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Norwegian Dawn Review 2/3 - 2/10


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We never got his name (DANGIT!) but he's a star! The one with me in the picture is pretty awful so you get Nancy instead. LOL.



Walking back to the ship.



Oh I forgot this snack of the day! It was good too!



iPhones SUCK in concert type lighting but Jocka and Maria were amazing.



Hello, please come to my room...



Barb the duck enjoying a cocktail in the blinky cup. LOL



Is the duck cup some type of special drink? Or is the duck yours? I'd somewhere did younger it - very cute!!

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Is the duck cup some type of special drink? Or is the duck yours? I'd somewhere did younger it - very cute!!


Ha! Just the cup was from NCL. Our friend Barb couldn't come at the last minute so we bought a duck (random last minute thing) at CVS and brought it along as "her" everywhere.

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Day Six - Cozumel


After debating a lot between the different excursions, we decided to wing it in Cozumel with the original plan being to head to Chankanaab to enjoy the day so we were in no hurry to get off the ship in the morning. It was nice to not have a time that we had to be anywhere!!! We got breakfast at Cagney’s and I found my calling, the waffles! YUM! Afterward we meandered off the ship (thank goodness we were allowed to dock!) and headed through the port (downtown although this may change). We eventually made it to the taxi station where they ended up talking the people I was traveling with into Playa Palancar over Chankanaab since it is free. Although in the end, with the cab fare ($30 each way) it really would have evened out but I’ve been to Cozumel before (and will be returning soon, I stay at Park Royal) so I wasn’t too fussed where we were going so long as it was a beach/water view.


It was a decent drive to Palancar - about 30 minutes or so with traffic. There is no fee to get onto the beach and be warned that the cab driver will offer to wait for you. We didn’t want to be stuck to a time so we told him to go. When you walk in there will be a few shops set up (all VERY friendly, if you can find the gentleman with a little cart near the end of the path where it splits to the left and right, he has some gorgeous jewelry for a good price) and a bar/food area. Keep going and you’ll find various tables with palapas, lounge chairs and the like. There’s 3 or so different areas to sit, but there are no lounge chairs in the shade FYI. Some woman flipped out on a poor waiter about this. They have the plastic chairs that everyone has on their patios but no loungers (although you could probably drag one over). The wood loungers without pads (some had them, some didn’t) were horrifically uncomfortable, the plastic ones in the sand are OK though. There are peacocks and lizards running around the area, so be warned if you have little ones to keep an eye on them - some special snowflakes were letting their 2 year old chase the lizards without watching them and I was cringing.


The service here is low-stress and very friendly. I was worried it would be high pressure sales but it really was quite nice and relaxed, even with the shops. The waiters checked up on you but I never felt bothered. The food is decent. I enjoyed my nachos but the quesadillas weren’t my favorite, not enough cheese. LOL The drinks were good and fairly priced for what we got. Our waiter was a doll (I am blanking on his name but an older gentleman with few teeth) and was quite kind. I look forward to returning when I'm back in April for a day at the beach.


The beach here is very surprising! I’ve come to love Cozumel for what it is, beautiful ocean but a rocky shore unless it’s created. Here you will find one of the few sandy beaches on the island but keep in mind it’s not like many islands, once you are a little over a food in you will hit a ton of rocks/shells and I highly recommend having water shoes. I did it barefoot and it was quite painful!!! The water is a gorgeous blue and the snorkeling nearby, while nothing like further out, is still something to swim around and gaze at. There’s one small reef that had dozens of fish. I didn’t know it at the time, but there is a $35 fee if you want to take a boat out to the reef and people came back talking of seeing turtles, rays and even a whale. GAH! Lucky ducks!


If you love shells, this is the place to go! Everyone was pulling whelks and conchs out of the water like it was their business. I didn't see many leaving with them (not sure if it's even legal to do here?) but I was impressed with the amount of intact shells that were coming out with people from the ocean.


Also, not related to the resort at ALL but everyone there was mostly from the ships in port. I think the taxi’s get a kick back for taking people here. Anywho, the people next to us were on the Star and telling us how there was a noro break out on the ship, eep! Their sister had it and they kept telling her it was the vodka but it turned out that she hadn’t drank at all. They said a LOT of people had it on the ship but it seemed like they were trying to downplay the illness on the ship. Not sure if it was that bad or not but they said their sister DEFINITELY had it. I guess it was pretty hard to get into the medical office on the ship due to so many going down. Needless to say, I gave them a wide berth on the beach. Ha.


We stayed pretty much as long as we could and headed back to the shops with about 20 minutes to shop. I was sad b/c my only must do in Cozumel was to stock up on more tequila but we didn’t have time. I about jumped for joy when the brand I wanted (Cava Antiqua, licor flavor - it’s amazing, try it NOW, I even got the tequila hating ladies with me to try it and want some!) was in one of the shops but they were sold out. They could have ran to the warehouse but it’d take 30-45 minutes and I didn’t want to chance missing the boat. That’ll be my first stop when I go back in April! We meandered through what felt like a million silver stores trying to find my friend a silver ship charm (old school charm bracelet, not the pandora style) but had no luck at all. BTW they are all the same. I know now. LOL.


We got back on the ship and relaxed for a bit before heading to The Venetian for dinner. WHY DID WE WAIT SO LONG?!!? Oh my goodness it was SO GOOD! The menu was a cut above what Aqua’s was (although some items were the same) and the views were much better. We were seated by the windows at the back and it was fun to watch the waves. I really rather enjoyed our meal there and I think that if I were to go on the Dawn again I’d eat there every night save for one night at Cagney’s. I had the turkey & dressing special and it was delicious. YUM!


After dinner we went to the show that everyone seems to talk about from the Dawn, Greg London. We were his last show on the Dawn so my review probably won’t help much but... he was good. He made me laugh a few times but to be honest I was DEFINITELY outside of his demographic. There was a lot of songs I didn’t know (and I know a lot of music due to being a wedding photographer LOL) and the ones I did know (Rainbow Connection!) no one else was laughing at. Oh well! He was very good but definitely very sentimental about it being his last night, there was a lot of chatter about it and it somewhat drug on a bit, although I understand why.


We ended up calling it a night pretty early and while my roommate was able to sleep through the screaming kids next door, I couldn’t so I watched the amazing stars off the balcony and entertained myself with some internet splurging.


FYI: The internet is a hit or miss thing but I seemed to find that the best times to use it was VERY early in the morning or after 10PM. I wonder if there’s something w/ the internet connected with the kids program? Anyway, I couldn’t get on anytime between 9AM-10PM no matter how much I tried. The speed though when I was on, especially later at night, was decent and not as bad as I was expecting. I had bought a package of 200 minutes or something of the sort the first night and used it all by the end. I had to remain in contact online with my clients (brides don’t like when you poof even if they know why) so I was online for a bit of every day or so.

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Enjoying your trip! We have a 2 bedroom family suite reserved for next april on the Dawn, so I'm loving the pics! Although it's some time away, if you have any suggestions for places to see, I'd love the input. We haven't been to any of the ports and have way too long of a want to do list! Thanks and great job

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Day Six - Pictures



I love Mexican Coca-Cola so I was happy to be able to drink this in its homeland. LOL.



Nachos. Be cautious if you leave food out, the birds attacked as soon as I left the table to go in the water.



Looking towards San Miguel. The beach here is beautiful!



Shirley felt this hit her legs when she was in the water, pretty awesome find!




There are a couple tiny reefs off shore only a few feet. When I say there was a lot of fish, there's a lot of fish!

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View from my table, I was still pretty burned from the first day out so I tried to stick to the shade at all times if possible.



One of the resident animals.



Leaving Cozumel :(



A repeat snack, ick to caviar. Yes, I know. It's supposed to be amazing. NO thanks! LOL!




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Enjoying your trip! We have a 2 bedroom family suite reserved for next april on the Dawn, so I'm loving the pics! Although it's some time away, if you have any suggestions for places to see, I'd love the input. We haven't been to any of the ports and have way too long of a want to do list! Thanks and great job


I think it all depends on the ages of the kids with you or if you are all adults?


I would HIGHLY suggest Tabyana Beach but not for any kids that can't be entertained by just a beach for longer than 3 hours. If they need playgrounds and things going on to keep them going it's not going to be the place for them.


I wouldn't recommend Bacab to any kiddos. I hear that Bannister Island is amazing in Belize and I hear good things about the Cave Tubing but the people I was with had a lot of foot issues so the walk concerned us to not try it.


I think Maya Chan is definitely an adult/teens place. Again, if the kiddos aren't self-entertained, they would get bored very easily. Here not quite as much due to kayaks and bikes but still would be boring to most kids.


In Cozumel there's a TON of places to go - I HIGHLY recommend doing the Manatee Swim at Dolphin Discovery (located within Chankanaab). They also have dolphins and sea lions I believe. It was my favorite thing I've done there by far, would have done it again this trip but I'll wait until I go back in April.


I think that my biggest recommendation is to research the boards here - especially the different ports of call. There is good advice there! In retrospect I'm glad we went off the ship for many activities as the price difference can be amazing. The only thing I would do through the ship for sure is things that are full days. Our friend did Tulum with a group we met at Maya Chan and it was booked on their own. They came "this close" to missing the boat due to delays. Otherwise, most of the adventures you can book on your own. Check into the boards and see what people recommend. Some say to do Bannister Island via the ship since you get a direct transportation to the island w/o going to the Belize port... me, I would have wanted to browse the port so that wouldn't bother me.


If you let me know ages I can tell you more in detail LOL!

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Thx for the suggestions - yes three kids along with hubby and myself. Our son will be 17, and our daughters will be 8 & 11. It can be a challenge to make everyone happy with the wide spacing. We definately want to do a Mayan ruin and I think an animal swim. Bannister island looks like a great option in Belize. Also think we'd love to try a zip line through the jungle, but not sure the littlest one is ready for that and she's very tiny (not even 50 lbs).


Awesome pics!

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I have never had a Mexican Coke....is there really a difference???


YES!!!!! Huge huge huge difference! Mexico still makes Coke with sugar, so there is a definite taste difference between it and USA Coke made with corn syrup. They sell it in glass bottles at Sam's Club and many stores if you want to give it a whirl, just make sure you find the one that says "Coke de Mexico" as they do sell the corn syrup stuff in glass bottles as well (but usually the smaller ones).

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Thx for the suggestions - yes three kids along with hubby and myself. Our son will be 17, and our daughters will be 8 & 11. It can be a challenge to make everyone happy with the wide spacing. We definately want to do a Mayan ruin and I think an animal swim. Bannister island looks like a great option in Belize. Also think we'd love to try a zip line through the jungle, but not sure the littlest one is ready for that and she's very tiny (not even 50 lbs).


Awesome pics!


Tulum is probably "the" Mayan ruin to see but you won't have any time in Cozumel after, and that's one you definitely want to book through the cruise. It's beautiful and a neat place to go but it's VERY hot and the ride there is about 2 hours. If you aren't too fussed on where to see the ruins there are plenty of them I think at every port. They aren't as great but they are still something to see.


Personally I think the animal encounters in Cozumel with Dolphin Discovery are pretty amazing but I'm sure the others are OK too. We originally were going to do one prior to Tabyana (there was a combo version of it on the trip). There is also a place to swim with rays in Cozumel too. I guess it all ends up being what seems like the most fun for the most people that you're with :)


Check with the various sites re: weight limits.

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I have never had a Mexican Coke....is there really a difference???


YES!!!!! Huge huge huge difference! Mexico still makes Coke with sugar, so there is a definite taste difference between it and USA Coke made with corn syrup. They sell it in glass bottles at Sam's Club and many stores if you want to give it a whirl, just make sure you find the one that says "Coke de Mexico" as they do sell the corn syrup stuff in glass bottles as well (but usually the smaller ones).


Same with BERMUDA coke - it's also made with sugar and is so delicious. So much better than the USA (and possibly Canada) ones. When our DS came home from Univ for Xmas he said aaah so nice when he drank the Bermuda coke for the first time in some months.


We're in Mexico in 3 weeks' time - I'll make sure to get a coke there. Thanks for the info!


Great review and excellent photos!

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YES!!!!! Huge huge huge difference! Mexico still makes Coke with sugar, so there is a definite taste difference between it and USA Coke made with corn syrup. They sell it in glass bottles at Sam's Club and many stores if you want to give it a whirl, just make sure you find the one that says "Coke de Mexico" as they do sell the corn syrup stuff in glass bottles as well (but usually the smaller ones).


Same with BERMUDA coke - it's also made with sugar and is so delicious. So much better than the USA (and possibly Canada) ones. When our DS came home from Univ for Xmas he said aaah so nice when he drank the Bermuda coke for the first time in some months.


For anyone who is interested, Pepsi Throwback is readily available in the USA, and is also made with real sugar instead of corn syrup. My husband loves it!

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Day 7 - At Sea


We woke up too late for breakfast at Cagney’s (ends at 9:30) so we headed over to Blue Lagoon and I have to say, I was impressed! I got an omelet there and it was just as good, if not a bit better, than the one at Cagney’s. The toast was better. Yes, I know, I am strange! LOL


Everyone headed up to the deck to catch some last rays but I knew that I couldn’t go out anymore. I was blistered and peeling on top of my blisters and peels. NOT pretty. I went over to the spa to see if I could exchange my thermal pass for something else in the spa. I’d called a few times but no luck (someone will call me back... which happened never) so I decided to give going there a whirl. I suppose I could have used the room to sit and read in but I couldn’t use the hot tubs, not with my skin so raw. The last thing I needed was chlorine on my skin! Anyway, I got the same song and dance about asking a manager and I never DID get a straight answer and ended up wasting the $118. Oh well. Such is life!


I wandered around and took some pictures and did a bit of shopping in the shops. FYI, you can’t try anything on but you can’t return anything. I got a shirt that looked like it would fit but it was really cut wonky and looked bad on so I wanted to return it and they would only let me exchange it. It was fine but was annoying. There also is NOTHING there for babies, all of their clothes start around 2T or so. We didn’t get a lot of shopping in on the ports so I wanted to get gifts for home but it wasn’t easy to find stuff. I am sure most find their stores fine but in comparison to the other ships I’ve been on, I found that they really didn’t have that great of shopping on board.


For lunch they had a BBQ poolside but it was mostly seafood focused (I believe the one on the first day at sea was BBQ and Chicken) so I went to the buffet. It was hit or miss for me but THE PRETZEL ROLLS! HOLY GOD!!! Why did I miss these all week to find them the LAST DAY!? DANGIT! The orzo salad was also very tasty!


I ended up spending the afternoon on our balcony reading since it was shaded due to being a hull one and read. It was perfect.

For dinner we had a comped night at the restaurant of our choice due to our toilet breaking every dang day on our trip. EVERY SINGLE DAY! You know how frustrating that is? AND EMBARRASSING?! Ugh. So they ended up offering us a dinner on the house so we went to Cagney’s. We met up for our last 2 for 1 at the Star Bar and went over for dinner. It was pretty tasty! Although I have one complaint. For being a steakhouse almost ALL of the appetizers/soups/salads were seafood based. ***?! So I didn’t get anything but an entree since I’m not a seafood eater. The filet was tasty and very good.


We decided to spend the last of our remaining tickets in the casino and en route someone came out of the hidden wheelchair accessible restroom in the hallway behind Le Bistro. It’s almost like a seamless wall and you barely notice it’s there... until the door flies open and hits you in the face. So, be cautious of that. Yes, it hurt. Good thing I’d had a couple drinks so I just laughed it off until the morning when I wondered why my face hurt so much.


We played in the casino a bit and lost all of our money LOL. One of our group was determined to win at the key game... no such luck. I swear no one really wins that thing!!!! We headed to bed and I may have screamed out on our balcony because the kids next door were screaming again. They shut up after that.


We threw our luggage in the hallway right around 1 and they were gone in the morning so that was good! LOL!

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Same with BERMUDA coke - it's also made with sugar and is so delicious. So much better than the USA (and possibly Canada) ones. When our DS came home from Univ for Xmas he said aaah so nice when he drank the Bermuda coke for the first time in some months.




I live in Canada. and I find our coke (and diet coke) to be just right.. I find the USA stuff not sweet enough, and the Bermuda/Mexico to be too sweet

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Thx for the suggestions - yes three kids along with hubby and myself. Our son will be 17, and our daughters will be 8 & 11. It can be a challenge to make everyone happy with the wide spacing. We definately want to do a Mayan ruin and I think an animal swim. Bannister island looks like a great option in Belize. Also think we'd love to try a zip line through the jungle, but not sure the littlest one is ready for that and she's very tiny (not even 50 lbs).


Awesome pics!


If I might make a suggestion- we are sailing the Dawn on Sunday and going back to Maya Key in Roatan. It is a small island and a boat runs back and forth to where the Dawn is docked all day. They have rescued animals, a beautiful beach, snirkeling, a beautiful pool, a great lunch, fake Mayan ruins. It's a ship excursion.




has lots of information. We went there when my daughter was 12 and my older son was 25 and liked it enough to repeat, which we almost never do.

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Hope your friend's Husband is doing well.

I am curious. Did your friend receive reimbursement from the insurance company?

We have sail the Dawn before and loved it. We are booked for 4/21/13.

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