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SW USA is burning--wish I was on a cruise


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I am most certainly not trying to minimize the horror that Calgary has suffered when I say the following --


We were the canary in the coal mine, pretty much -- Calgary got a bit of notice from what happened here and had a BIT of time to prepare. We got hit with zero warning. The emergency workers were out at 3 am evacuating homes. People were being helicoptered off car roofs on the highway at 3 am. The highways washed out. In every direction.


We lived with the threat of the dam above us blowing. No place to go to save ourselves, no way to get anywhere because the roads were washed out, so we just had to wait and hope.


There are people in a village near here who were without power, heat, phone, road access, anything at all for nearly a week. That community is thought to have suffered total loss on 25% of the homes. They've been getting water, food and meds via helicopter.


People, lots of people, are already losing jobs because businesses have been flooded out, to the point they will not rebuild this year. I personally may be out of business, but am deferring that decision for now.




My heart was breaking as I read this. It is easy to forget the full recovery that is needed after devastation like this. Once it is out of the news, those not affected tend to forget. Getting water, food and meds via helicopter sounds very scary and difficult.


The long lasting economic impact can also be overlooked. I sincerely hope you are able to keep your business going.


Not much help but good luck


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Send some of your rain here, PLEASE!

This part of South Texas is some in extreme and exceptional drought condition. Our beach will be dry and 90-95 Sat and Sun. That's on the island, inland it is over 100 at 6PM.


it's been a tough few years for Texas. Is there any water even close to the 'beach"? i can't imagine it being that hot--and humid (like in Boston).


I grew up in NY, and it was hot and humid there but rarely in the 90's. Are you allowed to use sprinklers or anything to run thru and stay cool? Are there pools neearby?



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As of 4:30 pacific time here in Las Vegas it is currently showing 114 as the local weather on my phone,not sure what the airport is showing and it has not yet hit the highest point of the day which will be in about an hour. The low tonight will probably be some where around 100, Weather .com is stating 91 but I do not believe that. Tomorrow will be worse right now the expect high will be 117 for the next three days in a row on Sat, Sun and Monday. Since records started being kept in 1930 there has never been a recorded high in Vegas over 117 and weather officials are almost expecting to break the all time record :eek: It is truly the kind of weather that one does not want to leave your house. The AC is running non stop. IT is kind of like the opposite of the horrible winters when people cannot leave their homes.

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As of 4:30 pacific time here in Las Vegas it is currently showing 114 as the local weather on my phone,not sure what the airport is showing and it has not yet hit the highest point of the day which will be in about an hour. The low tonight will probably be some where around 100, Weather .com is stating 91 but I do not believe that. Tomorrow will be worse right now the expect high will be 117 for the next three days in a row on Sat, Sun and Monday. Since records started being kept in 1930 there has never been a recorded high in Vegas over 117 and weather officials are almost expecting to break the all time record :eek: It is truly the kind of weather that one does not want to leave your house. The AC is running non stop. IT is kind of like the opposite of the horrible winters when people cannot leave their homes.


EEK!!!:eek: I can't believe it is that hot, even for LV in summer. I wouldn't move from the house, or maybe just sit in the pool all day. At least for me, I don't want to eat when I am hot but when it is very cold, eating is much more fun!! So, maybe winter storms are better in 1 way!!


stay cool


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I have also been watching your weather. Terrible.


Since Wednesday all we hear are the Peep-Peeps on the TV warning us of severe storms and floods. We have had over 6 inches of rain in our area -- others have gotten way more and many small towns have had to be evacuated.


Thanks KK. If I'm doing the math correctly, we got 35 inches of rain in 48ish hours in our town. 900 mm is what we heard. I really need to verify the #s I've been hearing. Seems rather extreme ;)


The biggest problem here wasn't the rivers, it was the little creeks that are natural spillways in the mountains. The rain melted backcountry snowpack, so we got snow melt in addition to the rain.

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Don't want to rub it in, but it is just beautiful here today. (Temp. is 23/75 degrees.) When I took the dog to the beach for her walk this afternoon, I wore a light jacket, and it was perfect. Could see Mt. Baker in the distance, and there were lots of children playing in the sand, and a few swimming. Just right for a holiday weekend. Happy Canada Day!

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Hi Susan


i have noted your user name in the past and thought "how lucky to live in Durango"!! we love it there. In 2 weeks we will be at Vallecito lake, our yearly cabin rental on the lake. I was wondering how close the fires (West Fork and now South Fork?)were to Durango. And the idiots with fireworks should all be shot:(. What is the big attraction with that???


Antarctica--never thought of that. If I saw an iceberg now, I would jump on it!!




Fires are a goodly way away.... nearest is probably 70 miles so we get smoke but that is all. However, predictions of dry lightening in this area. I have a few things sort of "to hand" in case of problems. Remember the Missionary Ridge fire of 11 years ago... I watched that one from balcony. One great thing about living in Durango is when you come back from a cruise you are still in a great vacation place.



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It's impossible to express the sadness to read the devastation some people are suffering from horrid weather.

How perfectly awful!

Stay safe, CowPrincess. Sending you all best wishes.



Thanks Sail. We were personally very fortunate. I'm channelling most of my anger at being on "boil water advisory for the foreseeable future" ;) We are sheltering a few extra pets and we are going through water like nobody's business :eek:

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Fires are a goodly way away.... nearest is probably 70 miles so we get smoke but that is all. However, predictions of dry lightening in this area. I have a few things sort of "to hand" in case of problems. Remember the Missionary Ridge fire of 11 years ago... I watched that one from balcony. One great thing about living in Durango is when you come back from a cruise you are still in a great vacation place.






We were camping north of Durango when the Missionary Ridge fire started; then back again later that summer when it was trying to come back over the mountain into Durango. Watched a tree explode into flame across the river--amazing. Wasn't that the one that jumped over the mountain to Vallecito (and we were camping there right after their fire!). Incredible mess at Vallecito. You can still see the damage there and along Missionary Ridge.


I completely agree about returning to Durango after a cruise!! Do you fly in and out of Albuquerque?



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I have flown in and out of Albuquerque, but often drive to California to leave my dogs at their favorite boarding spa near Hemet. Also, airfares from San Diego are very cheap. In an out of Durango is highway (or airway) robbery.


We just had a flash of lightening/a roll of thunder and about 12 raindrops. We don't need this. But next week temps are supposed to drop back into the 80's.



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Send us any and all rain, flood waters, anything. We could use it!! I think if it rained for a week we would still be dried out. And because our soil is so crappy, we would have all kinds of flooding.


rain rain, come and stay, please don't wait another day.




I wouldn't wish what people are going thru in Alberta on anyone.

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Thanks KK. If I'm doing the math correctly, we got 35 inches of rain in 48ish hours in our town. 900 mm is what we heard. I really need to verify the #s I've been hearing. Seems rather extreme ;)


The biggest problem here wasn't the rivers, it was the little creeks that are natural spillways in the mountains. The rain melted backcountry snowpack, so we got snow melt in addition to the rain.


Omg, I hadn't heard those totals:eek:. I'd heard about 200mm. No wonder the flooding was so bad here.

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. . . The low tonight will probably be some where around 100, Weather .com is stating 91 but I do not believe that. Tomorrow will be worse right now the expect high will be 117 for the next three days in a row on Sat, Sun and Monday.


I lived in Phoenix for about 7 years when my then-husband's job moved us there. Our first summer there the 10:00 news reported the low one night would be 110. :eek: I looked at him and said "where the H*LL have you moved me?" I remember many days with highs of 115 to 118. Our pool was like a warm bathtub from mid June through mid September.


For all who say, but it's a dry heat.....try turning on your oven to 115, climbing in and closing the door. Stay there for 5 hours then tell me that it wasn't so bad because it was a dry heat. :D

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I lived in Phoenix for about 7 years when my then-husband's job moved us there. Our first summer there the 10:00 news reported the low one night would be 110. :eek: I looked at him and said "where the H*LL have you moved me?" I remember many days with highs of 115 to 118. Our pool was like a warm bathtub from mid June through mid September.


For all who say, but it's a dry heat.....try turning on your oven to 115, climbing in and closing the door. Stay there for 5 hours then tell me that it wasn't so bad because it was a dry heat. :D


Dry heat is simply easier to handle than humid. I think most people would understand that. It's certainly not going to feel cool.

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Omg, I hadn't heard those totals:eek:. I'd heard about 200mm. No wonder the flooding was so bad here.


lorekauf, you folks didn't even get all of what we got, I know that. If you HAD, there would be no downtown left, I'm pretty certain. You got the rivers, but there was a BUNCH more that didn't actually head your way per se.


I am going to research sometime this weekend, to find out what total is being shown for rainfall. A weather data station above us toward K-country was showing 375 mm early Thurs morning, before it got washed away. The rain continued for the rest of Thurs and mostly all of Fri .....

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Sorry to all - I sounded very insensitive.:o We have had such miserable weather so far this year - as they say in Seattle, "We don't tan, we rust." (Not that we have been flooded out, either.) The fires are terrifying. My California cousins have been burnt out in the past, and lost everything, it is awful. I was just revelling in out first good day in months. When I was growing up here, we had frequent fires during the dry months - usually started by people. Now, no burning is allowed, and I don't think it happens as often.

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lorekauf, you folks didn't even get all of what we got, I know that. If you HAD, there would be no downtown left, I'm pretty certain. You got the rivers, but there was a BUNCH more that didn't actually head your way per se.


I am going to research sometime this weekend, to find out what total is being shown for rainfall. A weather data station above us toward K-country was showing 375 mm early Thurs morning, before it got washed away. The rain continued for the rest of Thurs and mostly all of Fri .....


We didn't get much rain here maybe a couple of inches that's why it's so hard to understand all the flooding. Don't worry, we got plenty from upstream.

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Dry heat is simply easier to handle than humid. I think most people would understand that. It's certainly not going to feel cool.


Old poem remembered from when I lived in Baltimore many many years ago.


Tulsa speaks to Baltimore

"Don't give me any of that old rot

That without humidity, hots not hot.

Really the difference isn't so wide.

How would your rather be - steamed or fried?"

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Thanks KK. If I'm doing the math correctly, we got 35 inches of rain in 48ish hours in our town. 900 mm is what we heard. I really need to verify the #s I've been hearing. Seems rather extreme ;)



lorekauf said:


Omg, I hadn't heard those totals:eek:. I'd heard about 200mm. No wonder the flooding was so bad here


I can't find any support of the 900 mm figure. Will continue looking for a concrete # tomorrow, but I'm pretty confident the 900 mm we heard is wrong. Wrong. Wrong. :)

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Forecast today in San Antonio has actually backed off a bit....only forecast for 103 today after it was forecast to be 111. It seems cooler this AM than past mornings and the humidity is down. Some "cold" front is coming in tomorrow and we're forecast to drop to 90-93 degrees for the next week or so and maybe even a chance of rain. After the floods a few weeks ago here we're now back into drought conditions.

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lorekauf said:




I can't find any support of the 900 mm figure. Will continue looking for a concrete # tomorrow, but I'm pretty confident the 900 mm we heard is wrong. Wrong. Wrong. :)


I don't know why it's so difficult to look for rainfall totals but it is. Every time I've looked for totals here it's a big secret. The only time I heard any totals was on the news on Friday and I think they said around 250 for you guys. They said we got around 75 which is nothing really. I find it o scary that it could rain 900 mm but its not out of the realm of possibility.

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Tuesday we're taking a bus trip to San Diego for some sightseeing, and right now SD is showing temps of around 77 degrees. But I wish we were boarding a HAL ship when we get there :)quote]


Yesterday it was 98* in the east San Diego county. :eek:

Right now, it is 8AM, and 77*. My AC is usually set at 77*.


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7AM here now - 92 already...maybe a new all-time record today - 118!!!:confused:


Hi Dave, hope you and Diane keep cool. Looks like we are at 100 not at 9am. Tom has been off the yesterday and today but will go back to work tomorrow and I am actually concerned for him since it is even hotter on the tarmac of the airport, it will probably be more like 128 around the planes. definitely will not be fun working for him on Sunday Monday and Tuesday then hopefully the temps come down a bit.

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