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Cruising with very young children


Is it fair to take very young kids cruising?  

48 members have voted

  1. 1. Is it fair to take very young kids cruising?

    • Too costly
    • Too disrupting for other passengers
    • Too dangerous
    • No fun for Adults who babysit

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Odd way to look at it, doncha think? Don't you want YOUR memories to include doing things with your kids at all ages?


Or should be be kept like veal in a box for 5 years, cause they won't remember a thing? Save some $$ along the way.


LOL! Thank you, Mr. Pete, for my first good laugh of the day. Good point! My 3 year olds remember their Disney cruise last year and talk about it all the time. We also went to Disneyworld in February and they are still talking about it too. They are growing up ENJOYING our FAMILY vacations- and remembering them- go figure!

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But on a land vacation kids can have fun.I don,t think toddlers enjoy the dining ,the casino ,the kareoke or the bars.:cool:


Speak for yourself! My toddlers plan on playing black jack all night! And one of them has been practicing his best kareoke song in anticipation of the cruise- Dream, here we come!!!!!


Seriously, give it a rest. I think you got your answers. Carnival cruises are family friendly- yes, even for toddlers- they actually ENJOY it!

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hae v


Thanks for your comments,I do not dislike kids,I have 11 grandchildren and several great grandkids who I adore.

My point is why spend hundreds of dollars for kids who will not enjoy being stuck on a cruise ship,do not enjoy the dining or other adult experiences.

Why not take small children to Disney or some other child friendly place?:cool:



Because family vacations aren't restricted to Disney. GMAB. We've been to Disney several times. Just got back. We've done alot of other amusement parks as well. Disney isn't the only option for family vacations. And what if you don't want to go to Disney or if theme parks isn't something your kids enjoy? Not everyone likes them you know. People have choices. Some people choose to cruise with their kids. And from what I've seen, cruising is very child friendly. Also, it's very close-minded of you to say kids will not enjoy the experience. Read the reviews on this board, the kids have a great time. And it's not a waste of money if it's something you want to do. With your mindset, I guess adults shouldn't book a Disney cruise without any kids in the party then. People have a right to choose the type of vacation they want. And it's not up to someone else to suggest taking their young child is a waste of money or to decide that kids won't enjoy it. There are many facets to cruising. And just like adults, the kids may enjoy one thing more than something else.


I'm so glad the rotten attitude sometimes displayed on this board have not been evident during any of my cruise experiences thus far. And I hope it never does.

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Why not take small children to Disney or some other child friendly place?:cool:


I don't think a place needs to be "child friendly" in order to be enjoyed by a child. Children can often find joy in the simplest things. On a trip to Tuscany when he was 17 months old, my son spent a good hour watching the pigeons feeding in a town square. At 23 months on the QM2, he enjoyed "playing" shuffleboard and just walking around the ship and seeing all the various rooms and things there were to see. In Costa Rica they enjoyed watching the crabs walk in and out of the crevices in the rocks. In Panama we just watched the big container ships transit the canal. We traveled to Finland for a friend's wedding and my children (8 months and 3 yo at the time) loved exploring the local parks. We went to a old military fort and had a picnic which was a high point of our trip. In Alaska we went geocaching for the first time and my 3 year old daughter loved going "treasure hunting." There are a lot of ways for a child to have fun without it being handed to them in a nicely wrapped Disney package.

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We did not take our children on a cruise till they were 8 and 10. One of the reasons was cost. Up until that point we took them on land vacations to resorts. I liked the idea of having a kitchen and washer and dryer handy. Especially with babies and their little mishaps. LOL Example - My sons diaper not working exactly right and leaving #2 all over Dad. I took them all up to our condo and cleaned them and the clothes. But I would say the major reason was cost. On a land vacation I was not being charged for my infant like an adult. I really believe it is all in what you prefer. I don't think it's wrong to take your infant. We just chose not to. When we finally did take the boys they loved it.:D

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But on a land vacation kids can have fun.I don,t think toddlers enjoy the dining ,the casino ,the kareoke or the bars.:cool:


The toddlers enjoy eating with their parents, the shows, ice skating or splashing around at a beach. My kids enjoyed the milkshakes, virgin pina coladas, and the sun. My kids even enjoy the MDR... We did MTD aboard the Epic last year.... they weren't big fans.


It's nice to be able to afford a cruise vacation with you family... especially when they're young. It's not often that they will get the opportunity to experience the pleasures of a family cruise vacation when they're young.


Will they remember everything they had seen or done?

Maybe not... but lemme tell ya, digital photos are AMAZING!





These are memories that will keep for a generation or two. Memories that last infinitely longer than a night at karaoke or the bar... You can do that any day. You can only enjoy your kids at that age once. Then they grow up to be pain-in-the-butt teenagers.

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We did not take our children on a cruise till they were 8 and 10. One of the reasons was cost. Up until that point we took them on land vacations to resorts. I liked the idea of having a kitchen and washer and dryer handy. Especially with babies and their little mishaps. LOL Example - My sons diaper not working exactly right and leaving #2 all over Dad. I took them all up to our condo and cleaned them and the clothes. But I would say the major reason was cost. On a land vacation I was not being charged for my infant like an adult. I really believe it is all in what you prefer. I don't think it's wrong to take your infant. We just chose not to. When we finally did take the boys they loved it.:D


I agree a condo vacation can be less expensive, but then I end up doing the cleaning and meal planning - great for the kids but not a vacation for me. We have done resort vacations once a year since my girls were babies and always end up spending more in four nights than on a week cruise. Even though kids stay free in the room, once we figure in meals, etc., cruising is still more economical.


As for all the comments about taking kids somewhere kid-friendly....most of the mainstream cruiselines are bending over backward to be the MOST kid friendly. The cruiselines want families with young children. Thankfully, my girls have always preferred to cruise over going to Disney. We continue to do all kinds of vacationing, but cruises are by far the best times we have spent together as a family. There's a priceless value to that.




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What a dumb poll.


I would never leave my kids behind. We go on FAMILY vacations. We started cruising when my daughter was only 10 months old. The memories I have from her splashing in the ocean will always be with me. We then took my 18 month old son on the next one and he loved it so much. My almost 4 year old is so excited to go on our next one. Seeing their excitement and joy was worth so much more than what we paid. And, just an FYI, my children were way, WAY, better behaved than some of the adults we saw onboard!

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I don't mind seeing other people's kids while I'm on vacation but I do have a problem with kids who are not well-behaved in public areas in general: restaurants (especially higher end ones), stores, movies, etc.. no matter what age they are.
I'll edit your comment to "I don't mind seeing other peoplewhile I'm on vacation but I do have a problem with people who are not well-behaved no matter what age they are.


My point is why spend hundreds of dollars for kids who will not enjoy being stuck on a cruise ship,do not enjoy the dining or other adult experiences.

Why not take small children to Disney or some other child friendly place?:cool:

Why? My DD would have considered Disney an ordeal as a very young child -- she was freaked out by costumed characters (other than Bucky Badger and Santa with a natural beard), she has never enjoyed amusment rides, and is not a fan of loud places. I have a picture of her screaming on a daycare santa's lap at 3MO (the teachers knew enough not trying at 1YO, 2YO, ect). She was visably horror-struck on a kiddie ride the summer before she turned three.


On the other hand at not-quite-3YO in Italy she loved the pictures at the Ufficio, the leaning tower of Pisa, and the gondola ride in Venice. She LOVED Harish the head waiter on our first Med cruise (and he loved her right back). She had a long conversation with a fellow toddler who only spoke Italian in a park in Milano (and DD only spoke English).


DH and I have irreplacable memories of sharing all sorts of new experiences with her. She is secure in our love for her in part because of the attention we were able to show her throughout her life. She has never been a bother, or nuicance, or lessened my enjoyment of any moment--seeing "The lady in the shell" picture at the Ufficio through her eyes was one of the most educational moments of my life -- she saw things I never would have noticed.


She's now nearly 18YO and will be a senior in high school - she still thinks amusement parks are an "ordeal" and would chose the Art Institute over Six Flags during a recent class trip to Chicago.

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Guest fyree39

Bringing small children on a cruise ship could be a blast! I used to find fun in the smallest, most mundane things when my kids were small. Even trips to the grocery store were amazing and full of learning experiences. If I could have afforded a cruise when the kids were toddlers I'd have done it. Each port would have had new adventures. Exploring the ship would have had us playing Where's Waldo type games. Parents need to be as imaginative as the kids no matter what the surroundings.

I think to say that money is wasted on a cruise for babies and toddlers says more about the parenting than it does about the cost.

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Wow I don't see the options on my phone. But...before having a child we always wondered why parents bring kids so young (babies) on a cruise. Never have had a bad experience with kids on board at all. But now that I have a (just turned) 1 year old I totally get why babies come along. My 1 year olds first cruise is just a few weeks away.

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hae v


Thanks for your comments,I do not dislike kids,I have 11 grandchildren and several great grandkids who I adore.

My point is why spend hundreds of dollars for kids who will not enjoy being stuck on a cruise ship,do not enjoy the dining or other adult experiences.

Why not take small children to Disney or some other child friendly place?:cool:


Is it fair to allow the elderly to go on cruises?


- Too costly

- Too disrupting for other passengers

- Too dangerous

- No fun for middle aged people who have to see them complain about everything.

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And now that I see this was made a poll, all I can say is it's pretty one sided.

Look at the capture at the bottom of this person's post. A ship is like jail...??

Coward move....

Just say what you have to say and move on OP....

Some child must have disturb their beauty sleep

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Took our 3.5 year old on celebrity for a med cruise last year when was pregnant and we had a blast. He cant wait to go again. This time we are bringing our 15 month old twins. We all will need a vacation and a cruise is the best option for those with young kids who want to see the world. And kids learn how to travel well by experiencing it.

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We took our DS on his first cruise this summer. It was a Southern Caribbean, so we flew down to Puerto Rico. He was awesome! Everyone loved him. All the staff knew his name and the guest around our table enjoyed watching him in the MDR. If he would get fussy at dinner I would apologize, but they would all say "Don't worry! You're just making us miss our grand kids". I should also mention he was only 7 months old and we gladly paid full price for him.

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Our oldest took her first cruise on Holland America at 15 months. I was very pregnant with #2 (cruise ended the day I made 24 weeks) and it was an AMAZING family vacation. Just because she doesn't remember it, doesn't mean she didn't have fun. Here is the evidence:














We are cruising again next year with all THREE of our kids who will only be 3, 5, and 6. All three are already looking forward to it. They beg to watch the live cameras in Alaska to watch for bears and salmon. We try to expose our kids to all types of experiences and people. Trips like cruises help us raise our children to be polite, well-mannered, and well-rounded. Maybe some of the problem our society is facing today is because so many try to force children to stay in the "play area" of Disney vacations until they are adults and then they don't know the proper behavior in nice situations. How will they ever learn if we don't expect more from them?


p.s. I hope you can see these pictures. They really are precious.

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Aloha pride: Beautiful pictures! And I so agree with you. We did not cruise when our kids were toddlers, but we took them on many land vacations and at home always took them to all types of restaurants starting at an early age. I feel it helps them learn to behave and appreciate travel and new experiences. I wouldn't trade those memories for anything! Even if they don't remember the earliest vacations, our home videos and pictures create stories and traditions that last a lifetime.

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the whole concept is ignorant, and the questions are stacked like a (half-blanked) push-poll.


Anyone who hates being around kids that much should find a cruiseline that caters to curmudgeons.




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hae v


Thanks for your comments,I do not dislike kids,I have 11 grandchildren and several great grandkids who I adore.

My point is why spend hundreds of dollars for kids who will not enjoy being stuck on a cruise ship,do not enjoy the dining or other adult experiences.

Why not take small children to Disney or some other child friendly place?:cool:


My kids despise Disney. They were raised on cruise ships. And we aren't getting any younger. So if I would have "waited" until they were some crazy obscure random number that someone pulled out of thin air that is the magical "a child remembers" number - then my entire family would have missed out on some truly memorable experiences.


When my 13 year old was 2, she sailed on Norway to celebrate her grandfather (my father) making it out of the hospital alive. He wouldn't have been able to "do Disney" - but we had an amazing time in the Caribbean where he was able to just relax with his family around him. He STILL talks about that cruise today. He doesn't talk about the things he saw in the ports - he talks about MY DAUGHTER - his granddaughter. That was what was special to him.


We go through life surrounded by the people we love. And when we are taking our last breath - I intend to have some incredible memories to look back on. I don't want to have any "if I only had MORE time to take the family to..,"


Because guess what, I have already gone to those places and experienced those things - everything else from here on out is icing on the cake. ;)

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My kids despise Disney. They were raised on cruise ships. And we aren't getting any younger. So if I would have "waited" until they were some crazy obscure random number that someone pulled out of thin air that is the magical "a child remembers" number - then my entire family would have missed out on some truly memorable experiences.


When my 13 year old was 2, she sailed on Norway to celebrate her grandfather (my father) making it out of the hospital alive. He wouldn't have been able to "do Disney" - but we had an amazing time in the Caribbean where he was able to just relax with his family around him. He STILL talks about that cruise today. He doesn't talk about the things he saw in the ports - he talks about MY DAUGHTER - his granddaughter. That was what was special to him.


We go through life surrounded by the people we love. And when we are taking our last breath - I intend to have some incredible memories to look back on. I don't want to have any "if I only had MORE time to take the family to..,"


Because guess what, I have already gone to those places and experienced those things - everything else from here on out is icing on the cake. ;)


Such a beautiful story and sentiment. Brought a tear to my eye. I agree a thousand times over.

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Why bring children on a cruise??? Because the parents are the ones making the decision and footing the bill for the vacation! I want my children to have a good time on vacation, but I'm not planning my entire vacation based on what the kids want. A cruise is an ideal vacation for the family - there are activities for adults and children both.


Spending a week at Disney? Um no. I do not agree with Disney's business practices, and have been that way since I lived in Orlando for nearly 20 years. I think that Disney is cute and all for the kids, but they are pretty much crooks in my book.


My opinion for the ones that don't want to cruise with children - don't book yourselves on a cruise line that offers a children's program or shows photos of children on their websites and brochures! Book your cruise on a cruise line such as Crystal or Seabourn that does not market themselves to families per se.

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