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Cunard Formal Nights


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On formal nights, any guests wishing to dress more casually are welcome to dine in the Kings Court or Lido buffet restaurant and relax in the Winter Garden or Garden Lounge bar, but should not use other areas within the ship


I am always slightly amused by this -- I am wondering how passengers who have dined in more casual dress in the Kings Court or Lido buffet can get to the Winter Garden or Garden Lounge -- without "using" other areas of the ship :) . Forbid that they should transit there on foot - and come under the gaze of the Fashion Police, much less be exposed to their ire. What a quandary!! :)



What? You never found the teleporters?

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What? You never found the teleporters?


Don't be silly -- a more practical answer would be to carry a large sign saying something like "I'm just on my way to the Winter Garden" :)



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Don't be silly -- a more practical answer would be to carry a large sign saying something like "I'm just on my way to the Winter Garden" :)



Don't need a sign, just print that on a T-shirt. Could be one of a set: "Fashion Police (undercover)", "Lost my luggage", "This is formal where I come from", and so on.
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Don't need a sign, just print that on a T-shirt. Could be one of a set: "Fashion Police (undercover)", "Lost my luggage", "This is formal where I come from", and so on.


AAH!! NOW I can see why you get paid a lot more than me!!!



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Don't need a sign, just print that on a T-shirt. Could be one of a set: "Fashion Police (undercover)", "Lost my luggage", "This is formal where I come from", and so on.


The rumour that we sometimes get about the ships undercover is completely false.


By definition, the Fashion Police are always dressed in the latest fashion.

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No, it ought to be that the Fashion Police are always dressed in the correct fashion.


I am not sure what you mean by the "correct" fashion, but if it is intended to refer to the Cunard dress code, I agree.


The Fashion Police at all times dress in accordance with the Cunard dress code, but consistent with the latest fashion.

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...The Fashion Police at all times dress in accordance with the Cunard dress code, but consistent with the latest fashion.


Really? Can we see actual photos of the 'Fashion Police' dressed the attire he she or they insist is in accordance witht he Cunard dress code? Seems to me that anyone wanting to set a standard should be forthcoming with their own example rather than posting photos of others (sans credit) snapped from the Web.

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Really? Can we see actual photos of the 'Fashion Police' dressed the attire he she or they insist is in accordance witht he Cunard dress code? Seems to me that anyone wanting to set a standard should be forthcoming with their own example rather than posting photos of others (sans credit) snapped from the Web.


Salacia, you and anyone else wanting a glimpse of the Fashion Police will have to come on board the forthcoming QE world cruise to see them in action.


I have not posted any photos on this Board. From what I have seen of the photos others have posted, I could not describe them all as being in the latest fashion or necessarily something I would recommend wearing. Each photo would have to be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.

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Salacia, you and anyone else wanting a glimpse of the Fashion Police will have to come on board the forthcoming QE world cruise to see them in action.


I have not posted any photos on this Board. From what I have seen of the photos others have posted, I could not describe them all as being in the latest fashion or necessarily something I would recommend wearing. Each photo would have to be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.



Hi Louise. Alas, the World Cruise is not on my agenda for the near future. I have next to no interest in the Fashion Police, althought I do enjoy the curiosity.:)


Are you taking the World Cruise? If so, I hope you will share your experiences with us. And I wish you a wonderful time on board. Regards,


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Hi Louise. Alas, the World Cruise is not on my agenda for the near future. I have next to no interest in the Fashion Police, althought I do enjoy the curiosity.:)


Are you taking the World Cruise? If so, I hope you will share your experiences with us. And I wish you a wonderful time on board. Regards,



Thanks for your good wishes, Salacia. I will be on board for half the world cruise. I will be having too much of a good time to write whilst on board, but no doubt will post a few comments after I return.



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Thanks for your good wishes, Salacia. I will be on board for half the world cruise. I will be having too much of a good time to write whilst on board, but no doubt will post a few comments after I return.




Hi Louise. I understand. I only post while on board it if there is something important to share. Happily, that's rare :) Cheers, -S.


Edited to add: There was one time while I was on board that I posted about a change in itinerary, and as it turned out, people on this forum had better information than what I was given on board, and responded quickly with accurate information. (So thanks again!) -S.

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The Fashion Police at all times dress in accordance with the Cunard dress code, but consistent with the latest fashion.


Hmm -- I heard that some of them wear shorts in the Grills Dining Room for lunch?? If so - that would be shameful,unheard of in Brittania MDR.



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Really? Can we see actual photos of the 'Fashion Police' dressed the attire he she or they insist is in accordance witht he Cunard dress code? Seems to me that anyone wanting to set a standard should be forthcoming with their own example rather than posting photos of others (sans credit) snapped from the Web.


Ah! -- but that would mean that they have to expose their true identity - instead of hiding behind meaningless, changing forum tags and avatars.



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Ah! -- but that would mean that they have to expose their true identity - instead of hiding behind meaningless, changing forum tags and avatars.




I fear the shock of the outing would be too for them. And likely us as well.



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Really? Can we see actual photos of the 'Fashion Police' dressed the attire he she or they insist is in accordance witht he Cunard dress code? Seems to me that anyone wanting to set a standard should be forthcoming with their own example rather than posting photos of others (sans credit) snapped from the Web.


You've had a change of heart. A few pages back (on this very thread) you hoped that it wouldn't "become necessary for passengers to post photos to prove that they abide by and embrace the formal dress code". Here's the post here, in case you've forgotten.


And who said that they set the standard? You can't be referring to me as I've never said that I set the standard.


What I have said, in this and previous dress code threads, can be summarised as:


  1. People should adhere to the evening dress code.
  2. If people don't like the fact that Cunard has an evening dress code, then should look at other cruise lines that are better suited to their preferences.


I don't think these two statements are unreasonable. I'm sure that similar advice is proffered on other boards. For example, if someone stated on the Carnival board that they didn't like loud music, lots of announcements, no (non-optional) formal nights etc then I am sure lots of regular posters on the Carnival board would suggest that the person look at another cruise line better suited to their preferences.

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Hmm -- I heard that some of them wear shorts in the Grills Dining Room for lunch?? If so - that would be shameful,unheard of in Brittania MDR.




Ah! -- but that would mean that they have to expose their true identity - instead of hiding behind meaningless, changing forum tags and avatars.




I fear the shock of the outing would be too for them. And likely us as well.




Wow, you guys talk about me a lot.

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Ah! -- but that would mean that they have to expose their true identity - instead of hiding behind meaningless, changing forum tags and avatars.




So you're saying that unless the avatar we use is a picture of ourselves and we use our real names on here we're hiding? That's ridiculous.


Since when is anyone on Cruise Critic required to use their own picture as an avatar? Since when is anyone required to use their own name as their cruise critic 'handle'?


In fact, for everyone reading this, I'll tell you a little 'fun' anecdote about Bazzaw and I, which should serve as a reminder to be mindful of what personal information you share on here.


Way back when, on a dress code thread a long time ago, Bazzaw posted the suburb (he thought I lived in) right here in Cruise Critic, for everyone to see. He then went on to say that it was not a well off area and pointed out the contradiction (in his mind) of my support for Cunard's dress code and formal nights - and the less than salubrious circumstances in which I (supposedly) live.


Bazzaw repeatedly calls me a snob, seemingly ignorant to the blindingly obvious snobbery that entails him, in so many words, telling me "you live in a poor area, who do you think you are liking the dress code".


Which is another reason why he calls me a "wannabe", it's because I (supposedly) live in a poor area and like dressing up on formal nights on a Cunard ship - just who do I think I am!


So for those of you that weren't aware of the background story regarding Bazzaw and I, there it is.


P.S. A lot of people on here complain about bullying & harassment etc. Until someone has publicly (without your permission) posted the suburb (they think you live in) on here and then told everyone how poor it is - don't talk to me about being bullied or harassed on here.

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If you have an interest in Opera? - you may or may not know that it is becoming increasingly common for some ships on World Cruises to spend an overnight in Sydney -- whereupon one of the ship's shore tours is a night at the Sydney Opera house. One of your better baseball pitchers could probably throw a ball from a ship at the Circular Quay berth into the Opera House forecourt. I was on P&O Arcadia a couple of years ago and about 300 all went off to the Opera -- it had booked out very early in the cruise and we didn't know about it unfortunately until too late. I thought it would have been splendid to see all 300 dressed in Tuxes , etc strolling the forecourt -- but no, they all went off fairly casually -- which is the norm for the Sydney Opera House. I haven't been there for some time - but when I lived in Sydney, I went there all the time. I can't say I ever recalled seeing anybody "dressed up" there?


Right now I would love to see TOSCA which is currently playing - set in 1930's Fascist Italy. I do like it when they set some operas/Skakesperean dramas in more modern times -- 1930's Italy would be very appropriate for Tosca.




I normally don't post preferring just to read this forum but talk of the iconic Sydney Opera House got the better of me. I first visited Sydney only in 2012 and was a world cruise passenger on Queen Mary 2. The liner circumnavigated the continent and on our second visit to the city that has everything my OH and I decided we would go to the opera. We looked at the price of the ship-board tickets and thought they were pricey so after QM2 had docked in Circular Quay we hopped, skipped and jumped around the water's edge (still practising walking on water!) and enquired about tickets for that evening's performance. It was Turandot. The lady behind the ticket counter explained they had only a few seats left unsold and these were "up high". We weren't bothered just as long as we got to witness a performance. We dressed up as you would if you went to Covent Garden in London. My OH and I weren't the only ones in evening dress - I counted two dozen other gents in "full rig" which I thought was good considering the Aussies "don't do dressing up very much or very often" according to a colleague who has lived in Sydney for the past 25 years. But what did really impress us was the attire of 99.9 per cent of the audience that night - men in jackets and many sporting ties and ladies in their finery. Who says the Aussies are slobs? Not I. Only one man in shorts did I spy.

But speaking of ladies in their finery a funny thing happened after we had taken our seats in the "gods". Picture the scene. There I am in DJ, multi-coloured bow tie and patent leather shoes and my wife in one of her bespoke dresses. Just minutes before curtain up this woman shuffled along the row (we were near the middle) and plonked herself beside me on my right. No sooner had she sat down than she turned to me and said "you didn't stand up!" I looked her up and down and said "Madam, YOU DIDN'T DRESS UP!" Had she been properly attired I most certainly would have stood but as she was wearing trainers (which were soiled), cropped cargo pants and a T-shirt I thought I wouldn't bother. My act of chivalry would have be wasted.

Needless to say not another word was spoken. At the first interval she left her seat next to me and I spotted her hovering around halfway down the auditorium. Just before the second act she sat down in what appeared to be a vacant seat in a more expensive part of the auditorium only to have to move when the person who'd paid for it returned to take his place.

Before the third act I spotted her walking down almost to the front row and park her ample frame in a vacant seat. Was she a "seat tart"?...pay little and progress towards the front in the hope you are not found out! We are in Sydney Opera House again in early 2014...I'll be watching out for her!

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Everyone on this board has the right to give away as much, or as little, personal information as they feel comfortable with.


No-one has the right to bully anyone into being more open about their private life than they are happy with. And, equally, no-one should tell someone they are being too open (with the possible exception in the form of a security warning, some people are too trusting/naive).


Some are happy to: Post pictures of themselves. Real name (sometimes incl. surname). Where they reside. email address. Age. Sex. Nationality. Sexual orientation. Cabin number (in advance of sailing). I've even seen 'phone numbers given out. Private details about spouse and family. That is their choice.


Others give nothing away. They are NOT hiding anything, they are choosing, as anyone may, not to "go public". That is their choice.


No-one from either position has the right to judge another from the opposite camp.


Rant over :o .

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Really from what I gather Whitemarsh is not a fashion snob but a person of class. One does not like to spend the money one does on Cunard Lines to have people dressed like they are going to the beach. Maybe “Bazzaw” should go on P&0 out of Brisbane.

I find “bazzaw” statements to Whitemarsh offensive and misleading.

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Ah! -- but that would mean that they have to expose their true identity - instead of hiding behind meaningless, changing forum tags and avatars.




A few thoughts:

- Avatars on this, and any online chat forum, are completely optional. I enjoy the changing avatars that Whitemarsh uses. He almost inspires me to work out how to add my own. Very few people use their own photos, so I don't think one person should be singled out as 'hiding' - when the majority of us do it. I enjoy seeing photos of real people but I have no problems with those who choose not to show them.

- Names, too, should be changed to protect both the innocent and guilty!


Please don't single out a couple of people for something that most people do - and that is actually considered best practice in online forums. It is people like Bazzaw and me who are in the minority for posting photos of ourselves, and my excuse was lack of energy to go find an alternative photo!

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Regarding using real names:



When you registered on our forums, we asked you to agree to the following information. This is the entire unedited text of that agreement:


Forum Rules


Important: Do Not Use Your REAL NAME as your USER NAME


Most internet forums would request you do not use personal information on a public board. This is a matter of safety. So, in fact, those who do not post personal names are following CC's rules and those who do are not.


I find “bazzaw” statements to Whitemarsh offensive and misleading.


Often I do, too. I don't understand what the point is to come to a forum and call people 'snobs, etc.' This type of postings (no matter who does it) adds nothing to civil discourse and enjoyment of the forum in my opinion. I also believe 'name-calling' is against the rules.


In fact, for everyone reading this, I'll tell you a little 'fun' anecdote about Bazzaw and I, which should serve as a reminder to be mindful of what personal information you share on here.


Way back when, on a dress code thread a long time ago, Bazzaw posted the suburb (he thought I lived in) right here in Cruise Critic, for everyone to see. He then went on to say that it was not a well off area and pointed out the contradiction (in his mind) of my support for Cunard's dress code and formal nights - and the less than salubrious circumstances in which I (supposedly) live.


Bazzaw repeatedly calls me a snob, seemingly ignorant to the blindingly obvious snobbery that entails him, in so many words, telling me "you live in a poor area, who do you think you are liking the dress code".


Which is another reason why he calls me a "wannabe", it's because I (supposedly) live in a poor area and like dressing up on formal nights on a Cunard ship - just who do I think I am!


So for those of you that weren't aware of the background story regarding Bazzaw and I, there it is.


P.S. A lot of people on here complain about bullying & harassment etc. Until someone has publicly (without your permission) posted the suburb (they think you live in) on here and then told everyone how poor it is - don't talk to me about being bullied or harassed on here.


I just don't understand why something like this would be done. It doesn't matter where someone lives or their income level...and it never should. What purpose does a post like the above serve? It is hurtful and helps no one.


best regards,


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Why do some here antagonise some others? As in real life it is often because of "me me me"


Someone recently put it here as "it's all about you ..........


It is sometimes good, when you are getting flack to stop and ask "why me"


There's always a reason.



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You've had a change of heart. A few pages back (on this very thread) you hoped that it wouldn't "become necessary for passengers to post photos to prove that they abide by and embrace the formal dress code". Here's the post here, in case you've forgotten.


And who said that they set the standard? You can't be referring to me as I've never said that I set the standard.


What I have said, in this and previous dress code threads, can be summarised as:


  1. People should adhere to the evening dress code.
  2. If people don't like the fact that Cunard has an evening dress code, then should look at other cruise lines that are better suited to their preferences.

I don't think these two statements are unreasonable. I'm sure that similar advice is proffered on other boards. For example, if someone stated on the Carnival board that they didn't like loud music, lots of announcements, no (non-optional) formal nights etc then I am sure lots of regular posters on the Carnival board would suggest that the person look at another cruise line better suited to their preferences.


Change of heart? No. Two completely different issues: the first was the hope that it wouldn't become necessary for passengers to post their pictures to prove compliance with the dress code. The second was a request to the Fashion police - whomever he, she or they are. (BTW, anonymity can be preserved by not showing any facial features :))

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