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Carnival Splendor - July 28th - LONG Detailed Review and Diary!


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Carnival Splendor Cruise

July 28th – August 5th 2013



Hello all…..

I am once again going to try my best to create a diary and review of our yearly cruise. I have been doing this since our cruise on the Triumph in 2004….. and I, along with many others fell victim to Webshots making all my pictures show up as Red X’s on past reviews…. So all I have left is my Liberty Review from last November. This time, I am using Flikr!!

This is going to be a LONG detailed story. Some may roll their eyes at all the details, but I really do it so we can look back years from now and remember this trip. I hope those who read it can get something out of it and feel free to ask questions along the way!!


So… to tell you all about us. I am Cathy, 40 something…. My husband Steve and kids, Kyle (18), Matt (almost 15) and Allison (8). This is the 14th cruise for Steve and I, all on Carnival. This cruise would be the 10th for the boys, making them Platinum, and the 8th for Allison. We choose to cruise for a variety of reasons… most of which are value, flexibility, variety and because the kids love it!! We have been extremely lucky to have traveled to some really fun places in the Caribbean.


Pre- Cruise – the big decision and planning

Steve and I went on the Liberty for our 20th anniversary in November. We thought that was going to be the last cruise for a while, because Kyle is heading to college later this month. But… with the changes in the VIFP Program, we knew that this was the last chance for the boys to get Platinum Status….. so…. WHY NOT!!!! One last hurrah before we end up in the poor house paying for College Education for our kids. So, our goal was to find a good value this summer. I searched and searched for flights to Florida and was amazed at the prices…. And not in a good way! While cruise prices were good, the flights put us way over the top…. So we decided to look into NYC and Baltimore.


The cruises out of NYC have always been overpriced compared to Florida and one summer, we actually flew to Florida and cruised – spending less than it would be for us to drive to NYC. This year was different. Prices on the Splendor, while more expensive than similar cruises out of Florida, and were low enough to more than offset no flight expense. Plus, the cruise on 7/28 was Sunday through the following Monday. We could each take a vacation week plus one personal day. We love 8 day cruises! And the final selling point? A return to my favorite place in the world.. Half Moon Cay.


So, we booked the Splendor in January, … deciding on two Ocean View connecting Cabins. While we would have loved two balconies, or even a balcony and interior across the hall… we still felt more comfortable with our kids in the same room. Connecting rooms are just like ONE big room… perfect. We booked Early Saver … and then magic happened. Unfortunately for the passengers on the Triumph, but wonderful for many of us who booked ES and watched the prices decline. By the time the final price reduction came, we had written in for 3 credits on one cabin and 4 on the other, totaling well above $1000!! We booked our Cabana for HMC and before we knew it, we were ready to go!!

Packing – Driving vs. Flying

What a treat. How easy it was not to worry about luggage weight, travel size HBC items, etc. We packed the night before. Now, I would NEVER recommend this to anyone… as it caused SO MUCH STRESS!!!! Our plan was simple this cruise… KEEP IT SIMPLE, STUPID!!! Formal Nights were going to be Sort of Formal. Jackets were staying home. Simple Dresses. Casual Nights were going to be quite casual. Slacks and Skirts for me, khaki shorts and polo shirts for the boys. Sundresses for Allison. Gone were the nights of suits, sequins and heels. This was going to be as casual as we could get while still feeling special at dinner.


We brought along sodas, waters and ice tea. We also brought snacks such as Goldfish, Craisins, Pretzels, etc…. and some good ole Cruise Critic staples – Mesh laundry Basket, Power Strip, extra hangers, small cooler, beach bag, batteries, and all the electronic chargers… for the Kindle, Ipods, etc!!



We had a few goals this cruise!!

Steve – Steve will have hip replacement surgery soon, so his goal was to REST. Chill Out, Go in the Hottub, Drink Beer, Enjoy the scene, etc. Steve, out of everyone, loves cruising the most.

Cathy – I wanted to read a book or two, eat Bitter N Blanc, have some alone time, play trivia, and enjoy my kids.

Kyle – his goal was to ditch us for the entire cruise. He was sad that he could no longer participate in Club O2, but was determined to make friends and hang out with them all week. I made a deal with Kyle… 5 dinners and Shore Excursions together.

Matt – Would have fun at Circle C and would have fun in the pool, watching movies, and loves to come to dinner every night.

And Allison – Camp Carnival.. And determined to do the Night Owls Program at least twice!! Also, wanted to go down that slide a million times and to play mini golf at least twice.


Coming Up.. Day ONE.... OMG this ship is PACKED


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7/28 – DAY ONE!!

We packed the car and we left RI by 6:45am! Driving on a Sunday, we knew the drive to NYC was going to be a little over 3 hours. We stopped for about 15 minutes and we arrived to the port at 10am. Parking was simple… just pay $280.00 (yikes!!) and park the car on the roof of the terminal. They do have a security dog that sniffs your car, and they take your luggage before you park. All very very easy. Here we saw our first glimpse of the Splendor!!









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In the terminal, they were not ready to process anyone, so about 50 people or so waited in a holding room. After about 15 minutes, they were ready. Being VIP, we just followed the signs and went right to Security, where they scanned our carry on bags. NOW>>> we did something on this cruise that we never ever did before (honest!!)… in one carry on was 24 cans of soda, 6 bottle waters and underneath everything.. 6 cans of Beer. And… our luggage was NEVER opened. Nothing. I was determined that those cans of beer were going to be history. I even bet Steve!! And actually I was so surprised. And of course Steve is thinking “I wish that whole suitcase was beer!!” I am not sure it was because we were in the VIP line, or because they couldn’t be bothered.. or maybe because we are two 40 somethings with 3 kids. But for whatever reason, it worked.


We went to the VIP lounge where they took our names and we took a seat. They called each family up one at a time to process paper work and to distribute our Sail and Sign cards… the boys got their Platinum Cards!!!! The VIP lounge, however, was not peaceful. Someone opened a door that wasn’t supposed to open and for 15 minutes a loud speaker said OVER AND OVER “Security Breach! Unauthorized opening of door!” and NO ONE did anything!! It was quite humorous, because we all said.. what would have happened if someone actually broke in the room!! They finally turned off the alarm…. And guess what happened…. Within five minutes ANOTHER staff member opened the door again!!





(This COULD have been a nice picture!!! ....uggg.. my kids!!)




At 11:40 or so, they finally told us it was time. Now this is where I get a little cranky… you should have seen some of these people in the VIP room push their way to the front of the line or simply walk by the staff member who was trying to keep everyone together. The sense of entitlement of some passengers had started already. This would be a theme throughout this cruise. We walked by those who had Zone passes, scanned our Sail and Sign Cards, and made our way onto the Splendor.. after the wedding guests and those in wheelchairs or those who needed special assistance. I think early boarding is the BEST Platinum Benefit. Being one of the first families on the ship is awesome.



Right away, I went to the Shore Excursion desk to sign up for our Cabana that we booked at Half Moon Cay. The desk opened at noon and I had a 10 minute wait. We were able to get our first choice, #10…. With sodas and snorkel equipment ordered. I also at this time booked the Flow Rider for Matthew to do at Grand Turk. Those would be our only excursions.


While I was picking out our Cabana, Steve and Kyle went to the room to drop off our carryons. Now the Splendor did not have FTTF, and there was a question whether dropping off carryons would be allowed for Platinum Guests. When they went to the room, our room was ready and our room Steward welcomed them. He knew they were Platinum and they were more than welcome to drop off luggage and settle in. They did not spend much time there, as the plan was to meet us for lunch.


Our goal was to go right upstairs to the Rotisserie the first day. We went, but no one was there. There was food out, but it did not look that great, so we went back downstairs. As soon as I saw there was a very short line for the Burritto Bar, I went there. But that was after I gathered cucumbers and Chips (wierd kid) for Allison, Kyle got a burger, Matt some Mac and Cheese, etc. We were all over the place!!! Before we knew it, the place was packed!! Already 1pm and the lines were long for lunch already. This was just the beginning.


The boys soon left us, to explore the ship and find other kids. Steve, Allison and I explored the ship then we went to find out about our dining assignment. While we waited, there was a radio station playing music and having games while people entered the ship. We watched for a while and then we were able to ask about our table. We had asked for a table for just the five of us, and this was confirmed.

At 1:30, we went to our room and I met our room steward Widodo. He was very pleasant and I explained that I wanted one room set up with three beds (twins and the couch) and the other room set up with the king-size bed. We also asked for ICE in a large Beer Bucket, and he said he would have one for us by dinnertime. Widodo was pleasant to us all week.. knew our names and the kids names immediately and always asked us if there was anything he could do for us. A few times, we were missing beach towels (because they were not replenished) and there was no problem at all.


Because the ship was not on the FTTF program, we did not receive our luggage right away. This was something that was terrific on the Liberty – I remember being completely unpacked before 1:30 pm on that cruise. The luggage did arrive early afternoon however, and we were able to unpack well before dinner.


I have to take a break now.. but will be back to finish day one and the rest!!



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Some random pictures as we explored the ship our first day....will have more of the diary tomorrow!!




Sorry this one is blurry, but wanted to show you that the roof was closed and round tables were set up in the afternoon. That would be the only time tables were set up here.... this area was used for beach chairs that were hogged all week (more about that later!!)



The first of a million ice cream cones!





Parked next to us was the Breakaway.... huge ship.... of course all we could see was the huge water slides... "Why cant we go on THAT ship??"



And..I know people want to know this.. this was the very sad offerings in our basket.


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Love it so far! You post like I journal for every cruise! Can't wait for more!


Thanks! Please be patient as it will take me quite a few days to finish. Went right back to work on Monday and still trying to catch up at home!



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Thanks for taking the time to do a trip report. Less than 2 weeks until I get my turn to be on the Splendor.


Cool!! I hope you have a great time!!

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keep typing, we leave on Tuesday! lucky FTTF is in place, were afraid of the plats and diamonds....But we will sit patiently and let them have their Well deserved walk on the ship first. Can't wait to read more and more! and see your pictures!

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Our Cabins..

For this cruise, we decided that two connecting Ocean View rooms would work best for us. We have been in many types of rooms prior.. Lido Deck Balconies, Aft Wraps, Aft Balconies and several times, and Ocean View on the Riviera deck. I book myself.. I research online and then call Carnival and tell then the cabins I would like to book. Because I am prone to motion sickness, we never book a guarantee…. So I am either mid ship or aft. Two cabins that worked out in booking were 1427 and 1429. They two of the few 2 person and 3 person connecting rooms. They were considered AFT, which was a lower rate than midship and were situated right at the Aft elevators. From this location, we had easy access to the dining rooms, aft pool area, piano bar, etc. The only far walk I had was when I went to the gym and down the long corridor when we returned from port. The ironing room was directly across the hall, as well.





We knew the window ledge was going to be a perfect seat for Allison all week. She loved being up there!


The location of the room was terrific. If you can imagine, one of the only downfalls of being on the Riveria deck is the elevator situation… but only once or twice did I feel we had a wait an extra long time. Being on the Empress deck on the Liberty last year, we had a two floor rule…. Two floors you walk the stairs.. three or more, elevator. From the Riveira deck, however.. that was difficult to follow, as most of the time we were going from Deck 1 to 9!


Our room was a standard Ocean View Room with connecting doors. We had to prop open the doors with our carry on bags, and this worked out fine. We had a rule with the boys that the door stayed propped open at all times. When booking, we booked me in one room and Steve in the other. Both rooms received Platinum benefits (Strawberries and Chocolate), and we were able to do 12 bags of laundry if needed.


Continuing Day One

Luggage started to arrive around 2:45pm… Steve stayed in the room unpacked, while Allison and I went up to the Rotisserie on Deck 10 for a Cruise Critic Meet and Greet! Our CC group was a smaller group compared to Florida Cruises, but an active group, nonetheless! It was great meeting everyone and really made it nice to talk to everyone throughout the week. (Hello to everyone!!).



After the Meet and Greet, Allison and I explored Camp Carnival. Situated on Deck 10, midship, this area was similar to the Dream in size and scope and was awesome. Allison knew immediately she was going to once again love going to Camp Carnival. The first day is one of the only times that parents are allowed to see the inside of the playroom. So, parents, if you want to see where your kids are going to hang out, go there the first afternoon to explore.


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(View from outside Camp Carnival)


When we returned to the cabin, it was time for the wonderful Lifeboat Drill. We had gone back to our cabin and continued to unpack until we received a knock on the door. We went up to Deck 4, without our lifejackets for the very simple drill. We have learned throughout the years to wait until the last possible minute to avoid everyone standing in front of you. Everyone during the drill was very quiet and attentive and it went by quickly.


What happens after the Safety drill? Sail away!!!! Steve and Allison got in their bathing suits and headed for the Slide and the pool. I met them there with Camera in hand to take pictures of the NYC skyline. I do love sailing out of NYC, for the view…passing the Freedom Tower was quite emotional, as the ship got very quiet and you could just see many people reflecting, and I am sure praying for those lost.



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At 5:15, I made a huge mistake. I thought I had plenty of time before we sailed by the Statue of Liberty, so I went downstairs quickly for Camp Carnival orientation and to make sure the kids were signed up and to ask about Kyle participating in Club o2, even though he just turned 18. (He had no problem, I just had to sign the form). We did this quickly and did not stay for the speeches, introductions etc. By the time I came back to the Lido Deck, however, I had just missed the Statue of Liberty and we were sailing under the Verrazano Bridge. Huge Mistake!!!



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Thank you to all that are reading and have replied!!


I am going to work now... but will be back tonight for the continued saga!!!


If you have any questions, just let me know and I will answer tonight!


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Thank you so much for the review, it's people like yourself who make it more enjoyable for others to cruise!!!:) BTW I noticed your husbands shirt and we cruise in April we are a group from the Narr. fire dept. Can't wait to read the rest.:)

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Thank you so much for the review, it's people like yourself who make it more enjoyable for others to cruise!!!:) BTW I noticed your husbands shirt and we cruise in April we are a group from the Narr. fire dept. Can't wait to read the rest.:)


Small world!! I'm sure my husband probably knows someone in your group!! I'm sure you will have a great time.




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