better than splitting with a lawyer a bit of dough in the future.


carnival is lying and the mayor of mobile, who is protecting his turf, is the voice of truth. the internet is our friend Mr. Mayor and we can see for ourselves the limited number of hotels which i am sure are already booked by family, press, and regular folks. i don't think i'd want to spend time at the local roadside motel.


many family members, upset that their loved one obviously didn't put them down as an emergency contact, feel carnival should be treating them like they are on the ship and giving them minute by minute updates anyhow.


the overnight position of the ship was chosen exactly for the reason it is out of cell range. wonder how much money it cost for someone to make sure it is parked in the position that has no bars for a myriad of carriers.


the ship is obviously crawling with sick and injured folks breathlessly waiting for the medical professionals waiting at the dock, obviously they wouldn't be there if the entire ship wasn't inundated with sick, starving, and pts passengers.


the ship is now reported to be listing at 45 degrees which means that all the furniture is on one side of the ship and everyone is on top of one another. my understanding is that a 24 degree list can cause a ship to capsize so i can't figure out how the boat is still upright.


oh and the best is that everyone in texas makes over a hundred grand a year so they should be compensated for missing 5 days of work to the tune of a minimum of $2k on top of all the other refunds. and that all of the kids on board who have now missed some school are going to be expelled and have their lives ruined.


i'm sure i've missed a bunch but this has been a pretty long thread with lots of wonderful pertinent and truthful information flowing.

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Passengers' stay in Alabama will be limited, Carnival said in a statement late Wednesday. The company said passengers were being given the option of boarding buses directly to Galveston, Texas, or Houston, or spending the night in a hotel in New Orleans, where the company said it booked 1,500 rooms. Those staying in New Orleans will be flown Friday to Houston. Carnival said it will cover all the transportation costs.

Mobile Mayor Sam Jones said late Wednesday that the city has more than enough hotel rooms to accommodate passengers and its two airports are near the cruise terminal.

"We raised the issue that it would be a lot easier to take a five-minute bus ride than a two-hour bus ride" to New Orleans, Jones said, adding that he did not know the company's reasoning. Jones said Carnival employees will be staying in Mobile.



Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/02/14/disabled-carnival-cruise-ship-had-prior-mechanical-trouble-on-january-voyage/?test=latestnews#ixzz2KsNhnBlx


If Mobile has "more than enough" rooms to accomadate these passengers , then it can only be some "corporate" decision ( in other words PROFIT over PEOPLE) that has made Carnival decide that their passengers wellbeing is secondary to Carnival's "bottom line." What is Carnival thinking? Forget basic humanity , this just intensifies their ongoing PR disaster. IfI were on that ship, or had a loved one on that ship...and heard that we could have been accomadated in Mobile, I would be livid. And I would shout it from all media "rooftops."


This is inexcusable.


This is absolutely OBSCENE on so many levels. I hope this is covered widely in the press.


I picked up on this immediately and posted prior to knowing of any official statement. I was immediately FLAMED by someone telling me to "think before I post." I pointed out to him that this occurred to at least 5 other people on the thread in the 2 pages surrounding it, and maybe he should be the one to "think."


MY post was PULLED. HIS was allowed to stand.


Scooter girl (the scooter toy owned by many 5 year olds, who tells people she's smarter than all lawyers) posted many condescending posts to CC members. When i called her out, my post got pulled... her posts slamming? Still there.


the REFS clearly don't call the game both ways, and it's not right.


bottom line: There are quite a few who agree with you. Their posts have probably gone poof, just like this one will. :rolleyes: When i see some of the posts in this forum that are still here, ad then see others which are nowhere near it get pulled, makes you wonder.



I agree. When I first read that post (that contained the latest (4th) update), i did a double take and read it again.


First thought: Why the heck are they making these people go on a 2.5 hour bus ride minimum after they get off that ship??? These people need food, a shower, a bed, much needed rest... To load everyone's stuff into the bus is gonna take at least an hour itself, so get them to the hotel asap!


and then get them going to the airport in the morning when they're a little bit rested. If you have to have the buses do 2 runs (from port to mobile hotels, then mobile hotel to airport the next day, so what? Pay for it! That's the least you could do. :rolleyes:


Area Hotels (Mobile) include Marriott, Hampton Inn, Holiday Inn, etc....these are not 30 room "motels."



Edit: AHHHHHH, Maybe they're taking them out of there to get them away from the media....


OMG do the two of you try to find the worst in everything. Every post so negative and doom and gloom. There are not over 1500 rooms in Mobile. Even if there were, most hotels have pricing models with goals to have rooms full during the week. Most hotels will be full with business travelers. They are not going go kick people out of hotels and distress more people just as they are not going to kick passengers off one ship to move them dangerously across the ocean to another. New Orleans is the closest city with accomedations. Even Galveston would not have 1500 open rooms. Its time to think before posting.


This is why ships have table for two.


Sorry for the rant

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No flaming from me. I agree that Carnival Corp has some deep rooted problems within their organization--top down--that need to be addressed. If they aren't willing to do so, the government needs kick them to the curb rather than endangering the lives of those who sail with them.


The one thing you DON'T want is the government getting involved in anything other than national defense. Prices REALLY will increase for those that can pay, those that can't/won't pay will get a free cruise, and the overall cruise product will decrease to a level never seen before. I have hope the free market will take care of everything....

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