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Shame of Norwegian


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The insensitivity of those on this board as it relates to the experiences of others is quite amazing.


NCL's decision was a poor one and probably had more to do with rote customer service than seasoned executives making business decisions. For those of you that say "it's business," you clearly don't understand how business works. It was a poor business decision at best. At worst, it was an insensitive response to those affected by a natural disaster. If you don't think being insensitive affects a corporation's bottom line, consider why companies support (and market their suppor for) charities and other worthwhile causes.


After Sandy, I received dozens of emails from a wide range of companies offering to suspend/bend their policies as a result of the hurricane. This is now considered standard protocol for businesses during natural disasters, terrorist attacks or other non-standard events. Delta, JetBlue, Hilton, Royal Caribbean, American Express, Bank of America, even Petsmart offered help to their customers in a variety of ways, from waiving change fees to refunding fares for those affected. This also happened during the recent Boston terrorist attacks. It is simply of poor taste and bad business to deny customers the opportunity to make adjustments for things such as this.


From a dollars and cents perspective, it cost NCL way more than the $4,000 in fare to pay a PR agency to respond to a local station in the largest media market in the country. A 30 second commercial in that same news cast would cost tens of thousands of dollars alone. The only precedence that would have been set (should they have chosen to publicize that they were waiving change fees and refunding deposits for those affected) would be that we are sensitive to customer needs during times of emergency disasters and will work with them to keep a happy customer. Furthermore, any business person worth their salt knows that keeping an existing customer is much less expensive than acquiring a new one.


It amazes me that the same people that complain about chair hoggers would be so insensitive to people who needed to make a change in an extraordinary event in our country's history. Travel insurance is beside the point. Royal Caribbean's opportunistic response is also irrelevant. And I've cruised NCL more than any other line, so you could call me a "fan."


It's not called insensitivity - it's called personal responsibility and trip insurance - period.

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I would also expect them to respond to those people on a case-by-case basis.


This idea that companies apply policies across the board is erroneous. Companies should respond to individual circumstances. Policies work best when they are developed in a way that allow for judgement calls based on individual circumstances. This circumstance was extraordinary.


People only seem to care about the things that personally affect them. I would imagine that most people who commented with "tough luck," wouldn't say the same if NCL overbooked a ship and they were denied boarding as a result. That is also "policy."


So why is one person's tragedy any different from anothers? Who judges who has the worse situation or who is worthy of a handout? Buy the insurance.

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It's not called insensitivity - it's called personal responsibility and trip insurance - period.



It's absolutely called insensitivity. People on these boards are more concerned with whether children are running amok on the ship, chairs being improperly held, tipping your stewards, etc. than they are about people's lives. Other businesses have made changes in their policies when storms and other catastrophies occur, not just for Sandy. I am so tired of hearing "they should have had insurance", as one poster stated they may have and it wasn't covered.

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It's absolutely called insensitivity. People on these boards are more concerned with whether children are running amok on the ship, chairs being improperly held, tipping your stewards, etc. than they are about people's lives. Other businesses have made changes in their policies when storms and other catastrophies occur, not just for Sandy. I am so tired of hearing "they should have had insurance", as one poster stated they may have and it wasn't covered.


They should have had insurance

They should have had insurance

They should have had insurance

They should have had insurance

They should have had insurance

They should have had insurance

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They should have had insurance

They should have had insurance

They should have had insurance

They should have had insurance

They should have had insurance

They should have had insurance


Haha! Lol

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They should have had insurance

They should have had insurance

They should have had insurance

They should have had insurance

They should have had insurance

They should have had insurance


Oh goodness, I'm dying of laughter. :D

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Let's see how much publicity NCL gets from "7 on your side" when the 150 FAMILIES who were affected by Sandy board the Breakaway for THEIR FREE CRUISE.


My calculations show that RCCL got their free publicity by giving less than 4 percent of the amount NCL gave.


Yes, Royal pulled off the cheapest publicity stunt I can recall, and timed it to coincide with the arrival of the Breakaway so they could steal the publicity.


Cheap !!!! Very cheap and certainly not deserving of any accolades.


I don't think it will matter about the 150 free cruises on the Breakaway. Too many in this country (Thanks to the media) have become all about the "gotchas" and not about what good people do... I swear there are folks that sit, shaking on the edge of their chairs, eyes glaring, just watching, waiting for a slip up.... anything just so they can bash it... GOTCHA!

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Geez, if it were up to all of you, anyone who lost a limb in the Boston Marathon bombing and had a cruise planned would be screwed too if they didn't get the insurance.

Have some heart people! Not everyone gets insurance because no one assumes anything bad is gong to happen to them. I can see them not honoring for a routine death in the family or an illness, but some unforeseen catastrophic event? Come on!

What I have found on these boards, if you are on a Carnival forum, you will defend them to no end, same with RCCL and the same here on Norweign.

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Geez, if it were up to all of you, anyone who lost a limb in the Boston Marathon bombing and had a cruise planned would be screwed too if they didn't get the insurance.

Have some heart people! Not everyone gets insurance because no one assumes anything bad is gong to happen to them. I can see them not honoring for a routine death in the family or an illness, but some unforeseen catastrophic event? Come on!

What I have found on these boards, if you are on a Carnival forum, you will defend them to no end, same with RCCL and the same here on Norweign.


last I checked, if I had a death in the family that would be a catastrophic event to me! Who are we to judge what's catastrophic enough for them to make exceptions? So instead, they make NO exceptions. And this is known ahead of time.


and nobody ever assumes anything bad is going to happen. But we have house insurance, just in case. We have auto insurance, just in case. When you travel, you should buy insurance, JUST IN CASE.

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Who books a cruise in October (prime hurricane season) and doesn't buy insurance?! :eek:


The lack of personal responsibility in this country is astounding, and sad. :(


The question you should always ask yourself when contemplating insurance is "Can I afford to lose this amount?" If not, you buy the insurance.


I'm glad NCL didn't give them another cruise. I don't want to subsidize it. And what if I wanted to buy a cabin on that cruise, but it wasn't available because it was given away?

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Geez, if it were up to all of you, anyone who lost a limb in the Boston Marathon bombing and had a cruise planned would be screwed too if they didn't get the insurance.

Have some heart people! Not everyone gets insurance because no one assumes anything bad is gong to happen to them. I can see them not honoring for a routine death in the family or an illness, but some unforeseen catastrophic event? Come on!

What I have found on these boards, if you are on a Carnival forum, you will defend them to no end, same with RCCL and the same here on Norweign.


Are you saying we should only buy insurance if we anticipate a loved one will die, or become gravely ill, or we personally will break a limb, as that is the only time a cruise line should not make an exception? I'm confused by your thinking. :confused:

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Who books a cruise in October (prime hurricane season) and doesn't buy insurance?! :eek:


The lack of personal responsibility in this country is astounding, and sad. :(


The question you should always ask yourself when contemplating insurance is "Can I afford to lose this amount?" If not, you buy the insurance.


I'm glad NCL didn't give them another cruise. I don't want to subsidize it. And what if I wanted to buy a cabin on that cruise, but it wasn't available because it was given away?


I also do not want to subsidize your cruise by making a generous donation in the casino, booking a suite, and drinking a copious amount of alcohol. That's how stupid your statement sounds.

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I also do not want to subsidize your cruise by making a generous donation in the casino, booking a suite, and drinking a copious amount of alcohol. That's how stupid your statement sounds.


Well - actually YoungLegend - you're the one whose statement makes no sense - or in your own words "stupid."

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Really bad publicity for Norwegian Cruise,

This was on channel 7 news in New York today. These people were booked on a cruise vacation (6 people) when hurricane Sandy hit and totally destroyed their home and all its contents. Their cruise was to begin just 6 later. They survived Sandy only with the cloths on their back.

Tried numerous phone calls and emails to re-book the cruise for a later date. No one ever contacted them from Norwegian Cruise Line and refused to discuss the matter. Besides losing their home they were out over $4,000.

Channel 7 news stepped in and got Royal Caribbean to give these people a free 7 day cruise to Bermuda for not 6 but 8 people.

Shame on you Norwegian

Did this group of people/family have insurence on their home? If so, why?

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I am originally from Point Pleasant Beach, NJ and we lived 2 blocks from the ocean. I know what the impact of the storm was and I too feel compassion.


Travel insurance protects a significant financial investment. I don't mean to generalize, but I also know a lot of people who live in the coastal areas that did not have flood insurance, but are asking for a waiver for coverage after the fact. Personal accountability is as important as compassion.


We lift each other up when we are down, but there is a point where a person starts to become enriched rather than just made whole.


If I were asking for a waiver and got it for flood insurance would I also have to pay the back premiums for the years I owned the house but only paid premiums for basic insurance? Or are those waivers being sought due to govt coverage as in FEMA? Clarification please. Thanks

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[quote name=katcas;38219088

Have some heart people! Not everyone gets insurance because no one assumes anything bad is gong to happen to them. I can see them not honoring for a routine death in the family or an illness' date=' but some unforeseen catastrophic event? Come on![/quote]


"routine death in the family" ????? :eek:




Loss of house


WOW..........Just WOW.


I guess that your priorities are clear.

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Did this group of people/family have insurence on their home? If so, why?






Like others have said if it is something you cannot afford to replace or take the loss of.....insure it.



In all the years I have owned homes, I paid my premiums regularly. Never once Thank God have I had any reason to make a claim . Same with my auto insurance.



Kind of a waste of money writing those checks all these years and never seeing a dime of it back???????? Hell no , because God forbid the day comes , that my luck runs out I don't want to be screwed, and pray for the kindness of strangers and "7 on your side" to bail me out"


Would having to eat the price of a cruise ruin me if i had to ? .....NO


But why should I take that chance?


Someone wants to take that chance , they have that right. I don't have any sympathy for them if they lose out

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If I were asking for a waiver and got it for flood insurance would I also have to pay the back premiums for the years I owned the house but only paid premiums for basic insurance? Or are those waivers being sought due to govt coverage as in FEMA? Clarification please. Thanks


A friend of mine is an insurance adjuster and has had to try to help many of these familes deal with their loss of property. Most did not have flood insurance because they did not want to pay fo rit. Now that their home has had several feet of water damage, they are wanting the home insurance to cover the loss since it was such a huge storm.


If they were protecting their investment, they would have had flood insurance when living in a flood zone.


I really feel for these people and even collected almost 30 boxes of clothes etc to send back east. I have also been through a major tragedy that almost left me homeless (I got to the point I had $12 left in the bank).

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The compassion of some people on this bb is just amazing. :rolleyes:


How many of us here have ever failed to plan something properly and something bad happened. I'm not talking just about traveling, or cruising, but in life in general. In life, sh*t happens! If we were all perfect 100% of the time we would all plan accordingly, and never suffer any setbacks at all. But really, who on this bb is that perfect? Hey, I'm the closest to perfection of anyone I know, and I still screw up occasionally.:eek:


So they should have purchased travel insurance. I agree 100%. But, if this happened to me I would do all I could to try to fix it. I might have only a slight chance to actually succeed but I would, at least, try!


So, I for one applaud this family for trying ...and succeeding. And good on RCI for stepping up. You can't buy this type of good PR!


Just my 2 cents worth.


(but my 2 cents is worth a heck of alot more than your 2 cents;))

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A friend of mine is an insurance adjuster and has had to try to help many of these familes deal with their loss of property. Most did not have flood insurance because they did not want to pay fo rit. Now that their home has had several feet of water damage, they are wanting the home insurance to cover the loss since it was such a huge storm.


If they were protecting their investment, they would have had flood insurance when living in a flood zone.


I really feel for these people and even collected almost 30 boxes of clothes etc to send back east. I have also been through a major tragedy that almost left me homeless (I got to the point I had $12 left in the bank).


The peril of Flood is a specifically EXCLUDED peril on homeowner insurance policies, along with WAR, EARTHQUAKE, CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE, and in certain areas in the US, WINDSTORM (aka Hurricanes) plus a few other perils. So there is no waiver.


For all practical purposes Flood damage may be covered by: 1) self-insure or 2) via FEMA's flood insurance program.


Nearby my location, the Russian River, floods regularly; after many years of payouts, FEMA decided ago that the homeowner must mitigate flood damage by elevating the dwelling in order to get flood insurance. If the property owner did not raise the dwelling, they could not get flood insurance, nor they would get any grants or subsidies from the gov't. Since many banks require flood insurance, many property owners couldn't get loans unless they raised their dwelling.

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The compassion of some people on this bb is just amazing. :rolleyes:


How many of us here have ever failed to plan something properly and something bad happened. I'm not talking just about traveling, or cruising, but in life in general. In life, sh*t happens! If we were all perfect 100% of the time we would all plan accordingly, and never suffer any setbacks at all. But really, who on this bb is that perfect? Hey, I'm the closest to perfection of anyone I know, and I still screw up occasionally.:eek:


So they should have purchased travel insurance. I agree 100%. But, if this happened to me I would do all I could to try to fix it. I might have only a slight chance to actually succeed but I would, at least, try!


So, I for one applaud this family for trying ...and succeeding. And good on RCI for stepping up. You can't buy this type of good PR!


Just my 2 cents worth.


(but my 2 cents is worth a heck of alot more than your 2 cents;))

Compassion does not mean disregard for personal responsibility. Yes we all make poor decisions sometimes....but why should someone else be expected to pay for our poor decision? I personally would never try to get a free cruise if I lost one due to my own neglect in getting insurance and a casualty happened. If I took that risk, and I did my first 3 cruises, then I would accept it as my responsibility for taking that loss. It's not like it was necessity for living like a home, clothes or food where you may need to rely on others to help you to survive until you could get back on your feet....

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The compassion of some people on this bb is just amazing. :rolleyes:


How many of us here have ever failed to plan something properly and something bad happened. I'm not talking just about traveling, or cruising, but in life in general. In life, sh*t happens! If we were all perfect 100% of the time we would all plan accordingly, and never suffer any setbacks at all. But really, who on this bb is that perfect? Hey, I'm the closest to perfection of anyone I know, and I still screw up occasionally.:eek:


So they should have purchased travel insurance. I agree 100%. But, if this happened to me I would do all I could to try to fix it. I might have only a slight chance to actually succeed but I would, at least, try!


So, I for one applaud this family for trying ...and succeeding. And good on RCI for stepping up. You can't buy this type of good PR!


Just my 2 cents worth.


(but my 2 cents is worth a heck of alot more than your 2 cents;))


I think everyone here has compassion for this family. However, that compassion does not ignore the fact they should have purchased insurance. It's sort of like not insuring your home properly, having an act of mother nature strike, then whining and complaining because you chose to save money and take the risk. I think a lot of people don't want to pay for the person who chose to take the risk and lost. I insure - I don't want to pay for those who, for whatever reason, decide not to. That's on their shoulders.

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