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Oceania with Kids


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I would say that bringing children of any age to a very adult focused activity or venue is not very responsible at all.:rolleyes:


I have noticed over the years that every ones child and dog are the perfect ones without exception..

Ya right.... I buy that


Obviously you have not met my dog. We warn everyone about her. We don't have to muzzle her but she is a one family dog and no one else should touch her.


Our kids were not and even as young adults are not perfect, but when they are out in company they knew how to behave and did so accordingly. They also knew that if they misbehaved there would be no more holidays for them. Now when we travel with them, they are the ones making comments about other people's children when they misbehave rather than us. I guess we made quite the impression on them at an early age on what is acceptable behaviour and what is not. As long as my children behave in public and do their acting up within the four walls of my home, where I can discipline in peace, I am satisfied that they do not irritate others. There are children out there that are more comfortable in adult company than they are with children their own age. I met one young teenager on our South Pacific cruise who was very interesting to talk to and enjoyed the cruise with his Grandpa.

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Obviously you have not met my dog. We warn everyone about her. We don't have to muzzle her but she is a one family dog and no one else should touch her.


Our kids were not and even as young adults are not perfect, but when they are out in company they knew how to behave and did so accordingly. They also knew that if they misbehaved there would be no more holidays for them. Now when we travel with them, they are the ones making comments about other people's children when they misbehave rather than us. I guess we made quite the impression on them at an early age on what is acceptable behaviour and what is not. As long as my children behave in public and do their acting up within the four walls of my home, where I can discipline in peace, I am satisfied that they do not irritate others. There are children out there that are more comfortable in adult company than they are with children their own age. I met one young teenager on our South Pacific cruise who was very

interesting to talk to and enjoyed the cruise with his Grandpa.


Were you taking your children on cruises to make them happy or to make yourself happy? Children deserve to have vacations where they can be themselves -- children. They should be able to laugh, splash in the pool and enjoy themselves. Having to be on vacation with behavior that is acceptable to adults is sad.

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Were you taking your children on cruises to make them happy or to make yourself happy? Children deserve to have vacations where they can be themselves -- children. They should be able to laugh, splash in the pool and enjoy themselves. Having to be on vacation with behavior that is acceptable to adults is sad.


I don't want to go down too deep a rabbit hole on these forums, but I can absolutely say that I am traveling for myself. I plan the trips and work extra so that I can travel, and I love that my kids want to accompany me, but these trips are not designed to make them happy. I actually have four, but only take one or two with me at a time to make foreign travel possible. We certainly do lots of things with them just for them, but I would never take them abroad just 'for fun'. I think it is part of growing up (they are all now pre-teens) that they learn to enjoy and participate in adult activities (eating at nice restaurants, live concerts, theatre). I really hope that we don't bother or annoy anyone on the cruise, but I don't think their behavior could possibly be any worse than one very drunk, obnoxious adult couple we have cruised with.

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Were you taking your children on cruises to make them happy or to make yourself happy? Children deserve to have vacations where they can be themselves -- children. They should be able to laugh, splash in the pool and enjoy themselves. Having to be on vacation with behavior that is acceptable to adults is sad.


Both. The trip was discussed with the kids before we went and they wanted to do it. Both of my kids preferred to be around adults rather than their own age group. We choose to do the Caribbean with them as it is very port intensive. We also did not do an adult oriented ship. We found though that our kids were bored with the kid program offered and preferred to be with us and other adults that we had met. Different strokes for different folks (kids)

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We usually use "O" because of the itineraries but this past April we did an 11 night cruise on HAL Ryndam because of the low cost and an itinerary we wanted. We decided to take our 11 year old grandson with us. Although he does well occupying himself and is a really great traveler, he really liked the HAL kid's program and it made the trip even more fun for him. He totally enjoyed all of the ports but in the evenings he couldn't wait to go to Club HAL. The Club HAL staff was really great and he was able to make some friends as well. Had we been on Oceania, he would have missed out on that....for him it was a highlight. We had many comments from adults on the cruise as to what a nice young man he is and they seemed to enjoy talking to him. That being said, I totally understand about kids being annoying on a cruise because we have encountered some that have not been so delightful......I blame the parents when kids display bad behavior in public. One of my big pet peeves is kids jumping in the hot tub....it's really obnoxious. The original question was whether or not kids would be bored on Oceania.....I think it totally depends on the kids. If Oceania allows kids on board then I don't think that guests should expect that there would be no kids on the cruise. I don't remember any O cruises where kids have been problematic to us, however, I have encountered some rather obnoxious and cranky adults.

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I don't remember any O cruises where kids have been problematic to us, however, I have encountered some rather obnoxious and cranky adults.


I always wonder why parents feel the need to bring up adults when children are mentioned. If an adult is obnoxious or acting in a way that is disruptive to others, they can be spoken to (either by the passenger or Regent crew). Unless you want to feel the wrath of an angry parent, one does not dare criticize their child -- it doesn't matter what they are doing or how disruptive they are. There is simply no comparison between adult behavior and that of a child whose parents think their child(ren) can do no wrong.


Still, as long as children travel when school is not in session, I'm fine with it as it is easy to avoid those times.

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I wasn't trying to defend obnoxious children at all. I was just making a point that on O I (3 times and a 4th next year) I had not encountered any unruly children but I have encountered some rude adults. I have encountered rude kids on other cruise lines and in other venues and have to agree that the parents are usually either defensive if someone says something or they don't care. I've had the same experience with rude adults. Saying something generally doesn't work because they don't care.

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A thought on the issue.


We no longer attend our local movie theater due to the behavior we have encounteded from disruptive children. From running in the aisles to talking out loud, etc. The parents are also in attendance and frequently take little or no corrective action.


With the apparent increase in parents who insist on taking their children along on Oceania cruises, we probably wiil end up making the same decision ... Stay at home.

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As a parent, what I think I am defensive about is the idea that the very presence of my children on a ship would completely ruin what should be a lovely trip for everyone involved. I don't think that I would bring preschoolers on this ship, and I don't think my kids will have any problem acting appropriately. I also hope that if my kids are bothering anyone (especially someone their Grandparents age) and they are asked politely, that they will change their behavior. I think the chance to cruise is such a wonderful opportunity, and that being polite and respectful to everyone is the best way to ensure a good time is had by all.

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I think the chance to cruise is such a wonderful opportunity, and that being polite and respectful to everyone is the best way to ensure a good time is had by all.


I agree. My girls are well-heeled cruisers who enjoy dressing up and being 'princesses.'


I hope none of these dissenting folks ruin their luxury cruise experience. :p

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I have yet to take my first Oceania cruise, but follow the boards daily. I work with kids, have 5 of my own, and took several cruises with them. With so many options to take cruises with facilities for families, why would someone choose to take Oceania? Why would someone start a thread with "will my kids be bored" and when the answer is "yes", come up with the response that " we'll, I think my kids will be fine". It's not a contest to prove your kids are different. It's a vacation, for them too, right? With all the great ships and lines, I don't get it. Sorry for my rant, school started yesterday :(.



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..With so many options to take cruises with facilities for families, why would someone choose to take Oceania?


Because the food is better? :p


I know they screw up the way they salt the onion rings, but we can live with that. :rolleyes:


Seriously (not my thread, but...), it is all about the itinerary. We scanned all the available cruises from all lines, and the one we picked on Oceania is by far the absolute best. Simple as that.

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Enough with the kids. Send them to,Disneyworld. My grandkids are well traveled and of course well behaved and have no desire to travel on Oceania. My adult kids would be happy to go without them unless they are on a child friendly cruise line.

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Bigarme and computer works,


Even if we stipulate that your children are perfectly behaved and that you, as exemplary parents, will watch over them to make sure they are, you are in the minority. Most parents who are selfish enough to bring their kids on a non child friendly ship are also selfish enough to look the other way when they misbehave. And that, BarbaraM, is the reason these parents choose O over mainstream line which are child friendly....they put their own needs ahead of their childrens'. Also, even if one child is well behaved, put him/her together with a bunch of others and suddenly they turn wild.

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Bigarme and computer works,


Even if we stipulate that your children are perfectly behaved and that you, as exemplary parents, will watch over them to make sure they are, you are in the minority. Most parents who are selfish enough to bring their kids on a non child friendly ship are also selfish enough to look the other way when they misbehave. And that, BarbaraM, is the reason these parents choose O over mainstream line which are child friendly....they put their own needs ahead of their childrens'. Also, even if one child is well behaved, put him/her together with a bunch of others and suddenly they turn wild.


Children need time to grow up and enjoy being children not be thrust into the world of adulthood. Saying that ones kids enjoy cuisine and enrichment..is a crock . Parents who seek to make their children their best friends are walking a dangerous line; Its not a healthy thing for either.


If kids say that they are just mirroring what their parents are pushing them toward trying to please; Like the mothers who dress their girls up in these little miss pagents. In these cases, its really all about what the parents want ..not the kids


The saddest thing I read was that " my kids are bored with disneyland":o


Children young and old need to be with their own age to socialze and grow.

Adults too need to recognize that. Whats going to happen down the road when the kids finaly realize they were cheated out of a time they can never return to ?

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Children need time to grow up and enjoy being children not be thrust into the world of adulthood. Saying that ones kids enjoy cuisine and enrichment..is a crock . Parents who seek to make their children their best friends are walking a dangerous line; Its not a healthy thing for either.


If kids say that they are just mirroring what their parents are pushing them toward trying to please; Like the mothers who dress their girls up in these little miss pagents. In these cases, its really all about what the parents want ..not the kids


The saddest thing I read was that " my kids are bored with disneyland":o


Children young and old need to be with their own age to socialze and grow.

Adults too need to recognize that. Whats going to happen down the road when the kids finaly realize they were cheated out of a time they can never return to ?


Strongly agree with you!

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I suppose that it is in the nature of internet forums to descend to name calling, but I am pretty disappointed. Last year, I met a great group of people through cruise critic and arranged several port tours that were the highlights of the trip. I plan one international trip a year and I invite my kids on a rotating basis; they can choose to come or not. My 10 and 12 year old really want to go to Brazil, and this cruise was a much better fit than another tour or cruise available at the same time. I do think hauling my kids on 18 hour bus rides would be cruel and unusual. I was hoping to make a case for what my decision making was on this forum, but accusing Computerworks and I of clearly being selfish, terrible parents is silly and uncalled for. I am talking about a 12 day trip; it hardly reflect my children's overall lives or the quality of their childhood. It does make me feel a little more determined that my kids and I will be polite and respectful while traveling, but I won't try and bend over backwards to please someone where it would be impossible.

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bigarme, go for it. You are obviously a caring parent who cares enough to enrich your child's life through travel. My parent when I was growing up took my brother and I on a trip each year, mind you not as luxurious as a cruise and we visited every fort, museum and natural site that there was on the route. What both of us learned was an appreciation of nature, culture and history. My spouse and I also took our kids with us and both of them have an appreciation for the aforementioned as a result of their travels. Both love to travel now as young adults, but I am sure as we did, you encourage your children to participate in activities with their own age group. As a result of Guiding and Scouting both of our children are leaders in the movements even though they do not have children of their own. They both enjoy helping youth of today learn skills that will benefit them in the future and have fun learning them. I understand where both computer works and yourself are coming from. You can have a balance of both and you will find that the majority of passengers on the cruise ship will welcome your children as long as they don't splash or soak them doing cannonballs into the pool:D If I see children on an Oceania cruise I always take time to talk to them as children see the world differently than adults and it is nice to see a more cheerful point of view and share in their excitement.

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It's very easy for those of us who don't know you or your children to make judgments, especially if we have seen poorly behaved children on board. (I personally have not.)


The few children we have seen on Oceania have been beautifully behaved and did seem to be having a good time. Well, one exception -- on the Black Sea cruise last August there was a son of an officer who did look bored at dinner with all those adults (he looked to be 12-14 or thereabouts). But he certainly was polite!


I know that as a child my parents did NOT take us on cruises, but then they didn't take cruises either. We did do two big car trips when I was 10-11, my sister was two years younger, and we had a wonderful time. But we regularly went to museums and concerts (my father was a professional musician, my mother an actress) and we always preferred those kinds of activities to typical "kid stuff".


So I for one believe you! Have a wonderful cruise. (People who know me will also tell you that I typically refer to children as "monsters", so if I say the children we've seen on our cruises have been fine, then they have been.)


Still, we do avoid cruises where school is out ...



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