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Balcony and smokers

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I have never heard the one side versus the other thing.


Tthats because it doesn't exist.


however, you may be fighting some funnel smoke on your wrap. that thing puts out more smoke in a second than any group of smokers in a week.

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I like your thinking!




I agree as well. Don't like smoke; get a spa balcony and quit yer whinin. Something tells me that even that won't end your whinin about us smokers. I use my balcony the way I want to. I paid for it just like you did. You want a compromise? Let me have a smoke, just one, after dinner. Nope you rule the MDR, you're not gonna rule my open air balcony. I will smoke when I want there, its my right. Don't like it. Wait till I leave to come out

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Why is it we quickly run to the "compromise" last time I checked non smokers weren't willing to compromise anywhere else where it benefits the smoker, MDR. No, compromise is mentioned only for the benefit of non smokers. You've just about taken every else for us to smoke. So as the Chinese say, be careful what ya wish for ya just might get it.

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Too easy!:rolleyes:

On J Healds blog someone made this very logical point. John responded as follows,

"I wish that it was that simple and we could do what you suggested and have one side free of smoke. But the fact is that from

a sales point of view, it would be very unbalanced and that’s why no cruise line has taken the plunge to do this."


Although I like Healds blog, I have no idea what the hell he is saying. Are smokers heavier (or lighter) then non-smokers?

Would the ship be so unbalanced that it would tip ?:confused: If one side or the other side sold out and thats the side you wanted - TOUGH !

You should have booked earlier just like any cabin category. Duh!




For what it's worth, this was copied and pasted from an article on Cruise Critic a while back. Why one side or the other would be a logistacle nightmare for any cruise line. enjoy Maybe someday. :)


Cruise lines, though, have generally taken a more moderate approach to smoking policies. Renaissance Cruises, an entirely non-smoking line, no longer exists. Carnival's Paradise, which started life as a smoke-free vessel and stayed that way for six years, now allows smoking onboard. But, while Paradise may have been ahead of its time, the pendulum is certainly moving back toward a more prohibitive stance. Several major cruise lines, including Carnival, NCL, Cunard and Princess, have recently implemented new restrictions, citing evolving passenger preferences as the reason for the switch. The biggest change: In-cabin smoking has been increasingly snuffed out. (Royal Caribbean, of course, has long prohibited in-cabin smoking.)


It's an issue of "spoilage" (the industry's lingo for unsold cabins) that keeps cruise lines from designating some cabins non-smoking, in the fashion of hotel rooms. "It would present an inventory mess," says a spokesperson for CLIA, the cruise industry's official trade association. "The cruise lines' yield management people want the ships to sail full at all times; you can't do that if you set aside non-smoking rooms."

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Do you really think he's talking about weight or are you being facetious? :confused:


He means that it's unfair to say half the balconies are for smokers and half are for non-smokers. It presents a number of problems:

1. Someone will always complain that they prefer the other side of the ship.

2. People will complain a 50/50 split isn't fair because it doesn't represent the number of smokers/non-smokers on the ship.

3. People will ALWAYS complain anyway.

Exactly! That's why I said "If one side or the other side sold out and thats the side you wanted - TOUGH !

You should have booked earlier.


For what it's worth, this was copied and pasted from an article on Cruise Critic a while back. Why one side or the other would be a logistacle nightmare for any cruise line. enjoy Maybe someday. :)



It's an issue of "spoilage" (the industry's lingo for unsold cabins) that keeps cruise lines from designating some cabins non-smoking, in the fashion of hotel rooms. "It would present an inventory mess," says a spokesperson for CLIA, the cruise industry's official trade association. "The cruise lines' yield management people want the ships to sail full at all times; you can't do that if you set aside non-smoking rooms."

Sorry but this is baffle gab. Each cabin falls into one of many different categories.

Cabins are on different decks with/without connecting doors, extra beds, fore/aft,

balcony/OV/inside/suite or spa , handicapped , and on and on.

For all of these, once this specific cabin type is sold out, then it's sold gone. Why would have smoking specific balcony's be any different?

They didn't alway offer handicapped or spa cabins. For that matter, balcony cabins were once a rare and treasured thing comprising a small % of all available cabins.

If I booked too late to get my preferred non-smoking balcony, as I said previously, Tough luck for me.


BTW, this was this quote was copied and pasted from John's blog and CC copied and pasted it as well.


The refusal to have smoking option balcony's leads to nastiness between the 2 sides.

This does not have to be so.

One final point. I don't care if smoking is allowed in cabins with smoking balcony's. I won't be there.:p

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Seriously? :rolleyes:






Quick story...I am a smoker. Yep, the inconsiderate guy. Now when I am in the casino at one of the Roulette tables, the designated smoking one (you know the one I am allowed to smoke at?) I will get up from the table and step back 10 or so feet to light up a cig as I don't want to annoy those non smokers that chose to play at the SMOKING table. I do this out of respect for them as I want them to have fun with me at the table. I am all about having a great time and I know that the smoke drifting from my hand is annoying as heck...it annoys me. SO, I get up for a minute and get my breath of polluted air then sit back down. Not once have I not got a 'thank you' from the non smokers at the table. However, on our last Magic cruise when I went to step back from the table the PB told me that I have to be playing at the table or a slot in order to smoke??? I told him I was doing my tablemates a favor but to no avail I had to either walk to the bar OR light up next to everyone at the table. Sooooooo my dear friends, what to do, what to do? You tell me. I would LOVE for a non smoker to enlighten me on this. Yeah, quit smoking. Try to do better than that when replying.


Then my dear friends there are the balcony anti smoking people. These are a special breed of folks. Again on our last Magic cruise I was out on our balcony when departing the Galveston shipping channel. My neighbors to the right were out there as well and they were smoking. I was like "cool, this will work" as again I wish not to put a damper on someones vacation with my habit. Now the following sea day I am out on the balcony with a cold one and a smoke waiting on my wife to get ready. It wasn't two minutes until the chic, who was out there with smokers the previous day, yells and I mean YELLS "I wish I could enjoy my balcony without smelling smoke!" and she slams the already heavy door shut. My wife comes out there and asks *** was that noise. I basically said the neighbor is trippin. Now you can guess what happens from this point. I don't give a dang about the non smokers on a balcony, on a ship, under power, at sea the remainder of the cruise.


Look, if you really have a problem with someone smoking on their balcony when the ship is underway, at sea, outside, in the wind then you are really in a bad situation as someone that was very sympathetic to your concerns now no longer give a F. Carnival has rules that prohibit me from being the 'friendly smoker' on a smoking Roulette table.


As for a lit cig being flicked off a balcony and catching fire...it has happened before. Google it. However, Carnival will gladly put a ashtray on the balcony at your request so enough of that bogus excuse. Fires happen, ask RC.


Now to finish off my quick reply...My friends, you have soo much more to worry about when it comes to your health on a cruise ship. Hmmm, the kids that go to the bathroom on the Lido deck and head straight for the soft server ice cream machine and put their hands all over it. Or the ever thoughtful parent that allows their baby in the pool when the baby obviously isn't wearing waterproof diapers. That is always a nice sight. Hello parents??? Your child isn't potty trained, stay out of the pool. Duh. They teach that on the first day of parenting class. And how can forget the burly drunk in the casino who gets up to go to the bathroom every five minutes who you witness doesn't wash his hands yet you, yes YOU, just sat down on the slot he was just playing. Yummy. And what would this story be without mentioning the buffet. Ahh, yes, the buffet. There is nothing more disgusting then sitting at a table by the buffet while the drunks on coming back on the ship during a port day. The drunks are in prime form. Trust me. No, on your next cruise be sure to set a few minutes aside and observe for yourself. Y'all are worried about a smoker on a balcony that you know they have a right to be on?


Priorities my friends, priorities. Pick your battles. Smokers on their balconies are the least of your health concerns during a cruise.


well said

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I don't smoke (X-smoker). Do not like the smell. X-smokers can relate.


There is certainly plenty of places for non smokers to go to get away from smoke. Life is about dealing with people, habits and things that bother us.


Should we ban?:


1) Perfume and colognes? Some people are allergic and there are people that seem to shower in it and can be very offending.


2) Nuts? Some are deathly allergic to nuts.


3) Babies? Have you ever tried to sleep with a screaming baby on a balcony?


4) Alcohol? Drunks can be a liability in an emergency situation. I would not want to be on a ship during an emergency and have to navigate around highly intoxicated cruisers.


5) Scooters? Once I saw an elderly gentleman on a scooter back out of a elevator and run into a young man. Could only imagine what could of happened had he backed into an elderly person.

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why is it we quickly run to the "compromise" last time i checked non smokers weren't willing to compromise anywhere else where it benefits the smoker, mdr. No, compromise is mentioned only for the benefit of non smokers. You've just about taken every else for us to smoke. So as the chinese say, be careful what ya wish for ya just might get it.


*like* :)



I wouldn't dream of walking into a non smoking area and asking people if it is OK if I have a quick smoke. Yet non smokers are always talking about knocking on peoples doors and asking them what time they smoke or could they not smoke between the hours of noon and 4pm.


That's not compromise ,

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For what it's worth, this was copied and pasted from an article on Cruise Critic a while back. Why one side or the other would be a logistacle nightmare for any cruise line. enjoy Maybe someday. :)


Cruise lines, though, have generally taken a more moderate approach to smoking policies. Renaissance Cruises, an entirely non-smoking line, no longer exists. Carnival's Paradise, which started life as a smoke-free vessel and stayed that way for six years, now allows smoking onboard. But, while Paradise may have been ahead of its time, the pendulum is certainly moving back toward a more prohibitive stance. Several major cruise lines, including Carnival, NCL, Cunard and Princess, have recently implemented new restrictions, citing evolving passenger preferences as the reason for the switch. The biggest change: In-cabin smoking has been increasingly snuffed out. (Royal Caribbean, of course, has long prohibited in-cabin smoking.)


It's an issue of "spoilage" (the industry's lingo for unsold cabins) that keeps cruise lines from designating some cabins non-smoking, in the fashion of hotel rooms. "It would present an inventory mess," says a spokesperson for CLIA, the cruise industry's official trade association. "The cruise lines' yield management people want the ships to sail full at all times; you can't do that if you set aside non-smoking rooms."


Regarding the Paradise, perhaps this explains why you can't breathe on the promenade deck. Since it started out as smoke-free, they must not have installed any kind of air circulation devices.


That said, my husband is a smoker and we always cruise with a balcony. I'm hoping the aft balcony will circulate the smoke outward a little more than the sides, but we will see. Either way, I want him to be happy so we can continue to cruise :D

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I noticed some people complained about the ashtrays [or lack of] that Carnival provides. Walmart sells an ashtray called Butt Bucket in the auto supply section. We orignally bought them for cars without ashtrays as they fit in the beverage holder. Now I carry one on every trip or cruise in a large ziplock bag. It is about 4 inches high and has a small opening for the cigarette butt. Cuts down on the odor too. Last cruise I got tired of carrying it back and forth so I taped the bag to that heavy metal table. Costs less than $3. They are becoming so popular I found some knockoffs in the dollar store.


We always bring along one of those, yes we pack it and fly with it for our 9-1/2 hours of flying time to get to Miami. You know, just so we can be more considerate of the non smokers. In fact, one time we brought one of those ashtrays that "sucks the smoke into it" when your not puffing on it. We also had an aft wrap, a very large balcony, that we will sit in the middle of when smoking. STILL got a complaint from a neighbor beside us saying they could smell "clouds" of smoke wafting over to their balcony. (really?) Even going 22 knots....Makes me really feel like I'm doing something illegal. Unfortunately, the casino, (one of the few other places we can smoke) will only allow you to smoke when you're playing a machine. So, bottom line, even when we try to be extra considerate, seems the non smokers still think they deserve more (i.e. a totally non smoking ship I guess).

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We always bring along one of those, yes we pack it and fly with it for our 9-1/2 hours of flying time to get to Miami. You know, just so we can be more considerate of the non smokers. In fact, one time we brought one of those ashtrays that "sucks the smoke into it" when your not puffing on it. We also had an aft wrap, a very large balcony, that we will sit in the middle of when smoking. STILL got a complaint from a neighbor beside us saying they could smell "clouds" of smoke wafting over to their balcony. (really?) Even going 22 knots....Makes me really feel like I'm doing something illegal. Unfortunately, the casino, (one of the few other places we can smoke) will only allow you to smoke when you're playing a machine. So, bottom line, even when we try to be extra considerate, seems the non smokers still think they deserve more (i.e. a totally non smoking ship I guess).



cheers !!! i agree 100%

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The question becomes whose right has jurisdiction. Where as the smoker does indeed have the right to smoke. If the right causes inference with the rights of another they lose said right. IE. listening to radio. You have the right to do so, unless it disturbed the peace of another.



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The question becomes whose right has jurisdiction. Where as the smoker does indeed have the right to smoke. If the right causes inference with the rights of another they lose said right. IE. listening to radio. You have the right to do so, unless it disturbed the peace of another.



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Isn't that a two-way street. So who is infringing on who ?:eek:

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The question becomes whose right has jurisdiction. Where as the smoker does indeed have the right to smoke. If the right causes inference with the rights of another they lose said right. IE. listening to radio. You have the right to do so, unless it disturbed the peace of another.



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no. we dont lose that right, we can still do it

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As a nonsmoker, just because I can"smell"smoke, doesn't mean I am being overcome by the smoke to the point of not being able to breathe or be comfortable. I think many nonsmokers confuse the two. I know this because I've reacted that way before too. If you're going to go anywhere that you know smoking is permitted, you have to go with the mindset that you're not going to let yourself overreact about "smelling" the smoke. In my opinion, this goes for other smells too, been stuck in elevators with overpowering perfume or body odor smells too. But those too, are unpleasant but certainly are not able to ruin my day. Of course this does not apply if you have a health issue (ie asthma). In this case, you have to take personal responsibility to protect your own health. Booked for sep. cruise with a balcony (again) and I'm going to enjoy it!

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Isn't that a two-way street. So who is infringing on who ?:eek:


It is a two way street, but as with noise, the stander should if the smoke most be maintain within your personal space. This is a problem that will only grow as fewer people smoke. I just fail to see the above policy that has been in effect for sound for, who knows how many years, is not applied to smoke.



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When i first started on this thread i was all about being considerate. i was all about working things out with non smokers. to be quite honest after reading this whole thing i now am not sure. there are a large majority of non smokers that really think they deserve everything their way. not all of you, some non smokers here seem fair enough and this is not directed at you. but that majority that thinks they deserve it all and try to make me feel like the devils child when i smoke...you make me sick.


you have no more of a right than i do. neither of us is doing anything illegal. i think from now on i am just gonna puff up and do it my way, because when i try the considerate approach i just get flamed. my attempts at being considerate are still not enough. so why should i bother with the grief? i will just puff away until those pissy non smokers can understand that they need to compromise as well.


I don't think a majority of non-smokers think they deserve it their way, a small minority is just mouthy and obnoxious about making sure smokers know they're non-smokers, and get all up in everyone's business about it.


Non-smokers who go out of their way to act like they're choking in the presence of smoke, or think one little whiff of smoke is going to send them to the ER with an asthma attack should be embarrassed of themselves. They embarrass me as a non-smoker, because they're only making themselves look like fools. No one is buying their act, but no one wants to hear it.

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I don't think a majority of non-smokers think they deserve it their way, a small minority is just mouthy and obnoxious about making sure smokers know they're non-smokers, and get all up in everyone's business about it.


Non-smokers who go out of their way to act like they're choking in the presence of smoke, or think one little whiff of smoke is going to send them to the ER with an asthma attack should be embarrassed of themselves. They embarrass me as a non-smoker, because they're only making themselves look like fools. No one is buying their act, but no one wants to hear it.


i agree with you. and if i am in a balcony next to you and my smoke bugs you, just tell me, i can work with a non smoker like you :)

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When i first started on this thread i was all about being considerate. i was all about working things out with non smokers. to be quite honest after reading this whole thing i now am not sure. there are a large majority of non smokers that really think they deserve everything their way. not all of you, some non smokers here seem fair enough and this is not directed at you. but that majority that thinks they deserve it all and try to make me feel like the devils child when i smoke...you make me sick.


you have no more of a right than i do. neither of us is doing anything illegal. i think from now on i am just gonna puff up and do it my way, because when i try the considerate approach i just get flamed. my attempts at being considerate are still not enough. so why should i bother with the grief? i will just puff away until those pissy non smokers can understand that they need to compromise as well.



its interesting you picked on the non smokers that 'think they deserve everything their way' and you didnt say anything about the smokers that have basically said 'tough, we will do what we like when we like and never compromise' which I think after reading all the comments is the majority of the smokers and they 'make me sick'.


If you truly were thinking about being considerate you would have seen BOTH sides have they extreme people that dont give a fart about anyone else but the majority do care and do want compromise

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its interesting you picked on the non smokers that 'think they deserve everything their way' and you didnt say anything about the smokers that have basically said 'tough, we will do what we like when we like and never compromise' which I think after reading all the comments is the majority of the smokers and they 'make me sick'.


If you truly were thinking about being considerate you would have seen BOTH sides have they extreme people that dont give a fart about anyone else but the majority do care and do want compromise


i do realize both sides have extremists on them. unfortunately one extremist view outweighs 10 normal person views because they scream louder. will i continue to work with my neighbors if asked? yes, i will. i am simply voicing my frustration with the extremist non smokers here, not the normal reasonable person that can actually work with another person.

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i am simply voicing my frustration with the extremist non smokers here, not the normal reasonable person that can actually work with another person.



as I am voicing my frustration with the extremist smokers here.



No worries. I get where you are coming from

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its interesting you picked on the non smokers that 'think they deserve everything their way' and you didnt say anything about the smokers that have basically said 'tough, we will do what we like when we like and never compromise' which I think after reading all the comments is the majority of the smokers and they 'make me sick'.


If you truly were thinking about being considerate you would have seen BOTH sides have they extreme people that dont give a fart about anyone else but the majority do care and do want compromise


Nicely said, smoking doesn't usual effect me, however post such as one on this thread, that basically if you don't want smell smoke, don't bool a balcony. Now that gets me going..



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