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Day to Day Trip Report (review) – Family of 10 on Oasis May 4, 2013

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Day to Day Trip Report (review) – Family of 10 on Oasis May 4, 2013



This trip report/review will be day to day and will include pictures, however we didn’t end up with as many as I would have liked. I LOVE taking food porn pictures, but there were so many times that I ate it before I took the picture (as well as my entire family thinks I’m a lunatic for being so obsessed with food pictures that I couldn’t count on them to take a SINGLE one for me)! We are a group of 3 families all traveling together. My family of four consists of myself (31), dear husband Ryan (31), dear son 1 Riley (4.5) and dear son 2 Evan (turned 2 on the boat!) from Orlando, FL. DH’s brother’s family (will refer to them as the PA Schutt’s) consists of his brother Corey (34), his wife Sabrina (34), their son/our nephew Tyler (8) and their daughter/our niece (5) from Hollidaysburg, PA. Then my in-law’s, FIN Dennis (65) and MIL Kathy (65) from Jacksonville, FL. We take a family trip together every year and decided to take our second cruise this year (first one we took all together was on NCL’s Epic in January of 2011 when I was pregnant with DS2). This boat appealed to us due to the activities, kid’s club, nursery available for DS2 and the eastern itinerary (we had gone western last time).



DH and I are CRAZY planners before a vacation; complete with multiple tab Excel spreadsheets that are distributed to all involved. This time, however, we did not start all that until about a month and a half out which was odd for us and for the rest of the family. Once we started, though, there was NO TURNING BACK!!!! I was on RCCL’s website and CC EVERY. SINGLE. DAY!!! I read everything I could and LOVED the trip reports/reviews (best were gambee, BrianAlt, swwake, Radio, Russ Lomas, Host Faith, ChrstyLNDRN, Familgoboston and KansCocoa……and yes, some of those were for Allure but I COULDN’T HELP MYSELF). While the reviews were great, and I felt very prepared, I didn’t find many that went into detail from a “young family” perspective. This review/TR will include information for the kids clubs as well as information for the adults.



I should probably wait until the end to say if we liked the ship and if we would sail again…..BUT……I CAN’T HELP MYSELF, we absolutely LOVED it. :D It is such a big ship with so much to do and so many areas to explore that there is not one second you don’t have something to do (unless it is nothing that you want to be doing). They have done such a good job “displacing” the people that the only times we felt crowded were directly after Muster, during parades on the promenade deck or after a show let out, GREAT JOB ROYAL! Well……this is not taking into account the Windjammer, which is a mad-house at all hours it is open……which in our opinion wasn’t open during hours it would have been helpful to feeding small children prior to a nice adult dinner. Which leads me to the food……OH, the food. I guess I will get into that and the kids club during the day to days.



Hope someone out there will think this review is helpful, however in all honesty I will enjoy re-living our glorious week regardless! :rolleyes:

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Before Boarding –

I drove down with the kids and my MIL from Orlando Friday afternoon, it makes me nervous to travel same day as embarking……as I feel certain there will be some sort of global event on 95 or the turnpike if we decided to drive down same day, which I know is perfectly rational. We arrived at the Embassy Suites right around the corner to the port and checked in right away (arrived about 3:30p). We were given our 3 rooms (2 rooms suites) and headed on up. Our room was great but when we went over to my MIL’s room, we noticed instantly is was a smoking room and it was TERRIBLE. :eek: We called down and after a trip downstairs (and her saying two double beds were fine), we had three fresh-smelling rooms on the same floor.


This is the living room, same for all three families.



After a bit, I opened my taxi service and left DS1 and DS2 with Nana and headed to the airport to pick up my first round of passengers. The PA Schutt’s were due to land from BWI at 5:40, I had to circle the airport three times and then maneuver to try and get over to actually pick them up….ITS A MADHOUSE, getting us ready for the Windjammer I guess. I would have parked in the cell phone lot and waited, but it is SMALL and was full each time I drove through….until the last time, of course, where I finally found a spot and did my little happy chair dance and was immediately texted that they were waiting on the curb. Typical. :rolleyes: So, once I picked them up and drove them back (got a little “side-tracked” and not lost due to all the construction but made it back in about 10 minutes. Then I had to turn around and head BACK to the airport to pick up DH who was flying directly to FLL from Philly where he was on business travel (yes, all you mother’s out there with traveling husband’s……he got out of most of the packing, furry child's drop off with friends, fish drop off with Grandma, all of the loading AND all of the driving down with the kiddies). He had landed just as the PA Schutt’s were walking out, however not even our Armada would have held all 6 of us plus luggage so two trips were necessary. His was like the last bag out so I actually had to wait on him when I got back for a few. We headed back, with no “side-tracking” this time and headed straight to the on-site restaurant for dinner (easiest with the kids and all the taxi-ing). It was good and quick, no complaints. We then went back upstairs and just hung out and then got everything ready for the kids for bed……WE WERE CRUISING THE NEXT DAY!!!!!!!! :D

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Ok, it took me FOREVER to figure it out....ok, so I spent FOREVER trying to figure it out and then my husband spends like 2.5 seconds and we are rocking and rolling. A normal sized picture embedded in the post. While I appreciate that "we" figured it out, DOES IT EVER TICK ME OFF THAT THIS HAPPENS WITH EVERYTHING!!!!!!! So, I have written embarkation day but I fear my patience is rather thin so I should hold off until the morning. I would promise that the review gets better, but........:rolleyes: :p :D

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We woke up normal time (and by that I of course mean the kids woke up with the sun and woke us up through the monitor) at about 6:45. We hung for a bit and waited as long as we could for the other Schutt’s to open their drapes but went down to the FREE breakfast in the lobby. The others came down soon after. The breakfast was fine (eggs were NOT), your usual continental fare. Filled the kids up and we were fine.


Our plan was to get to the port about 11:00, so we opened the taxi service back up at 10:45 and DH shuttled the first group (PA Schutt’s) to the port and headed back to get the rest of us. My FIL decided he was flying in that morning from his firm’s annual golf tournament in Tampa, so he was to TAKE A CAB….this will come into play later…and meet us at the port at 11:00ish.


So, DH calls me just after he leaves on the first trip and says “it would be great if you and mom could get the kids and bags downstairs so I don’t have to valet the car again…” I said “……uuummmmmm ok, that is a bit harder than it sounds, but we can try.” Mind you, I have 2 kids under 5, 9 bags total between our luggage, MIL’s luggage and our carry-ons (which included a pack-n-play (PIP) since we couldn’t check it due to losing the bag that holds it together). So, we start the process of shuffling out the kids, bags and PNP into the hall and out of the room. The elevators are pretty far, but we moved the kids and the bags down in 20 foot chunks. We would move two; come back more two more and a kid, run back and move two more…you get the idea. At one point, one of our big suitcases falls over with a carry-on that was put on top of it (remember this too…), no big deal pick it up and keep truckin. So, we FINALLY make it over to the elevators with everything and then realize we should have “shuffled” over to the other bank of elevators as we wait and wait and wait for one to stop and the only one that did was completely full. So, you guessed it, we start the “shuffle” process to make it to the other set of elevators. Half way to the other side of the hotel, I feel something wet on my lower leg and look down to see red liquid on my shoes and ankle……of course the carry-on bag that fell had our bottles of Sangria in it! We had, at the last minute, purchased 4 bottles of Sangria to enjoy in my in-laws wonderful room as that is FIL’s favorite. We had, also last minute, taken them out of our checked luggage “so they wouldn’t explode and ruin everything.” Um…… So, we are now shuffling not only 2 kids (a MIL :p), 9 bags, a PIP, but a bag that is now leaking what appears to be blood from a dead body through the hallways and onto the elevator (that thankfully came soon after). Of course, we had to accept the help of this poor maintenance worker that was waiting for the elevator and had to get all of our stuff in and then watched from OUTSIDE the elevator as the doors closed since it was now full of the CRAZY family of 4. Once in the lobby, I run (with my “bloody” bag to the restroom and opened it to sangria soaked crib sheet, Ziploc’s with our medicine, toys, diapers, wipes, etc as well as one shattered wine bottle. Awesome. I commandeered the entire sink area (apologizing profusely to the other weirded out ladies exiting the stalls) and pulled everything out of my favorite CLOTH beach bag. Then, as if she was an angel sent from the heavens, a hotel worker came in and offered her assistance. She ran to get me a huge towel while I trashed what had to be thrown out (crib sheet for the PIP, band-aids, diapers, etc) and started rinsing off what I could. She came back in time to help me dry off the salvaged goods. At this point this friendly fellow traveler came in on her way BACK from the Oasis and noticed my predicament and asked what happened, I said “well, I was with my MIL….” to which she said “say no more…” After telling the wonderful helper to just trash the bag =( I went back out to the lobby and found my MIL, bags and ONE DS!!!! :eek: I asked her where DS2 was and she said oh, he’s right there and pointed to the area just beyond the lobby! Um, he’s just under 2 and a HUGE flight risk! The nice fellow cruiser was passing by just as MIL said this and saw the look on my face and simply said with a wink “try and enjoy your trip sweetheart” as she patted my shoulder. :rolleyes: After a thank you, I wrangle up both DS’s and a bag when DH comes flying in and starts the shuffling all of us and our stuff to the car. Our angel helped us carry the stuff we now had no bag for… Once inside the car, seemingly 5 days later, looking like the crazy people that couldn’t contain their crazy, I asked DH what he wanted to do about the (un-shattered) bottles of sangria and he (thankfully) said “just leave them in the car.” That’s the smart man I married, who also ran into Publix and replaced what he could (including a new BEACH BAG!!). :D I wish I would have gotten the lovely lady’s name that worked at the Embassy, but alas in the tornado that we were at the time….


Now, in retrospect, I see that I could have done things two other ways and been A WHOLE LOT SMARTER…..one, I could have simply called for a bellhop (duh, this is what they are there for) to PUSH all of our things down to the lobby or two, simply told DH he was insane and waited for his assistance. :rolleyes: Oh well, we were on the way to the port for our week on the Oasis!!! :)

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(yes, all you mother’s out there with traveling husband’s……he got out of most of the packing, furry child's drop off with friends, fish drop off with Grandma, all of the loading AND all of the driving down with the kiddies).


Oh, I can so relate:rolleyes:


However, I don't envy him either, he's done red eye into Boston from London on Friday Am and driven to Burlington VT (3 hours) Friday afternoon. Flown to Las Vegas and London in on a red eye and out that night; so in the end I guess I'd rather pack (and clean the house, stop the mail, and water plants, and make the fur ball or kids "spread sheet" and phone the MIL to reassure her that the plane won't fall out of the sky depriving her of her grandchildren forever:rolleyes:) than fly all those back to back flights:p

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Once we get to the port, DH drops us off as well as the checked bags and we are walking over to where the PA Schutt’s are waiting for us. This was near the Suite Guest check-in as that is where the in-laws check-in, where we thought we were all going to check-in due to our extensive research that your entire group can check-in here if one in your party is staying. After speaking the man ensuring you were in fact a suite guest, we decided to just go to our regular (commoner) check-in (as he said you are able however, it would be quicker since the keys were already printed on our side).


DH met up with the rest of us (note that FIL is still MIA) about 11:15. So, we wait for FIL…..we wait, we wait and we wait. In all reality we only waited for like 30 minutes but when you KNOW you could already be on the ship, well let’s just say that one tends to be a little more impatient. We are all calling him like crazy and we are convinced that he is ignoring us just b/c he thinks it’s funny. We finally get him on the phone and he said that he JUST got on the BUS to come to the port terminal. We specifically told him to take a CAB!!!! :mad: ;)


Once he finally gets there, they go in the suite entrance and we all head over to commoner check-in. We had all of our documents ready and check-in was quick and painless (minus a “I don’t want that lady to take my picture” freak out from DS1 (he is QUITE shy). It is very organized and the lines at least at this point are non-existant. We walked right up (Gold C&A) as did the PA Schutt’s (they are not members). We then meet up with the in-law’s and pose for the group picture and are on our way toward the Oasis!!!! Once we get to the seapass check-in spot to actually get on the ship, we are told that we had to go to the side and get plastic color bracelets for the kids in which they must wear 24/7 the entire week. I don’t remember reading anything about this, but we go where we are told and they had a listing of all kids ages 3-17 and were given their bracelets. The color code tells the Adventure Ocean team which muster station they should be taken in the event of an emergency and are in their care. It is also if your child is ever “missing” and an employee finds them, they know where to take them as you are to go there (your muster station) if you are unable to locate your child. We were very happy to hear this and think it is a wonderful system. Makes you feel even better about leaving them.


Now we are actually on our way onto the Oasis!!!! For those who want the timeline, we arrived at the port at 11:00 (last “taxi” batch), started the check-in process at 11:45 and were on the Promenade deck by 12:00. EVERY efficient.







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Oh, I can so relate:rolleyes:


However, I don't envy him either, he's done red eye into Boston from London on Friday Am and driven to Burlington VT (3 hours) Friday afternoon. Flown to Las Vegas and London in on a red eye and out that night; so in the end I guess I'd rather pack (and clean the house, stop the mail, and water plants, and make the fur ball or kids "spread sheet" and phone the MIL to reassure her that the plane won't fall out of the sky depriving her of her grandchildren forever:rolleyes:) than fly all those back to back flights:p


Classic! Sounds about right. With DS2 being "a firecracker" sometimes, there are times I know he would rather be on an all-night flight! :p ;) My mom is ALWAYS a nervous wreck when we vacation, if I forget to call to say we arrived she assumes she has lost per precious babies (I am NOT including myself in that...she likes them way more). :p

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Once we get to the seapass check-in spot to actually get on the ship, we are told that we had to go to the side and get plastic color bracelets for the kids in which they must wear 24/7 the entire week. I don’t remember reading anything about this, but we go where we are told and they had a listing of all kids ages 3-17 and were given their bracelets. The color code tells the Adventure Ocean team which muster station they should be taken in the event of an emergency and are in their care. It is also if your child is ever “missing” and an employee finds them, they know where to take them as you are to go there (your muster station) if you are unable to locate your child. We were very happy to hear this and think it is a wonderful system. Makes you feel even better about leaving them.




So excited to read the rest of your review! We are traveling the Oasis first week in July with my 6 year old and 22 month old.


I am wondering about these bracelets though....how did your kids tolerate them? Are they only for kids 3 years+? My 6 year old DD will be fine, but I doubt my under-2 would wear it for more than 2 seconds before screaming her head off!



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I am wondering about these bracelets though....how did your kids tolerate them? Are they only for kids 3 years+? My 6 year old DD will be fine, but I doubt my under-2 would wear it for more than 2 seconds before screaming her head off!




You are going to have so much fun!!!! DS2 did not get one since he turned 2 on the boat so he did not get one (they are for 3+). DS1, niece and nephew did just fine with them. So, it sounds like you will be fine. :)

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We are on the ship baby………





No matter how much you research, no matter how many pictures you see online, no matter your impression of the Oasis prior to arriving, NOTHING prepares you for walking on her yourself. It is just so huge and amazing and…… Now, most people head straight to the Windjammer (or so we are told as we avoided this place like the plague on the first day) and/or the Park Café. Now, DH and I were looking forward to the FAMOUS roast beef sandwich but we had already determined that the best chance we had to having a pleasant lunch (where we can all sit together and that the kids would eat) was to head straight to the Boardwalk and eat at Johnny Rockets for lunch. You pay the $4.95 cover charge, but you are able to order whatever you want and they bring you so many FF and onion rings without you asking that there is no way you would order more than 1 sandwich (but really, why fill up on two burgers when you can head somewhere else and get a treat?!). They made the smiley faces with ketchup for us and the kids loved it (DS2 thought it was finger paint before we realized what was happening…). Lunch was good and pleasant; we sat outside in the breeze under the umbrellas. The service was good and we were very happy with our choice.




We had thought we would go to Giovanni's since it would be quiet and relaxed as well, but they (or so we concluded based on our research) do not have a kids menu and most of our kids would not have been ok with "what they could pull together." None of us ever made it to Gio's, but it just gives us something to look forward to next time (Vintages and Solarium Bistro were the only other places none of us made it to)!!!

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Really enjoying your review. We are headed out on the Oasis on June 15th with our 2 kids (12 & will turn 17 in a week). So older kids then yours but really like your writing style.


Can't wait to read more.

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While we were at lunch, we assume there was an announcement that the rooms were ready (we did not hear it on the Boardwalk) but since we knew that rooms open at 1p (again based on reading CC like crazy people) we went ahead and went to the rooms. I actually went to Guest Services while everyone else went to the rooms.


Guest services in located on the Promenade deck and is where you can do just about anything needed while on the ship. The lines were not organized and I waited 5 minutes but only b/c I was actually waiting in a line and not just walking up like most people were on the other side. I had to go add DS2’s 2nd birthday (5/7/13) to the cruise compass and book the birthday party at the ice-cream parlor (we had seen it online and thought all the kiddies would like it but you could not book online for a party of 10 and when we called they said the times we would want were booked). The guy looked at me like I was a crazy person (most would say that I am, but in this case knew it was something they offered). He went in the back and confirmed that they in fact did NOT offer. Um, okaaaay. I went ahead and did the cruise compass, which costs $25 BTW, and then went to talk to the GS guy directing people. He told me to go to the ice-cream parlor and they can book it (I had stopped by there on my way out of the Boardwalk and she told me to go to GS) so when I told him that he said to call “0” on my phone once in my room and they should be able to help me. Well, ok I will do that.


So, I just have to include this on here. As I am standing waiting for the guy to come back and essentially that “I am crazy, you have imagined an ice-cream birthday party for sale…” I look over and see this beautiful blonde lady in some very small clothing. I think, “wow, that is a short skirt and even shorter shirt….but hey, you look like that….” And then I see her friend! Her shorts could not have been wider than 12 inches and longer then 5 inches (total). THEN, they have these zippers down the sides to make them even more….. I am now thinking, “wow, am I glad I do not have teenagers who are with me” you know with their awkward no holds barred starting… So, what did I do you ask? Well, I took as good a picture as I could to share with the gentlemen of our party. I knew I could not adequately describe and thought “what the heck, they might as well enjoy it (in picture form) at least.” She affectionately became known as “zipper shorts” to our family (very original, I know). So, now…a feast for the eyes:



Note the shoes too, she could rival Lady Gaga!!:p


From there, I went to Chops in Central Park (which, BTW, is amazing!!!!) to book a time for my in-laws as a thank you for the time they will undoubtedly be watching my kids throughout the cruise. It was super easy and quick. The hostess gave me my requested time and put in the reservation that it would be paid for by me and my seapass card. Easy peasy. I then went to the rooms to find the fam. I found them in my in-laws Owners Suite (14644) which was REALLY REALLY REALLY nice. I did not get good pictures of their room, which is a shame, but here is some of the balcony (which is HUGE…not aqua suite huge, but BIG nonetheless). I am really bummed I didn't get better ones! It had a table with four chairs on one side and two loungers on the other (with a lot of space in between).


Me and DS2 on the furthest to the left if facing the ocean



This gives you an idea of the height of the railings (same for all rooms as far as we could tell). DS1 is 44 inches (standing). I was never worried, until they tried to stand on the chairs...put the fear of mommy in them straight away!!



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Loving your review! We will be going on Oasis June 8! We are a family of 5 (ages 12, 10, and 5); as well as traveling with 14 other extended family members! Your life sounds like ours!


You will enjoy the ship alone BUT also really enjoy having extended family as well, unless they are "those" relatives. :rolleyes:

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Really enjoying your review. We are headed out on the Oasis on June 15th with our 2 kids (12 & will turn 17 in a week). So older kids then yours but really like your writing style.


Can't wait to read more.


I remember thinking the entire week "this ship would be AWESOME for older kids".....and in turn for us as well if our kids were older :p :rolleyes:


It was great with our little ones, but you will have a great time as (depending on the level of "trouble-making" they can get into) they can be given a bit of freedom which most do not get at home. Have a great time!!! Enjoy some Solarium hours for me! :)


And you are too kind....the review is a hot mess and I fear will only get worse! :eek:

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Lovin' this review! I can so relate. Looking forward to the rest of the story!


I thought there would be a mom or two that would get the humor that is traveling with a young family....plus the extra family hilarity. :)



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